Life of Crime

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Life of Crime Page 24

by Kimberley Chambers

  With Craig turning the emotional screws on, Jason Rampling pulled up outside number twenty-three. If something were to happen to Darlene, he would never forgive himself had he not visited.

  Picking the flowers and chocolates up, Jason felt quite nervous. It had been almost eight years since he’d last seen her and he’d missed her. Knocking on the door, he glanced at the nosy bastard who was pretending to wash his car over the road while watching him. It wasn’t a council area. The houses looked quite nice, most of them new-builds.

  ‘You Darlene’s son?’ the man over the road shouted out.

  ‘No. A family friend.’

  ‘She’s not in. I saw a cab pick her up earlier. Probably gone to the hospital, I should imagine.’

  Jason crossed the road. ‘If I leave these flowers and chocolates with you, can you give them to her for me, please? I will pop a note through her door explaining you have them.’

  The man dried his wet hands on his shorts. ‘No problem. Who shall I say they’re from?’

  ‘No need to. As I said, I’ll leave her a note.’

  ‘There you are! I was beginning to think you were avoiding me,’ Melissa joked.

  ‘As if. I’ve had a lot on my plate, Mel, and needed some thinking time.’

  ‘Why? What’s the matter?’

  ‘Put the kettle on and I’ll explain all.’

  Melissa sat opposite her friend. Her kitchen table was a huge wooden one and they’d had many a gossip there over the years. ‘Spill the beans then. What you done now?’

  Feeling a surge of excitement rush through her veins, Tracey squeezed her pal’s hand. ‘You have to promise me you won’t say a word to Jason. Not until I’m sure in my own mind what I’m going to do.’

  ‘I don’t tell Jason sod-all these days, so don’t worry about that.’

  ‘I’m pregnant.’

  Melissa felt her stomach lurch. Unlike herself, Tracey had never wanted children. ‘Oh my God! No! Really?’

  ‘Yep, really. That’s obviously why I was chucking up. What am I going to do, Mel?’

  ‘Who’s the father?’


  ‘Jesus wept! He was only round here yesterday. I take it he doesn’t know yet? How far gone are you then?’

  ‘Must be three months. I can’t remember the last time I slept with him exactly, but it was March time we got back off the cruise.’

  ‘You going to keep it? I really don’t think you should make a decision without consulting him first, Trace. He’d make a brilliant father. He’s always wanted kids. But he’s seeing someone else now, so it’s awkward, eh?’

  ‘Who’s he seeing?’

  ‘I’ve not met her but her name’s Christine. He was chatting about her last night and I could sense he really likes her. I think she’s quite career-minded, like him.’

  ‘Well, I think I’m keeping the baby, so bollocks to Christine. I don’t know how to tell Simon though. He’s going to be shocked, isn’t he?’

  ‘You can say that again! Even I’m shocked. Surely you must’ve missed your period?’

  ‘My periods have always been hit and miss. Don’t you remember when I didn’t have one for yonks and went to see that gynaecologist? She put it down to stress after losing Kieron.’

  ‘Yeah, I remember you going somewhere. What made you decide to keep it? I thought you didn’t want kids,’ Melissa reminded her pal. She and Jason had found it upsetting and bemusing when Tracey had aborted her dead husband’s child. They couldn’t believe she had made such a decision when it would’ve been part of Kieron.

  ‘Not getting no younger, am I? And even though I’m not in love with Simon, I think he’s a nice person and will be a good dad and provider.’

  Simon owned a beautiful home in Epping and certainly wasn’t short of a few bob. Tracey had already dumped the man twice, so why did she now want his baby? Melissa thought. She knew her friend well enough to guess there was an ulterior motive. ‘So, do you want to get back with Simon?’

  ‘No. But neither do I want my child growing up in Collier Row. Perhaps Simon could rent us a place near him? Or buy us one?’

  ‘Wow, Trace. That’s a big ask.’

  ‘Should’ve been more careful then, shouldn’t he?’

  The shrill ring of the house phone interrupted the conversation. ‘Jason’s on his way back and is bringing an Indian takeaway home. Do you fancy anything, Trace?’ Melissa shouted out.

  Tracey smiled. She could just imagine Jason squirming. ‘Oooh, I’d love a chicken tikka, please.’

  Five minutes later, Jason called the landline again. ‘I’m so sorry, babe. Something’s cropped up, family stuff. I’ve ordered the takeaway for you and Tracey to be delivered, and I’ll be round tomorrow instead. Sorry to balls you about, Mel.’

  ‘Who was that?’ Tracey asked, knowing full well who it was.

  ‘Jase. Something’s happened with the motley Mardyke crew and he’s not coming round now. Never mind. He’s ordered our food and we can discuss the baby in more detail without him here. I still can’t believe you’re pregnant. It’s not sunk in yet.’

  Thinking what an absolute coward Jason Rampling was, Tracey smiled sweetly.

  Jason did a U-turn at the Ardleigh Green traffic lights and headed back up the A127 towards Basildon. Hearing her voice again had seemed odd, yet comforting. ‘Jase, it’s me, Darlene. I got your note, the flowers and chocolates. Thanks,’ she’d said.

  Rather than share a takeaway with that conniving bitch, Jason had asked Darlene if he could pop back. She’d agreed, thankfully.

  Driving in the fast lane at ninety miles per hour, Jason glanced in the interior mirror. Was he imagining things? Or was that burgundy Ford Granada following him? Only he’d noticed one pull into the garage behind him on the way back from Basildon, now this one had done a U-turn at the lights and was holding back, yet still keeping up with him at the same time.

  Keeping an eye on the vehicle, Jason breathed a sigh of relief as he took the Basildon turn-off and the motor went sailing past. That was another reason he didn’t want Craig Thurston turning up at his shop. If the Old Bill did choose to watch his gang and he was spotted with Craig, it could implicate him big time.

  As he neared Darlene’s house, Jason could not help but remember the good times. Their love-making had been incredible, especially after they’d argued. He’d never experienced sex like that, before or since. Wild yet loving, wrong yet so good. As a teenager, he could not get enough of her. She’d been to him like heroin was to the addicts on the estate – a drug he could not kick. She’d also been a mother figure. A friend and confidante who had welcomed him into her home and had treated him like a son.

  Excited to see her again, Jason parked up. The front door was opened before he even reached it. Her long hair was gone. She was wearing a red headscarf, presumably to cover her baldness. He smiled at her. ‘You all right, Dar?’

  ‘I am now I’ve seen you. Hello, stranger.’

  ‘I’ve been thinking,’ Tracey said. ‘You know you’re dreading the first day Jase moves back as you’re going to feel awkward and you think the kids will too.’


  ‘What about if you invite me and Simon round? Obviously, say nothing to Jason, neither must you tell Simon I will be here. But you will have to tell him he can’t bring his bird. Me breaking the news of the baby after dinner will be a bit of a diversion, take the pressure off you and Jase, eh? And I would much rather tell Si with my bestie by my side.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know about that, Trace. Jason hates surprises, and I bet Simon does too. I don’t think you should put it on him like that. Why don’t you invite him round yours? Or out for lunch or something?’

  ‘Because he is bound to say no. Why would he want to see me if he’s all loved up with his new girlfriend? Please do this for me, Mel. I am so nervous about breaking the news to him. It will really help if you and Jase are there. Simon might get angry and blame me, for all we know.’

‘Si’s not like that. And if he didn’t use a condom – which he obviously didn’t – then how can he blame you?’

  ‘Because he’s a man and they’re unpredictable. Please, Mel. I’d do it for you.’

  Melissa rolled her eyes. Tracey had always been able to talk her round to doing what she wanted, ever since they were at school. ‘OK. But, you can’t say I already knew about the baby. Just announce it like I bloody don’t. OK?’

  Jason sipped his beer and studied Darlene as she told him about her treatment. She was mid forties now and the lines on her face showed her age. She was no longer a looker by any means, but would always be beautiful to him. Her striking green cat-like eyes were still the same, so was her sense of humour. ‘Sorry about your wedding reception, by the way. Not the best idea ever, was it?’ she joked.

  ‘And I’m so sorry for not telling you about the wedding, Dar. I sort of got blackmailed into getting hitched by Johnny Brooks and didn’t know how to break the news. He promised to buy us a house, you know, in our names. Then Melissa found out he was having an affair and knocked back his kind offer,’ Jason laughed. ‘It hasn’t worked out too badly though. Me and Mel have had our ups and downs but she’s a good person and was the mother figure I hoped she would be for Shay. I had to get Shay off the Mardyke, Dar. But I should’ve been straight with you at the time.’

  Darlene smiled. ‘Time’s a healer, Jason, and I can’t tell you how much it has cheered me up seeing you again. Craig said he was going to pay you a visit and get you to see me, but I never thought you would. Believe it or not, I’m also pleased Melissa turned out to be a good wife to you and mum to Shay. You deserve that.’

  ‘Thanks, Dar.’

  ‘Craig’s a good person, you know. I’m glad you and him are mates. This gaff belongs to him. He bought it and rented it out to me as he wanted to get me off the Mardyke. The Social pay the rent, and even if they’d refused to, Craig would’ve let me live here for nothing.’

  ‘Are you shagging him?’ Jason couldn’t help but ask.

  ‘No. He’s extremely happy with his young wife and I’m happy for him. Just like I’m happy for you and Melissa. As for my son, I’m so disappointed in him, Jase. I was a good mum to him, wasn’t I? He heard about me turning up at your reception and moved out. I don’t hear from him at all now.’

  ‘I knew he’d heard about my infamous blowjob as he rang me up, screaming abuse. I’ve never heard from him since.’

  ‘Craig hunted him down recently and told him I was dying, yet he still hasn’t been in touch.’

  ‘Dying!’ Jason spluttered.

  ‘Yes. The doctors have given me a year, tops. Didn’t Craig tell you that?’

  Jason’s eyes filled with tears. ‘No, Dar. He didn’t.’


  ‘You all right, Jason? Only you seem very quiet. Not having second thoughts, are you? Because if so, say something now.’

  Jason flopped on the sofa. He hadn’t been sleeping well, could not stop thinking about that Crimewatch reconstruction, Darlene’s plight, Tracey’s baby, Craig Thurston, and how to shift the poxy painting. ‘I’m just tired that’s all.’

  ‘Have a nap. I thought we’d get a takeaway later,’ Melissa said. She’d yet to tell Jason that she had invited Tracey and Simon round. She had rung Simon herself and told him not to say anything as she wanted to surprise Jason on his first night back home. She’d also told him to come alone.


  Melissa sat next to her husband and held his hand. She hated seeing him look so troubled. ‘I want you to know that I’m here for you, and I intend to make our marriage work again. It’s not going to be easy, I know, but I’m willing to give my all if you are.’

  Feeling guiltier than ever that he’d slept with Tracey, Jason held his wife’s face in his hands and gently kissed her on the lips.

  ‘What the hell you doing?’ Donte asked, glaring at his mother around the door frame. He’d been earwigging outside.

  ‘We’re talking. What do you think we’re doing? Have you tidied your room up like I told you to?’

  ‘Yes. Can I go round Calvin’s now?’

  ‘As long as you walk. I’m having a day off of being your taxi driver.’

  Jason stood up. ‘I’ll drop him off.’

  Donte looked at Jason with hatred. ‘No thanks. I’d rather walk than go anywhere with you.’

  ‘Donte! Don’t be so rude. Apologize immediately,’ Melissa ordered.

  When Donte flounced out the room, Jason stopped Mel from following him. ‘Leave him be. He’ll come round in time. So will Shay. Kids, eh? Pain in the butt.’

  After trying on numerous outfits, Tracey Thompson decided on wearing her skinny white jeans, cerise silk baggy top and pink animal-print stiletto ankle boots which matched her outfit perfectly. Rifling through her jewellery box, she put on her Swarovski drop earrings with matching necklace. She no longer wore her wedding ring, but still wore the engagement ring Kieron had bought her. It was a massive rock, too good not to wear, so she’d swapped it over to her right hand.

  She couldn’t wait to wipe that self-assured smile off Jason’s face later. By telling Simon it was his child she could have the best of both worlds. A lovely home, money in the bank, Melissa in her life, and revenge.

  Simon Champion rang the Ramplings’ bell and glanced at his watch. He’d purposely arrived early as he wanted to get away early. He’d promised to pick Christine up from Brentwood at eleven. She’d been out with friends all day at the races.

  ‘All right, Si? Come in. Jason’ll be back soon. He had to pop over to his sister. She’s got a new job in a care home and he wanted to give her a card and present.’

  Simon kissed Melissa on the cheek and handed her a bottle of wine and some flowers. ‘I can’t stay late. I need to leave about half ten to pick Christine up. Has Jason …?’ Simon’s jaw dropped as he walked into the kitchen. ‘Er, hello, Tracey. I didn’t know you would be here. How are you keeping?’ he stammered.

  It had been a scorching July day and Simon was dressed in knee-length baggy beige shorts and a navy Hackett polo shirt; Tracey couldn’t help but think how modern he looked for once. Even his slip-on brogues were pretty cool. Melissa was right, he did have a kind face and at six foot was a decent height. It was the glasses and beer belly that let him down mainly. He needed a decent haircut too. Tracey patted the chair next to her. ‘I’m fine, thank you. How about yourself?’

  Feeling incredibly awkward, Simon glanced at Melissa for clues. She knew full well he had met Christine and was happy, so why had she told him to come alone this evening and invited Tracey? It just didn’t make sense.

  Jason was surprised to see Simon’s silver grey BMW X5 parked outside his house. His pal hadn’t called him to say he was popping round. ‘Gonna have to go now as I’ve just pulled up at home, sweetheart. If I don’t get a chance to bell you tomorrow, I’ll call you on Monday,’ Jason told Darlene, before switching off his pay-as-you-go mobile and hiding it in his glove compartment. He’d bought it after he’d got involved with Craig’s firm, had thought it best not to use his own phone in case anything came on top.

  ‘What’s that dodgy accountant of mine doing ’ere, eh?’ Jason shouted out as he strolled into the kitchen. His face fell and heartbeat increased as he saw Tracey sitting at his kitchen table. She had a sickly smile on her face. ‘All right, Trace, Si? Yous two look cosy. Not back together, are ya?’ he joked, hoping Melissa didn’t cotton on to how awkward he felt. He hadn’t contacted Tracey since he’d told her the score, was too scared to speak to her on the phone in case the vindictive bitch recorded him. She was that type and he wouldn’t put anything past her.

  ‘I invited Simon to join us for something to eat, Jase. I can tell you haven’t been yourself these past few days and thought it might cheer you up. Tracey popped round on the off chance,’ Melissa lied. ‘So she’s gonna have a takeaway with us too. The more the merrier, eh? Just like old times.’

haven’t you been yourself, Jason? You worried about something?’ Tracey asked innocently. He looked so hot tonight. His slicked-back blond hair glistened against his tanned skin and the blue polo shirt matched his eye colour.

  ‘Only money. Right, who’s having what to drink? Another beer, Si?’ Jason asked, opening one for himself and taking a much-needed gulp. Tracey was toying with him, he knew that. Watching him squirm would give her immense satisfaction. What the hell had he been thinking when he fucked her? If only he hadn’t been drunk; he’d never have gone there sober.

  Feeling anxious, Melissa poured herself a glass of wine. ‘Do you want a wine, Trace?’ she asked her pal.

  ‘Just a tiny glass. I’m being good.’

  ‘You’ve changed. Thought I had shares in the vineyard on our cruise,’ Simon chuckled. He had a strong sense of humour and laughing his way out of an uneasy situation was the only way he knew. She was a real looker, Tracey, had a bit of Kylie Minogue about her, and Simon had loved having her on his arm and in his bed. Intellectually, though, they were miles apart. Christine had more sense in her big toe than Tracey did in her whole body.

  Determined to wipe the silly grin off Simon’s face, Tracey announced, ‘I only ever knock ’em back when I’m bored.’

  Sensing an elephant in the room, Melissa said, ‘Right, let’s order some food. I don’t know about you three, but I’m starving.’

  ‘Actually, I’ve got an announcement to make first,’ Tracey said, locking eyes with Jason, who quickly looked away.

  ‘What’s that then?’ Melissa asked, hoping her voice didn’t sound false.

  Tracey turned to Simon and smiled. ‘I’m pregnant. We’re going to be parents.’

  ‘You what!’ Like a rabbit caught in the headlights, Simon glanced nervously at Melissa, then Jason, before turning back to Tracey. Was this some kind of a joke? Because nobody was laughing.


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