Life of Crime

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Life of Crime Page 32

by Kimberley Chambers

Apart from Darlene, his nan was the only other person Jason had confided in over his biggest secret. ‘Yeah. Cute kid. He looks like me.’

  ‘Don’t get all broody and knock Mel up, will ya? You don’t want to lumber yourself with her in case you meet a nice girl.’

  ‘Chance would be a fine thing. I slept in Donte’s room ’cause she wants to take things slowly. There’s one thing I can’t work out though. Si paid for the booze and food for the party, but she’s still having a personal trainer and getting herself pampered regularly. She’s going for a massage today and they ain’t cheap. She was pleading poverty every time she visited me in prison, so where’s she getting the spare cash from?’

  ‘Dunno, love. Ask her outright. Sly mare, she is. I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her.’

  ‘Morning. I stopped off at that little sandwich bar near me, treated us to some lunch,’ Tracey said, handing Melissa a white paper bag. Tracey and Toby lived in a lovely three-bedroom detached house not far from Simon in Epping. The house was in Simon’s name but Tracey had decorated it to her taste and was happy there. It was quiet and the neighbours kept themselves to themselves.

  ‘Good night, wasn’t it? Do you remember stacking it? You went into the kitchen to get a plate of food and went flying across the lounge,’ Melissa chuckled.

  ‘Don’t remind me. I only got drunk because I was pissed off with Greg. You don’t reckon he’s got a wife tucked away, do you? He’s not answering his phone again this morning. I can’t stand being messed around.’

  ‘He’s not married. You overthink things, that’s your trouble. I think he’s a lovely guy.’

  As Jason approached the Mardyke Estate, thoughts of Darlene flooded his mind. He’d first become obsessed with her after watching Dustin Hoffman banging Mrs Robinson in The Graduate. She’d been so beautiful back then. He could picture her clearly, laughing in her kitchen in those faded denim dungarees she often wore. Craig had written to him in prison, told him that the funeral went well and where she was buried. Tomorrow he would visit her, take some flowers and say his own personal goodbye. He would never forget her, that was for sure.

  ‘Long time no see. How’s your mum doing?’ asked old Mrs Talbot. She had dementia now, had forgotten what happened to Debbie.

  Jason locked Simon’s Land Rover. ‘She’s dead. How’s your Frank?’

  ‘He’s dead too. And so will those brothers of yours be if they keep playing loud music until the bleedin’ early hours. They’ve upset a lot of people round ’ere, Jason.’

  ‘I’m sorry about that, Mrs Talbot. Leave it with me and I’ll have a word.’

  Jason walked inside the tower block and the familiar smell hit his nostrils. Nothing had changed. The Mardyke was a time warp. He took the lift and banged on the door of his old family home. ‘Kyle, Elton, open up,’ he bellowed. ‘It’s me, Jason.’

  Kyle opened the door and glanced around outside. ‘You alone?’

  Jason marched inside the property. ‘Of course I’m alone. Why? What you done wrong?’

  The front room was a tip. There were turntables, big speakers and not a lot else other than a small TV, overflowing ashtrays, empty beer cans and takeaway wrappers. Donte and Elton were sitting on the ripped sofa looking sheepish. ‘What’s going on? Why didn’t you come to the party?’ Jason asked. All three lads were wearing Adidas tracksuits and Donte had the hood of his partially covering his face.

  ‘Tell him. He’ll help us,’ Kyle ordered.

  Elton stood up and paced the room. ‘Donte’s in trouble, Bro. Big trouble. He stabbed a lad in Barking last night and it’s all over the news.’

  Jason couldn’t believe his luck. Melissa would go berserk.

  Melissa was just clearing up the remains of the party when Shay came stomping down the stairs. ‘Where’s my dad?’

  ‘Gone to see your nan and Babs. What’s the matter?’

  ‘I’ve decided to tell him about Luke. He’s so lovely. I want you both to meet him.’

  ‘Your dad won’t see it that way, trust me. Why don’t you wait until your relationship is serious? You’ve not been together long, have you?’

  ‘No. But I think it is serious. I think I’m in love, Mel.’

  ‘Oh, you found him then. Where was he? With your brothers?’

  ‘Yeah. Go to your room, Donte,’ Jason urged. ‘Hungover, the three of them, but that all stops now,’ Jason added, gently pushing the lad in the back to get him up the stairs. His brothers had told him exactly what had happened. There’d been little blood, they reckoned. But the incident was now plastered all over the local news. The police were appealing for witnesses. The lad who’d been stabbed was apparently fighting for his life in intensive care.

  ‘He better not have been taking drugs,’ Melissa bellowed, as her son bolted up the stairs without making eye contact with her.

  Jason was no snitch. Neither did he want to see his brothers or Donte banged up. He had got rid of the knife on the way home. He’d cleaned it up and put it down a drain. He would do all he could to protect the lads. Mel wouldn’t understand his way of thinking, though; women didn’t.

  ‘We’ve not heard a murmur from him and he’s had nothing to eat,’ Melissa said later that afternoon. ‘I’m going to pop upstairs to check he’s all right.’ If her son had been drinking, she was petrified he might have choked on his own vomit. She’d shouted up to him his dinner was ready over an hour ago.

  Jason grabbed Melissa’s arm. ‘He’s fine, just leave him. If you want the truth, I gave him a good talking to on the way home and he’s sulking. I’ve already told him he will no longer be knocking around with Elton and Kyle.’

  ‘And what did he say to that? You never told me all of this when you got home,’ Melissa snapped.

  ‘Boys’ talk, love. I’m telling you now, aren’t I? I need to take this call. It’s about you know what,’ Jason said, jumping off the sofa as the phone Simon had got for him burst into life.

  ‘Keep an eye on Toby,’ Melissa replied, marching up the stairs.

  Jason walked out into the garden. The call was from his art dealer pal, Henry. ‘Well?’ Jason asked.

  ‘All sorted. Meet me tomorrow where we discussed and I’ll give you the finer details.’

  Jason grinned. ‘Top man. See you soon.’ There was two hundred grand in this deal for Henry. He would pay his pal a hundred grand and the buyer would pay him the same.

  ‘You all right, lad?’ Jason asked, sitting back down and ruffling Toby’s hair.

  Toby grinned at him and threw his little arms around his neck. ‘I love you,’ he declared.

  Jason squeezed the child tightly. It was difficult to act normal around him in front of Melissa, but so far, he was managing to bluff it. Kissing Toby on the forehead, Jason looked him in the eyes for the first time. ‘And I love you too, boy. Far more than you’ll ever know.’

  Later that evening when Elton tried to call him for the second time, Jason excused himself and took the call in the garden. ‘What’s up?’ he hissed. ‘I thought I told you not to call me from your personal phone.’

  ‘You did, but we can’t go out, can we? You seen the news?’

  ‘No. We’re watching a film.’

  ‘He died.’

  ‘Oh, Jesus fucking wept! You’re just gonna have to sit tight and pray you haven’t been spotted on any CCTV cameras near where the incident happened. You’ll have to admit to being in Barking if questioned, but just say you always hang out there. You spoken to any of other lads?’ Jason asked. There’d been nine of them all together. Five were black, four mixed-race, and they were all dressed quite similar. They’d all had their hoods up too.

  ‘Yeah. Spoke to a couple of them. They reckon there’s gonna be major repercussions. The lad that died is only fifteen and his cousin Dubzman runs the gang.’

  ‘Deny everything, like I told you. If you all stick together and say you never did it, unless someone witnessed it or they have it on camera, they can’t pin it on any one of you.�

  ‘Their gang know we did it though, don’t they? Say they grass? Or come round here trying to cut me and Kyle up?’

  ‘Just stay indoors and be vigilant. I’ll pop over tomorrow and bring you some food and drink. Watch what you say on the phone and delete any silly texts you’ve sent. You can never be too careful these days.’

  ‘OK. We’re scared, Bro.’

  Jason bit his lip. He was scared too. If the Old Bill were to find out he’d disposed of the murder weapon, they’d lock him up and throw away the key.

  ‘What time d’ya call this?’ Jason joked, tapping his watch. His little girl wasn’t so little any more. She’d turned into a beautiful young woman.

  ‘I’ve had a wonderful evening,’ Shay announced.

  ‘Where have you been?’ Jason enquired.

  Melissa shot the girl a warning glance. It was obvious by the silly look on Shay’s face that she’d been out with Luke.

  Having indulged in a few glasses of champagne, Shay was feeling bold. ‘I went to the Bluebell with my new boyfriend.’

  ‘Go to bed now, Shay. You’ve got to be up early for work. Tell your dad another time,’ Melissa urged.

  Jason turned to Mel. ‘You never said she had a new boyfriend.’

  ‘I didn’t know – until yesterday.’

  Sensing an elephant in the room, Jason looked quizzically at Shay. ‘What’s a matter with the lad? Ain’t got two heads, has he?’

  Shay giggled. ‘He has one head, a good job, and he’s way nicer than all the silly little boys I’ve dated. Luke’s a real man, like you, Dad.’

  ‘How old is he?’ Jason asked.

  ‘Promise me you won’t go mad if I tell you.’

  ‘Off to bed, love. I’ll talk to your dad first,’ Melissa hissed. She knew what Jason’s reaction would be.

  ‘Just tell me,’ Jason urged.

  ‘He’s thirty-four. But he doesn’t look that old, he only looks about twenty-eight,’ Shay said proudly.

  ‘He’s fucking what?’ Jason leapt off the sofa and shook his daughter by her shoulders. ‘Where’s he live? Give me his phone number, now!’

  ‘Stop it, Jason. You’re hurting her,’ Melissa ordered.

  ‘I’ll be hurting that dirty bastard when I get my hands on him an’ all,’ Jason retaliated. ‘Did you know his age? Well, did ya?’ Jason bellowed at Melissa.

  ‘No. I already told you I didn’t know he existed until yesterday.’

  ‘I’m not putting up with this. I’m not a child. You can’t tell me what to do,’ Shay shrieked, the same fire in her eyes as her father’s. ‘Luke’s lovely, and you won’t stop me seeing him.’

  ‘Won’t I? We’ll see about that,’ Jason spat. ‘Get back ’ere,’ he ordered, as Shay ran up the stairs.

  Melissa grabbed her husband’s arm. ‘Leave her, Jase. She’s upset.’

  ‘Not as fucking upset as I am, she ain’t. Where’s this geezer live? Where’s he work? Where did she meet him?’

  ‘I don’t know where he works or lives. All she told me yesterday was she’d met him on Facebook.’

  ‘What the fuck is Facebook?’

  ‘A social networking site all the youngsters are joining. Look, calm down, for goodness’ sake. I think she has only been out with him a handful of times.’

  ‘It’s a knocking shop, that’s what it is. Filthy perverts on there like him grooming young girls. He’s old enough to be her fucking father, Mel.’

  ‘Yes, but let’s get a grip, shall we? When she told me yesterday, my first thought was she takes after you.’

  ‘Whaddya mean by that?’

  ‘Well, you liked them knocking on a bit, didn’t you? If I remember rightly, Darlene was old enough to be your mother.’

  ‘Oh, cheers. So it’s all my fault is it?’

  ‘It’s nobody’s fault, Jason. Just a case of like father, like daughter.’


  ‘I’m off to the gym, Jase. Can you have another chat with Donte for me, please? He never touched his breakfast this morning and is acting very odd. He won’t even look me in the eyes. I’m sure he’s been up to no good. I’ll call Shay later, make sure she’s all right. Don’t you ring her.’

  Shay had stormed out late last night with her suitcase. ‘I’m going to Natasha’s and I won’t be coming back,’ she’d informed her father. Natasha was Shay’s best friend.

  ‘OK. How long you going to be? I need to be somewhere lunchtime.’

  ‘I’ll be hour and a half, tops. Whatever you do, don’t leave Donte alone. I don’t want him creeping back to your brothers’ flat.’

  ‘I won’t. If I pop out, I’ll drag him with me.’

  ‘Thanks. Bye then.’

  Jason ran up the stairs and burst into Donte’s room. ‘Bag up the clothes and trainers you had on the other night, even your underwear.’

  Donte lifted the quilt from over his head. ‘Is there any more news? What you gonna do with my stuff?’

  ‘We’re burning it. The lad died, Donte, so best you liven yourself up in case the police come calling. Chop, chop, come on.’

  Donte leapt out the bed. ‘Do you think the police know I did it? You’ve not told my mum, have you?’

  ‘No and no. If the Old Bill knew it was you they’d have smashed the door down by now, and if your mother knew it was you she’d have ripped your head off.’

  Donte’s lip wobbled as Jason threw his belongings in a black bin bag. He loved that bright blue Adidas tracksuit. It was new as well. ‘I’m scared, Jase. I don’t want to go to prison.’

  ‘Too late for regrets, Donte. What is done is done. You got to man up and start acting normal though, else your mum is gonna cotton on. She already suspects something is amiss. Now get dressed, quick. You’re coming with me to get rid of this lot and on the journey we’ll go over what you are going to say if the Old Bill turn up.’

  ‘Thanks for helping me, Dad.’

  Jason grabbed the lad’s head and stroked his cropped hair. This was the first time Donte had called him ‘Dad’ since his affair with Charlotte had come to light. Shame it wasn’t under different circumstances, but it still meant the world to Jason nevertheless.

  ‘Have I got some gossip for you!’ Tracey exclaimed, marching past Melissa and inside her house. ‘Is anyone in?’

  ‘No. Donte’s out with Jason and Shay’s left home.’ Melissa rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t ask, long story.’

  ‘Did Simon pick Toby up earlier?’

  ‘Yes. He picked him up first thing. Spill the gossip then. I can tell by your face it’s juicy.’

  ‘I was right all along,’ Tracey grinned. ‘Greg is a villain. Told you, didn’t I?’ she bragged proudly. Not only did Tracey love being proved right, she also adored the glamour associated with the underworld. With her looks and figure, she had always envisaged herself as the ultimate gangster’s moll. She’d actually dated a crime lord years ago, but he’d unfortunately chucked her a few weeks later after a reconciliation with his ex-wife.

  ‘How do you know? Did he tell you?’

  ‘Nope. I did some detective work when he left me with a sports bag of his belongings last night. He got a phone call about eight and told me he had to pop out urgently for a couple of hours. He then asked if he could leave the sports bag with me as he couldn’t take it with him.’

  ‘That sounds well dodgy.’

  Clapping her hands excitedly, Tracey shrieked, ‘Wait until you hear the rest. You haven’t heard the half of it yet.’

  ‘Go on. I’m dying to know.’

  ‘You mustn’t tell Simon or Jason any of this. Si would have a heart attack worrying about Toby,’ Tracey insisted.

  ‘I won’t say a word. I promise.’

  ‘So before Greg left he started to look a bit shifty, then he asked could he leave his sports bag inside my walk-in wardrobe. He told me not to look in it, said he had some important documents and stuff in there.’

  ‘So you looked?’

  ‘Course I di
d. You know me, Mel, I never could resist being nosy. You’ll never guess what was inside.’



  ‘Gold, jewels – I don’t know. Don’t keep me in suspense, you cowbag.’

  ‘There was a black hooded tracksuit, a drawing that looked like a plan of the inside of a building, a balaclava and … wait for it—’

  ‘Wait for what?’

  ‘A gun!’ Tracey squealed.

  Melissa put her hand over her mouth. ‘Oh my God!’

  ‘I reckon he’s an armed robber planning a big inside job in Essex somewhere. That’s why he doesn’t want any photos taken when we’re together.’

  ‘I reckon you might be bloody right. I can’t believe it. I honestly thought he was a property developer.’

  ‘I knew that was a lie. Why is he living out of hotel rooms? You’d rent a place for six months if you were working round here, wouldn’t you?’

  ‘I suppose so, yeah. Trust you to meet a gangster,’ Melissa laughed, knowing full well it had always been Tracey’s dream to do so.

  ‘I know! Only me. And I didn’t fancy the Prince Regent that night we met him, did I?’ Tracey laughed. ‘I wanted to go Club 195, so you’re getting the blame if I end up being arrested.’

  ‘Whatever he’s up to has sod-all to do with you, mate. If the police ever turn up at yours, just tell them what he told you. As far as you’re concerned, he’s a property developer. What happened when he got home? Did you manage to act normal?’

  ‘Yep! Then I bonked his brains out. It’s going ever so well now, Mel. The sex last night was awesome. He’s talking about booking a romantic holiday abroad for us soon. He’s definitely The One.’

  Melissa chuckled. ‘Bonnie and Clyde.’

  ‘What area we in?’ Donte asked Jason. They were driving down lots of country lanes.

  ‘Never you mind,’ Jason said, checking his interior mirror before swerving on to a dirt track. There was lots of rubbish on the left, burnt-out mattresses, a sofa and even an old TV. ‘Give us the bin liner,’ Jason urged.

  ‘Who dumped all that stuff here?’

  ‘Gypsies, I think. There’s a site not far from here. Get the petrol can out the back.’


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