Life of Crime

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Life of Crime Page 35

by Kimberley Chambers

  ‘No, it’s not,’ Shay bellowed. ‘And you can talk. You dated that old woman.’

  ‘Look, I’m not going to argue with you. But I want you to think about what I’m saying. When you’re thirty, Luke will be nearing fifty. Will your kids really want some balding, beer-bellied old bastard picking ’em up from school? I doubt it very much.’

  ‘Why do you always have to look into the future? Like I’m going to get married or have kids any time soon. I know what you’re trying to do, Dad. I’m not bloody stupid.’

  ‘I’m only saying what I see. You and some pensioner, pushing a spotted pram. Look, why don’t you come home. There’ll be no more arguing, I promise. I miss you, have barely seen you in years.’

  ‘Not yet. I promised Nat I’d stay here until her parents came home. Anyway, we’re having fun.’

  ‘Fair enough. Am I allowed to phone you?’

  Shay shrugged miserably. Her father’s words had actually given her food for thought, but she’d never admit it. Because she hadn’t seen her dad for years, she’d forgotten how old he was. It felt weird that her boyfriend was the same age. ‘I’ll phone you,’ she said.

  ‘Do I get a hug?’ Jason smiled.


  ‘Oh well, I’ll be off then. Enjoy yourselves, girls. I love you, Shay. Never forget that.’

  ‘I won’t. Bye then.’


  Upshire was a beautiful area and Jason could not help but laugh at Melissa’s enthusiasm as he drove towards the property that was destined to become their new home.

  ‘Oh my God! Look at that gigantic house over there. I bloody love this area. It’s amazing! I shall feel like the lady of the manor, living around here.’

  ‘I’ll be lord of the manor then,’ Jason chuckled. ‘According to my sat nav, we’re nearly there now.’

  The property Simon had had refurbished was set in an acre of land. It had previously belonged to an elderly couple who had lived there for years, letting the place go to rack and ruin, hence the amount of work that had needed doing.

  The driveway was barely visible as it was hidden by trees and bushes. As Jason pulled in, Melissa gasped with delight. ‘Oh, Jase. It’s gorgeous. I love it.’

  Melissa’s happiness was infectious and Jason felt like a million dollars as he stepped out of the vehicle. ‘It’s proper, ain’t it? Let’s look inside.’

  The rooms were bare and reeked of fresh paint.

  ‘Open the windows, Jase. That smell’s choking me,’ Melissa complained, before checking out the bedrooms. ‘Look at the en suite. It’s been done up beautifully.’

  Jason put his arms around Melissa’s waist. ‘We’re gonna be so happy here. Having seen it, I think we’ve got ourselves a bargain an’ all. I’d have said this is worth a million all day long at today’s prices.’

  ‘I don’t like the colour on the walls, that’ll have to be changed.’

  ‘We can do what we like with it. I want to get some gates put on the front with a buzzer. Be nice and secure for you and the kids when I’m out and about.’

  ‘Good idea. Let’s look at the garden,’ Melissa said, grabbing Jason by the hand.

  The garden was stunning, with newly planted shrubs and flowers. It also had a wishing well and a quaint wooden bridge that gnomes sat on.

  ‘Oh, Jase. This is the nicest garden I have ever seen. Ours in Repton Park was shit in comparison to this.’

  Jason slung his arm around his wife’s shoulders and studied the breathtaking view. Simon had told him the garden had been like a jungle and he’d hired a landscape firm to redesign it. ‘Perfect for a kiddie to play in, isn’t it?’

  Thinking of Toby, Melissa smiled. ‘Yes. It is.’

  After dropping Melissa off and ringing Simon to tell him they’d take the house, Jason drove to the Mardyke Estate. Elton had sensibly said very little on the phone, just that he and Kyle had been released on bail.

  Every time Jason stepped in the lifts in his old block, it took him back to his awful childhood, so instead he used the stairs. He’d only been a nipper when he’d first got stuck in the lift alone, and he’d been terrified. Every time he was naughty after that, his bitch of a mother used to march him on the landing, shove him in the lift and press ‘ground floor’.

  Kyle answered the door. ‘We got a flat full,’ he informed his brother.

  Jason walked into the lounge. It was smoky, stank of weed, and there were six lads lounging on the furniture and floor. ‘Nice. I feel high just walking in ’ere. I wanna word, Elton. Outside.’

  Wearing a white Nike tracksuit, Elton put his hood up and followed his brother on to the landing.

  ‘You must be bloody sweltering in that clobber. Why don’t you open some windows in there? The fire brigade’ll be called otherwise. Someone’ll think the place is burnin’ down.’

  ‘The window in the lounge is jammed, Bro.’

  ‘So what happened then? Good lad for not saying anything on the phone, by the way. I’ve taught you well.’

  ‘The Old Bill say they know we were chasing the other gang. They kept asking who the other lad with us was. They know Donte was wearing a bright blue tracksuit. I told him not to wear bright colours.’ Elton kissed his teeth. ‘Now we’re all in the shit.’

  ‘That the rest of your gang?’ Jason asked, gesturing his head towards the lounge.

  ‘Yeah. They ain’t happy.’

  ‘Nobody has mentioned Donte, have they?’

  ‘No. But Clayton told his ma and she’s threatened to tell the Old Bill.’

  ‘Why did he tell his fucking mother? Which one’s Clayton?’

  Elton grabbed Jason’s arm to stop him marching back inside the flat. ‘Leave it, Bro. You’ll only make matters worse. Clayton is very close to his ma. She goes to church, believes in God and stuff. She made him tell her.’

  ‘Well, that’s bloody great that is, innit? You better make sure he untells her, Elton. Because if you don’t, I fucking will.’

  Adrenaline pumping through her veins at the thought of showing Greg off in front of Jason, Tracey Thompson took extra care getting ready for the evening ahead. She always looked glamorous, but tonight she was determined to wear something tight-fitting and sexy. She’d clocked Jason looking at her a couple of times at his party and even though she was happy with Greg now, Tracey held grudges and would never forgive or forget. Jason had knocked her back, twice. He was the only man to have ever done that, and his rejection had left a sour taste in her mouth.

  Pink was currently in fashion, so after trying on numerous outfits, Tracey decided to wear the slinky bright pink dress she’d bought recently from a designer boutique in Chigwell. It was sleeveless, calf-length and clung to her perfect curves. It was also low-cut and showed off her ample breasts.

  Unable to get hold of Greg earlier, Tracey decided to ring him again. When they’d first met he was forever texting and calling her, but these past few days she’d barely spoken to him and when she had he’d said he was busy. She guessed it was to do with those plans she’d found in his sports bag and had been listening to the news in case they mentioned an armed robbery had taken place locally.

  Greg didn’t answer, so once again Tracey left a message on his voicemail telling him to pick her up at 6.45 p.m. A minute later she received a text.

  Got a lot on. You go ahead. Will meet you round your mate’s house.

  Peeved that Greg would not be accompanying her and worried as he hadn’t even put as much as a solitary kiss on the end of his text, Tracey tried to call him again. Annoyingly for her, Greg didn’t answer.

  Melissa felt elated as she zipped her new skin-tight faded jeans up without a struggle. She hadn’t been able to fit into a size 8 since her early teenage years. She was still having regular sessions with her personal trainer, Roy Nixon, and her hard graft was certainly paying off.

  ‘What we got for dinner, Mum?’ Donte shouted out. Jason had spoken to him late last night and told him Elton and Kyle had been rel
eased without charge. He was still edgy though, only felt safe in the comfort of his bedroom.

  Melissa walked into her son’s room. ‘Simon and Tracey are coming round, so we’re getting a takeaway. You going to eat with us?’

  ‘Are Simon and Tracey back together?’

  ‘No chance of that,’ Melissa laughed. ‘Simon is bringing his new girlfriend and Tracey is bringing her boyfriend, Greg.’

  ‘Oh. Can I have chips, curry sauce, a pancake roll and special chow mein, please? I’ll eat it up here though. Tracey’s voice does my head in.’ Donte’s appetite had finally returned, so he was making up for lost eating time.

  Melissa sat on Donte’s bed, put an arm around her son and kissed him on the forehead. ‘Why don’t you give Calvin a ring, see what he’s up to these days? You two were so close at school, I’m sure he’d love to hear from you.’

  ‘Nah. Not seen Calvin in ages and I doubt I’d have much in common with him now anyway. He was always a bit of a sap.’

  ‘You can’t stay holed up in your bedroom like a hermit for ever more, Donte. Are you sure there’s nothing troubling you?’ Melissa asked. She had no idea that Elton and Kyle had been arrested on suspicion of murder. Jason had told her they’d been caught with some weed.

  Donte forced a smile. ‘I’m fine, Mum. I swear, I am.’

  ‘I’m early. Am I the first to arrive?’ Tracey asked, feeling flustered.

  ‘Yes. Jason’s not even home yet. I’ve no idea where he’s got to. He isn’t answering his phone. Where’s Greg?’

  ‘Snap! No idea where Greg is, and he isn’t answering his bloody phone either.’

  ‘He is still coming, isn’t he?’ Melissa enquired.

  ‘Yeah. He said he’ll meet me here. What am I gonna do, Mel? I think he’s going off me. We’ve not had a proper conversation since he left mine the other night and he didn’t put any kisses on the end of his last text. You don’t think he knows I looked in that bag, do you? Perhaps he left it as a test, to see if I could be trusted.’

  ‘Oh, don’t be so daft. I swear I’ve never known anyone with such an overactive imagination as yours, Trace.’

  ‘Well, why has he gone cold on me then?’ Tracey asked, opening the bottle of wine she’d brought with her.

  ‘He’s obviously busy. Probably robbing a bank,’ Melissa chuckled.

  ‘Auntie Mel, can I have some orange juice, please?’

  Melissa picked up Toby and planted kisses all over his handsome face. ‘You, my little soldier, can have whatever you want.’

  ‘What’s this?’ Peggy Rampling felt the carrier bag. ‘Ain’t you bought me no fags or Guinness?’

  Jason rolled his eyes. ‘Just open the bloody thing, will you, Nan.’

  ‘Money. Lots of it. Want me to hide it for ya?’

  ‘Nope. It’s all for you,’ Jason grinned.

  ‘Really? Aww, bless you, boy. How much?’

  ‘Eight grand. Was going to give you ten out my little windfall, but seeing as you borrowed two while I was inside, you got eight,’ Jason laughed.

  ‘Cheeky bugger,’ Peggy chuckled. ‘What you done, robbed a bank?’

  ‘As good as. I finally sold that painting. Bought a house today an’ all. You wanna see it. Set in an acre of land. The bollocks, it is, Nan. Moving in at the weekend.’

  ‘She moving in it with you? Loony Lil.’

  ‘Yeah. We’ve decided to give our marriage another go.’

  ‘I bet she wants to give it another go now you’ve come into money. The woman is a fucking vulture.’

  ‘She ain’t all bad. I really want another kid now myself, so we’ve chatted about it and we’re gonna try for one.’

  Peggy pursed her lips. ‘You want your brains tested, impregnating that one. She’ll never be happy while she’s got a hole in her arse. Fact.’

  Tracey Thompson slung her phone across the room in temper. ‘Bastard!’ she shrieked. ‘Who does he think he is, keep blanking my texts and calls? I’m going to get some money together, hire a private detective and have him followed. No way is he mugging me off any more. And I want my spare key back. Waste of time him having it if I hardly ever see him.’

  ‘I doubt he’s mugging you off, mate. If he said he’ll be here, he’ll be here. He’s probably just in the middle of something.’

  ‘Yeah. Like shagging his wife. Probably got kids an’ all, knowing my luck. I blame you for this, Mel, I really do. If you hadn’t dragged me up the Prince Regent that night, I’d never have met the no-good arsehole.’

  ‘Give us your glass. I’ll pour you another drink. Jason’s just pulled up outside and I’m sure Greg will soon too. Be patient. This is part and parcel of the life, Trace, take it from somebody who’s lived it.’

  Jason was horrified to see Tracey already looking slightly inebriated.

  ‘Hello, Uncle Jason,’ Toby said, holding his arms out.

  Tracey smirked. ‘Give him a cuddle then, Uncle Jason. He likes you, although I have no idea why.’

  ‘Where you been? I rang you five times,’ Melissa informed her husband.

  ‘Sorry, love. My battery went dead. I popped round to see Babs again after I left my nan’s. I really don’t like that prick she’s lumbered herself with and wanted to check she was OK after the little talking to I gave him the other day.’

  ‘And is she?’

  ‘Yeah. My threat to break his neck seems to have done the trick, for now at least. Come upstairs a tick, babe. I wanna show you something.’

  ‘Oi, oi. Get a room you two,’ Tracey shouted out.

  Once out of earshot, Jason turned to Mel. ‘Is she pissed already? What time did she get here – and where’s Greg?’

  ‘She’s had three drinks, that’s all. She got here at half six and she doesn’t know where Greg is. He said he’ll meet her here, but he hasn’t been answering his phone, apparently.’

  ‘Brilliant!’ Jason exclaimed sarcastically. ‘He better fucking turn up or she’s bound to make a scene in front of Simon’s girlfriend. Don’t let her drink no more until after we’ve eaten.’ Tracey was so unpredictable, Jason was actually worried she’d blurt something out about him too if she was stood up.

  ‘Tracey’s a grown woman, Jase. I can’t tell her what to do. If you’re that worried, then you bloody tell her to lay off the vino.’

  The doorbell chiming ended the conversation and Melissa ran downstairs. ‘Hello. Do come in. You must be Sally-Ann. I’ve heard lots about you – all good, might I add. Simon and my husband are best friends. Actually, joined at the hip might be a better description,’ Melissa laughed.

  ‘Simon has told me all about you and your husband too. It’s lovely to meet you,’ Sally-Ann replied, kissing Melissa then Jason on both cheeks.

  ‘Hello. I’m Toby.’

  Simon scooped his son in his arms. He had only told Sally-Ann that she would be meeting Toby yesterday. ‘Give the lady a kiss then, boy,’ he urged, tilting Toby forward.

  Sally-Ann tried to hide her awkwardness. She wasn’t great with kids, had none of her own.

  ‘What would you like to drink, Sally-Ann?’ Jason asked. She wasn’t Simon’s usual type. Nice figure, but her nose was too big for her face, and she was dressed very formally. He usually went for the dolly bird sort.

  ‘I’d love a red wine, please,’ Sally-Ann replied, following Melissa into the kitchen.

  Simon put his arm around his girlfriend. ‘This is Tracey, Toby’s mum. Tracey, this is Sally-Ann.’

  ‘All right,’ Tracey said, shaking the woman’s hand. She looked like a man in drag, Tracey thought smugly.

  ‘Tracey’s boyfriend will be joining us soon,’ Jason said. He could sense Sally-Ann’s discomfort.

  ‘Ah, OK.’ Sally-Ann was gobsmacked. Simon hadn’t mentioned his ex would be having dinner with them. Neither had he told her Tracey looked like a glamour model.

  ‘You all right?’ Simon asked, handing Sally-Ann her wine.

  Sally-Ann nodded. She liked Simon but couldn’t help t
hink that this was all a bit too much too soon. They barely knew one another. Talk about throw her in at the deep end.

  ‘Sorry about the furniture. I’ve had to push two tables together and use some garden chairs. There’s little room to manoeuvre I’m afraid, but it will have to do until we move.’

  ‘Do you know where you’re moving to yet?’ Sally-Ann asked politely.

  ‘Yes. Upshire,’ Melissa replied.

  Tracey choked on the mouthful of wine she was about to swallow. ‘Sorry. Wrong hole,’ she apologized, waving her hands erratically before composing herself once again. ‘Upshire’s well expensive, Mel. Unless you’ve won the lottery, I doubt you’ll be moving there, mate.’

  Simon had ordered both Melissa and Jason not to breathe a word of his involvement in the property to Tracey or anybody else. He told Jase that the taxman would come down on him like a ton of bricks as he had no intention of declaring the house as sold. Tracey also knew nothing of his finances, had no idea he’d even purchased the house in the first place. ‘Give your bloke a ring, Trace. We’re going to be ordering food soon,’ Simon urged.

  ‘Will do.’ Tracey picked up her handbag and walked into the hallway. Greg had better answer; else she would look a complete fool.

  ‘Well?’ Melissa asked, when Tracey returned.

  ‘He must be busy. Just order the food anyway. I don’t wait around for no man, me,’ Tracey snapped.

  Watching Tracey pour herself another large glass of wine, Jason looked at Simon and rolled his eyes. Some night this was turning out to be.

  By nine o’clock Tracey was performing, her voice having gone up a decibel. ‘So, where did you and Simon meet then?’ she asked Sally-Ann. She was distraught she still hadn’t heard from Greg, but was determined not to show it.

  ‘Erm, online actually. I joined a professional dating website and Simon sent me a message.’

  ‘I bet you would never have put me and Si together, would you?’ Tracey chuckled.

  Sally-Ann was feeling uncomfortable. She liked Melissa, but thought Tracey was awful. Everything about her was fake. Her hair extensions, nails, breasts, and even her smile. A typical bimbo, and Sally-Ann was extremely disappointed that Simon had dated such a woman. Perhaps he wasn’t the man she’d first thought he was. ‘My ex is the total opposite of me,’ Sally-Ann replied courteously.


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