Stefan: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Wolf Shifters with plus sized BBW for mates (Le Beau Series Book 3)

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Stefan: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Wolf Shifters with plus sized BBW for mates (Le Beau Series Book 3) Page 8

by V. A. Dold

  El stood on the pretense of clearing her empty cup from the end table, her embarrassment churned sour in the room and his wolf didn’t like it. She took Dale’s coffee cup and hurried to the kitchen. Once out of sight she raised her voice, “He may not want to go, Grand-mère.”

  “Oh, nonsense, El. One look at him, and even at eighty-three I can see he’s smitten with you. Besides, having two men fawning over you at the diner sounds like a wonderful idea to me. I have fond memories of men competing for my hand.”


  “What?” She was pretending to be innocent again. The old conniver knew exactly what she was doing.

  Stefan jumped at the opportunity to protect his territory. “I’d love to,” he responded before the invitation could be taken back.

  Dale raised an eyebrow at him and Stefan just stared in challenge. Stupid human, this was his mate and not a battle Dale should ever encourage if he wanted to remain upright.

  El returned wearing a gorgeous shade of pink from her neck to her hairline, carrying fresh cups for her and Dale.

  “El,” Dale drew out her name like a caress, “you look lovely this morning. Did you do something new with your hair?”

  El stifled a giggle. She knew instantly that Dale was egging Stefan on. For one, they were best friends, and for two, Dale was as gay as the day was long. Of course, Stefan didn’t know this and Dale was having a ball yanking the other man’s chain.

  “Actually, I had highlights done at the salon last week.”

  “I like it, cher.” Dale practically purred. “It’s very sexy.” For added measure, he ran his palm down El’s curls suggestively.

  Stefan’s fingers gripped the arms of his chair so tightly, wood cracked and his lengthened fingernails turned white. Everyone turned his way at the sound to find Stefan glaring daggers at Dale and breathing hard. The urge to snap Dale's fingers from his hand coursed through him.

  “Remove your hand from the lady or lose it,” Stefan snarled.

  “El, you didn’t tell me you had a new guard dog.”

  El could tell Stefan was on the verge of beating Dale to a pulp. “I’m hungry. Whoever is going to lunch, let’s head out.”

  Dale began to rise, but Stefan beat him to El’s side and created a formable barrier to his mate. Dale chuckled and ignored Stefan’s puffed up chest.

  “I’ll drive myself, El. I have an appointment after lunch so I need to leave straight from the diner.”

  “Perfect, because El is riding with me.”

  Marie barked out a very unladylike laugh and El simply raised an eyebrow at her as they filed out the door.


  An hour later, lunch was cleared and Stefan was pleased with himself. He had strategically positioned himself between El and Dale in the half round booth. Lunch had been mostly El and Dale catching up. Apparently they knew each other quite well, too well in his opinion.

  Dale finished his soda and stood. “I'd better get going. It was interesting meeting you, Stefan. Walk me out, El?” he asked.


  Luckily Dale’s car was right outside the window where Stefan sat, or an extra person would have walked him to the car. At any rate, if the idiot tried anything stupid like kissing El, Stefan could easily be at the car in a second. Dale must be smarter than he looked because he kept his hands and lips to himself.

  Stefan drained his cup and was paying for their lunch when El returned. “Ready to go?” he asked, offering her his hand.

  “Sure,” she replied. “Thank you for lunch today.” Between Mémé and Pamela, she had been talked into giving Stefan a chance. Her nightly phone session with the therapist was beginning to create breakthroughs. Tentatively El accepted his hand and held her breath, expecting a panic attack that didn’t come.

  “You’re welcome, cher.” He was pleased beyond measure when she took his hand. That was the first time she held hands with him without him having to pay for the pleasure.

  The private smile on her lips and the shy way she dropped her gaze made his heart sing. It was small, but so much better than the rejection he’d been receiving.

  He led her to the passenger side of the truck and paused as he unlocked her door. With one finger he gently raised her gaze to his and leaned in.

  His lips hovered over hers, warm breath fanning her face. He was dying to kiss her but she needed to want it, too.

  Her tiny lean toward him gave him the answer he so desperately prayed for.

  Lips brushed her cheek. What the hell? At the last second she’d turned her head. He was about to aim for her lips again when ‘Crazy Bitch’ by Buckcherry blasted from his pocket.

  Damn it!

  El stiffened in his arms as he rushed to stop the damning tone.

  He knew who it was—his brother—Lucas. Now he had two reasons to kill his younger brother.

  “Hey. You're crazy, bitch. But, you fuck so good, I'm on top of it...”

  The damn thing wouldn’t stop!

  “Sorry. That’s Lucas’s personal tone. He programmed it into my phone when he got home as a joke. He thinks it’s hilarious.” Stefan scrambled to explain the nightmare that was currently his life.

  “What do you want?” Stefan growled into the phone as El stepped away.

  Aw, hell, she has her guard up again.

  “Hey, Stefan. Nice talking to you, too,” Lucas laughed. “Are you going to dinner with me later?”

  “If you’re still breathing. What the hell is with that ring tone?” Stefan ended the call abruptly and raised his eyes to El. “I’m truly am sorry about that.”

  “Whatever.” Dammit, she should have known better.

  He ignored her comment. “I’ll get you back to the ranch. You can let me know what other projects you need me to do.”

  El scowled and kept her eyes straight ahead. “You sure you don’t have a woman you need to ‘get scratches all down your back’ from?”

  “No. Not anymore. Again, I apologize for that. It was immature and I’ll change it as soon as possible. You may not believe it, El, but you make me want to be a better man and I intend to prove that to you.”

  “Well then, I’d say you have a mammoth challenge before you. So far, you’re failing.”

  “Maybe. But, I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you, and I’m willing to rise to that challenge.” He looked into her eyes trying to convey just how serious he was.

  El’s goose bumps and shivers caught his attention. He turned up the heat in the truck, which wasn’t much, and removed his jacket.

  “Please lean forward for me.”

  “Why?” she asked suspiciously.

  “I’d like to offer you my jacket. You’re shivering, and since I’m sure you’ll refuse the suggestion to slide closer to me, I’m offering that instead.”

  “Oh. Thank you.” Quietly she accepted his offer and he sensed her agitation lessen a little. “And I think we’re finished for the day at the ranch so you don’t need to hang around.”

  A heavy sigh rushed from his lips. He put the truck into drive, then glanced at her. “I’ll come by in the morning and help with the chores.”

  The ride back to the ranch was much too short. He and his wolf wanted nothing more than to stay with her, not to mention the ache he felt throughout his body each night when he went home. It was painful to have such a large distance between him and his mate with the ritual incomplete.

  He threw the truck into park right in front of her house and ran around the front bumper to open her door. “Thanks for inviting me to lunch. I better get going though. Lucas is going to keep calling until I get home.”

  He couldn’t leave without tasting her lips. With his heart racing, he pressed his lips to hers quickly before she could protest. To his surprise, she didn’t slap him. When he stepped away after one short kiss, he whispered, “You shouldn’t rush something you want to last forever.”

  His wolf tore at him to stay, but he had to play this right or he would risk losing
her for good.

  The fierce desire and emotion felt by one mate for another made it unbearable for Stefan to even think about living without El. No matter how hard she pushed or denied him, he would keep trying. Hell, she was obliterating his ego at light speed. He prayed he would have the stamina to win her love.

  Well, that was new anyway. He’d never been accused of a lack of stamina before.

  Please let her take pity on me soon.

  He’d get on his knees and beg the goddess to help if that was what it took to win El’s heart. He was sure she didn’t have a boyfriend, so at least he was given that small advantage. Glancing up, he saw El in the rearview mirror watching him drive away. Just that small indication that she wanted him to stay had his heart thundering.

  “Damn, he tasted good.” El touched her lips with her fingers and grinned like a schoolgirl. “I really shouldn’t have done that.”

  She turned to find Dale on her front porch with his arms crossed and a crafty smile on his lips. “Girl, he’s going to bust a vein if he catches you out dancing with me tonight.”

  “He’s busy with Lucas. I doubt he’ll be anywhere near the bar. Besides, what does he have to be jealous for? I’m not his girlfriend.”

  “Think again, honey. That sexy man has laid his claim for all to see. I wish he was batting for my team. Rrrrawrrrr!”

  El laughed at his antics and shooed him inside.

  Chapter Ten

  Dancing with Dale

  “Come on, Stefan, get the lead out.”

  Lucas was itching to check out the local bars after traveling for the past two years. He’d seen a lot and learned even more. He only had a short time in the bayou before he moved to a new ranch in Texas with his cousin, Krystal. Krystal, who was more like a sister, was tagging along to get away from her overbearing mother.

  The family had decided to expand their real estate portfolio and take advantage of his interest in ranching. He already had a realtor searching for the perfect property. It wouldn’t be long and he’d be stepping out with the beauties across the state line. His two-step was rusty and needed practice. He had a reputation to uphold, and looking like a Yankee on the dance floor wouldn’t cut it.

  Stefan stuck his head out the bathroom door. “I’m only going with you to keep you out of trouble, little brother.”

  “I think you have that wrong,” Lucas clowned. “It’s me who will be keeping you out of trouble, ladies’ man.”

  “Not any more. I have hung that lifestyle out to dry.” Stefan joined him in the living room. “I’m a one-woman man now.”

  Lucas cringed. “That’s too many levels of wrong. We have a duty to the women in the area to share our affections equally.”

  “Nope. I can no longer help you with that.” Stefan patted Lucas on the back. “You just wait until you find your mate. It’ll change for you, too.”

  “Well, if you have found her, where is she? Aren’t you supposed to be with her instead of alone in this bachelor pad you call a house?”

  Stefan’s expression became serious. “Believe me, I’m working on it.” He saw the worried expression on his brother’s face and tried to smile. “Let’s head out so you can start spreading the love.”


  The boys strolled into Lucas’s favorite honky-tonk like he’d never left home. Every female head in the bar turned to admire the brothers like they were celebrities.

  Stefan uncharacteristically ignored the attention. “I’ll get the drinks. Why don’t you get a table.”

  Lucas gave him a nod and walked to the back of the bar. From the empty table, he could see every woman in the place. Perfect.

  Twenty minutes later, the second round of drinks had arrived and Lucas was taking a break from the dance floor. Stefan had his back to the crowd, about to sip his scotch when the expression on Lucas’s face had the hair on the back of his neck rising and him turning.

  El stood at the door with Dale. Snarls began to rumble and increased in volume the longer he stared.

  “Now, don’t get riled, Stefan. It’s probably nothing.”

  Unconsciously, he rose from his chair. A loud growl ripped from his throat when Dale draped an arm around El’s shoulder.

  Lucas gripped Stefan’s arm tightly. “I’m guessing that bothers you,” he said trying to lighten the tension. Stefan focused on the hand and issued another threatening snarl. Lucas snatched his fingers back before he lost one.

  An iron fist tightened around his heart at the sight of El in a tight leopard print blouse, fancy boots, and painted-on blue jeans. Nothing was left to the imagination.

  His mouth watered despite the angry snarls.

  They walked into the crowd and out of his line of sight. That wasn’t acceptable. Craning his neck, he caught an occasional glimmer as the DJ lights reflected off her flowing chestnut waves. For a moment she stopped in a small gap between bodies, her skin was an adorable pink. What the hell was she blushing about!


  She let Dale take her hand and weave them through the crowd. He had a knack for making a space in the sea of bodies. There were so many people in the bar it was difficult to maneuver.

  The DJ already had the crowd dancing a line dance on the gleaming wood floor. She hoped a booth would still be available. She loved the soft leather seats and little bit of privacy they offered.

  Somehow Dale scored one. For some reason, it emptied like rats leaving a ship when he leaned in and spoke to the gentleman sitting against the wall. He must have either paid the guy off or bribed him somehow. One day she would learn his secrets.

  Settled with a glass of wine, she looked at the lovely Christmas decorations. The owner had really gone all out hanging evergreen swags and twinkle lights from the wooden ceiling beams and around the booths. She also spied Mistletoe randomly dangling over booths and tables.

  She drew in a breath when her gaze reached the full-size decorated tree in one corner. It looked like old-fashioned popcorn strings entwined with ribbons graced the branches. Silver and gold shiny balls glistened festively, and the angel on top, breathtaking.



  He lost sight of her again. He closed his eyes and drew a deep breath into his lungs. There it was, the enticing aroma that belonged to his mate: El’s new car scent. Even amongst this crowd he could find her. No amount of sweaty bodies, over-perfumed women or booze could mask her delectable bouquet from him.

  Following the trail back, he realized why he couldn’t see her. She was in the booth three down from where he sat.

  He needed to get her away from Dale. A plan, he needed a plan. He was so absorbed in El he hadn’t noticed Lucas leaving their table. Shit, he was in trouble if he couldn’t keep his wits about him. An unfocused wolf was a dead wolf.

  Ice cubes clinked as he tapped his glass in thought. What was the best approach that wouldn’t put her on the defensive? He was mulling over options when Dale walked past, leading El by the hand to the dance floor.

  Unfortunately, he not only noted Dale’s hand on his mate, he also noticed all the hungry male eyes following her through the room. His wolf roared a challenge and had him on his feet before he could stop himself.

  Long strides made short work of the distance between them. He didn’t bother to glance at the other dancers, they mattered little. His mate needed his protection and he would gladly provide it.


  Dale shouldered their way to the center of the two-stepping couples. The man had serious crowd skills. It had been a while since she’d gone dancing. She missed the lighthearted fun she and Dale used to enjoy.

  Wednesday nights had been their weekly date night. Somehow it had gotten rescheduled so many times they stopped going. She would have to make it a point to do this more often.

  El threw her head back laughing as Dale spun her like a top. God, she missed doing this. Much like riding a bike, all the dance steps came rushing back.

  They’d just finished a line dance when her should
er bumped the person to her right. “Sorry about that,” she laughed as she turned to see who she’d connected with. Stefan’s eyes gazed back, not two inches away.

  Irritation flooded El. “What are you doing here? No, don’t tell me. You followed me, didn’t you?”

  He ignored her outburst. “I’d like to know what you’re doing here, and why you’re with Dale.” Stefan asked in a strangely calm tone. “I’m out with Lucas, which I told you I would be doing. You, on the other hand, kept your plans conveniently secret.”

  The urge to slap the proprietary expression from his face was overpowering. As her palm rose, he grabbed her wrist and yanked her to his chest.

  “If you want to dance, you’ll dance with me.” When her eyes began to blaze and fear wafted around him, he softened his tone. “Please, El. Dance with me.”

  The sudden change in his demeanor brought the retort forming in her mind to a screeching halt. Heck, it brought all thoughts to a screeching halt. Her IQ hit an all-time low in a span of five words.

  The grip on her wrist eased as he repositioned their hands and bodies to match the Garth Brooks song that began to play. Of course it would be ‘The Dance,’ why not?

  Stefan felt the tension ease from her body.

  He hid his grin in her hair. Goddess knew if she saw his sappy expression she’d try to slap him again. Regardless of the words that often flowed from El’s lips, she desired him. A person’s body language rarely lied, and hers was springing to life in two of his favorite places.

  She had on one of those wrap blouses that offered fantastic access. He loved those! The designer who’d thought that one up was worshipped by every red-blooded male on the planet. The urge to slide his hand through the two pieces of crossed over fabric was killing him.

  Stefan chose the next best thing and pulled her closer, pressing her incredible breasts to his hard body. The excited rise and fall of her chest must have created a delicious friction, her nipples beaded hard and the scent of her arousal surrounded him.

  He slipped one palm lower, over the curve of her left cheek and added a little pressure. He left her no doubt about how aroused she made him.


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