Sweet Dreams (The Bakery Romance Series Book 3)

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Sweet Dreams (The Bakery Romance Series Book 3) Page 19

by Cecelia Dowdy

  “I’ve just got a lot on my mind. That’s all.”

  “Latisha even noticed your foul mood.”

  “I don’t care what Latisha thinks.” His voice hardened.

  “Don’t be so hard to Latisha. I know she’s been making passes at you but, she’s a nice woman. She just needs a friend right now.”

  “Oh, now you’re her friend?”

  “Are you mad because I’m friends with Latisha?” If so, that was the dumbest thing she’d ever heard.

  “No, it’s not that. Misty, I haven’t been sleeping well. I’m just tired.”

  If he was so tired then maybe he should’ve stayed at home. She was sure that her, Latisha and the rest of the volunteers could’ve handled the soup kitchen for one night. It was probably best that she keep her thoughts to herself. No way did she want to make him angrier by asking if he was having problems with his brother.

  He reached over and touched her arm, his voice softened. “Look, I’m sorry. My brother’s been calling every night, asking for money. I want to help him, but, I don’t want to enable his bad behavior.” He reminded her about his brother’s job loss and his imminent eviction. “He’s threatened to come move in with me if I don’t give him one third of the life insurance money.”

  Whoa, she wasn’t expecting this. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’ve been praying about it every night. The Lord has been silent so far.” He gave her a sideways glance while turning a corner. “I notice you were cooking a little bit tonight.”

  She smiled. So, he’d noticed after all. “Yeah. Latisha’s been teaching me, and she gave me a cookbook for beginners. I’ve also been watching some YouTube videos.” It felt comfortable, and a bit nice to actually be conquering her fear of cooking. Granted she still had a long way to go. All she’d done was boil noodles tonight and Latisha had cut up the Velveeta cheese, but, the fact that she was actually cooking, was like taking a huge load off of her shoulders.

  “So, is Nate still coming by tomorrow night?”

  Oh no, he had to go and ruin this nice evening by reminding her about that? The last thing she wanted to talk about was spending tomorrow evening with Nate.

  Chapter 26

  Adrian pulled the golden fried chicken from the hot grease. Misty’s mouth watered for dinner. Fried chicken was usually something that Adrian made on the weekends, but, Adrian had insisted on making it for dinner that night. She’d gotten a new deep fryer and Misty had read the instructions to her. Since the light on the deep fryer indicated when the chicken was fully cooked, Adrian needed Misty’s help with the cooking that night.

  Before they’d left for work that morning, Adrian had seasoned the meat with a variety of herbs and spices, and left it in the refrigerator to marinate. Misty had longingly watched Adrian that morning while she prepared the meat, the urge to learn to cook consuming her. She wished she knew how to cook as well as her cousin. Adrian had placed Braille labels on all of her bottles of herbs and spices so that she’d know which spices she was using. Perhaps Adrian could teach her how to cook fried chicken someday. She still felt more comfortable putting her salt-and-pepper seasoned chicken in the oven. She still feared starting a grease fire while frying chicken.

  Jennifer clapped her hands. “Chicken! It smells good!”

  Misty pulled her daughter into her arms, giving her a hug. “Are you hungry, Jennifer?”

  Jennifer nodded and banged her spoon on the table. “Yes, I’m hungry.”

  Unlike most children, Jennifer was not a picky eater. Her child was going to enjoy a nice chicken leg and some mashed potatoes and veggies. Scents of golden fried chicken, potatoes and butter filled the air. Misty removed the plates from the cupboard as Adrian sat at the table. As she fixed their plates, she decided to be honest with Adrian. “I feel kind of bad that I’m not helping you to cook tonight.”

  “Oh, Misty. Don’t worry about that. You do so much for me already – you drive me to work, you do all of the grocery shopping, you take me on my errands. I love to cook and I don’t mind doing it. Besides, you’ve started cooking a little bit, and I appreciate that.”

  She placed their filled plates on the table. Glancing at the tasty food on her plate, she again dreaded Nate’s impending visit that evening. She again remembered Sterling’s anger about Nate’s visit. Joining hands with Adrian and Jennifer, she prayed aloud. “Lord, thanks for this beautiful day and thank you for all of our blessings.” She paused, and Jennifer fidgeted. “Lord, please be with us during Nate’s visit, Amen.” She released Adrian’s and Jennifer’s hands.

  Jennifer bit into her chicken leg. “This is good!”

  Adrian touched Misty’s arm. “Are you worried about Nate’s visit?”

  Misty glanced at her cousin, seeing the worried frown on her face. A new thought occurred to her. “Oh, Adrian, I’m so sorry. I should’ve asked you if it was okay for Nate to come here tonight.” Since Nate had been drunk the last time he was here, it was probably not fair to expose both Adrian and Jennifer to Nate’s behavior. She again recalled Sterling’s anger about the visit. Should she have taken him up on his offer to come by during Nate’s visit?

  A hard, insistent knock pounded on the front door. Misty glanced at her watch. “That can’t be Nate. He’s not due for another hour.” Abandoning her plate, she walked into the living room and opened the door. Nate stood in the doorway, holding a dozen long-stemmed crimson roses. He also held a baby doll ensconced in a cardboard box. She peered into his face, glad to see that his eyes were clear and alert. “You’re early.” He gave her the roses and the doll before breezing into the house. She glanced on the street and didn’t see a car. “How did you get here?”

  “My friend Mike dropped me off. He’s coming back to get me in a couple of hours.” Nate entered the kitchen, his steps heavy. He stopped, staring at Jennifer. Their daughter had mashed potatoes and peas splattered around her mouth and her eyes were bright as she turned to her father.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Nate’s voice softened as he walked toward Jennifer. He removed her from her booster seat and hugged her before kissing her cheek.

  Jennifer pushed him away. “I’m eating my dinner!” she pointed to her food and Nate chuckled, placing her back into her chair so that she could eat the rest of her meal.

  Misty pulled a vase from underneath the sink and filled it with water. She placed her roses into the water. Since Nate was behaving himself, she didn’t have the heart to tell him she didn’t want the flowers.

  She placed the roses in the middle of the kitchen table and Jennifer giggled, pointing to the buds. “Those are pretty flowers.”

  “Hello, Nate,” said Adrian. “Would you like some supper?”

  “Hey, Adrian. I’d love some supper. I’m starving.” He fixed a large plate of food and Misty returned to the table, wondering if Nate’s change in behavior was permanent. Before he ate, Nate bowed his head. Shock coursed through her veins like freezing ice water. In all the time she’d known Nate, she’d never seen him pray before eating a meal!

  They ate in silence while Misty’s mind cluttered with thoughts about Nate. Why did he now pray before he ate? After dinner, Adrian excused herself to go to her bedroom and Misty, Jennifer and Nate went into the living room. Nate tried to hold Jennifer in his lap, but, the child fidgeted. She got down from his lap and played with the doll that Nate had purchased for her. Misty sat beside Nate, still not sure what they should talk about. Nate gestured toward their daughter. “Jennifer is getting big.”

  Misty nodded. “Yes, she is.”

  “She’s so pretty, too. She looks just like you.”

  Misty remained silent, not sure what she should say. Nate turned toward her, taking her hand. She pulled her hand away. “Nate…”

  “Misty, why won’t you let me hold your hand? I promise I’ll behave myself.”

  She sighed. “I don’t feel comfortable having you to hold my hand.” Besides, they were no longer a couple. Why couldn’t he understand that?r />
  “I want to change all that.”

  She frowned, trying to make sense of what he was saying. “Change what?”

  “You feeling uncomfortable with me. I like being with you, Misty and Jennifer needs a mother and a father, together.”

  “Nate, I’ve already told you how I feel about us.”

  “Shh. Don’t say that.” He took her hand again. Tired, Misty didn’t have the energy to pull away. She glanced at the clock, hoping she could steal away to take Jennifer to bed, but, she noticed that Jennifer still had a half hour before her bedtime. She really wished she could escape from Nate. She didn’t want to have the same discussion again.

  She glanced at their joined hands before speaking. “I’ve already told you how I feel. You know I said I wanted to move to Miami to get a fresh start on my life and to raise Jennifer in a Christian home.”

  He squeezed her hand, a bright smile shining on his face like a beacon. “I know that, and I want the same thing.”

  She jerked her hand away. “Don’t lie to me.” Her voice came out sounding shrill and Jennifer stopped playing, staring at her mother. “Jennifer, go into Cousin Adrian’s bedroom. She can read you a bedtime story.” Excitement filled Jennifer’s face as she rushed toward Adrian’s closed bedroom door.

  Nate’s smile disappeared. He stared at the floor for a few seconds. For an instant, remorse filled Misty’s soul, and she wondered if she was wrong to speak so harshly to Nate. “I guess I deserved that. I know I haven’t always treated you right.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Misty mumbled.

  “But, Misty, people can change.”

  Strong, vivid memories of Nate’s behavior filled Misty’s mind. He’d told so many lies while they’d dated that she never knew when he was speaking the truth. “Have you really changed, or is this just an act?”

  “Misty, I’ve changed.” He stood and paced around the living room, running his hand over his plaited hair. The familiar tattoos painted on his arms proved a startling reminder of the life she’d left behind. “I’m a Christian now.”

  Misty blinked, wondering if she’d heard him correctly. “What did you just say?” She could barely get the words out of her mouth.

  “I said I’m a Christian now.” He plopped back onto the couch, cradling both of her hands. “I’m saved. I’ve accepted Christ.” Their eyes locked, and before she could help it, she laughed. Nate dropped her hands, a wounded look crossing his strong, handsome features. Misty continued to giggle, covering her mouth. “Don’t laugh.” His loud, firm tone made Misty pause. She stopped giggling, pushed her amusement aside.

  “Nate, how do you expect me to believe you? You’ve lied so much…”

  “I know, Baby and I want to make it up to you.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. Before you say anything else, let me ask you a few questions.”

  “Okay, go ahead.”

  “When did you get saved?”

  “A couple of weeks ago I stepped forward in church. I accepted Christ and I told the pastor I wanted to get baptized. I’d been struggling with this whole Christianity issue for weeks.”

  “And now you’re not struggling?”

  “No, I’m not. I have to live my life according to Jesus.”

  Misty still wasn’t convinced. She could imagine taking Nate back, only to discover this was all a ruse to win her back into his life. “Jesus wouldn’t want us to have a sexual relationship outside of marriage.”

  “I know. We could date again and then you could get to know me as a Christian man.”

  She shook her head. “How are we going to do that? You live two and a half hours away.”

  “Not for long.”

  Her breath caught, and she fought to compose herself. “What do you mean?”

  “Remember awhile back, I’d told you that I wanted to move to Miami, find a job, and stay at my cousin’s place?”


  He took her hand. “Well, I’ve made some new friends in church, and one of them was able to hook me up with a real job working in the mail room for a company in Miami. I have about a month before I start, and when I do, I’ll be moving here.”

  There were so many details to absorb that her mind spun out of control. Nate sat a bit too close for comfort, and the familiar woodsy scent of his aftershave made her stomach sour. She pulled her hand away, scooted further down on the couch. “Nate, I don’t know.”

  “Misty, I love you and we’ve been through so much, but, think about it. We have a history together. Not all of it was bad. We’ve had some good times and we have a beautiful daughter. Don’t you think Jesus would want us to be together as a couple, happily married?”

  The euphoric feelings she used to have for Nate had evaporated like dust in the wind. She took a deep breath. “I don’t think us dating would be a good idea.”

  “Honey, don’t say that. Just promise me you’ll think about it. I know you still don’t believe me and you want me to prove myself, but, you have to remember how Jesus worked. The Apostle Paul was a murderer – he killed Christians yet he got saved and became a Christian himself. If the Lord can make the Apostle Paul into a Christian, then, he can change anybody, even me.”

  She gasped. “You know about the Apostle Paul?” She couldn’t keep the shock out of her voice.

  “Yes. The pastor preached about the Apostle Paul on the day I accepted Christ. Plus, I’ve read the entire New Testament in a week. Misty, I’m telling you, I’m on fire for Jesus and I’m determined to be the best father that I can to Jennifer. I want to live a rightful life, a rightful life with you.”


  Somebody pounded on the door. Misty wondered if it was Mike returning to take Nate home. She opened the door and spotted Sterling Richards. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his shorts, his brow furrowed with worry. “Are you okay? I know you’d said that Nate—”

  “What’s he doing here?” Nate’s voice thundered through the living room. Misty swallowed, feeling a headache starting in the back of her eyes. Suddenly, she just wanted to go into her bedroom and dive under the covers. The last thing she needed was a confrontation between Sterling and Nate.

  Chapter 27

  He had to remain calm. Sterling clenched his teeth, focused on Nate. Good thing Nate was sober. He then studied Misty. She scratched the back of her neck, refusing to look at him. She folded her thin arms in front of her chest. She was upset. Was she upset with him for interrupting Nate’s visit, or, was she upset with Nate?

  He spotted the flowers on the kitchen table and a new doll for Jennifer lying on the floor. It looked like Nate wanted to reconcile with his family. He needed to talk to Misty about this. He needed to say something. Nate had asked what he was doing here. He might was well answer. “You attacked Misty the last time you were here. I just came to see if she was okay.”

  A horn honked from the street. Nate peeked outside. “That’s Mike.” He focused on Misty. “I have to go.” He glared at Sterling before leaning over, taking Misty’s hand and kissing her cheek. Sterling’s stomach soured. Misty didn’t even try to discourage Nate’s kiss! Nate rushed outside, slamming the door behind him.

  “Misty, we need to talk.”

  “No we don’t. Sterling, I already told you at the ice cream parlor that we were just friends. I’m not ready for a relationship.”

  He blew air through his lips. He wouldn’t accomplish anything by getting angry. “I know Nate wants to get back together with you. Do you feel the same way?”

  “This whole conversation is making me sick. Would you please leave?”

  “Misty, I’m worried about you. You don’t want Nate coming around here acting up like he did the last time he was here.”

  She dropped onto the couch. “I don’t know if he’ll act that way anymore.”

  He plopped onto the couch beside her. He wiped his sweaty palms on his shorts. He needed to be patient, be there for her as a friend. He needed to ignore the attractio
n he had for her and just focus on listening to her, offer her advice the same way he’d offer advice to a platonic friend. “I promise not to get mad. I think you know me by now. I always tell the truth. I’m your friend and I want to help you.”

  She shook her head. “Nobody can help me now, except Jesus. I don’t think talking to anybody will help me.”

  “Why don’t you confide in me? If you don’t feel comfortable doing that, then you could confide to Adrian. She seems level-headed to me.”

  She glanced at him for a few seconds, chewed on her lower lip. She sighed. “Do you promise not to get mad?”

  He nodded. “I promise.”

  Taking a deep breath, she told him all about Nate’s visit. When she mentioned his salvation, Sterling inwardly cringed. Once she was finished, she finally looked at him again, her beautiful dark eyes full of worry. “I honestly don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I should believe him.”

  “If he’s really telling the truth, do you think you’d go back to him?”

  She sighed, stared at the floor for a few seconds. “I honestly don’t know. I know that I have to let Jennifer see him since he is her father. But, otherwise, I just don’t know.” She paused for a few seconds. “Nate thinks that God would want us to be together so that we could raise Jennifer as a family. What do you think I should do?”

  He balled his hands into fists. Stay calm. He needed to stay calm and not break his promise. What would he say if he were not attracted to Misty? How would he advise her as a friend? Thoughts of eternal life, accepting Christ, filled his mind. What Nate claimed he’d done, accepting Christ’s gift, was a phenomenal thing, and he had no right to scoff at Nate’s proclamation. “This is what I think you should do. Before you decide about accepting Nate back into your life, you need to determine if he’s really telling you the truth. I’d wait at least a year before making a final decision.” He couldn’t believe what he was saying.

  Her mouth dropped open. “A year?”

  He nodded. “There’s no guarantee that he’ll return to his old way of life, but, a year should at least indicate if he’s telling the truth.”


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