Awaiting Fate

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Awaiting Fate Page 22

by J. L. Sheppard

  As she walked into the dining room leading to the kitchen, she spotted Jenna and Ashley.

  “Hi,” Jenna greeted her brightly. “Are you hungry? I made some sandwiches.”

  “Yeah,” she admitted then took a seat. “I’m sorry to barge into your lives—”

  “Liv, you haven’t barged in anywhere. You’re as welcome here as you’ve always been. This is your home now.”

  “Thanks, I’m sorry you had to witness that—”

  “No apologies,” Jenna insisted. “We’re all aware how stubborn and hot-tempered Landon can be. Don’t worry too much. He’ll cool off and come around.”

  “He’ll come around,” Ashley repeated. “Jocelyn will nudge and nudge until she gets him to admit he overreacted.”

  Jenna plated a sandwich for Olivia and handed it to her. “I wonder if a brother of mine would have reacted like that,” Jenna wondered aloud.

  “From what I’ve heard, you had plenty to deal with, with Clyde,” Ashley said. Clyde, Ashley’s soulmate, was an angel and had been guardian to Jenna around the time Jenna met Lucas. He’d disapproved of their relationship from the get-go and gave both of them a hard time.

  Jenna chuckled. “That I did.”

  “Five sisters? A brother of yours would’ve had his hands full,” Olivia said.

  Ashley laughed. “True. I guess we’ll never know.”

  Taking a bite of her sandwich, she said, “You know who mentioned sisters? Drake. I wonder if he’s as overbearing as my brother.”

  “Drake?” Ashley asked.

  “He’s an alpha from Texas. Landon, Joce and I met him last night to discuss an alliance. Landon plans to arrange a meeting between him and the Guardians.”

  “I think Cain mentioned something about the alpha. Oh! Maybe we can invite all the Guardians and Drake over for dinner,” Jenna said.

  Ashley rolled her eyes and mumbled, “Here we go.”

  Olivia laughed. It wasn’t a secret Jenna loved to play hostess.

  “My heart, what’re you planning now?” Lucas’s voice boomed from behind Olivia.

  She turned to glance in his direction, and noticed him accompanied by two demons she hadn’t met, which she assumed were the new recruits. Both demons had dark hair and dark eyes, but that’s where the similarities ended. While one was model-esque capable of posing for GQ; the other was rugged with a full beard.

  “It’s not a party. It’s a dinner and strictly business. Olivia says Drake, the Texan alpha, wanted to meet the Guardians and since there’s no meeting until later this week…” Jenna explained.

  Hiding a smile, Lucas said, “That’s a good idea, love.”

  “Olivia, have you met Hades and Nathan?” Ashley asked.

  She shook her head.

  The model-looking demon, extended his hand to her and said, “I’m Nathan.”

  She shook his hand.

  “Hades,” the bearded demon said.

  “Nice to meet you both,” she replied.

  “Are you boys hungry?” Jenna asked.

  They spoke simultaneously.

  “Starved,” Lucas muttered.

  “Yeah,” Hades and Nathan said.

  “Have a seat,” she said, plating sandwiches for each of them, then took her seat beside Lucas. Her gaze went to Olivia’s and she said, “So about this dinner, how do I get in contact with Drake?”

  “I’m sure Landon has his number,” Olivia said. “Drake mentioned he may be leaving today. He was here with his sister and her male.”

  “I see. I should get on that right after lunch then,” Jenna said, more to herself.

  “Liv, Jenna and I were going to tan by the pool. Do you want to join us?” Ashley asked.

  “I don’t have a bathing suit,” she said, remembering not only didn’t she have a bathing suit she didn’t have any clothes at all.

  “Don’t worry about that. I have plenty. As a matter of fact, I have a couple of brand new ones I haven’t had the chance to wear,” Ashley said.

  “Oh, I don’t want to—” she began.

  “It’s fine. I don’t mind, really. Clyde keeps buying me bathing suits,” Ashley shrugged. Her expression became somber for a moment.

  Jenna placed her hand over Ashley’s. “Don’t think about that,” Jenna whispered to her sister.

  Bewildered, Olivia said, “Only if you’re sure, I don’t want to intrude—”

  “The more the merrier,” Jenna said. “I’ve been dying to hear about your vacation.”


  Cain was on cloud nine. His mate was with him in his home, not that it mattered where they were. His home was wherever Olivia was, but they no longer had to hide. It thrilled him.

  He left hours ago telling her he had errands to run, which he did, but the errands were for her. He stopped by several stores, spent close to a fortune buying her clothes, shoes and under garments. No cost was too much for her. She deserved the best of everything and had nothing to her name in his home—their home. He supposed he should invest in redecorating too, letting her pick out what she liked, so she’d feel more at home. He’d never spent money and had a small fortune saved; he’d enjoy blowing it all on her.

  Tonight would be special. He had plans to make her a romantic dinner. Then finally he’d give her the engagement ring and necklace Lucas gave him, and he couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when he did. He’d spent the day imagining her reaction.

  Materializing in his closet, he dropped off his purchases on the floor then stepped into the room. Scanning it, he realized Olivia wasn’t there. He checked the rest of his floor, but it too was empty.

  He couldn’t help it then. Dread began prickling up and down his back, his thoughts wandering toward the worse possible scenario—that she regretted the decision she made hours before, that she left. He shook his head trying to rid himself of his fear then materialized in the security office fully equipped with a state of the art surveillance system. He searched the camera screens until he spotted her on the top floor, sunbathing with Jenna and Ashley. Releasing a breath, he materialized on the rooftop. Instantly soothed with the sound of her giggling, he strode toward her.

  Before he reached her, she turned to face him, smiling then she stood and sprinted toward him. He lifted her off the floor, wrapping his arms around her, picking up her scent mingled with sun tanning lotion.

  “Darling,” Cain said then crushed his mouth to hers.

  “Hi,” she said after pulling away.

  “You look delicious in that bathing suit and taste even better,” he whispered. “Speaking of…Have you eaten?”

  She nodded. “I went to grab a bite in the kitchen then Ashley mentioned she and Jenna were planning to tan, so she gave me this bathing suit…”

  He turned his attention to Ashley and Jenna.

  “Hello, brother,” Jenna greeted with a wide grin.

  “Hello, sisters,” he replied. “Ash, I’ll get you a new bathing suit to replace this one.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I have tons, and Clyde continues to buy them for me.”

  “That I do,” Clyde said, appearing beside Ashley. Turning his attention toward her, he squatted beside her, kissed her softly on the lips and said, “Angel, I’ve missed you.”

  “Not as much as I’ve missed you,” Ashley replied. “Any news from above?”

  Clyde shook his head. “Sorry, love.” He sat beside Ashley and pulled her onto his lap.

  His gaze then went to them. “Congrats,” Clyde said. “Ash mentioned the good news.”

  “Thanks,” Cain replied for them both.

  Lucas appeared next to Jenna moments later and sat beside her. “My heart,” he whispered, then kissed her before he turned his attention to Cain and Olivia. “I’m glad you’re both here. I wanted to talk to you about where you plan to marry.”

  Olivia tensed. The emotions streaming off her were unsettling: sorrow and worry. Silently cursing his insecurities, he wondered again if she had second thoughts about them, about
moving away from her home. Because his need to protect and care for her overrode his insecurities and fear, he tightened his arm around her and rubbed her arm in an effort to console her. “Olivia has always wanted to be married in Santorini,” he said.

  “Well then perhaps we can have a small reception in Treconomia. Our people would like to meet their new princess,” Lucas said.

  “If it’s not too much trouble,” Olivia said just as Cain responded. “We’ll discuss it.”

  “I can assure you it’s no trouble, Olivia,” Lucas said. “It’s not every day, the prince finds his mate. The council has already alerted our kind. Needless to say, they are over the moon about it.” Lucas paused, smiling. “Welcome to the family.”

  “Thanks,” Olivia replied. “Thank you for opening your home to me.”

  “This is Cain’s home as much as it’s mine and Jenna’s, and it’s your home now, too,” Lucas countered then spared a glanced at Olivia’s left hand.

  She nodded.

  “I’m making us dinner tonight,” Cain whispered for only Olivia’s ears. “Want me to come get you when it’s almost ready?”

  “No, I’ll go with you now. I want to shower and freshen up. Maybe you’ll let me help with dinner.”

  “Not a chance.” He kissed her forehead then they bid their farewells.

  Chapter 28

  Cain materialized them in his room. Not a moment later, he pulled her slightly away from him. His eyes, bleak and somber, bore into hers.

  “You regret it, don’t you?”

  Her heart squeezed in her chest, and she felt the color drain from her face. “W-what?”

  “Do you regret leaving the estate, Olivia?” The somberness in his eyes seeped into his voice.

  “Why would you think that?”

  “I know you’re sad and worried and feel guilty. All those feelings doubled when Lucas mentioned the wedding.” He turned away from her and ran his hands through his hair taking several deep breaths.


  “Don’t.” He faced her again. “If you want to leave, you can leave, but I’ll follow you,” he warned, his eyes darkening.

  “I don’t want to be anywhere but here, Cain,” she said, her voice loud and firm. “I’m sad my brother doesn’t understand. I’m worried he’ll never understand. I’m worried he’ll refuse to walk me down the aisle when we marry, and never meet our kids. I shouldn’t feel guilty, but I do because, although I know I’m right, he’s hurting, too. None of this has anything to do with you.”

  Eyes flaring, he shot back, “Of course, it does. I’m the reason for all of it.”

  “No, Cain Thaler, you are my gift, my fate,” she replied, her hands gripping his sides. Her voice steady yet filled with so much emotion. “Mine. I can’t turn my back on you even if it means losing my brother. I don’t want to live without him in my life, but I will because I know I won’t survive without you.”

  He disappeared, and reappeared moments later, an inch from her face, holding up a black velvet jewelry box, and handing it to her. “I was going to wait until later, but I think you should have it now.”

  She opened the box slowly. Inside lay a necklace, a yellow diamond set in the middle surrounded by smaller white diamonds.

  Her jaw dropped. She’d never owned such an elaborate necklace. Very few werewolves hardly, if ever, wore jewelry because they shifted and couldn’t wear jewelry when they did.

  “It’s a family heirloom. It belonged to Lucas’s mother. I hope you—”

  Finally, she tore her gaze away from the necklace, and said, “It’s beautiful. It’s so…Thank you, Cain. I’ve never had anything this—”

  He crushed his mouth to hers. Against her lips, he said, “Only the best for meae deliciae, meus sodalis.”


  Cain had plotted and planned, of that she was sure. While she spent the morning in despair over her argument with her brother, he had spent his time running errands and planning the perfect dinner for her.

  After she showered, she wandered into his closet wondering what she could borrow of his, since she didn’t have any of her clothes, to look semi-presentable for the special dinner Cain insisted he cook, alone. She’d been shocked to find not only a yellow knee-length dress hanging in the middle of his walk-in closet and matching shoes, but at least twenty other shopping bags littering the floor.

  “Cain!” she yelled.

  Instantly, he materialized beside her, worry marring his handsome face. “What’s wrong, darling?”

  “What’s all this?” she asked, amused.

  “I forgot to hang them…”

  “Is that what you were doing this morning? Shopping? I assumed you had some Guardian business—”

  “It’s more important than that. You needed clothes.” At her bewildered expression, he added, “It’s for you. Can’t have you wandering around naked, so I bought you some stuff.”

  She glanced around the closet once more. “You think you got enough?” she teased.

  “Not nearly enough, but…” His words trailed off.

  “I don’t need all this stuff, Cain, and I have a hefty trust fund.”

  He shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not, but I wanted to buy it for you.” He pressed his lips to hers for a quick kiss then said, “I’d love to stay here, but it’s dangerous considering you aren’t dressed.” He winked. “And dinner will burn.”

  He left as quickly as he came.

  She towel-dried, then donned Cain’s blue robe as she emptied the bags of clothes he’d purchased for her and organized them. Half an hour later, she fixed her hair, applied her make-up, and dressed. She heard the shower running and assumed dinner was almost ready so she headed toward the kitchen, prepared two glasses of wine, and strode to the patio for some fresh air.

  As if he hadn’t surprised her enough for one day, outside she found a small table set for two with a bushel of red roses in the middle and a candle.

  “You ruined the surprise.”

  She heard his voice say from behind her. Turning, she spotted him wearing a black fitted long-sleeved shirt that outlined his broad chest perfectly and black pants hugging his muscled thighs.

  She neared and handed him a glass of wine. “If you didn’t want the surprise spoiled, you should’ve told me I wasn’t allowed out here,” she pointed out.

  “This is your home, remember? I can’t ban you from entering any room.”

  Her heart clenched in her chest. Her home with him. It sounded right. Perfect.

  “Thank you, Cain…for the clothes and the necklace…” Her fingers grazed the diamond on her neck. “And dinner and for…loving me.”

  He closed the distance between them and kissed her roughly. His tongue delved into her mouth, soothing her as his arms pressed her body toward his. His warm body roared hers to life. All her worries were forgotten.

  “You don’t need to thank me for anything, especially for loving you. I can’t help it,” he whispered against her lips. “Dinner’s ready. Let’s eat.”

  They ate salads, steaks, and chocolate cake for dessert. Olivia was still enjoying hers when Cain’s brows drew together and he nervously began rubbing his hands together.

  “Do I make you happy, Olivia?”

  The question caught her off guard, but she replied immediately. “Yes, you make me very happy.”

  He looked away from her and sighed. Her stomach knotted and a lump formed in her throat. Unable to eat another bite, she put down her fork.

  “I don’t know why this is so hard,” he said, gazing at her again. “Come here.” Then he stood, opening his arms.

  She stood hesitantly and closed the distance between them, pressing her body against the comfort of his.

  “Close your eyes, meae deliciae,” he whispered.

  She did. Moments later, she opened her eyes and realized they were no longer in New York. The smell of the ocean tinged the air and she felt sand beneath her heels. She glanced around and realized he’d taken her to the private beach outsi
de her home in Santorini.

  “What are we—”

  Reaching for her hand, he kneeled. “Olivia Clare Waden, I’ve asked you before. I thought it would be easier this time, but I was wrong. The first time I asked you we were right here.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black velvet box then he opened it. Inside laid a large blue diamond ring.

  She gasped as tears welled in her eyes.

  “Olivia, I dream about you every night. When I’m not dreaming, I’m thinking about you whether you’re beside me or not. You’ve not only captured my heart, but my soul. I love you more than I could ever express. Will you mate and marry me?”

  Unable to speak, she nodded through the tears of joy streaming down her face.

  He smiled then removed the ring from the box and placed it on her finger. The next moment, her body was pressed against his in an embrace.

  “I love you, meae deliciae,” he whispered, pressing his mouth against hers as his fingers softly wiped her tears.

  His declaration, his second proposal, the way he so effortlessly loved her…all of it made her chest clench, the strength of her love for him spilled from her and radiated around her.

  She didn’t know how it was possible to love someone so much you ached, but she knew she did. Every time he told her how much he loved her, every time he showed her through his thoughtful actions, even the simple action of wiping her tears, her heart ached. It burned with love for the man she was made for.

  “I love you so much,” she managed to mumble.

  She kissed him passionately for everything he was, and for everything he would be. She kissed him for being hers, for needing her, and for loving her. As she explored his mouth with her tongue, the aching turned to desire that exuded from her until she couldn’t think of anything but him. His tongue, his touch, the feel of his body against hers seared into her. She couldn’t imagine a week, a day, or a second without him. Her desire for him running deep inside her burned away their surroundings and her logic. It didn’t matter where they were. In her mind, it was only the two of them.

  She craved him.

  She wanted him.

  She needed him.

  “I need you, now,” she said between gasps. She ripped his buttoned shirt down the middle and ran her hands over his skin exploring his chiseled chest.


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