Lunar Mates 4: Call of the Moon

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Lunar Mates 4: Call of the Moon Page 2

by Loribelle Hunt

  The gentleness of his hands on her face and the feel of his big, solid body so close to hers were stirring old feelings within her. Wyatt shouldn’t have been her mate, yet he bound her to him anyway and the chemical mix had accomplished its goal. She may have hated his guts, but she had craved his body—and loathed herself for it. Billy may not have bitten her yet, but he was her true mate and she felt a rush of lust in response to his close proximity.

  Forcing her feet to move, she slipped free of him and walked to the large window overlooking the backyard. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared out into the night, trying to come to grips with both the past and the future. She closed her eyes and remembered.

  She and Billy had grown up in the same pack, but he was five years older, so they’d never moved in the same circles. By the time she was a teenager, she was certain he was the one for her, but he was being trained for a Beta position and he never noticed her. She’d gone off to college and had fun, convincing herself her attraction to him was all in her head. She spent her breaks traveling, and never saw him on the rare occasions she made it home. After graduation, she worked in Atlanta for a few months but soon grew restless. She felt like something major was missing in her life. So eventually, she went home, where she found the pack in turmoil over Brant’s death and a plotting Wyatt spotted her.

  Suddenly, she was overcome by despair and anger. She should have sought out Billy immediately instead of spending weeks trying to get her bearings and to figure out how to best get his attention. Wyatt stole a piece of her life and she was damned lucky to be free of him. But how long was she going to let him continue to rule her?

  Billy came up behind her and she smiled at the rustling sound he made, certain he’d made it on purpose to avoid spooking her. When his hands settled on her shoulders, she jumped anyway.

  “Shh,” he murmured.

  His body heat sunk into her as he slowly kneaded the knotted muscles in her neck and shoulders. She relaxed against him with a soft moan.

  “I knew when I was a teenager, you know.” There was an edge of accusation in her voice. Some of her anger from the last few months settled on him. “But you never once noticed me.”

  His fingers—those magic fingers—stilled for a moment. Even though he was touching her through the thin cotton of her shirt, they fanned the growing heat of her arousal. She wanted to feel him skin to skin, to see what else they could do.

  “I wouldn’t have touched you when you were a teenager. I would have left if I had to,” he said lightly. No doubt he had been thinking about the age difference. “I would have come back when you were a few years older.”

  “When I was in college? That would have been a successful return,” she said.

  “Nolan would have told me where you were.” His voice carried a smile. “The only reason I stayed away so long was because of—”

  He left Wyatt’s name unsaid, although it hung in the air between them. Anger and tension again coiled within Chloe’s body.

  “We’ll have to talk about him eventually,” she said.

  “Yeah. But not right now. I have a better idea.”

  He ran his hands up and down her arms, then leaned down and kissed her throat. She felt a jolt from her lips to her pussy, which creamed in response. She groaned. With his werewolf senses, there was no way he’d miss that. He spun her around.

  She expected to see a triumphant grin on her face, but instead found him watching her, his eyes serious.

  “What’s it going to be, Chloe? I’ve given you the best offer I can.”

  She remembered the couples at the party with a sudden yearning. She wanted her life back—including the future she should have had.

  She took a deep breath, and answered him, “Okay. This weekend. No biting.”

  He exhaled a deep sigh and muttered “thank god” under his breath. Yet his eyes narrowed on her face, giving her the impression that she’d just made a deal with the big bad wolf. She took an involuntary step back.

  He pulled his shirt off over his head, and she thought her eyes might bug out. The words oh my god and ripped flitted through her mind. His broad shoulders narrowed down to a slim, chiseled stomach. Her mouth watered, but nerves made her sarcastic.

  “Just want to jump right to it, huh?” she asked.

  He laughed and caught her hand, pulling her close but leaving room between them. “God. I need you, so yes. I need you to touch me, Chloe. I need to feel your hands on me.”

  The hunger in his eyes was intense and raw. She couldn’t deny her body’s response, but she secretly hoped he would give her mind time to catch up. She wanted to touch him, however, to discover how all that masculine perfection felt. So she reached up with her other hand.

  To her surprise, he caught her fingers. Her gaze flew to his.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Don’t you have a bedroom?”

  She hesitated, and Billy thought he was going to have to bring up the bargain right away, but she turned and led him down a short hall. Her ass swung in an unconscious siren’s call and his inner wolf growled its approval. She opened a door and stepped inside, and he followed her in. She stood at the end of the bed, a vision that made his cock impossibly hard. She had the kind of body most men would kill for and most women hated to have. A perfectly rounded butt, full high breasts, and a waist his hands would easily span. Her black curly hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

  He longed to see it hanging free over her shoulders.

  “Take down your hair,” he said.

  She pulled out the elastic and pushed her hair away from her face as it fell free. Glorious.

  “Now, take off your clothes,” he ordered. She hesitated so long he thought she might refuse. “You did agree, Chloe. Anything I ask for.”

  He smelled her spike of fear and pushed away the urge to offer her an out. He could undress her himself, but it was better to establish his dominance now, better to begin building some kind of trust. He hoped like hell it didn’t backfire on him.

  She finally reached for the edge of her T-shirt, and he sighed in relief. She yanked it off with a jerk and went straight for the snap on her jeans. He wanted to tell her to slow down, but sensed she might revolt. He wouldn’t be able to deal with that in the gentle manner she needed right now, so he bit his tongue.

  She kicked off her flip-flops, pushed her jeans down in a rush, and hesitated. The room was dim but he had exceptional eyesight, even for a werewolf. He caught his breath at the number of scars crisscrossing her belly. His inner wolf howled in outrage. Someone had marked her.

  “Come here, Chloe.” His voice was gruff with rage.

  Her fear was palpable, but to her credit she didn’t hesitate. When she stood before him, he dropped to his knees and set his hands on her hips. Her scent hit him like a freight train and for a moment he was dizzy. Then his eyes again lit on the scars, and he leaned over to kiss them. Up close, he recognized them as having come from the fury of a whip. He fought back the dual urges to cry and rage. He’d failed to protect her. That she would agree to spend the weekend with him told him more about her than anything. She may not recognize it, but she was filled with strength. He wanted to help her discover that about herself.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I should have warned you. They’re ugly.” Her voice held self-loathing and fear. He hated to force her to face her old life.

  “Maybe so, but they’re still a part of you. Proof of your courage, and my cowardice,” he said.

  She jerked away. “What are you talking about? They don’t have anything to do with you.”

  Did she really believe that? He stood with a sigh and pushed a hand through his hair. “I deluded myself into believing that Wyatt wasn’t treating you that badly, that until I saw some kind of proof that he was, you’d be better off if I just left him alone.”

  He stood before her, barely brushing against her, and yet despite his anger, despite the seriousness of their conversation, her body responded. He h
eard the pounding of her heart, the scent of her arousal a heavy perfume in the air. It was a small thing to rejoice over, but at the moment he’d take anything he could get. He took a deep breath and refocused on their conversation, lifting a hand to caress her face as he did so. She turned into it, rubbing her cheek against his palm and his heart swelled.

  “It was my failure,” he said softly. “You’ll never be without protection again. You’ll never be in that kind of danger again.”

  He gave in to the temptation and pulled her closer. Wrapping his arms around her, he thought he might come before he actually got inside her. Her full breasts pressed against his chest and all his blood rushed straight to his cock.

  “I though you weren’t going to bite me,” she accused. “I didn’t ask for protection.”

  He laughed, and joy and a sense of rightness consumed him. “Honey, everyone knows you belong to me. Surely you already knew that.”

  “I don’t belong to anybody,” she grumbled.

  His generosity only went so far. He lifted her chin and met her gaze. “That’s just a formality, and you know it.”

  He expected her to stiffen again and try to pull away. Instead, she rolled her eyes.

  “Is that supposed to scare me? Because you’re not as intimidating as you think.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “So you trust me after all?”

  “I trust you not to bite me this weekend.”

  Her eyes shifted away and he knew she was thinking about running away come Monday morning. He growled and she flinched, her eyes clashing with his.

  “You aren’t going to disappear on me.”

  “Of course not,” she answered nervously. She shifted against him, rose onto her tiptoes, and dropped a kiss on his lips.

  His body grew taut, and he grumbled, “You aren’t going to distract me with sex, either.”

  “Who’s trying to distract you?” she whispered, her lips trailing a line up his jaw. “You promised me sex.”

  And he was more than willing to deliver, despite the warning bells clanging in his head over her abrupt change of heart. He should pause to explore that, but there was no longer a scent of fear lingering in the air and he didn’t have the inner strength necessary to push her away. Pushing her onto the bed and fucking her brains out, he could handle. No was not currently in his vocabulary.

  He claimed her mouth in a fiery kiss, and it was only his restraint gained from months of abstinence that allowed him to keep it gentle. He was doing just fine until she unsnapped his jeans and slid her hand down his pants. Once her fingers wrapped around his cock, his wolf side roared into dominance. Chloe was its mate, and it demanded that he claim her now.

  “Ah, Christ,” he muttered, reaching for the zipper on his jeans. Without releasing her mouth, he pushed them off, backed her up to the edge of the bed, and followed her down. They slithered up to the top of the bed, the musky smell of her cream filling the air. He had to taste her.

  Sitting back on his heels, he tugged off her plain cotton underwear and lay down between her thighs on his belly. For a few seconds, he was hit by a sense of unreality—he’d waited months to get here—before her glistening folds beckoned him and he dipped his head for the first taste. She moaned, thrusting her hips, and he was immediately lost in the wonder of her.

  He wanted to draw out this first experience, but he was ready to explode. Dipping two fingers into her wet pussy, he found her clit with his tongue and flicked it experimentally. He only had minutes to learn her body and was thrilled when hard pressure on the nub had her bucking against him. She spasmed around his fingers when she came and he could just imagine that delicious sensation around his cock.

  He withdrew in anticipation of seating himself inside her to his balls, and inched up her body, kissing and nibbling as he went. He paused at her breasts, which were still covered by a plain white bra, to suck one hard nipple into his mouth. His teeth clicked metal. God help him, it was pierced. His tongue swirled over it and her back arched up off the bed, a low cry coming from her throat.

  He’d explore that later. For now, he couldn’t wait any longer. Trembling with need, he moved over her and positioned his erection at her entrance. He claimed her mouth as he thrust into her. Her fear immediately swamped him.

  He lifted his upper body and rested on his elbows. “Baby, Chloe—it’s okay.”

  Her eyes flew open at his words. He dropped a kiss onto her forehead and took several deep breaths, holding her gaze. Shifting to move off her, he was surprised when she grabbed his hips. Her fear was receding, but it was still more than he could take. She licked her lips and let go of him.

  “Maybe if I was on top…”

  He choked out a laugh and rolled onto his back, catching her waist and pulling her to straddle him. Her cunt brushed his dick and he sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Whatever you say, baby. You’re in charge.”

  Her eyes narrowed on him, suspicion clear in their sexy brown depths.

  “For now, you mean.”

  He rested his head on his arms and grinned. “For now.”

  She shifted, her pussy sliding over his cock, and his entire body flexed. Blood rushed into his ears and it took every bit of control he had and then some not surge up, roll her over, and drive into her. She watched him nervously, her bottom lip tugged between her teeth. He couldn’t take much more and decided to nudge her along.

  Reaching for the snap on the front of her bra, he popped it open and stared. She had thin gold loops through both nipples, with a small pink ball threaded through the bottom. His mouth watered. He slid the bra straps down her arms and tossed it to the floor before reaching up and gliding the tip of his thumb over one nipple. When she didn’t move, he flicked the tiny bead in the loop and gave it a slight tug. She gasped and arched into his hand.

  His eyes flew to her face. She was breathing hard with her head thrown back, her lips parted, and her eyes closed. She was wearing a blissful expression. So beautiful.

  She grew wetter, slick enough for him to easily slide inside when he shifted and found her entrance with his other hand. She pushed back against him and he gritted his teeth against the orgasm that threatened to overtake him. Fascinated by the rings in her nipples, he concentrated on pulling her torso close enough that he could suck one into his mouth. The bitter taste of metal combined with her own sweet flavor. It was uniquely Chloe, and he loved it. His teeth closed over the ball and he tugged on it carefully. His reward was instantaneous. Her pussy clamped around him, and she cried out in the silent room, her body shuddering with her orgasm.

  Releasing the ball, he circled the nipple with his tongue. Once her spasms subsided, he gripped her nape and hauled her down for a rough, possessive kiss at the same time he thrust his cock into her. Fast sure strokes pushed him to the edge, and he came. It was the most intense thing he’d ever felt, seeming to rush through his body and out his pores. He felt reborn.

  The kiss changed as his heartbeat gradually slowed, from something fierce to loving, and finally he released her. Sliding out of the warmth of her body, he pulled her down next to him and rolled them onto their sides. Spooning her from behind, he wrapped his arms around her with his hands flat against her tummy. He felt rage rise inside him again when he felt her scars and with effort, pushed it away. It wouldn’t help her now. One hand crept up her stomach to her breasts, palming their weight, learning her curves. With soft fingers, he traced the rings.

  “When did you get these?” he asked.

  “Five months ago.”

  He tugged on one gently, and she groaned in response. “Why?”

  She shrugged. “It was just something for me, something personal.”

  He sensed that wasn’t her complete answer. “What else?”

  Sighing, she turned her head and looked at him over her shoulder. “Is nothing private with you?”

  “Not when it involves my mate, no.” He frowned and waited her out in silence, switching to finger the other ring.

sp; Finally, with a huff, she went on. “I read it would increase sensitivity. I wasn’t very sensitive before. I liked how they looked, so I went for it. I didn’t notice you complaining.”

  “If you were so determined to stay single, why would you bother?”

  She didn’t answer him, and the smell of her arousal rose as he continued to play with her nipple rings.

  After a moment, he went on. “Maybe you were ready to accept me sooner than you thought.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready now, Billy.”

  “I think you are,” he whispered in her ear, lowering one hand to dip between her folds. She was wet and warm for him. He lifted her top leg over his hip, and guided his cock into her. Rocking an easy rhythm, he returned to her breasts. The rings were a serious turn on, even more so knowing when and why she’d gotten them. He’d been resigned to spend weeks gaining her trust. He hoped this was a sign it wouldn’t take so long.

  After a few more strokes, his ability to think dwindled to nothing, and he reached for her clit, rubbing in fast hard circles and willing her to come as he fought his own release. She didn’t let him down. Her pussy squeezed around him and she came, crying out his name. He was right behind her.

  Afterwards, they both lay quietly panting until sleep claimed them.

  Chapter Three

  Chloe knew before she opened her eyes that she was alone. The house felt empty. With no sounds of another person’s breathing or moving around, it seemed devoid of life where once it had been her refuge from the storm. Determined to keep from getting maudlin, she climbed out of bed and headed for the shower. It was still dark, and a glance at the clock showed it was just before six. She hurried. The sun was about to rise, and she liked to watch it slip over the horizon with her morning tea on the back deck. Besides, it was Saturday and she would soon have company.

  The shower stall was wet, but the room was cool. Billy had been gone awhile. Way to go, Chloe. You managed to make it a whole two minutes without thinking about him. She groaned. How was she going to be able to walk away on Monday if he was on her mind as soon as she woke up?


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