The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 1

by Richardson, James

  The Terra Drago

  James Richardson

  Twilight City:

  Edward the Silver Werewolf Welcome reader, Allow me to tell you a story about two brother's in their journey through the land of dragons. Separated for years by unseen forces, one thought lost yet to come home, one mourning the lost of the other. Yet when these two are reunited will the history of the world that holds such wonders and mysteries. Change the course of their two worlds.

  On the other hand, has the evil that lurks with in his heart taken hold of the man? Will they over come those who seeks to take over Terra Draco the land ruled by magic, were elf’s, dwarf’s, intent to protect there kind from becoming extinct. Were dragons rule the skies forced to commit vile acts at the hands of their riders. Will the good races of the land band together in this last ditch effort to stave off the end.

  No one can tell the future, nor what changes one can make to change its course. We are all tethered to the tread of fate. However some of us are given the chance to change our own fate and those around us. How will these two brother's change the face of these two worlds? Will it be for the good of others or for the evil that lurks within every man’s heart? Whether they know of it or not it lies in wait for the chance to lead those of weak mind astray. Then again, nothing in the world ruled by magic is what it seems. Who will be your hero in this story of love, lost, and treachery? I do so hope that you enjoy this tale.

  Soul, god of death and time.

  21536 B.C.D. Aacole king of the humans of Terra Drago bent on dominating the world of magic. In his quest for power and immortally Aacole, waged war against the races of magic that called the world of Terra Drago home. Mad with this quest as his own mortally was reaching from the grave to claim his very soul. Aacole turned to the dark magi that sought there own means to extend there own vile lives.

  Striking a pack with the dark magi they guaranteed that with the life of his second son, he could have what he sought. Little did he know what would come from this dark pact. As the magi prepared for the ritual that would extend their lives; the screams of the son of Aacole echoed down the stone corridor. Ritually cleansed, stripped of his cloths the magi lead the naked prince into the chamber. As the frighten prince was shackled to the stone alter. The boy looked to his father yet he saw no sorrow in those hazel eyes.

  Standing beside his king was the son of one of the many noble families that had served the royal family for generations. Dressed in his black scale dragon armor, standing at six feet five inches tall his black eyes smirked as he witnessed the prince’s struggles to free himself. Damishtal was his name one of the riders that had betrayed their fellow riders in attempts to gain more power. Moreover, one of the few left in his father’s army that had not fallen to the elven and dwarfen armies.

  “Father do not let them do this!” The prince said trying to plead with his father yet if there was any ounce of sanity left in the man. It was long since banished from his mind.

  “My son your death will bring about a new rule in this land.” Those mad eyes staring down his frighten son. Arishen could not believe his ears, was his father so blind that he could not see that this was folly.

  As the dark magi gathered around the stone alter, their chanting began its slow pace. As the minutes wore on Arishen felt something seeking to free itself from his body. Tentacles of pure white light pierced his chest, as the magi’s chanting grew ever higher. As the ball of light floated above his body Arishen felt cold and lifeless inside as the spell took hold of his body. Using the boy’s soul to fuel their dark plans the magi begun to chant anew. The room begun to fill with energy, taking his leave Damishtal headed towards where his dragon waited.

  In that dark room the magical energy sent electricity racing along those stone walls. Unable to control the power that the spell called to fuel it, the dark magi attempted to cull their mistake. As the first magi fell to his knees gripping his chest, it was too late for these foolish mortals. As one after the other fell to their deaths as the spell consumed their life force. Aacole stood there as he watched his attempts at his own plans disappearing before him.

  A feral howl filled that stone room Aacole looked for its source. As the steel chains snapped under his unholy strength, Arishen rouse from that stone alter. He could see the fear in his father’s eyes as Aacole looked upon the thing that he had help create. As his pale fingers wrapped around his father’s old winkled neck. Arishen sunk his fangs into the flesh of the man that meant to kill him.

  As the lifeless body of the dead king fell to the floor, his silver eyes watched as the magic that was worked in that room plunged into the ground. As the magic surged though the granite floors into the very soil of Terra Drago seeking the core of the world.

  “We must stop this, before all creation is destroyed my husband,” Zephaniah said in her heavenly realm as all the gods watched as the foolishness of one man sought to destroy their creation.

  “Agreed,” Zekiele nodded. As the gods came together, they poured all their might into saving the very thing Aacole unknowingly brought upon the world of Terra Drago.

  5468, ACRD Damishtal sat in his black citadel, remembering when his kind had once ruled the skies. When Aacole had sought to control the races of Terra Drago, in the man’s arrogance he had single handedly broke the world apart. How the world was still in this realm he could not guess. His dragon old and no longer able to lay any more eggs Damishtal would have to seek other means to see his goal fulfilled.

  Lifting himself up from his black throne Damishtal felt the magic stirring in the air. Running to the stone roof where his black dragon rested, basking in the sun, her massive head swung towards the sound of her riders footsteps. Since the destruction that occurred after the spell that the dark magi had cast. The two of them had hidden themselves in the mountains. For fear of retribution in their role in the matter, as the rider sat himself in the hollow of her neck.

  Soaring into the morning air how she loved to be in the sky, not hiding away as she was some common rat fleeing a hungry cat. As they neared the edge of the land mass that they had come to call home. The two could fell the magic stirring in the air growing even stronger. Holding their position they watch as stone formed from the very sand of the desert that ruled the land. As the magic that created the stones formed into an arch gateway, Damishtal moved in closer to have a better look at the gateway. Was this some ones doing, had the races of the land finally found his hide away.

  As the minutes pasted, Damishtal stared into that rippling surface waiting for an attack that never came. As his curiosity peaked nudging his dragon into the magical gateway. As the magic took hold of their bodies transforming them into bits of light, reassembling them as they exited into a lush forested land. A wicked smile formed on his ageless face. Seeing this as a means to transport an army throughout the broken land of Terra Drago. Damishtal would finish what his king had started however this time he would not fail.

  As the years went by the black rider had mapped all of the Hop gates that the Star elves had created. In their attempts to allow travel to the other lands of the world, in their neutrality they would not move to harm the rider nor would they aid the man. That had so damaged the world and shortened their lives. Damishtal knew he would need their help in the future so he left their lands not to return. Until when his plans were in place where they could not deny him what he sought.

  As he descended into the depths of the earth, Damishtal sought one of the evilest races that called Terra Drago home. The Drow new to the world not much is known about these dark skin elves. Yet with an army rea
dy to march Damishtal could not ignore such powerful allies. When they first showed themselves to the world they struck like the devils they are. Only leaving one survivor alive to tell the tale.

  Damishtal did not fear these elves as old and powerful as he was only the gods themselves could stop him. As the darkness of their realm closed in around him. Damishtal knew they watched every move he made since diving into the crust of the earth. As he came upon a city, the size and scope of the place he had not seen since before that fateful night. Phosphorescent fungi lined the cavern ceiling bathing the city in a yellow green light.

  Entering the city with his dragon by his side he watched their red orbs narrow in intensity at the sight of the human rider. For no one was foolish enough to enter their realm of eternal night. Coming to a stop Damishtal stopped before the massive doors that lead into the temple of whichever god those elves pray to. As his scaled gallants lay upon the doors, he knew he would have to venture inside the temple alone. For his dragon was far too large to enter such a complex.

  As the doors creaked open Damishtal was baffled by the force that he had never known in his long life. Standing his ground he would not be denied when he had come so far. The white light that bathed the interior of the temple blinded him as he entered the temple. From so long in the darkness Damishtal shielded his eyes until he could make out the figures in the populated the temple.

  At the far end of the temple sat a golden elf on her ebony throne. Damishtal felt the overwhelm power coming off her body. “It could be a form she seems pleased with don’t let yourself be fooled,” he said to himself. Her golden hue eyes studied the man from another age. She had thought all the riders from that age were long dead, or joined the good races of the land. This is the only reason she had not destroyed this man.

  “Come forward human and state why you have come into my realm,” Liltlih said daughter of Zekiele and Zephaniah. The drow call her by many names, The Dark Goddess, or the snake goddess among other names to numerous to list. For numerous years she had lead the displaced wood elves. To power and glory every kill they made they did so in her name. Coming to the steps of her dais Damishtal bowed to the woman not knowing her real identity.

  “I come with a request for your people.” Arching her auburn eyebrow Liltlih knew not if she could believe what this man spewed from his mouth.

  “Oh, and what can my people do for a rider long forgotten by the world long passed.”

  “I seek allies to join me in my conquest of the surface world.” Trying to keep his body under his own control as her gaze bored into his flesh.

  “Your long dead king sought the same thing and look at what it got the man.”

  “He was a fool and mad with age, I am not I do not reach for what is beyond my grasp.”

  "Yet here you stand in the realm of the drow, before the daughter of Zephaniah and you say you do not reach beyond your grasp.” Cold fear laced though his body never before had he came before a god. Damishtal felt her evil crashing over his body, as he was nothing more then an unwanted insect.

  “I do not come here without a bargain my Queen that would have been foolish.”

  “What would you a mere speck have to offer the dark goddess.” Slipping his hand into his worn enchanted satchel as his hand left its confines. In his tan battle, scared hands laid a black dragon egg remnants of the age of Aacole.

  Second Earth May 5, 2005 A young man at the age of twenty-three was last seen walking though the woods near his home in South Carolina. Draco stumbled though the growing dense fog that surrounded his home. As Draco ventured deeper in to the forest, giant elm trees that begin to dominate the forest landscape. He can see mountains rising in the distance stopping out of fear. Hesitating Draco turned to walk back though the fog to his waiting home. As Draco makes his way back to the trail a female voice called out to him.

  Stopping in his tracks to determine were this voice is coming from was it directed at him or something else. Draco stumbled though the ancient forest determined to find the girl that had called out to him. The hours pasted as he walked, Draco found that the closer he got to the mountain the louder the voice got. The mountain was a day’s walk decideding to make camp for the night. Draco gathered enough firewood that would last though out the night. As the sun set the stars and the moon were so bright in the night sky. Draco was in awe of the sight in which he was witnessing. Never in his life has he ever seen the night sky so vivid.

  As Draco sat watching the stars, he began to hear noises of the nighttime animals that lived in those woods. Animals that he knew and those he had never heard before. As he sat around his fire that night, he could fell eyes watching him from every angle in the trees and the undergrowth. The animals that surrounded him that night never made a move against him. Draco questioned what was keeping them a bay was it the fire or was it something else. Draco awoke inhaling the morning air it's clear sweet scents sweeping the though the forest. Chipmunks ran across the branches of the trees overhead. Songbirds sung sweet tones fillin the air with their beautiful melodies.

  Draco gathered himself off the cool ground making his way back to the path towards the mountain. It was mid-afternoon by the time Draco came to the foot of the mountain. Draco craned his head skywards to better see the summit of the mountain. The voice was calling out to him once again to go up, Draco searched for a trail that lead up to the top of the mountain. For an hour he searched for a way up stumbling upon a dirt trail though the overgrown weeds and small trees. He made is way though the thorns that cut though his pants legs. Cutting open his skin on his hands and fore arms drawing rivets of blood. Starting out on the hidden trail increasing in angle as the hours wore on. When it became to dark to continue Draco took shelter under a rock ledge. Unable to gather enough firewood, that would last though out the night. For the young man it would be a very miserable night.

  As Draco awoke to a chilly morning shivering as clouds of fog formed as he breathed. When he could go no further as the trail ended three quarters of the way up the mountain, a fissure eight foot wide barred his path. Had he come all this way only to be stopped by a fissure, shaking his head Draco would not give up so easily. The voice called out to him he was near yet were to go from there he had no clue. As Draco searched for a way around the fissure, he would not be deterred by the fact he was so close. Yet unable to cross the vast fissure that cut though the trail. The voice told him not to give up for what awaited him, at the end of this journey was something that he never thought possible. Draco righted himself unable to give up on this offer seeking another way around this fissure. Backtracking his way down the trail the closer he got to the mysterious voice. The more he felt something tugging on him. The earth under his feet began to vibrate. Draco feared that he had made a fatal error in scaling this mountain. Rocks rained down showering him in dust and debris coating his soiled clothes. Draco clung to the side of the mountain for dear life.

  Within a few minutes the quaking began to lower intensity. Soon it had stopped all together before he was fifty feet from the fissure. An opening had formed in the rock that once had not been there before. Taking his hand waving it through the opening in the rock. Draco began to think he was going insane or this was one weird dream. As he waved his hand though the opening, as an unknown force tugged on his outstretched arm. Falling to the tunnel floor bracing himself Draco tried to avoid breaking any ribs as he fell. As he laid there recuperating from the fall Draco tilted his head. He saw a sliver of light filtering through the exit questioning if it was safe to continue. Draco picked himself up dusted off his clothes and startled forward towards the tunnels exit.

  Draco stood within the tunnels exit caming upon what appeared to him a graveyard. Bits of bones scattered along the ground, along with broken pieces of shell which puzzled him. For these were larger than any egg that he had every seen. For all his pondering and wonderment, it was plan to him that no one had cared enough to take care of there dead. As Draco meandered though the graveyard some unseen obje
ct caught his eye. As the sun grew high in the sky, the shadows of the mountain burn away under its inferno gaze. Illuminating a giant black egg as it sat ever so still on the dusty ground. Then his surroundings became clear to him “This is a nest and a giant one at that,” Draco thought to himself.

  Fearful of that he had stumbled upon some unknown predators hatching ground. Gathering up his courage the young man turned to flee before whatever creature those eggs belong to came back. As he started to make is way out of the nest the voice rang louder in his head then ever before. The thundering of her voice felt like someone with a sledgehammer beating his brain to mush.

  Have no fear manling I am the one whom you seek,” said the mysterious voice.

  “Who are you, show yourself” shouted Draco. Why I am before you ,” said the female voice. Draco looked throughout the nest yet he saw no one that be the source of the voice. Nor the fact that whomever it was could speak into his very mind.

  “I see no one, give me no riddles for I am cold and hungry.” Fear welled up in his throat forming a ball in the center of it. Whatever this place was it was starting to play out like one of his favorite sci-fi shows.

  “I am within the egg for we shall be joined as no other has before,” said the female voice. Stunned Draco fell to knees horrified before his

  fear could carry him away. Crack! Draco

  watched in awe as the first breaks in the shell

  began to show. Crack! Again, the shell held

  under the hatching creature’s strength, Draco could see that would not hold for long. The top of the eggshell bolstered many creaks ranging from large to small. Gathering what courage Drago crawled towards the hatching creature. He dared not to walk for if he did he feared his legs would send him running. “No I came this far whatever this thing is I do not think it means me any harm,” he said to himself though in the back of his mind he did not believe a word of it. When Draco was within a foot of the egg a small hole had been formed. The young man's curiosity pushed him to see what he could. As he peered into the small hole, a glimmering red eye peered back at him. Cominus looked out the window of his parent’s kitchen window, sipping on his favorite caffeinated drink remembering why they were there. It had been five years since his brother had gone missing. Neither the cop's nor the FBI could ever find any leads on his whereabouts. From what the witness had said to the cops on that fateful day he ventured into the woods near their home. Cominus called the police the day after Draco had gone missing. They told him they could do nothing until he was gone for forty-eight hours. By that time the trail had gone cold the only thing they found was his brother’s favorite pair of sunglasses. Which he found troubling greatly, he knew his brother he would not go anywhere without telling anyone where he was. Draco wasn't that kind of man. There had been no signs of trouble in the area in which the glasses where found. From that point forward his brother’s tracks just vanished. Another sign that things did not sit well with him, there would at least be some sign of human passing through the land. Draining the last of his soda Cominus could only wonder if his brother was still alive.


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