The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 14

by Richardson, James

  “Were we going Ergan,” Cominus asked trying not to watch Aryl and Darjin who was sitting on her shoulders.

  What you still mad about what happen yesterday,” Darjin asked resting on Aryl's shoulders.

  Maybe, maybe not,” Cominus said shielding his mind form hers.

  Don’t be like that,” Darjin said leaping off Aryl's shoulders. “You know I meant no harm,” she said jumping into his arms as he bent down to pick her up.

  Is that your way of saying your sorry,” Cominus asked stroking her tiny head. Even only a day in the elven city Darjin had grown several inches. How fast is she going to grow he asked himself.

  You can say that,” Darjin said brushing

  her chin against his. Taking her place on his shoulders as she had done during there trip to Shadleel.

  “I want to thank you for taking care of Darjin last night. I also wish to apologize for yelling at you last night,” Cominus said trying to keep thoughts from touching the surface of his mind. Aryl grabbed her staff, and headed for the door, as she turned the doorknob she stopping studying the man. Trying to keep the thoughts she had during the night from bubbling out of her mouth.

  “It was my pleasure my lord to see to Darjin, there is no need for you to apologize I enjoyed it,” Aryl said as the door closed behind her. Blood began to rush to Cominus face as the door swung closed.

  “Oh my boy I think you have an admirer,” Redbird said slapping Cominus on his back. “We travail to the plains of Olma which

  rest near the Lock of sorrow,” Ergan said growing restless from the useless chatter.

  “Lead on my good man,” Redbird said

  waiting for Ergan to take the lead. The three

  traveled to the training grounds were he hoped

  to best his friend, Aryl's words still rung in his

  ears. Cominus began to notice the fine features

  that Aryl had once tried to hide when she wore

  her robes. As the three reached the training

  ground Cominus watched as the other elves

  trained with swords, pikes, bows and other

  strange weapons that he never could have

  imagine. Ergan walked over to a weapon rack

  setting down his broad sword for a wooden replica. Motioned Cominus to do the same, seeing how Cominus favored duel swords over sword and shield.

  “Now come at me with all you got young dragon rider,” Ergan said with a smirk on his lips. The two danced around each other in a circle for a minute. Before Cominus came at Ergan with a lunged, Ergan blocked the first blow with his shield and parried the next with his sword. As the two battled each other neither of them gaining ground Cominus doubted he could get pass the man’s defenses yet that would not stop him from trying. Cominus landed a lucky hit on Ergan ribs, as Ergan winced in pain Cominus spun around to attack Ergan right side. Before he could land the killing blow, Ergan moved at incredible speed blocking his blow.

  “Good you took advantage of my pain,” Ergan said ignoring the throbbing pain in his ribs.

  “How did you move so fast,” Cominus asked gasping for air.

  “All elves have the gift of agility,” Ergan said forcing blood back into his arms. “Could humans ever match an elves speed?”

  “Only with enchantments."

  “Can we go again,” Cominus asked eager to prove his friend wrong. Ergan nodded to Cominus posing themselves for battle once again he tried with all skill he had to get though Ergan defenses. With no avail, Ergan blocked or parried the blows, as fast as he was Cominus could not get though. It was mid afternoon before the two retired from their sparing match. With Redbird watching the match judging his lords skill he felt confident that with time he could be a great rider. Aryl called the three over for their midday meal. As Cominus approach, he saw Aryl standing in the sunlight her hair waving in the air. Her robe rustling in the wind, the light gleaming off of her midnight blue skin. Cominus saw her in all her beauty as she stood there as a newborn god


  “Is something wrong my lord,” Aryl said

  knowing she had drawn his eye.

  “It’s nothing," Cominus said trying not to

  blush. "So what are we having today,” he asked

  though he knew Darjin was more eager to dig

  into the food then he was. Cominus had noticed

  Darjin had grown a full foot since she hatched

  for him only two days ago. Cominus wonder

  how fast would she grown before she reached

  her full size. Cominus looked down at her as

  Darjin eyed a large turkey leg grabbing the leg

  he set it to his right.

  With cat like agility, Darjin pounced on

  the turkey leg as if she were stalking a rat. Unable to take his eyes off her Cominus tried his

  best to take his mind off the elven beauty.

  Morning dawned on the second day of the companions stay in the elven city of Shadleel. Redbird knocked on Cominus's door, rubbing the

  sleep from the eyes Cominus placing his hand on the knob. As the door swung open standing before him was Redbird dressed in his finest

  robes of the dwarfen nation.

  “Morning my lord how was your sleep." “Slept like a baby that was the softest bed I

  have ever slept on in my life,” Cominus said


  “Good, good the elves put enchantments

  on the beds to soothe ones distress," Redbird

  said wondering how he would fare at the temples. “Shall we go my lord,” Redbird asked

  feeling underdressed to visit the temples of the

  races of Terra Drago. With a wave of his hand,

  Redbird told him that all would be fine. For it

  would be wise for a human to understand the

  ways of the people he is fighting for. As Cominus and Redbird neared the door, Aryl rushed

  out of her room with Darjin on her shoulders. “What is the matter Aryl,” Cominus asked

  placing his hand on Aryl's slender arm. As Aryl's perfume filled Cominus nostrils, he noticed

  the hints of honey and raspberry. Cominus

  could not help to relish in her scent if all the

  humans were to meet an elven woman. The human race would surly die out if they knew of

  an elven beauty. As her silver eyes fell on him,

  he could feel the blood burning to his cheeks. "There is nothing wrong my lord I wish to

  join you on your journey to the temple,” Aryl

  said turning her face. So Cominus could not

  see the blushing of her cheeks. For his touch

  made Aryl’s blood pump faster and faster

  every time they were near. Redbird wondered what was taking place between the two. As the three made their way through the streets of Shadleel all eyes were upon Cominus. He knew he was the talk of the town since he had arrived here. He knew that even after he left Shadleel. That would continue for many more, still to have so many people distrust and detest him. For crimes that he had no part of what had hap

  pen to their world.

  Yet he would not let this deter him from

  what he had to do. It was mid morning before

  they had reached the dwarfen temple. As the

  twenty foot tall wooden doors swung open,

  twelve stone statues lined the lofty walls. As

  the morning light came into the temple there

  stood a lone statue over looking the other eleven. Carved from the most beautiful marble in

  the land. Aryl placed her slender hand into

  Cominus firm hand, the touch of her soft skin

  made his pulse race. Leading the way Redbird

  stepped into the dwarfen temple. Turning to his

  left, Redbird raised his hand to the carving of a

  female dwarfen god.

  “Here stands the goddess Ogaris master of

  beast, and from whom I am named,”

  said Cominus could see the pride fill the

  dwarf's eyes.

  “Here stands Koil the stepson of mighty

  Nido, he is the god of lies,” Redbird said with a

  scowl on his face told Cominus he did not favor this god. Heading towards the next two

  statues Cominus saw Redbirds mood lighten as

  he faced the stone gods.

  “Orsetfi the god of justice, Jareyf the goddess of love and homes,” continuing on to the next Cominus saw the mighty dwarf strode with pride. As he named the gods of his religion to his friend, Cominus marveled at the workmanship of the statues. “Garbi the god of wine and song many feast have been thrown in his honor. Adiks the sister of Garbi she stands for light and music,” heading towards the next two statues Redbird never skipped a beat as he neared the stone gods.

  “Lemdhall the god of time and dreams, his warrior son Rty the god of war,” Cominus studied all the statues so far he was overwhelmed by the skillfulness. That the dwarf's had taken to depicted their gods. “Ehl daughter of Koil she rules over death and the underworld for those of us not fit to seat at Nido's table. Rhot mighty warrior many tales have been sung of his adventures. He controls the sky and the weather he is the son of Nido and commands his father’s army. Against the dark forces that seeks to rule the higher realm,” Redbird said turning to fast for Cominus to see the sparkle filling his eyes. "Ladrb the brother of almighty Nido for he is the god of stone, metal,

  and gems.”

  “Dronj the second brother of Nido he controls the seas and the four winds,” Redbird said

  leading them towards the last statue. As the

  three stood at the last statue, Cominus knew

  that this was Nido for he was studded with

  gems of all colors and shapes. From rubes, to emeralds, to diamonds, and lesser rare stones. Clapping his hands together, Redbird fell to his


  “Here stands mighty Nido father of us all

  for he created us in his image. He is the god of

  the hunt and nature, every dwarf prays to him

  for a good hunt. He keeps this world alive even

  after the world broke apart,” Redbird said

  going into dwarfish chants. Seeing that it

  would be a good time to leave their friend in silent prayer. Cominus and Aryl made their way

  to the exit allowing their friend his peace. Moments later Redbird rejoined his companions

  wiping the tears from his eyes.

  “Woe is me to have his friends see a dwarf

  crying I shame myself,” Redbird said rubbing

  the puffiness from his face.

  “Nonsense I say I seen you stump your toe

  on the door on your way out. To caught up in

  the moment of showing your friend's around

  your majestic temple there’s no shame in that,”

  Cominus said patting Redbird on his shoulder.

  Seeing his friend puff up his chest, he knew

  that Redbird had regained his pride. Aryl and

  Cominus turned to each other could not help

  but laugh. Redbird couldn't help but join in

  with his friends if any body was watching the

  trio, they would have assume they had been

  spent to much time in the sun.

  Two hundred feet down the alley stood another temple. Cominus was awestruck as he

  looked upon the wood elves temple. For there

  was no roof to the structure they had no need for one. Large fur trees formed the dense walls of the temple. As the trio stood at the entrance of the temple Cominus could feel the warmth and the alleviation lifting from his shoulders. Cominus turned to Aryl as the rays of sunlight

  radiated her face.

  Cominus could not fathom why no man

  had asked for her hand in marriage. “For if the

  gods had made this woman in their image then

  Aryl must be the perfection of the gods themselves,” Cominus said to himself. Aryl turned

  to Cominus with a bashful smile she ran her

  slender hand through her star light hair to hide

  her blushing face.

  “Its beautiful,” Cominus said turning his

  head towards Aryl “and so are you my dear."

  Redbird stood next to him he could say nothing

  for he could not muster any words to form out

  of his gapping mouth. Aryl's eyes grew wide

  for she to felt some bond forming in between

  them. Stopping in her tracks Aryl placed her

  hand over her everberry painted lips.

  “My lord you are to kind for sure there are

  other ladies that suit someone of your standing

  better then myself,” Aryl said behind her fingers. Her mind told her that she could not have

  this man for his standing would not allow her

  to fall for this man. Her heart told her to chase

  after this man not to allow simple rules to stand

  in her way. “Yes I shall clam this man as my

  mate damn the rules of edict.” If she could talk

  to Lord Draco made be he would side with her. “Please you are far more beautiful to my eye then those stuffy over dress women that attend my brother’s court,” Cominus said trying to hide his face in the shadows of the trees. Aryl could not speak a word for she was too flustered by his declaration. Before Aryl knew it she had throw her arms around Cominus. With a grunt it was Redbird that brought the two back to reality. Feeling embarrassed Cominus stood there rubbing his hand on the back of his


  “So my friend, tell me of this temple,”

  Cominus said feeling like a fool for allowing

  his emotions to get the better of him.

  “I do not have the knowledge I shall leave

  that to Aryl if you two can keep your hands off

  each other,” laughed Redbird. Confused Cominus turned to Aryl for an answer.

  “Aryl why would dark elves worship the

  gods of the wood elves."

  “Because we are one in the same,” Aryl

  said looking upon the temple in reverence.

  Dumfounded Cominus could not fathom her

  statement. Taking a seat on a rock outside the

  entrance of the temple, Cominus began to absorb her statement he could not find the answer. Aryl walked over to Cominus placing

  herself to his side she wanted to be near him.

  As much as she could with out declaring her attentions, within the race of dark elves and

  along with their evil kin. The female declared

  her attention to the male of their choosing. “From what our records tell us there was a

  great rift that formed within the wood elves of the time. We do not know what caused such a rift to form, many years of displaced anger and misspoken words. War erupted between our peoples, however fearing that no peace could be formed. Between the two warring people, our ancestors left our homeland when they could. Living by the rules that formed the Drow society, after many years of journeying though the hash wild lands. Liltlih the dark snake goddess called to the wondering Drow. She offered them land and hope in return for

  undying servitude.”

  “For two thousand years there was no

  word of the refugee wood elves. Our cousins

  feared that they had met some terrible disaster

  in the wild lands. Any thought of the disregarded wood elves were far from any ones

  mind. That was a every big mistake in two

  thousand years living in the Underdark. Had

  turned our once honey color skin to a ebony


  “We lost our blond hair and many colored

  eyes for the spectrum of inferred. That left our

  eyes with the silver color to them along with

  our hair. At the bidding o
f the snake goddess

  raids on the surface world began. Many innocents were killed in name of the dark goddess.

  Three hundred years before the first attack by

  the Doncer my people broke away from our

  evil kin.”

  “Five hundred of Drow elves left the

  Underdark for good in hopes to break away

  from that vile goddess. After so many years of Drow killing their own kin the ruling council. Knew not if these renegade people could be trusted. How could anyone blame them for being cautious of my people. Many years passed when the first ambassador from the

  wood elves arrived in our village.”

  “They had kept a close eye on our movements for many years, our elders meet with the

  wood elves ambassador for many months.

  When the talks had ended, we were welcomed

  back with open arms. Oh, it was a joyous day

  for my people we had finally cast off that evil

  name. From that day forward we called ourselves dark elves,” Aryl said turning to Cominus hoping that her tale did not scare him from

  her arms. On the contrary her tale did the opposite it drew him closer to her then she knew.

  Cominus placed his hand in hers to comfort her

  any way that he could. He wanted to wrap his

  arms around her slender form and hold her

  throughout the night. He felt the pang of doubt

  in that action fearing it may be to bold for him

  to do in this world.

  “For that I am glad that your people came

  to this world and renounced that dark goddess.

  For if your people had not the courage to break

  away from those evil ways, I would never have

  the chance to meet you,” Cominus said smiling

  warmly at her. Aryl flashed him a smile to say

  thank you she could not hope to find a more

  prefect mate.

  “A fine tale Aryl, not to interrupt such a

  moment that seems to be forming the sun is high. I wish to see the temples on this fine day,” Redbird said breaking up her moment. Aryl shot him a cold glare that could chill a dragon to its bones. Backing away whistling Redbird turned into the temple waiting for his friends to join him. Cominus could only laugh at the speckle for he never saw a dwarf back


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