The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 25

by Richardson, James

  “Durchin and …,” Draco said as he came back to the bed.

  “Lilty,” she said in a faint whisper.

  “Listen Lilty the disease is rotting your body from the inside out. A lot of damage has been done to your body,” Durchin clinched his wife’s hand fearing Draco could do nothing to save his wife. “I can heal you but you must know this is very risky for you. Too much tissue has be damaged I will have to regenerate your cells while killing off the cells that have succumbed to the disease. If you agree to this, you must know that there a great deal of pain in store for you. I do not know if your body can with stand it.” Draco left the couple alone while he waited outside in the trying to come up with a better solution to the problem. If he had another set of hands that was as powerful as he was then he could focuses on healing and ridding her body of her illness. Banging his head against the wall for being so foolish, rushing down the stairs Draco grasped Cominus by the arm.

  As he was dragged up the stairs by his brother, Cominus wondered what the hell was going on. Knocking on the closed door before he barged into the room, their heads turned to see Draco with Cominus in his grasp.

  “I have a better solution a better chance that your wife will live a long healthy life,” Draco said anchoring Cominus in place. Cominus saw the distraught face of Durchin light up at the news. “I will tie your wife’s life force to this man for only a little while. She will have no lasting effect of the spells and her body will be free of pain.” Draco turned to his brother “However for you, seeing how her life will be in your hands you must steel yourself for her body will not feel the effects of the healing however, yours will.”

  “What are you taking about,” asked a confused Cominus.

  “She will not survive if I perform the healing spell alone, this is your choice brother,” Draco whispered into his ear. How could his brother do this to him, how could he hold on to her life if the spell would kill the elven woman. While being racked in pain Aryl had told him how the caster had to maintain focus in a spell.

  “Why me why not her husband I know he would do it,” whispered back into his ear. He was no coward he just did not see why it had to be him.

  “Because you are the second most powerful magic user in this house, because you have the focus to hold on to her soul when the pain becomes unbearable,” Draco said placing a steadying hand on his brother shoulder. As Cominus looked into his brother’s eyes he saw that he could do it. His brother would not have asked if he felt he was not up to the challenge. With a nod Draco begun to weave the spell that would tie her life force to his, Cominus wondered what the feeling would be like. As the blue strands begun to appear over the woman’s body, searching for their anchor the feeling was unreal.

  He could see every moment of the woman’s life. From the day she was born to the day she had agreed to marry Durchin. Cominus begun to fear that she could see into his very own soul, would she put their mission into jeopardy. No, he could not think about that he had to keep focused on the woman. Then the pain flooded into his body with a vengeance. Gritting his teeth not to scream out in pain as his eyes fluttered open, Cominus saw his brother working rapidly to heal the woman’s body.

  Sweat poured down his brow as he griped the armrest of the chair as the next wave of pain radiated through his body. As the minutes wore on Cominus could fell the woman growing stronger as Draco’s healing drove the disease from her body. As minutes turned to an hour, Cominus thought he would be driven mad by the pain that flowed through the blue strands of light. As his vision began to blur he did not know how long he could hold on to the woman’s soul. A gentle shake brought him out of his delirium.

  “Cominus let go she needs to return now,” Draco said with a gentle shake of his brother’s shoulder. Cominus thought he misheard the words that his brother spoke how could he say such a thing. Shaking his head Cominus thought his mind was playing tricks on him to rid itself of the pain. “Cominus can you hear me, her body is healed you have done a fine job keeping her soul intact now its time for her to return,” whispered Draco into his brother’s ear. Letting go of the spell Cominus felt the ease of his burden. As her soul retreated along with the blue strands that had once connected them together.

  As his body slumped into the chair exhaustion over took his body. Every part of his body hurt, even moving his little finger caused sparks of pain to radiate up his arm. Seeing his brother in distress Draco placed his hand on his brother’s forehead. As he transferred some of his own magic into his brother to ease his weary body. Cominus eyes shoot wide as he caught a glimpse of what his brother had become. It felt like Draco’s was and ocean battering the lone rock, that stood out of it's angry waters and he was the damn rock.

  “There you go a good night sleep will fix you up.”

  “Thank you my lord,” Cominus said there it was that same smile that had returned. Well if he had the strength, he would kick the shit out of his brother. Yet even that felt like too much work. Cominus would just have to open a tab on his brother. Walking over to Durchin with Draco’s support Cominus could see the gold color returning to the elven woman.

  “Allow her to rest and she will wake on her own that is all I can do the rest is up to her,” Draco said wrapping the weak kneed Cominus in a better grip. How he felt like a puppet all Draco had to do and run his hand up his shirt and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  “Well hello George,” said the puppeteer Draco.

  “Well how do you do Bob I see you got your hand up my ass again what’s up with that,” said the puppet Cominus. "And the crowd goes wild man," he was glad that Darjin was not here she would have a felid day with this. Draco looked at his brother as if he had did deed gone crazy.

  “Thank you my lord for all you have done and you Anlike for your bravery,” Durchin said wrapping both in a warm hug.

  “Think nothing of it Bob," Cominus said aloud his head shoot back. Did he say that aloud shrugging his shoulders, his head sinking back into his chest. They both look at the man Draco wondered what was going on in that head of his. Taking his leave of the man with Ergan’s help, they headed for the Blue Sun inn. As they neared the inn Draco left his brother in the care of Ergan. Draco could no longer stay within the city without drawing to much attention. Heading off into the shadows, Draco hoped that his brother would recover. He was proud of his brother not once did Cominus cry out in pain as he knew it raked his body.

  As the door of the inn banged open, the innkeeper rushed into the common room to see what the commotion was. She saw the two thinking the lord drunk on his first night in their fine city. She wondered how good a time the two had while they had been gone.

  “I keep telling him that he can’t hold his mead does he listen,” Ergan said flashing her a smile. With a nod, she came from behind her counter offering him her firm shoulder. As her perfume filled his nose, Cominus turned his groggy head.

  “Hello there pretty lady,” Cominus said still in his puppet world. “How about you come up and we,” giving her a wink. If Ergan could have gotten away with it, Cominus would be sporting a very large knot on the back of his head. As it was his little stunt played into the ploy that he was drunk. However, the blushing cheeks on the innkeeper Ergan wondered if she was actually thinking about the idea. The innkeeper remind silent, as did Cominus as they climb the steps towards their room. Ergan just hoped that Cominus did not try anything else until he could get the man into his bed. What Ergan did not see was that Cominus hand had migrated down to her shapely ample ass. With a little squeeze of her cheeks sent heat to her face. As Ergan placed the key into the door, as it creaked open, the room had been searched. Linens tossed into heaps, books lined the floor in disregard for their knowledge. The silver tray that Cominus had used to contact Draco had been thrown across the room.

  Leaving Cominus in the arms of the innkeeper fear was creeping its way into her eyes. Fear that the Queen would hear how her men had been treated in her inn. Fear that she would have to cover the co
st of the damage of the room from her own pocket. As the weight of his body grew, her thigh brushed against his manhood. Trying not to notice that how her body responded, how her nipples harden at the thought what lies beneath his silken trousers.

  Thoughts ran though her mind what it would be like to lay with an elven lord. She caught his gaze that had lingered on her everhardening nipples. Moisture gathered in her mound no she could not take advantage of the man in his state. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt his hot breath against her neck. Clearing his throat Ergan shook his head at the sight.

  “I thank you for looking after him, it seems the only thing the thief’s took was the bottle of wine we had yet to drunk. The room is sound and nothing broken just a mess,” Ergan said relieving the innkeeper of her burden.

  “I-It was my pressure my lord,” blowing a sigh of relief for the lack of damage and the timely appearance of his servant. “I will have a maid come in the morning to clean the place on the house.” With a nod Ergan with Cominus in his arms, as she reach the stairs she looked back to the man that had flustered her in only a few minutes. She had made up her mind that she would be there very early to catch the man undressed.

  As morning dawn, a soft knock came upon the door. To Cominus pounding head it felt like a sledgehammer was hitting the cherry wood door. Cominus awoke to find himself on his bed last night was all but a blur to him. Having no idea what had occurred between him and the innkeeper. Yet he found himself bare-chested laying on his bed looking up at the plaster ceiling, the banging only grew louder as the seconds wore on. Cominus wondered why Ergan had not answered the door he was in no condition to even stand at the moment.

  Looking over to Ergan’s bed it laid empty and then he saw the mess that had occurred while they were saving Durchin’s wife. Cominus heard the key slide into the metal keyhole. Forcing his body to rise for to quickly then it was ready for. As dizziness nearly overtook him, his head bounced as his body found the comfort of the mattress once again. “Well if some fiend has come for my head I doubt they would use the front door,” Cominus said letting out in a gasp. His hands pressing against his head to keep his brain from breaking his skull open, exposing the world to his gray matter.

  The sounds of females’ voices filled the dinning room. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Questioning why there would be anyone other then Ergan coming through that door. Forcing his body up once again yet with each movement it groaned with resistance. Using the spit wall for support, Cominus made his slow but excruciating way to the dinning room. As he peeked around the corner there stood the innkeeper and another woman. Cominus could not understand why the two of them were in his room. Was the innkeeper kicking them out, was his time over in the city. Had he found out what his brother need, or had someone seen through his disguise. Hearing the scraping of his shoulder against the wall the innkeeper turned. Her eyes lingered on his bare chest fête every scoped muscle that bulged beneath his golden skin. Her gaze made him wonder if he did anything foolish last night.

  “Umm I hope that I did not do anything that would bring dishonor to you my lady,” Cominus said at least he still could remember to keep up his act. Was that hurt he saw in her hazel eyes.

  “Do you not remember any when you came back to the inn last night,” asked the innkeeper.

  “No my lady,” Cominus said he so hoped he did nothing that he would regret later when Ergan showed his face.

  “You came in very intoxicated last night and with your servants help, and mine we were able to get you up the stairs,” heat rushed to her face as she remembered where his hand had touched her. The way his gaze lingered on her body, how his manhood called out for her to claim it. Her blushing cheeks should have told him that this would not end well for him. Pushing himself off the wall as the world began to spin in his vision, or was it he that was spinning he did not know. Rushing to his side her strength surprised him, he did not imagine that her small frame held that kind of strength.

  “Easy my lord if you plan to go to the palace today, then we best get you cleaned up and sober as well,” thinking this would be the best chance she had to see much more then just his chest. Helping Cominus into the bathroom setting him down on the cool marble that surrounded the white porcine tub. As the water cascaded into the tub filling the room with steam. Cominus did not see how soaking in a warm bath would ease away his foggy mind. As she sat on the lip of the tub, her hand skimming along the water’s surface testing its temperature. She watched as the mist gathered on his golden skin, rolling down in rivets’ as more of it's brethren sought out his body. Cominus grew concerned to the way she was looking at him. Reaching for the scale that held in the magic of his elven form. Sighing that it was still there Cominus wondered if she had noticed the scale. That was why she was looking at him with such intensity.

  “You never gave us your name,” Cominus asked hoping that this would advert her gaze.

  “Neither did you my lord.’

  “Ah, then allow me to introduce myself I am Lord Anlike personal assistant to the Queen. The man that travels with me is Eithal my servant,” Cominus said trying to hide in the steam. He looked through the growing steam, becoming so thick that he hardly noticed that she no longer sat on the marble. He nearly toppled over when she knelt down at his feet.

  “I am Tarisha the keeper of this inn,” unlacing his boot through her lashes her eyes never left what lay between his legs. She could feel her body responding, the hardening of her nipples, the dew that gathered between her legs. Yet how could this man have such sway over her body when he has let to touch her. As the last boot fell to the floor motioning for him to stand. Heat rushed to his cheeks Cominus tried to remember what the hell happen between them last night. Her eyes caught the redden of his cheeks giggling, closing her eyes as she undid the buckle of his belt. Her nimble fingers made quick work of the buttons that held the trousers to his waist. Peering through her golden lashes his manhood called for her to reach out and take hold of it.

  The sound of him slipping in the hot water brought her out of her daydream. Rising from the tile floor the fabric of her dress cut into the her nipples, sending waves into her womb. As her muscles contracted and released she had to do something. As he began scrubbing his body the she watched as the muscle's, becoming taut under his golden skin with every move he made. As her hands graced his skin, Cominus thought the woman had left. Covering his manhood, gooseflesh rouse along his skin, her delicate touch began to massage away the soreness of his muscles.

  Working her way up and down his arms rubbing in the soap salts as she kneaded his sore muscle's. Swing her leg over his head Cominus watched as the finely toned leg slid into the water. He became deathly aware that she was no longer was clothed as her warm mound pressed against his neck. Leaning over her hands ran traced along his muscled chest. Her fine ageless face rested upon his shoulder, as her firm breasts teased his back. Cominus fought his body from growing hard. As her hand moved lower, it grew harder to help his body under his control. Cominus wondered why had she not taken notice of the scale that lay upon his chest.

  “How can I clean you if you refuse to move you hands,” Tarisha said seductively. Cominus eyes flew open, only inches away were her supple lips. Those hazel eyes looked at him hungrily demanding for his embrace. Her golden strand's tracing along the water as her hair fell from its resting place behind her ear. Leaning closer to him so he could fell the heat in her mound, and the burning desire in her eyes. Only an inch away tempting the man to taste her lips. To have him drive into her depths to fill her with his tongue, teasing his upper lip with her tongue. “Come my lord surly you are not to tempted to reach out and taste these lips,” Tarisha teased.

  If he was not he would be lying to himself, and damn if she was not making it easy for him. His hand was moving before he knew it, as he caressed the back of her neck. Their lips where joined as her tongue drove into his while his explored hers. He felt her shudder against him as she pulled away from him. Cominus wat
ched as the emotions played across her face. He hoped that would be enough to satisfy her, then again he has been known to be wrong. It took her a minute to regain her senses, Tarisha knew that her nipples could cut parchment. “Why does this man affect me so,” the thought constantly ran through her mind. Lifting her right leg over his head entering the water to allow him the best view of her ample ass, and the dew that had been gathering in her mound. His self-control was shattered as he watched her body slip into the water.

  Her golden thatch covered the ever growing wetness that had formed as his gaze ran over her naked body. Cominus watched as the water played with her firm round breast, his carnal desire began to override his rational mind. He had to constantly remind himself that she was a high elf, and yet that did nothing to stop his body from reacting. How she her touch sent blood rushing to places where it did not belong. As her hands continued their work on his tired leg muscles, stopping only at his upper inner thigh. Tarisha bit her lip as her eyes viewed the thing she desired. A smile graced her lips once she knew that her musk filled the room with her want.

  As her work was nearly done Cominus tried to force a dry swallow. His mouth remained dry as her hazel eyes lingered on his cover manhood. Tarisha crawled on her hands, and knees towards Cominus to allow him the perfect view of her breast. As her breast pressed into his chest, leaning into him nibbling on his right earlobe. Cominus had to fight his own body from allowing his moan to escape his mouth. Her hands ran down his body surrounding his only protection of his harden body. His resolve finally broke as his hands allowed her to grip his blood engorged member.

  Her strong yet soft grip on his member worked at slow strokes as her mouth moved to his neck. Tasting the saltiness of his body, her tongue tailed the nooks of his scalped muscles. Her tongue flicking his strong chin, their lips embraced as her strokes grew faster, gripping the sides of the tub to restrain his body. Tarisha had poised his enlarged head at the entrance of her glorious entrance. The door of the bathroom burst open trying his best to see through the dense mist yet Ergan’s elven vision failed him. He hoped that Cominus would have been ready when he had returned.


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