The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 27

by Richardson, James

  “Such a handsome face you have rider. I know how painful it was for you. I could feel the waves as your brother begun to heal my body. You must find my people aggravating it is sad for me to say I would treat you no less. If I had not seen into your own soul as I am sure that you saw into mine,” Lilty said patting the bed. Cominus was taken back never had he seen this side of a high elf admitting their faults.

  “I know some humans where I came from that would rival the high elves,” Cominus admitted. As he watched Lilty, her fair hand reached over the bed to the nightstand that seat beside the feather stuff bed. As she opened the small pine, jewelry box that seat on top of the stand. A gold chain shone in the morning that was lucky enough to reach over the crowed homes. Freed of its confines swinging as the weight of the ring took hold its braided prison. As the ring and its chain fell into his hands, Cominus could feel the enormous magic that was stored in the metal.

  “My lady I can not expect such a gift.” Handing the ring back to Lilty, she would hear none of it she knew of its history and hoped that it would prove useful to the rider.

  “The ring is yours now it is better used in the fight for good, then gathering dust in this old box,” Lilty said smiling at the rider. Cominus fingers ran over the engraving if the gold ring.

  As the days passed in the city of Dragon of Leel, Ishtar had begun her investigation into the council’s treachery. She had asked Cominus to attend the meetings while Ergan tracked the movements of the members. So far it had been a week away from the castle, and he felt hollow the longer he was away from Darjin. Ishtar had noticed the strain on her husband’s brother she felt for the man. However Ishtar knew it was for the best that they continued the ploy. For the only person to see his true intently was dead and long gone. The guards that she had sent to Shurin’s estate had found number of gems and gold stashed throughout the home.

  Following elven law Ishtar had the gems sold to the dwarfs. The gold sent to the poorest people first, then the rest of the city benefited from the sell of the gems. The tax that had been raised in the city on the goods and medicine that was need to combat the illness. That had the people at death’s door was distribute throughout the city at the expense of Shurin’s estate. Their family was stripped of their rank and cast out of the city. The return of the Queen was glorious to most of the inhabitants of the city. However a select few knew the plans that had been formed to overthrow the long lived Queen. Would soon have to be set into motion if they wished to see their ill begotten fruits come to pass.

  Lady Arilyist came into the once council chambers now made into an interrogation room. The ring of chairs that once lined the room where gone replaced with the throne of the Queen. A large ball of blue ware light hung over the raised dais casting the rest of the room into darkness. Only two people where in that room with the elven woman.

  “Please take your place on the dais,” demanded Cominus. She knew this day was to come when Shurin foolishly opened his mouth in front of the man. Gathering her dress in her hands so the dirt tracked in by the guards would not mar her glown. As she reached the podium that stood at the center of the dais. She hoped that the spell that her house mage would ward off any lie detection spells they had in store for her. “Lady Arilyist were you aware that the late Lord Shurin plotted against the Queen,” he asked waking around the woman to unnerve her.

  “No my lord I was not, I was as shocked as the rest when the words spouted from his lips.”

  “I hardly doubt that my lady, when your very own body language deceives you,” said Cominus walking into the blue light.

  “Are you accusing me of a crime on mere circumstance?”

  “No my lady will you explain why you where seen with Shurin at the Seven Wind Inn with two others. We have witness that you were seen with this man in a part of the city where few nobles tread. That my lady is very unlikely that you were there for the ale and the conversation,” Cominus said tapping the wooden rail of the podium with the parchment scroll.

  “I do not deny it my lord, Lord Dertemale had asked for me to come to that rundown Inn for what I could not tell you. I was outraged that the lord for taking me away from much need tasks. When Dertemale would not answer why he had asked that I traveled to that inn. I left the two men alone to do whatever transpired in that tavern.” She hoped that they would take the bait. She had seen the way the masses had treated the banished family of Shurin. She would not have her riches strewn out across the city, nor would she have her home defiled by the commoners.

  “I see then why sign this parchment raising the taxes of a land not our own. Pushing the people to their limits when they had nothing but the cloths on their backs,” Cominus asked eyeing the woman.

  “You must understand my lord I knew not what I was signing. When Shurin proposed this to the council he had told us it was on exported goods and nothing else,” Arilyist said sweat began to run down her spine.

  “So you admit your complicity in this council’s wrong doings,” Cominus said cocking an eyebrow. Arilyist knew there would be repercussions it was better then losing her head.

  “Yes my lord.”

  “Leave us we shall talk about this later Arilyist,” Ishtar said from her throne. Without saying a word the guilty lady blew a out a sigh thankful that her mage’s wards had held up. As she left the palace, she knew that her time on the council was at least over for the moment. With time, she could regain the favor of the Queen to sit once again on her cherry throne that she covets so.

  “What do you think my lady,” Cominus asked turning to Ishtar. Since her arrival to the city, Ishtar had worn an unpleasant scowl. The only time he had seen the elven Queen smile was when they visited the home of Durchin. Cominus palmed the ring that sat in the hollow of his neck. A gift from Lilty, as it sat against his skin it always felt warm to the touch even when it was left out in the cold.

  “She’s hiding more then she is telling. She was shielded from any spells that would tell us if she was lying or not,” Ishtar said wishing Draco was here beside her. She missed the laughter of her daughter that filled the chambers of the castle.

  “Shall we continue with this Dertemale?” “Yes I am eager to end this as I know that you are as well.” A smile formed on his false golden face the last time he had spoken to Darjin was through the scrying spells. As Dertemale entered the chamber Cominus noticed that the elven lord's demeanor, was not as rock steady as it was with Arilyist. Cominus could only assume that the elf lord thought he would be long gone. From the land before Ishtar could interrogate the man.

  “Lady Arilyist said some very damaging things about you. Consorting with Shurin to overthrow the Queen it does not look well for you,” Cominus said tapping the parchment on his chin.

  “I do not know what you are talking about my lord,” Dertemale said with a shaking voice.

  “Oh, she told us that it was you that summoned her to the Seven Wind Inn. Where you and Shurin plotted your fiendish plans!”

  “That is not true my lord,” he sent a pleading look to the Queen.

  “Then enlighten us to what transpired there in that Inn.”

  “Shurin came to us asking us to come with him to that place. That is where we meet with another that wished for a change in leadership.” Ishtar’s eyebrows lifted knowing that there was another out in her city roaming freely.

  “Tell me of this person’s name?” Ishtar commanded her honey voice turned cold, and bitter as she looked at the man she had known for over a hundred years.

  “I can not my Queen.”

  “You can’t or wont,” Cominus could fell the magic that was behind the words as it pounded into the man.

  “I can not give you what I do not know.” When Dertemale had left the Inn that day, he had erased that part of his memory in order to protect himself and the princess. Cominus could hear Ishtar mutter a few words from her throne. As he watched as she probed the man’s mind, watching the pain that the elf was suffering. Cominus did not feel pity for the man for he had
plotted to kill his brother. That was all he needed to know about the man to turn a blind eye to the punishment he so deserved.

  “Guards,” yelled Ishtar, as the armored men filed into the room that waited for her command. “Take him to the dungeons his crimes are known to me, see that his house pays for his crimes. Have men sent to find Brehminas and Arilyist and throw the traitors into their cells. The people will be better off when they can no longer enforce their wants on my city!” With a salute the captain of the guard, sent out runners to the noble tier of the city.

  As Ishtar paced the polished tile floor of the pallor waiting the arrival of the traitors that would doom their race. Arilyist insults and bile filled the palace courtyard. The boy in elven terms looked as pale as a ghost as the guards lead the two into the palace pallor. Where the angry Ishtar wished to vent her rage against the conspirators. As they stopped only a few feet in front of the Queen, Arilyist tried to wrench herself free of her captors grip.

  “You are both charged with conspiracy commit treason against the crown. That you all sworn to protect and the plot to kill Lord Draco ruler of this land and my husband. How do you plea?”

  “This is outrageous I have done nothing wrong,” fumed the elven woman.

  “Are you saying that you were not with Shurin and Dertemale in that room plotting against me? If you give me the name of your leader in this crime then I will be more lenient on your punishment.” Ishtar waited for minutes for either of them to admit the name of the mastermind. When neither were willing to give up the persons name. “Take them to the dungeon and see that they meet the fate of traitors.” As Cominus watched as the guards took the kicking and screaming Arilyist down to the dungeon. He wondered what was in store for the elves and their families.

  “Come Cominus take off that thing, it is high time that we return home,” Ishtar said looking out of the pallor’s window. How he nearly wanted to rush and embrace the elven Queen. Soon he would be back with his friends and Darjin. Oh, how they would spend the hours just alone enjoying each other’s company.

  “I will go and fetch Ergan, we'll see you when we arrive at the castle,” Cominus said with a bow before dashing out of the palace. Cominus was nearly impaled on the guard’s amberikes as he exited the gate. If it was not for Ishtar, his lifeblood may have coated the stone that day. As he raced towards the Blue Sun Inn Cominus could hardly wait to leave this city.

  Slowing his pace to a quick walk as he entered the inn, Tarisha appeared in the doorway to the backroom were she slept. She had heard of the human that had come into this land. Every one that came to her inn talked about the human rider. She did not think the man would visit her own inn. As Cominus looked at her heat rushed to his cheeks this act perplexed her. Tarisha felt as if she knew the man intimately, for her own body stirred as he looked upon her form.

  “Why have you come here I do not serve your kind,” Tarisha said hatefully. How she missed the elf lord that had stirred her body so.

  “Sorry Tarisha,” Cominus said as he dashed up the stairs where he hoped Ergan waited. Tarisha was dumb struck as she stood there trying to figure how the man knew her name. The only people that knew of her name where those that came to work for her and the elven lord. Yet how could this man know her name, then fear replaced her shock as she looked down to her womb. Entering the room Ergan sat on his bed waiting for Cominus to return from the palace. When Ergan viewed Cominus his eyes grew wide thinking that the spell that had faded from his body.

  “Come Ergan we are leaving this city,” Cominus said nearly bursting with joy. Seeing his friend’s confusion “Ishtar has found the other three and now we are free to return home,” with a nod Ergan relieved himself of the scale. Placing it in his satchel, he would not leave such a powerful item to do harm. As the two descend, the stairs Tarisha’s fear only grew as she viewed the wood elf that companied the human rider. Placing the golden key on the counter, Tarisha picked up the still warm metal. It still held the elf lords scent.

  “Murder,” she said under her breath.

  “No you gave us that key the first day that we arrived here in your fair inn. Though you do not recognize us for we were in disguise of high elves at time,” Cominus said seeing that she did not believe him. Plunging his hand into his pocket as the scale touched his skin the image of the elven lord formed around his body. Tarisha stumbled back she could not believe that she had given herself to a human. She could not deny the pleasure she had with the man, to be deceived was far more then she could take,

  “Get out and never return here,” she said slumping to the floor tears filling her eyes. Cominus could not, he would not leave this woman when he was at fault. For allowing her to think that she had made love with an elf. As his hand touched her shoulder she felt the same spark. That spread throughout her body when she helped carry him to his room. Her head shoot up wanting to push the man away yet she found she lacked the strength to do so.

  “I did not wish to deceive you yet the turmoil that plagued the council, could not be done when elves fear me for what I am,” Cominus said as his fingers traced her high cheekbones. “I only ask for your understanding not your forgiveness I know that is impossible for now.” Tarisha looked into his brown eyes wondering if under that disguise he felt the same passion that burned in her. This may be her only chance to prove to herself. That the man that had given her such pleasures in that bathroom was not apart of the disguise. Throwing her arms around his neck capturing his lips with hers. Her body reposed as it had done in that steam filled room. Pushing him away fear that if she did not her body, would strive to have this man once again. Her hazel eyes drunk in his form as Cominus left her to her own difficult decision. Her hands went to her womb thinking of the child that was forming in her.

  Unlike the time when Cominus had to venture to the city Dragon of Leel, Cominus sped home as fast as his legs could carry him. As the walls of his brother’s castle loomed before them Cominus cast out his mind. Hoping to sense Darjin within the castle, hoping that she had not gone off to hunt, as his mind brushed up to her vast mind. Thinking it was another trick Darjin returned to her rest beside her mother’s alcove. When the presence grew stronger, her spear shaped head snapped up. Thinking Cominus was trying to communicate through the mirror has he had done once before. As she nudged Draco’s shin as he looked down at the dragon, she sent him an image of his brother.

  “No he should be here by now,” wondering why she was not communicating with her rider. Running towards the balcony sniffing the air, a toothy grin formed on her scaly lips. Jumping from the rails of Draco’s balcony, though she could not fly far, gliding was something she had perfected.

  Chapter Ten

  Draco had left his brother alone since his return from Leel. However Draco couldn't allow Cominus the luxury of time, he knew that his time was running out. Draco needed to know that his brother was up to the task to lead this world when he was gone. Draco knew he was pushing his brother but it could not be helped.

  “Its time Cominus,” Draco said the edge of his brother’s bed. Cominus thought he could rest the day with Darjin, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  “Time for what,” yawning as he spoke. “To learn to make your dragon scale armor, when you are dress head to the courtyard Bojanks will be there,” Draco said walking out of his brother’s room. Eager to learn Cominus hurried to put on his clothes. As the heavy wool tunic slid along his chest, he was just glad that he did not have to wear those silk garments any longer. He thought he would nearly die from the cold wind that passed easily through the garments.

  Seeing how they could not spend the day alone Darjin was just pleased that he was back with her. The time she had spent with Draco honing her dragon fire was well spent. Nothing could take her riders place even if he was her rider’s brother. Darjin did not like entering other people’s mind unless it was necessary to do so. She felt it the only means to keep some part of their lives private. Grabbing two everberry tarts on for himself and one for Darjin. To
ssing one to her with lighting quick reflexes snapping up the flying tart with ease. Cominus had to remember keep his hands clear of her when there was food in front of her.

  Come now you know I would never bite off your hand well at least not one purpose,” Darjin said teasingly. How good it felt to have her back in his mind. Cominus could not remember when it became normal to have a dragon in ones mind. Nevertheless he was all too happy to have her back. As the two walked through the corridors of Draco’s castle, every one stopped what they where doing as he passed. Guards saluted as he passed, hammers quitted, the rasping of wood came to a halt. Never before had Cominus felt this kind of recognition he didn't think he deserved this kind of attention.

  It was his brother that has been working for the good of this world for the past five years. He had just arrived he did not even know what he could do to help turn the tide of this war. He and Darjin where just one being doubt formed his mind as he neared the courtyard. As Cominus peered around the corner of the column that he had hind himself behind, he wondered if the dark skinned wood elf woman. He had seen at the dinner before the joining ceremony was within. The throng of the group that had gathered at the center of the courtyard.

  Gathering his courage to speak with the elven woman then his brother’s warning came back to him. Why did he not heed it when he was in Leel he could not say. Cominus hoped that he had not dishonored the woman. However he knew that Tarisha would not become pregnant with his child. It did not sit will with him that he had deceived the people. Nevertheless it had helped gained the knowledge of the traitors, that where bent on ending his brother’s rule. There was still one left out there plotting though he hoped that whoever it was, was smart enough to see that it would gain them nothing.


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