The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 38

by Richardson, James

  reacted with longing to have her once again. As

  his mind cleared flashes of their night spent in passionate embrace came back to him. All he could do was watch as Herya entered her dwelling. “This was getting out of hand,” he

  thought to himself.

  How could he be this bridge that the star

  elves think that he was. Learning that he was to

  become a rider; and then finding out that he

  was a kin to the man that destroyed this world.

  Now this it was too much for his mind to process. With the words from the stone tablet still

  ringing in his mind, it felt like he was Alice

  falling down a very deep hole. Yet to see the

  bottom of the pit.

  Sardra came running out of the house placing wooden chest beside the door. Cocking an

  eyebrow, he wondered what the elven women

  were up to. Coming into the forge Sardra began

  to pack the tools that lay unused. Cominus tried

  to talk to her but the elf was unforthcoming

  with answers. Cominus let the matter drop

  thinking it did not involve him.

  Leaving the elven women to their packing

  Cominus set out to find his brother. Entering

  the inn that he first stayed at he felt their eyes

  upon him. Thinking that he had caused some

  mistake, Cominus walked up to the innkeeper.

  His eyes did not show anger or mistrusted like

  those of a high elf. Yet he had the feeling that

  they were looking at him as some sign from

  their gods.

  “Yes, young rider how can I help you.” “I’m looking for Lord Draco I checked his

  room. But he was not there I was wondering if

  you knew were I could find him.”

  “I think he went to see Erdan this morning

  something about what happen in the gardens

  yesterday.” Fear laced through him though the

  elder had said he did nothing wrong. Yet from

  his time here his encounters with the elven race

  had never been good. Thanking the man Cominus headed towards Erdan home.

  As Erdan's door, open Herya step into the

  morning light. His breath was taking away.

  How the light seem to play across her form.

  How her gown seem to hang to her every crave

  of her womanly body. Blood began to pool in

  his groin as he watched the elven woman

  walked towards him. It seem time had stopped

  as he watched Herya's approach. Her once pale

  skin warmed as she felt his eyes on her. Moister gathered in her mound as her body captivated the rider. If she had any rational sense

  left, she would end this here and now. Yet her

  body overruled her mind. With Erdan's approval, her life was to begin anew with the forgotten son of Aacole. How the fates seem to have

  a twisted sense of humor. Draco brought the

  two love struck fools back to reality. Embarrassed Cominus bowed his head to hide his

  rosy cheeks from the village elder.

  “You been a busy boy Cominus.”

  “If this is about want happen to at the garden. Then I am sorry if I cause you any trouble

  brother.” A smile formed on his brother’s face,

  as Cominus had not figure out way Herya was

  there. Coming up to him Herya wrapped her arms around his waist. As he looking into their silvery deeps he felt as they would drive him


  “Oh my, what would Aryl and Brenda

  think of this.” He heard his brother and Erdan

  chuckle from behind them. He could see them

  now their cold stares chilling him to the bone.

  What was he to do how was he going to explain this to them.

  “Fear not my love they know about us they

  watch though the mirror last night.” Snuggling

  her head on his shoulder, a shutter ran though

  out his body as her lips graced his skin. “But

  come your swords are ready and I am eager to

  begin my journey.”

  “Where are you going Herya?” Cominus

  asked his body burning with carnal desire. The

  rose and lilac scent of her hair filled his mind.

  Her shapely breast pressed into him he felt her

  warm breath on his ear.

  “With you my sweet,” Herya said teasing

  his ear with her tongue. He had to keep his

  knees from giving out from under him. As Herya, lead him back to her home Cominus looked

  over his shoulder. Watching his brother heading towards the dragon hold he must be ready

  to return Cominus thought. Who knows what

  the Doncer have done in their days of relaxation.

  Entering her forge, the twin scimitars lay

  in there black leather sheaths. Decorated with

  gold leaf, scrolls of gold and silver ran the

  length of the leather. The hilts were wrapped in fine black velvet held down with silver wire. With two diamonds house in the pummels of the swords, as he picked up the leather belt, Cominus was surprised by the lack of weight

  he could never get use to that.

  Belting on the swords, his hands went for

  their hilts. Drawing the swords from their housing Cominus could fell the magic that was in

  the metal. Walking out of the forge, he took

  two quick stabs with the newly made weapons.

  In his hands, they felt like feathers flowing

  though the air. Performing the stances Ergan

  had taught him. The blades moved though the

  air with ease. As she watched, his muscles

  moved under his skin. Herya could not wait to

  have him under her once again.

  As the swords slide into the leather

  sheathes, he felt her eyes upon him blood

  rushed to his face. “Why the hell am I acting

  like a school boy with his first crush,” he said

  to himself.

  “I see they fit you handsomely,” Herya

  said with a sly wink.

  “Your work is marvelous how can I ever

  repay you,” Cominus asked the lustful look in

  her eyes made him feel, as if he was a prize ox. “Oh I shall think of a way, now you must

  ride Draco will be waiting for you,” Herya said

  pulling him with in an inch of her lips. Waiting

  for his hunger to eat away his resolve. Her

  tongue teasing him, he could not hold back his

  need any longer. His tongue drove into her, as

  their passionate kiss joined them, all sensation

  left the two lovers as the world seem to stop. “Hmm,” easing from their embrace Herya

  bit on her lower lip to control herself, “Now

  you must not keep him waiting.” Pushing herself away from the warmth of his body. If she

  did not leave now her body would demand to

  have him within her. As he watched, Herya enter her home. Cominus took several quick

  breaths to gain control over his hardening


  As he exited the trees that formed the entrance to Herya's home, Draco waited with

  their two dragons for his brother’s arrival. As

  he climb onto Darjin, Cominus felt that if did

  not see her soon he would go mad. Shaking off

  the discomfort, he nudged Darjin into motion.

  Her laughter rumbled though out her massive


  “What is it?” “Nothing I swear.” Cominus did not be

  lieve one word of it, yet he did not press the subject. When the two brothers were out of the elven village, taking to the skies Draco felt that
their departure was being watched. He didn't voice his concerns to his brother he no wish to trouble him. As they gained altitude the feeling, only grow stronger the further they got from the star elves land. Debating whether he should tell Cominus about this shadows appeared on the horizon.

  “Do you think it’s him,” Draco whispered into Shadow Fangs ear. Her growl confirmed his suspicions turning to Cominus, Draco told him of their visitor's. Nodding that he understood drawing his swords Draco sent his brother into the clouds. As the three dragon riders neared Shadow Fang let out a defiant roar.

  Seeing only one of the riders of Sol flying alone, the crimson rider sent his two underlings in search for the other rider. Binding light filled the sky as the emerald dragon fell from the sky. A devilish smirk filled his face as Draco neared the rider that had caused so much pain for his dragon. As the two warriors clashed, the two riders viewed each other with such hate and disgust.

  “My master wishes that I take you alive. I on the other hand would gladly see you die.”

  “Haven’t you heard I am already dead?” Striking the Drow in the chest Draco heard ribs breaking under the blow. The reds massive head swung around to release a cone of fire at Draco. Shadow Fang plunged below the dragon as the fire seared the air. Plunging his blade into the soft underbelly of the dragon, rearing back in pain the hot dragon’s blood flowed down his armor. “Come now you will have to do better then that if you wish to take my head.” Taunting the rider, spitting vile curses at Draco. The reds serpentine neck coiled around sinking his massive jaws in Shadow Fangs rear flank. Howling in pain Draco unlaced himself from his saddle. Seeing this, the reds rider tried to bring his dragon under control. Having tasted blood the reds mind was to far gone to heed his master’s call.

  Hopping onto his saddle Draco ran the length of Shadow Fangs body. As fast as the elf the Drow watched in terror as the man. Ran as a blur down the black dragon’s body, feeling a thud from behind the Drow turned only to see the flash of a blade and nothing more. Feeling his rider’s death the red let go of Shadow Fang. Holding onto the Drows saddle as the red climb into the skies as the dragon sought to end his existence with its own life.

  Shadow Fang raced after the fleeing dragon, sinking his sword though its armored scales. Severing its spinal cord the lack of gravity held its sway over them. As the two began their descent Shadow Fang raced to save her rider. Cominus still in the clouds battling the sky blue rider, the hobgoblin knew that his master was died. Yet if he fled the battle his life was forfeit. Hearing her mothers cry Darjin took control of the sky blue dragon. Giving Cominus the opening he need to finish the fight. As the hobgoblin life left his body, Darjin ordered the blue under her compulsion to fly into the ground.

  “We must hurry!" Without further notice,

  Darjin drove through the air hoping to be in time to save her mother. Angling his body against her's to two shoot though the air at break neck speeds. As the clouds thinned the silhouette of Shadow Fang came into view. Pushing her body to its limits, Darjin hope they were not too late.

  “What’s going on?” Cominus screamed against the blustering wind. “Draco has killed the bastard, but the dragon took off with him still on it. Now the dragon is plunging to the ground in hopes to

  kill him.” That was all he needed to know

  pushing himself closer to Darjin's body. Shooting past Shadow Fang in a blur the ground loomed before them. Cominus could not let his fear override his need to save his brother. Draco turned to see away out of this, seeing a white blur shoot past Shadow Fang. Draco reached into the deaths of his unnatural strength. Releasing his strength Draco rushed along the dragons limp body.

  Crushing into the ground tears formed in his eyes as he watched his brother being crushed by the weight of the dragon’s body. Unfurling her wings Cominus watched as the dust settled over the dead dragon’s body. Urging Darjin to return her acid tears singed the air. Her black body raced towards her fallen rider. As she circled the crater looking for signs of life from Draco, Shadow Fang called out to Draco yet no answer was forth coming. As she landed, she began desperately digging away the dirt that encased them. Sailing down Cominus climbed down from Darjin's back. Cominus was mortified by the wound on her rear flank. As the blood ran freely down her black scales, they had to seal the wound before she died from blood loss.

  “Shadow Fang you must claim yourself.” He could not bring himself to say the words. Tears welled up, he had just found his brother and yet he was taken from him once again. “Come let him rest in peace we must seal your wounds.” Swinging her massive head raising her upper lip showing her arm, thick dagger teeth Shadow Fang released a blood-curling growl.

  “He’s not dead!” Cominus backed away from the sorrow filled dragon. “He can’t be dead he just can’t!” Her massive body slop

  ping to the ground as her acid tears ate away the ground. “I know let Darjin continue digging for his body while I see to your wounds.” Without a word, Shadow Fang left her spot. Curling around she waited for Cominus to begin his healing spell.

  “I shall find him do not worry,” Darjin

  said nudging him with her snout. As the magic flowed from his body the pink flesh knitted back together. Dirt sailed though the air as Cominus continued his efforts to heal his brother’s dragon. When the wound was no more then a pink welt against her black scales. Darjin's talons ceased there efforts to move the dirt away from the dead dragon. Sadness washed over him as she rejoined her mother’s side.

  “I’m sorry,” Darjin said those blues eyes

  looked at him with such regret for her failure. Placing a hand on her silvery scales telling it was for the best. As the three mourned their leader, their brother, and best friend; pebbles churned down into the crater, dirt shifted around the dragons body began to move. Their heads turned as the dragon’s body began to hoist itself from its earthly tomb. Rushing to the craters edge a pale hand showed itself.

  The trio watched in horror as the thing pushed its way out from the earth. Cominus could not believe his eyes this was not his brother. His right arm hanged lifeless at his side, his left leg twisted at an odd angle. His dragon scale armor was in tatters, the thing that was his brother stood before them. Most of the flesh had been stripped from his skull reveling the ivory white bone underneath.

  He thought he was going to be sick watching the bones popped into place. As the flesh seemed to reform on the bones as if they were mushrooms in a darken carven. The need to feed overwhelmed his senses releasing a feral growl. Shadow Fang ordered her daughter to take Cominus and flee. Clutching him in her forelegs, as they three flew off Draco roared in rage as his prey fled from his grasp. Landing in a grove Shadow Fang ordered Cominus to crave holy runes in the dirt to keep him at bay. Cominus asking how she knew of these runes.

  “He feared this may happen so Draco taught me the runes when we were in the an

  cient library.” As night fell they watched as

  the animals fled from some predator that lurked within their woods. Cominus kept a fire going encase his brother came to his senses. Shadow Fang told him it was not necessary but he felt better knowing he could find them. “He’s

  here,” whispered Shadow Fang. Wiping the

  sleep from his eyes, Draco stood at the southern end of their little camp. As the moonlight bathed him, Cominus saw his brother was clo

  ver in blood. “Are you well,” her loving voice

  filled his mind.

  “As well as I can be. Did I hurt any of


  “No I think you held yourself back long enough for us to escape,” Shadow Fang said walking over to the nearest rune her talons breaking the circle of protection. Cominus readied himself encase his brother would strike at them. Draco could not blame his brother for fearing him. He knew his time was running short he did not know how long the ebony stone would keep his monster at bay.

  “So what was that back there,” Cominus demanded his hands never leaving the hilts of his twi
n swords.

  “The damage to my body was too great for the stone to keep the beast at bay,” Draco said giving his brother enough space to fill comfortable. His pale fingers running along the crack that had formed in the stone. Checking the wound that Shadow Fang had received from the reds bite, seeing the newly forming scales. “Thank you for seeing to Shadow Fang for me.” Nodding Cominus would need time to deal with what he just saw. Returning to his bedroll Darjin covered his body with her diamond colored wing.

  “What should I do Darjin?”

  “I do not know, I thought mother was

  going to bite your head off.”

  “So did I but we must find away to help him. Who knows what will happen the next time. What if the stone is losing its control over

  what lurks inside his body?” Darjin began to

  hum to ease his worries away.

  “I think he knows that Cominus, but I

  think that if he can no longer control himself.

  He would banish himself to the far ends of the

  earth. Before he intentionally harms those the

  cares about,” Darjin said her claming words

  flowed over him, sleep pulled at him. As morning dawned his brother and Shadow Fang were no where to be found. Thinking his brother had left them in fear of his own darkness creeping in. Cominus rushed to where he had set Darjin's saddle the night before. Though she knew where they had went Darjin thought it best not to say. As the last buckle was snapped into place the molded leather molding to his body.

  Urging her to take flight, she angled towards the river that laid less then a mile away. As she neared the river, Cominus demanded that she continued. One of the few times, she would openly defy her rider. His anger at her stubbornness gnawed at him. When she landed she did not stop him from entering the woods, nor did she agree with his decision. As the trees began to thin the smell of the running water filled his nostrils. Hearing his brother’s voice, he wanted to beat him senseless yet their conversation stopped him.


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