The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 40

by Richardson, James

  “What stone?”

  “The ebony stone he found in one of your peoples forgotten libraries. He told me that it would keep his beast at bay. However, I think he knows that it cannot stave off it forever.” Her hands went to her mouth to keep her sorrow from leaping out. Releasing him Ishtar wondered what she could do for her husband. She knew he was right she saw it in the forest. What would happen to them if he could not control it. Would he come after them in his blood-crazed mind. Maya came up to her wrapping her little arms around her leg. Stroking her blonde hair, she knew what she must do.

  With her daughter in toe, she would confront the thing that was inside her husband. As the door to their cambers open, Draco was looking out into the night sky. What does he see with those eyes Ishtar asked herself. Does he see better then us, or does it show another side to this world. That we cannot see with our living eyes. Breaking from her mothers grasp Maya ran to her father. As she watch the man she love look down at his daughter with so much love. How could he be an evil thing that has plagued their land since the time of the worlds destruction.

  “Come love its been along day and Maya needs her sleep,” Draco said released his daughter into her awaiting arms. As the door to their daughter's closed, Ishtar leaned against it's surface. Watching her husband in a new light for the trials he had gone through with out her. Shame filled her mind of her own actions. All these years he had suffered alone with this, and she done nothing accept to reject him. No wonder he was reluctant to tell her the whole truth. Pushing herself off the door walking up from behind him. Leaning her head against his shoulder, her hands ran over his chest. There was no heartbeat as her ear rested against his back.

  “So you fear me to,” Draco said his nostrils faring as her fear filled the room. How could she answer that was she afraid of him, or for him.

  “No never my love I fear that I can not save you from what has been done to you. I will have my people make a new stone, or however many you may need. I will not stand by while this thing takes you away from me. We have already lost so such from my own actions. I will not give up as easily as I once have done.”

  “The stone has done its job.”

  “So are you content to just give up with out trying to break the cruse.”

  “I already know how to break the curse it is pointless to talk about any further,” Draco saod matter-of-fact. Stunned that he would keep this from them, and not have done a damn thing to end this. Spinning him around to look into those silver eyes, she backed away as the effects were taken there hold on him. His ears had grown two inches longer. His eyes were more spear shape then almond, his fangs gleamed in the candlelight. Turning from her so that his powers would not affect her, she would not stand by while he would hide himself from her.

  Grabbing hold of his arm with all her strength, she was stunned her elven strength had never failed her before. If she could not bring him around, then she will face him on his own terms. Moving in front of him so that he had to look into her eyes.

  “Now you listen to me we are to wed and I will not stand for any more secrets! I want to know every thing that you know about this curse of yours,” Ishtar said poking her finger into his chest so much courage to stand. Before him when she knew what kind of monster he was. Cresting her delicate skin, he had to make sure his now two-inch long fingernails would not mar her. Nevertheless, he could not allow her to go though with the wedding, when he did not know how long he could stay in her world. It would cause too much pain for all of them.

  “Oh my love you know I would end this curse now if I could. Seeing how the only ones that could do that would be the dark magi that spun the spell. As for our wedding, I cannot in good faith, allow you to bind yourself to me. When you know that, we would only have a short time together. I can not do that to you or to Maya.”

  “So he was doomed to this cruse and let he continues to fight for a people not his own, ” Ishtar said to herself. Knowing that he was pushing her away in order to protect her, yet could he not see that he had already done what he sight to avoid.

  “Now you listen to me, we will be married, and there is nothing you can say! Will change my mind I love you in this form and I be damn if you. Think that because this curse is eating away at you that I will simply go away and never look back. I will not repeat the same mistake twice. If the stone is losing its hold on you then I will find away to free you no matter how long it takes,” Ishtar pulling him into her. Her tongue drove into his mouth with want. He could feel the beast retreat from her as if she was the sun banishing the morning fog. Her emerald green eyes sparkled in the candlelight. “Now this self loathing unbecoming of a man of such great strength,” said Ishtar. “Your brother may see you as a thing of evil, but I know that under this.” Placing her hand over his cold heart, “That no man in this world could have done so much for this world; while he fights his own demons that are lurking just beneath the surface.” Her velvet soft lips brushing against his, to reassure him of her faith in him and their life together. “Now come to bed we have a big day ahead of us.”

  As the morning sun bathed the grounds in soft pinks, and reds. Pink roses lined the right side of the aisle while black tulips lined the left hand side. Every elf, dwarf that could witness the marriage of these two great leaders were in attendance. Aryl, Brenda, Herya stood as her sisters. Cominus, Redbird and Ergan stood by their leader. Wearing his dragon robes, the morning breeze teasing his sun-bleached hair Draco wondered how long they would have together.

  As the music began, gasps and awe spread throughout the crowd. Her silk white dress clung to her body as the lace hung low over her breast. She wore no veil as the morning sun beamed down on her. Her golden skin radiated as the gods plucked her from the night sky. In her hands, a bouquet of pink rose and black tulips to signify at they were not the only ones to be married this day.

  Walking behind her mother Maya in her pink satin gown, a crown of tulips line her hair as she walked down the aisle. However, yesterday had been a horrible day for the two. Yet Maya showed no sign that the wounds touched her face. She looked to her husband with her emerald greens eyes filled with happiness and love. Even though she knew, he may soon leave. It mattered not to her all that mattered was the time that they would spend together.

  Siphon stood ready to recite the vows that would join the two in wedded bliss. Waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs Draco watched as the sun danced across her golden skin. Stretching out his hand her slender fingers wrapped his cold dead hand. As the two climbed the steps, Cominus looked over to the women that would soon be his many wives. Tears of joy streaked their faces as he watched. He wondered if his own brother would be here for his own wedding.

  Shaking the dark thoughts from his head his brother needed him, and he be damn if he was going to fail him. He could not think about that right now, he knew if any thing happen to him Ishtar would be crushed. Cominus had asked Aryl if she knew anything about the ebony stone. She did not have the knowledge but her master may know of one who did. Cominus would not allow his brother to travel alone in this, not when they were just reunited. A nudge on his shoulder bought him out of his funk.

  Clearing her throat, “Welcome all those who are gathered here on this fine morning. We are here to witness the joining of Lord Draco of the land of Sol and Queen Ishtar of the high elves.” Cheers went out to the couple. “We all have witnessed the might of the dragon rider Draco. We know that he would be a perfect husband to the Queen.” Snuggling up to him her warmth eased his soul. “With the fall of Shadleel it was his brave actions that had saved so many that day.”

  “Before we continue is there any one that questions their joining.” All was silent for none taught them a better match for one another. “Now do you Lord Draco take this woman has your wife.”

  “I do,” Draco said squeezing her hand.

  “Do you swear to honor her and uphold her until her dieing day?”

  “Do you Ishtar Silvermoon daughter of Isis Brightshade take
this man in all that he is?” Squeezing closer to his body her perfume filled him with lust.

  “Do you swear to honor him, mange his house. So that he can focus on the dark days to come.”

  “Do you have the rings?” Cominus quickly stepped up placing the small platinum band in his hand. Aryl placed a rose gold band in Ishtar’s small hand. As the two, slid the rings on to each other’s fingers. Ishtar caught the glimmer of the cracked ebony stone. She looked up to him knowing what it meant for her husband. His hand graced her cheek to soothe her woes.

  “I am happy to say I pronounce you man and wife. May your life be filled with happiness’ and love for all your days to come.” Music filled the air, flowers floated in the breeze. Joyous laughter could be heard throughout the land.

  As their wedding feast winded down Draco asked his brother to meet him in his chambers. Taking his bride in his arms Draco wandered the stone corridors in a state of bliss. Their laughter filled the halls, bringing smiles to every one they met. Racing ahead of her parents Maya poked her head around the corner to tease her parents.

  Sensing that they were being followed he had Ishtar take Maya ahead. Knowing something was a miss she did not argue with her husband. With Maya in her arms, Ishtar raced to the safely of their room. As Ishtar rounded the corner, silver streaks flashed though the air. Hitting him square in the back, as the daggers burned his flesh Draco searched for his attacker. Shadow Fang felt his pain her roar trembled the very walls of his castle. It did not deter his would be assassin. As he spun around hearing the flight of the daggers though the air, Draco braced himself for the impact of the attack.

  The impact of the silver daggers in his chest sent him into the wall. Driving the ones in his back deeper into his chest. Seeking out his long dead heart, that would kill any vampire other then him. Ripping the out the two in his chest he ready himself for another attack. The sound of leather boots on the stone floor filled his ears. Was there more then one spy in his castle. Were they here to finish what their partner had started. As the silver burned though his veins, Draco pushed himself up.

  The wall was the only thing that was keeping his body up. Turning to face this new treat, he would not good down so easily. As they would think, though the silver had weakened his body. It did not mean that all his might had left his body. Yet no further attack from the assassin came. Thoughts raced though his head. Fearing that his wife and daughter were in danger.

  Taking the two daggers from the floor, he made his slow way to his chambers. Yet the sounds of pursuit grew ever closer. He knew as the silver sapped his strength he would have enough to take one or two to their eternal rest. What was he to do if he could not protect them then all was lost. How had the Doncer gotten so far into his domain with out him knowing.

  Seeing the blood that lined the wall, and floor Cominus grew fearful for his brother and his new sister’s safety. With Shadow Fangs, call to him Cominus had rushed to his brother’s side. With Redbird and Ergan beside him they had reached. The bloodstain corridor in a matter of minutes, Aryl and Brenda went ahead to Draco's room to guard his sister and his niece.

  “What happen here.” he said under his breath.

  “A rat that's what,” Redbird spat slapping his battleaxe against his chest. Ergan reached to see if it was indeed Draco's own blood. His hand shoot out to stop the elf. Shaking his head that it would not be wise to touch it, Ergan nodded and let the matter drop. Cominus wondered why the torches were not lit in this area. His brother had always kept the corridors lit at all times.

  Pushing onward the trail of blood told them where his brother was heading. Fear that they were in danger his blood surged though his veins as he raced to save his brother. Flashes flew through the air, it was Ergan’s quick actions that saved him. From becoming a pincushion, as the daggers fell to the ground the three raced to meet their attacker. Draco waited in an alcove for his pursuers to pass him.

  He would be damn if he was going to become a prisoner of the Doncer ever again. They were making slow progress, which pleased Draco. For they still feared him even in his weaken state. His vision began to blur as shadows came into view. Grapping the nearest one Draco pulled his attacker into the shadow of the alcove. As the unseen hands pulled Cominus into the darkness, there grasp had not the strength of the elves. Who ever it was too tall to be a dwarf.

  Elbowing his assailant in the gut Cominus sent his would be assassin flying backwards. The crashing of wood brought Ergan into the alcove. His elven eyes went wide has he viewed the fallen Draco.

  “My Lord.” Holding his hand out to keep the elf at bay, Draco was relived and disheartened that he had not recognized his brother.

  “Go protect Ishtar and Maya I shall be fine!” Coming as close as his brother would allow.

  “Aryl and Brenda is already there watching over them,” Cominus said hearing the relief in his brother’s sigh. “We must get you out of here.”

  “No, Ergan and is that you Redbird.”

  “Aye my lord.”

  “Gather the men I want that assassin found alive,” Draco said through waves of pain. As the two ran down the hall shouting for the men to take up the search for their lord's attacker. Cominus would not leave his brothers side even if he ordered it. Draco could not trust his body in the condition he was in.

  “They are gone come let me help you to your room.” Draco tried to push his brother away yet his body did not have the strength to even do that. Lifting his body Cominus dragged Draco's ever weakling body to his room. As he pushed, open the heavy wooden door. Ishtar let out a muffed gasp at the sight of the wounds on her husband’s chest. As the last of his strength left his body, going limp due to the paralysis of the silver coursing through his veins.

  Cominus's grip on his brother’s bloody body weaken slipping out of his arms. As Draco fell though the wooden table two silver daggers protruded form his back. Running to her husband’s fallen form Ishtar tugged on the daggers. As they gave way, a pain filled moan escaped his lips. As they all watched as the wounds sealed before there eyes, blue veins ran along his body spreading the poison of the silver through his undead body. With the help of Cominus, Ishtar carried his limp body to their bed.

  “What happened to him,” Isthar tearing the bloodstain cloth from his chest.

  “I wouldn't know but it seems that we are unsafe here. I think it’s for the best that we move you while the assassin is still out there.”

  “Would your brother run from the face of danger!”

  “No but with him in the state that he is in...” Her anger filled emerald eyes stopped him cold in his tracks.

  “I will not run from this fiend have you forgot that I am a dragon rider as well. Fear not brother no harm will come to us while you search for this fiend,” Ishtar said pulling her sword from its sheath, that hung on the corner of her sitting chair; “If it makes you fill better Aryl may stay by my side.”

  “So much noise even the dead can’t sleep.” Hearing his shuddered speech Ishtar brushed away his hair as the pain raced though his body. “Come forward brother before I lose consciousness.” Stepping closer encase his voice turned into a whisper Cominus forced away the moisture that was forming his brown eyes. “Take your men and travel to the land of the twilight forest. There in the center lives a man old as time itself. What he is I do not know, it is rumored that he can directed you the last known place Chad was seen.” As another wave of pain washed over his body, tearing the sheets into shreds as he waited for the pain to cease. “Also the forest is filed with the undead so take the relic of Polalo. It will protect you from them while you are in the forest. They will know that you have entered their domain so watch yourself.” Unable to watch his brother in so much agony Cominus left his brother’s side.

  As he leaned against the wall, anger flushed his cheeks. Ideas came to mind what he would do if he got his hands on the man who had done this to his brother. As Ishtar sat next to her husband, she was helpless to ease his pain, or was she. As the poison ra
ced though his veins. The blue tint of the silver that flowed though him was evident on his pale skin.

  “I’m sorry my love it seems that I have ruined our bed.” The hint of humor touch her has he attempted to ease her own woe.

  “Shh my husband and rest I shall only be a moment.” Nodding with her sword gracing her hip Ishtar passed into their sitting room. “What can I do to help him,” she said under her breath as she walked into the sitting room. The anger on Cominus face mirrored her own. “Come Cominus walk with me to the balcony.” Leaving Aryl to stand guard over her husband and Maya, as the two walked onto the small stone balcony. The wind seemed to cradle the two in its embrace.

  “Yes my lady,” Trying his best to keep his anger from touching his voice.

  “After he climbed out from under the crimson dragons body what happen to him.”

  “Whatever lurks inside my brother surfaced. I can only assume that in order to heal from that much damage. He had to draw on that unholy power. However, I think even in that state his sane mind kept control long enough for us to escape. Sometime during the night his blood haze had lessen. However, he was covered in so much blood. Why do you ask my lady?”

  “It’s nothing just wanting to prepare myself for what’s to come,” Ishtar said though he did not believe it. If giving her life’s blood to heal his brother, he would gladly slit his wrist to help ease his brother’s pain.

  “You going to feed him aren’t you,” Cominus saidtaking her by the shoulders.

  “I see how that is none of your concern I will do what I have to, in order to help my husband.”

  “I’m not criticizing your choice, I have and idea come.” Taking her by the hand, he led her back into the sitting room. Ergan and Redbird were waiting for them.


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