Their Perfect Mate [Wolf Pack Mates 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Perfect Mate [Wolf Pack Mates 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Cara Adams

  Jarrah was closest to her so she shuffled right against his legs and leaned down, holding his cock with one hand and his balls in the other. Very slowly she flattened her tongue and licked a thick wet line up the side of his shaft, across his cockhead, and down the other side of his erection. She rolled his balls in her palm and dipped the point of her tongue into the eye of his cock to taste him. Hmm. A hint of almonds. Very nice indeed.

  Now it was time to suck Keir. She couldn’t wait to get a hint of his flavor. Would he be slightly metallic from the Prince Albert piercing? Since they were both wolves, would he taste similar to Jarrah? She held his cock steady and ran an amber polished nail over his cock head, flicking it against the jewelry as she passed it by, then she lowered her lips slowly over the head and ran her tongue along the ring and over the little barbell. No taste of metal, but a mighty fine taste of man. Hot, spicy man.

  Moving back to Jarrah, she scraped her teeth gently over his head then sucked him deep inside, filling her mouth with him. Hardly pausing to take a breath, she did exactly the same with Keir. She wiggled a bit to balance herself between the two men and the dildo in her ass blasted her with a huge vibration, making her pussy clench with need and drip cream. For a moment she wondered if her moving around had knocked the settings on it, then she noticed Keir’s hand half hidden beside his body. She sat up straighter so she could see him holding the remote for the dildo. “That was wicked,” she said to him shaking her head.

  “What?” Jarrah looked confused.

  “He turned to power on the dildo in my ass up to maximum and just about lifted me off the bed with the shock.”

  “It’s not a dildo, it’s a butt plug, and I thought you deserved a little treat yourself,” said Keir.

  “Right. Yeah. Uh-huh.”

  Jill bent over Jarrah again and pressed her fingers into the long vein while she licked and nibbled around the head of his cock, before drawing him deep into her mouth for a long suck. When she moved to Keir she ignored his cock and sucked first one ball, then the other into her mouth, before using her finger nail to tease the sensitive skin behind his cock.

  She knew this game wouldn’t be allowed to continue much longer, as both men’s cocks were huge and ready for action. Sure enough, Keir pushed her back on the bed and said, “Lie down.”

  Jill half expected to be zapped with the vibrator again, but instead Keir told Jarrah to suck her nipples. She let her body sink into the soft mattress and petted Jarrah’s red-brown hair as he licked and sucked and teased her nipples. She’d closed her eyes and was reveling in the sensations, when she sensed movement. Keir must have handed Jarrah some nipple clips because right when her eyes snapped open again, Jarrah was just about to put one on her nipple. At the same time the vibrator buzzed again, making her entire body tingle. Damn, these two are an awesome team together.

  The little clips gripped tight to her highly aroused nipples with a shard of pleasure-pain that she welcomed. Jill was so ready for more. She wanted—needed—far more than just spanking and toys and play. She was ready and waiting for the main event. To be fucked by these two men. When she’d first seen Autumn fucked by Nicholas and Curtis, her two mates, Jill had reasoned such an action would take a lot of trust between the threesome. But now, she knew she trusted both these men to be the ones to introduce her to ménage sex. She knew they’d never deliberately hurt her or lead her astray. Everything they did would follow the BDSM mantra of safe, sane, and consensual. And she was more than ready to consent to the next step.

  “Jarrah, do you want her cunt or her ass?” asked Keir.

  “I don’t mind. Either. We can swap over and do it the other way next time, anyway.”

  Jill liked the sound of “next time.” She liked the idea that this would just be the first of many times they made love together as a threesome.

  “Roll onto your side then and get settled into her cunt, and when you’re ready, I’ll take her ass.”

  Jill turned to face Jarrah, and let him pull her into his arms. She rested against his chest, loving the solid muscular feel of his body, and the gentle, yet decisive, way he held her. It was exactly the same as when he’d danced with her. It was as if he was saying that he knew exactly what they should do and how to do it, but wanted to be sure she was actively agreeing with him. Well, just as she’d been perfectly happy to dance with him, she was happy to have him arrange her arms and legs just so, for their joining together.

  Then his cock was at her pussy entry and slowly he pushed inside. She was very wet and more than ready for him, so she rejoiced in the way he stretched and filled her. He was huge and took up every inch of space, but felt very good as he plunged deep inside her.

  Keir wiggled in behind her and startled her by buzzing the vibrator one last time before he pulled it out of her ass. Then he shot more lube into her dark channel before pushing his cock at her rear entry. As with Jarrah, she was more than ready for him. The butt plug had done its job and although he was quite a bit larger than the vibrator had been, he breached her opening and slid on inside. Jill was surprised at how her body made way for him. A moment ago she was certain she was as full as she could be with Jarrah inside her pussy and a butt plug in her ass. Yet now Keir, who was so much bigger than the toy, was making his way there, too. Her tissues seemed to stretch, then stretch some more, opening to admit him, then closing tightly around him to hold him steady deep inside her ass. Her cunt and ass were both stretched wider than she would ever have believed possible, yet it didn’t hurt, she simply felt beyond full. And also beyond fulfilled. Complete. Possessed and owned by two caring men.

  Chapter Four

  Jarrah was in Heaven. Or possibly in hell. Heaven because he was holding the most wonderful woman in the whole world close against his body, his dick snug and secure inside her cunt. And in hell because, well, he was holding the most wonderful woman in the whole world close against his body, his dick snug and secure inside her cunt, and if he didn’t start fucking her real soon he was going to die of unrelieved sexual tension. In other words, his dick was going to explode any minute now and he would die of embarrassment at coming before she did like a selfish teenager on his first real date.

  She’d been tight when he entered her, but now, with Keir in her ass as well, she gripped his dick like a vise, and he could feel sweat breaking out all along his spine with his need to ram into her and make her come. Fortunately she wasn’t wiggling or he really would die. The littlest thing she might do to him would send him over the edge. He was hanging on by a finger nail here, and that was about all.

  “Alternately. You withdraw first.”

  Keir’s voice sounded slightly rough and husky, which was pretty much how he was feeling, too, but at last he had permission to move. Very slowly he began to pull out of Jill’s delightful heat, stopping when only his cockhead remained inside her. Then he began to push back in. Hell, she was tight. So tight he wondered if he’d be able to get back in. But her wet flesh slid enticingly along his cock, granting him entry as Keir began to withdraw.

  Again and again they completed the maneuver, sliding in and out, gradually moving faster, pushing harder, and every time her body granted him entry and egress, until he and Keir were gripping her tightly between them, pumping harder and faster inside her.

  All their legs were tangled together, but he had one foot flat against the mattress to give him purchase as he pumped into her determined not to come until after she did, even if the waiting killed him. Which it very likely would do. His dick had never been this hard before and her cute little snuffles and whimpers only heightened the tension further.

  “Oooh,” gasped Jill, then her mouth was on his shoulder and he could feel her sharp little teeth digging into his flesh. Her cunt convulsed around him, grabbing his dick even more firmly than before, which he would have thought was totally impossible. Then his cock was bathed in her hot cream as she shook and quivered all around him.

  It was too much. His dick exploded and jets of cum p
oured out of him, rising not only from his balls, but from his toes it seemed as his hips pumped more and more of his seed into her. Keir was jack hammering into her from behind, but they were no longer in time with each other. Jarrah had no hope of doing anything but holding her now as his body had taken over. Across her back he saw Keir stop and then move more raggedly and he knew he’d come as well.

  Jarrah loosened his grip on her hips, hoping he hadn’t bruised her, and pressed soft kisses to the top of her head. She was still mumbling into his shoulder and he grinned wondering if perhaps she’d bruised him, too. He didn’t mind. He was happy knowing she’d orgasmed hard. That was what he and Keir had wanted her to do after all.

  Gently he untangled one of his legs from hers. The other one was underneath both of them and he wouldn’t be able to move it for a while yet. He stroked one hand up and down her side, but they were both so sweaty he wasn’t sure how soothing the action felt to her.

  Finally she lifted her mouth from his shoulder and said, “For people who’ve only done that once before, you both sure do a mighty fine job.”

  Jarrah wanted to say he hoped he could practice on her every night until he was perfect, but he didn’t want to scare her away, so he said, “It’s you. You make all the difference.”

  Keir leaned across her body and kissed her nose. “Shower.”

  Jarrah waited until they’d both moved back and he could use the leg that had been on the bottom of the pile again, then followed them into the bathroom. He even remembered to collect the stupid shower cap from the nightstand and hand it to Jill before she got in the tub. She nodded and scrambled in, and they washed her carefully, before helping her out again.

  She dried herself, dropped the cap into the trash, then said, “I need to get back to my cabin right now, but sometime soon we need to talk some more.”

  “Tomorrow morning?” asked Jarrah, thinking maybe they could spend the entire day with her.

  “In your dreams. After tonight I don’t anticipate waking until midday. How about you pick me up from my cabin at two?”

  “Sure thing. No worries,” said Keir.

  Jarrah dropped his towel on the floor and hurried to get dressed. He wanted to walk her back to her cabin tonight as well as see her tomorrow, and she was moving faster than he would have expected after such a massive orgasm. Hell, his own bones and muscles were still weak from the release, so surely hers should be, too.

  He watched her thread her belt through the belt loops on her jeans, then put the Stetson on her head, and then together the three of them left their cabin and headed back toward hers. Jill and Bethany were in cabin twenty-two, much closer to the main building than Keir and he were, right back here in cabin one hundred forty-two. But it made sense to have the women closer to the main building and all the facilities. It was safer for them to walk backward and forward. Although personally he’d walk with Jill any time she let him.

  At the door to her cabin, she turned and kissed each of them very softly on the lips. A chaste kiss, but one freely given, and therefore he’d treasure it. Next she stepped silently inside and was gone.

  Until two o’clock, my precious. I’ll see you then. Although I wish I knew what the hell you wanted to talk about. Or did you just mean talk, as in socialize? Damn it, why didn’t I think to ask you?

  * * * *

  Sloan was feeling completely miserable, and also bitterly aware he was going to be guilty of letting down himself, his Alpha and his entire pack. He’d arrived at tonight’s party early, as he had for every event this week. He’d assiduously spoken to every woman, beautiful and plain, appearing partnered or not. He’d explained about the needs of his pack, he’d been as polite as he knew how to be, and he’d promised to cherish each and every one of them if only they’d agree to come with him to his pack. And he meant it, too. Any woman who accepted him would be his focus. He’d love and cherish her, and do his very best to ensure her happiness forever.

  Several women had promised to think about his offer. Most of them had come to him later and told him “no” regretfully and politely. He understood their concerns. Here at the DADISP, there was safety and security in the knowledge that every man had been checked out by the organizers. At home in the pack, who knew which men might woo the woman, or even take her against her wishes? Every young woman had heard about date rape drugs, which were freely available everywhere.

  He’d arrived here excited to have passed the preregistration tests, proud of his achievements, happy to have been honored and trusted by his Alpha with this duty. Now, however, everything had changed. He’d begun to understand how completely hopeless his task was, and how unlikely any woman here was to accept his offer. As well as that, to make things even worse, he was almost certain he’d fallen in love with Jill Evans, the lushly curved and vivacious brunette, who was spending her nights with two other men, Keir and Jarrah from Jasper’s pack.

  Sloan sat on his bed in his cabin, hunched into a ball, dragging his hands through his hair, wishing he was young enough to burst into tears at the problem. Instead he pulled his own hair hard, then even harder, before sitting up again. He was a man and needed to use his brains to solve his problems. Unfortunately, right now he couldn’t think of any solution at all. Every time he thought of Jill his cock grew hard. When he remembered kissing her ear lobe and her nose, holding her voluptuous body in his arms, it was nearly enough to make him come on the spot.

  “Let’s assume I give up trying to take a woman back to the pack. What do I want? Just me?”

  Jill, of course.

  “So why not go and grab her?”

  Because she’s very likely with Keir and Jarrah right this minute, fucking them.

  “So what? I always knew I’d have to share.”

  Sloan went completely still and silent. Of course. The answer was blindingly obvious. He had always known he’d have to share his woman. He’d come here with that very proposal. And sharing with Jarrah and Keir wouldn’t be too bad. They weren’t from his pack, but he’d already accepted he was going to fail his Alpha in this task. They were, most importantly, men he respected, trusted, and believed he could live and work with cooperatively.

  That changed everything. If he could have Jill as his very own woman to love, his cherished, perfect mate, he could deal with everything else. He would find the strength to explain the problem to his Alpha. The man wasn’t unreasonable and Sloan himself would have to accept the burden of failure. But it would be bearable if the end result was him with Jill. He’d also have be a sub to Keir’s Dom, but he could deal with that as well. He wasn’t the Alpha or Dominating type himself. He was far more comfortable with other people making the rules. As long as he got to share Jill, as long as he was free to love her, he would cope with the rest.

  Perhaps in the future he might even be able to help some of the men in his pack attend next year’s DADISP. There was already talk of such an event, and now he’d participated in one surely he could help a few of the men prepare for the tests. It wasn’t anything like as good as bringing them back a mate, but at least it would be something genuine and positive.

  Sloan jumped up off the bed and began pacing. The cabin was quite small. He only had three or four paces in each direction, but he needed to be on his feet now. Was the next step to contact Keir and ask to join him and Jarrah, or to contact Jill and ask her to accept him as well?

  * * * *

  Jill had pretty much accepted that she wanted to be with Keir and Jarrah. She never would have agreed to sex unless she’d been reasonably sure. She believed in test driving a car before she bought it, but unlike some people, she didn’t want to try out every car in the sale yard to compare them. Just the one—or in this case two—she was interested in.

  But really there was another car she needed to test drive as well. Sloan. She had no idea whether Sloan was active in the BDSM lifestyle or not, but she knew absolutely he was no Dom. If he played, he’d be a sub. She was confident Keir could deal with three subs. The D
ADISP was about the women choosing their mates. The men arrived knowing in many cases they would have to share. Sloan, in particular came to the party with that expectation. He also came not knowing who he would be sharing with in the end as it was the woman’s choice. Which meant he should be able to adjust fairly easily to the idea of her wanting him to join with Jarrah and Keir.

  Jarrah and Keir had come here expecting to share with each other. Well, she planned to add another man into the mix. She wanted all three of them and why the hell not. It was driving her crazy trying to choose between them, and she’d finally decided it was totally unnecessary. She would have them all.

  But there were still all sorts of niggling worries racing around in her head. It was still completely possible she’d find out that really they weren’t suited to live together at all. She’d lived alongside shape-shifters at Carnal Connections for several years now, although unknowingly at first. But what would it be like to be one of the few humans in a wolf pack? Would it be so very different from life in a human community? Or to be more accurate, a majority human community? How would it feel to be the odd one out, different from most of the other people she spent her time with?

  Besides, she wanted to see all three of them in their shape-shifted form. She needed to know that she could love and accept them as wolves as well as men. This was about her. Her ability not to be racist. Or should that be speciesist? Whatever. She needed to know she would not be dishonoring them at all in her thoughts. They were what they were and had been completely frank about it. She needed to know she was as mature and accepting as they were in forming a union with a person from a different species. They’d been nothing but honest and open. She had to check that she could be as sincere. She owed it to them before the relationship could develop any further. And then she needed to fuck all three of them together, to ensure they could all work as a group, a team, a family.


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