Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set Page 95

by Amy Miles

  All the tense muscles in his body relaxed. He walked over to Grace’s side. “I promise, Grace. I won’t let my anger get the best of me.”

  “I couldn’t survive losing you, too.” Her voice cracked.

  “You won’t.” He clutched her hand. “Who else did you lose? The boy you told me about?”

  “Yes, I already failed one earthbound child. I can’t survive that again.” Grace mumbled.

  Alexander squeezed her hand. “I’ll be fine. I won’t let you down.” He stood and faced Boon and Sammy. He towered over them, his jaw twitching.

  Sammy wrapped her arms around her middle.

  Boon stood up and pulled Sammy from the room into the entryway. “I have to go.”

  Alexander watched as Sammy bit down on her bottom lip. Boon covered it with his finger, caressing it, and it took every ounce of restraint for Alexander not to yank Boon out by his scrawny little white arms and throw him across the ocean.

  “Everything will be okay,” Boon said to Sammy. “I’ll take care of Forras.” He leaned in and kissed her before bolting out the broken front door.

  Grace snagged Alexander’s shirtsleeve to keep him from chasing after Boon. He gritted his teeth so hard his cheek ached.

  Sammy leaned against the wall. “What will happen if one of us dies by this weapon?”

  His gut wrenched as he thought about the possibilities.

  “Will we fall to Hell, burn there for all eternity, or return to Heaven, but as a lost soul, not an angel?” Sammy’s voice cracked.

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. “Perhaps we’d renew in another body, like Grace has all these years.” He tried to sound reassuring but all he could think about was being separated from Gabby, forever.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “You seem better today.” Alexanderlooked around at the spread of food on the table.

  “I used to make breakfast every Saturday morning when Gabby was small,” Bruce said, as he brought yet another plate of food over to the table. “Her mother always sat at the table and talked while I worked in the kitchen.” He stopped, his eyes downcast. Then he shook his head and continued.“I thought it was about time for me to take care of Gabby again, instead of the other way around.”

  “So, you were close?” Maybe now he’d get somewhere on the subject of Eliana.“Did your wife work?”

  “No, she stayed home with Gabby. You really think I’m better?” Bruce’s voice sounded hopeful.

  Better was an understatement. The man had gone through detox faster than humanly possible. An angel must have healed him.There was no other possible explanation. But could it be his wife? If there was a possibility his wife was an angel…a fallen angel, certainly Bruce would’ve known. Such a detail would’ve been pretty hard to miss. And if she was an angel, that meant she was resurrected, angels didn’t just die in car accidents. Was he willing something to be true that wasn’t, or was this possible? Did a fallenangel really earn her right to re-enter Heaven after falling to Earth? It was a stretch, maybe wishful thinking, but he had to know.This could mean he and Sammy had a chance, a real chance at resurrection.

  “I heard you again last night. Were you dreaming about your wife?” Alexander clutched his fork so tightly it bent in half. He quickly slipped it under the table to fix it.

  Bruce scrubbed his hand down his face. “Man, I’m craving a drink like a person in the desert craves water, but I’m focusing on gettin’ better. It’ll take a while.” He leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful.“As for my wife, well, it’s kinda weird. You know when you asked if I had smelled my wife?” Bruce asked.

  “Yes.” Alexander could barely get the word out.

  “Funny,” he said, shaking his head.“I thought you were crazy, but I guess you did your research on detox, or you put the idea in my head. Either way, I smelled her. Same shampoo and perfume she always wore.”

  Alexander’s heart slammed against his chest. It had to be her.But if that were the case, did it mean she’d been a fallen angel or something else?

  Alexander tried to calm himself as he ate breakfast with Bruce, concentrating on each bite when his connection to Gabbyreturned. The evil was gone and he could feel her soft sweeping touch against his soul once more. His personal drug of choice. The last week he’d experienced his own detox alongside Bruce.

  Gabby waking on the same day as Bruce getting out of bed was too much of a coincidence. It made sense, though. If it was Gabby’s mother, she’d want to heal both of them. Could a fallen angel even have a child? Grace might know. She’d been on Earth along time.Certainly, she’d have witnessed something that could help.

  “Bruce, I’m going to head out,” he said, taking his dishes to the sink. “I think Gabby will be home soon.”

  “Do you think I’m ready? I mean, is it safe for Gabby here? Should she stay away awhile longer?”

  It was funny to watch this strong man go through so much only to crumble at the mention of his daughter’s name.

  He had grown fond of Bruce, maybe because the man’s appearance mirrored how Alexander felt, or because they both wanted to make up for their past mistakes with Gabby. It didn’t matter.Even as close as they’d become, there were always secrets lingering in the room. Alexander knew Bruce would never forgive him if he knew the truth. Of course, he doubted Gabby could explain it to him without being committed herself. Because of him, Gabby was forced to keep a secret from her father. Another mistake he couldn’t take back.

  He wanted to deny the connection but he could feel Gabby’s presence, as if she was in the room next to him. The longing to hold her grew stronger. They were perfect for each other, the way her head fit under his chin, how her arms felt around his back. As if they were made from the same mold but separated on Earth.

  “You’re a good man, son. Thanks for everything you’ve done for my daughter and me.” Bruce pulled him in for a man hug and heartilyslapped his back. It almost felt like he had a father himself for a brief moment. His heart warmed at the realization Bruce was proud of him.

  You can’t be proud of me. I murdered your wife.

  Alexander’s chest tightened and he turned toward the door. “Just take care of Gabby.” He closed the door behind him and ran for the woods, taking flight the minute he was out of sight.

  The second his feet touched the ground outside his house, he bolted for the front porch, in hopes of quickly locating Grace. He had to find out if what Bruce told him really meant his wife could be a resurrected angel. If she was, and returned to heaven, then there was hope for Sammy, Grace and himself.

  As he approached the front door, he heard the sweet sensual sound of Gabby’s voice. It filled him with renewed hope.

  “Grace,” she was saying,“I don’t know how to thank you for taking care of me. I know I said some horrible things to you, Sammy, and Alexander. I just couldn’t help it. I didn’t mean—”

  “It’s alright, dear. No need to worry, I understand. And be comforted, my dear.School will be starting soon, and you can get on with your life now.”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I wish we’d move again. How am I going to handle seeing Alexander at school every day? I’d miss you and Sammy, but—”

  “You would miss more than that. You just need time.”

  Alexander’sshoulders slumped forward and he kicked the porch railing. How could he have been so stupid? She would never forgive him.How could she? It didn’t make a difference if her mother was an angel.He’d still caused her death.All he wanted was for this nightmare to be over, for Gabby to get better. He had no right to ask for anything else.

  He heard Patronus bark in the distance. Looking over his shoulder, he saw a violet glow radiating through the trees. An angel’s light. But this was an angel he’d never seen before.


  The whisper barely passed his lips before he took off from the porch, headed for the woods.


  Gabby gav
e Grace and Sammy a hug and opened the front door.“Thanks again for everything.”

  She remembered some crazy things from when she was in her demented state but it couldn’t be true. Her mother talking to her? Grace talking to her mother? It was the poison, it had to be. Her mother was dead. And if Grace really had somehow communicated with her mother, she would have said something.

  Gabby’slips parted to ask her the question but she hesitated. They’d think she was crazy, march her upstairs, and strap her back down on the bed. She wasn’t going to take the chance. Her body trembled at the memory of the restraints and the overwhelming sense of death.

  Gabby turned and walked out of the house she’d grown to think of as her own home. What would her house be like now? Sammy had said her dad was sober now, but was it true? Did she really have to leave? She could easily pack up her art set, grab Patronus and return.

  No, she couldn’t.This was Alexander’s home, not hers. She sighed at the thought of him returning home. Part of her longed to stay, to be part of hisfamily, and see his dimples every morning, but she couldn’t.Not now.Not ever.

  Gabby took the path through the woods, walking slowly, her body still weak from being sick for so long. When she entered her backyard, the house stood a few hundred yards away, unchanged. Yet, it seemed different somehow.

  She climbed the few steps to the back porch then opened the door to the house. Her father got up from the couch the moment she stepped over the splintered threshold. The humble look on his face told herall. Embarrassment. He couldn’t even look directly at her. Instead, his gaze scanned the floor and the walls all around her, but not once would he make eye contact.

  “Gabby, I-I’m so—”

  “It’s okay.” Gabby ran into his arms. “You’re here now.” She wasn’t sure what possessed her but she had longed for him to love her again. To even acknowledge the fact she existed. Now, he was sober. He embraced her, a real bear hug, straight from her childhood and some of the loneliness melted away. For a moment, she regressed to a little girl with pigtails, fully relaxed in her daddy’s arms.

  “Is it true? Have you really stopped drinking?”


  “I’m so proud of you. I know it must’ve been hard. I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help you. How did you do it on your own?”

  “I wasn’t alone. Your friend’s brother helped me. If it wasn’t for him, I would’ve failed, maybe even died.”

  “You mean Alex?”The name could barely cross her lips.

  “Yes. I can’t believe he was willin’ to stay here with me.”

  Why would he help her father like that? Guilt over killing her mother maybe?

  “He’s a good guy, Gabby. Actually, I was wondering if there was something between the two of you.”

  Was her father seriously asking about a boy in her life? She couldn’t help but scan the room for packed boxes. Maybe it was a trap, a question to see how she would react. Still, would it be so bad if they left now?

  Her father guided her to the kitchen table. “I know I haven’t been a great father,” he said, gesturing for her to sit beside him. “I haven’t even been a parent. It must’ve been lonely for you and I’m sorry for that. If this boy means somethin’ to you, it’s okay. I trust you. You can see him if you want. I won’t tear you away from here now.”

  “There’s nothing between us,” Gabby blurted.

  “That’s a shame. I was actually hoping you had someone in your life besides me.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I have you now.” She squeezed his hand, but worried this would be short lived. Did he really give up alcohol for good?

  “I love you, G-Bear,”he choked out.

  G-Bear? He hadn’t called her that in forever. She didn’t want the moment to be ruined by a cross word or argument so she stood to leave. “I’m going to clean up. I’ll be down in a minute. Maybe we can go for a walk in a bit. I’ve got something to show you.”At his nod, Gabby turned to the stairs.

  Shemade her way to the bathroom and turned on the faucet to wash her face.

  Be comforted, my child. You are loved. Forgive and embrace.

  “Mom?” she whispered. Oh, no. Was she losing it again?

  Yes, my child. I’m here. I once roamed Earth, condemned, but now I’m raised. Be strong, for there are trials to come. Trust Alexander. He’s innocent. He saved your life that night. Pulled you from the car and protected you.

  Her body started to shake until a warmth rested on her shoulder. She turned but nothing was there. “I-I don’t understand. You were a-a fallen…” She couldn’t continue.

  Grasping the sink, she tried to stop her head from spinning. Her knees buckled and she collapsed to the soft fluffy bath rug. Resting her head against the cabinet, she clutched the counter asa flash of events bombarded her mind.

  A vision of her mother falling from Heaven.Meeting a man, Gabby’sfather.Falling in love.A wedding. A baby girl. A fallen angel shouldn’t have been able to have a baby. Eliana’s daughterwas a gift.

  Gasping for air, Gabby fell back, hitting her head against the wall.

  “Gabby?Are you okay in there?” Bruce’s voice called through the door, invadingthe vision.

  It is not his time to know.

  Gabby nodded, unable to form words. Her father couldn’t handle this. Not now.Not when he was trying to stayclean and sober. “I-I’m fine,Dad. I-I’ll be out in a sec.” Her voice quivered and she feared he’d demand she open the door immediately.

  “Okay, G-Bear. I’ll go take Patronus out. Be back in a bit.”

  She waited for the sound of the front door closing. The moment she heard it click, she pushed herself off the floor and bolted to her room. Pulling paper and charcoal pencils from her desk, she started to draw at a feverish pace. Black charcoal smeared all over her hands, smudging on her desk. Gray dust floated to the floor.

  Her hand danced several more colors across the rough page. Greens and browns formed trees. Orange and yellow rays broke through the leaves. Silver lined with white flakes. Small red ovals fell from the silver.

  She turned the page around and around until the white space left on the paper revealed angel wings. She fell to the floor clutching the finished drawing.

  It was an angel.Speared through the wing,he dangled helpless in the trees while a demon stood laughing a few feet away. Her heart ripped to shreds with agony at the sight.

  “Alex?”she whispered.She clenched the picture to her chest and sobbed.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Where is she?” Alexander touched down a few feet from Boon. Squaring his shoulders, he scanned the woods for any sign of the violet hue he’d seen moments before. He found nothing amongst the trees but gray Spanish moss clinging to the brittle branches.

  “Where’s who?” Boon stepped to the side, his eyes downcast like a dog that had just relieved itself on a rug.

  Crickets chirped, summoning dusk, while seagulls squawked in the distance. Didn’t they know to be afraid in the presence of a demon? Something wasn’t right.

  “You saw her, too. I can see it in your eyes.” Alexander circled Boon, studying him. “I saw an angel hiding in the trees, watching the house. She’s here, isn’t she?”

  “Sammy’s not here,” Boon retorted.

  “I’m not talking about Sammy. I’m talking about Eliana. I know she’s here.”

  “Eliana? Who’s Eliana?”

  Boon’s brow raised in question, but Alexander saw through it. There had been an angel here. He knew it. He saw it.

  “Listen, I just came to give an update on Forras,” Boon said. “I believe he’s headed back with the weapon now. But there’s still no sign of him so I’m going to stay in the woods between Gabby’s house and yours.”

  “We’ll be fine,” Alexander said. “Just keep an eye on Gabby.” Alexander couldn’t believe he trusted Boon to watch over Gabby, but having more eyes and ears around wouldn’t hurt.

  “I will. I promise, Alexander. I won’t let anything happen to Ga
bby or Bruce, but I don’t think Forras is after them. It doesn’t make sense. Why would he search for a weapon that can kill angels if he was just going to attack Gabby or Bruce?” Boon shook his head, his face sullen. “No, he’s after one of you.”

  Alexander eyed him for a moment. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”

  Boon rubbed his forehead. “He wants to destroy you by harming those you love. He’s after Grace or Sammy.” Boon visibly shuddered at his own words.

  Did this demon really love his sister that much? How? Love wasn’t in the nature of a demon.

  “I’m going to make another round by Gabby’s house. Please, watch over Sammy and Grace,” Boon insisted.

  Alexander didn’t have a chance to respond before Boon vanished into the trees.

  He stood there, trying to comprehend the depth of affection he’d seen in Boon’s eyes. A look he’d seen in his own eyes not long ago. His insides twisted at the thought of Boon worrying about Sammy. Was it the same gut-wrenching fear he felt for Gabby’s safety? It surprised him that he didn’t feel disgust but empathy when the demon mentioned his sister’s name.

  No. He wouldn’t be fooled. That was their specialty after all, twisting emotions to guide you down the wrong path.

  He shoved his compassion deep down and made his way back to the house. No matter what it took, he’d keep those he loved safe.


  “Sammy,” Gabby called as she ran toward her friend. “Thanks for meeting me here.” Coming to a halt, she panted, trying to catch her breath then motioned for Sammy to sit down on a fallen tree at the edge of the clearing. “I didn’t know what else to do. Dad’s been hovering all afternoon. Finally, he took Patronus for another walk and I knew I had to come warn you. There just wasn’t a way to explain it over the phone.”

  “It’s okay. Calm down.” Sammy placed a hand on her arm.

  “No, I’m not losing control again. Look!” Gabby shoved the picture of the angel in Sammy’s face.

  Sammy stared at it for a moment. “You think this is Forras murdering Alex, don’t you?” Sammy’s voice trembled. “This doesn’t mean it will happen.”


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