Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 5

by Quinn, Meghan

  He grabbed a condom and was about to put it on when Molly sat up and stopped him. She sat on the edge of the bed while he stood in front of her and she said, “Allow me.”

  She put her hair behind her ears and lowered her head to his erection. He bobbed away real quick saying, “What are you doing?”

  “Well I think it’s pretty obvious, don’t you?”

  “I don’t want you to give me a blow job Molly, I want to be inside of you.”

  “I want you inside of me too and you will be, in my mouth.”

  Before he could reply she took him in her mouth. Holy fuck he almost collapsed. Stay strong buddy, focus on something else, do not go too early that would be far too embarrassing. The way she moved her tongue on his erection and hummed in the back of her throat made him think he was going to lose himself any second. Waves of pleasure started to take over his body and he pulled her away in the nick of time before he fell over the edge. He pushed her back on the bed and sheathed the condom over his incredibly hard cock. She was smiling knowing exactly what she just did.

  “You’re evil you know that, right?” He said.

  “Yes I do, now give it to me, I’m ready.” Molly said while spreading her legs. So he did, he drove into her not letting up at all. He drove hard, he couldn’t help it she had him so turned on he lost all abandonment and control. He felt Molly’s insides tighten around his shaft and she moaned at the top of her lungs calling out his name from the sensations forming between the two of them. His whole body went numb and his vision blacked. He exploded inside of her instantly.

  He fell on top of her, both of them breathed heavily. Hearing Molly scream his name in ecstasy was the greatest thing he had ever heard. He felt her become slick all around him and he loved it so much. He gave her that pleasure she was feeling and there was nothing better than knowing that.

  Austin’s mind came back around and he realized that he just fucked Molly pretty hard and realized he might have been too rough.

  “Molly, are you ok? I’m sorry I just lost myself and my body took over. I didn’t hurt you did I?”

  Molly stroked his jaw and put her finger in his mouth. “Not at all, that was quite amazing actually.” She trailed her wet finger down his chest down to his crotch.

  “Give me a second girl, I’m still cooling off from what we just did.”

  “Oh no, are you going soft on me already?”

  Austin took off the used condom as he continued to throb from their last encounter. It wasn’t that he was going soft, he just needed to re-charge.

  “Can’t we just hold each other for a little while? I promise we will go at it again however you want in a few minutes, I just need a second to catch my breath.”

  Molly got up in all her naked glory turned around and said, “I didn’t come here to hold you Austin, I came here to fuck you. I have to catch an early flight in the morning to make a meeting I have with Jane so you have two options, you can lay in bed and remember what it was like to fuck me or you can come take a shower and lick me senseless. Your choice.” Then she walked into the bathroom and he heard the shower turn on.

  Did he really even have an option? Molly naked and wet or sitting by himself on a hotel bed, wow what a hard choice. Austin hopped off the bed and into the bathroom finding Molly already wet and running her hands once again over her fantastic body. She opened the shower door exposing her glistening naked body and pulled him inside pinning him against the wall. Yup, joining the shower escapades was the correct choice.


  Patty pulled up to the dress shop to meet Jane, Lucy and Molly. They were going to try on some bridesmaids dresses and Jane had some kind of announcement. Molly and Patty were bridesmaids and Lucy was there for support and planning in general. Jane said she needed all hands on deck.

  Patty got out of her car and grabbed her phone just as it beeped. She received a text message. It was from Marc. They have been texting occasionally sharing funny stories they heard or just stupid things about life. Patty really liked this friendship thing they had going on. It was pretty easy. She looked at her text message.

  Marc: Didn’t get much sleep last night thanks to Austin fucking the shit out of some girl all night. You would think the Hyatt would have thicker walls or beds that did not bang against the wall.

  Patty laughed out loud. Marc expressed to her before how much he cherished his sleep and if he didn’t get his “beauty rest” he was a monster the next day.

  Patty: Oh no, at least someone on your team is getting action.

  Marc: Brady is getting action and he even thought Austin’s midnight sex-capades were out of hand. The girl was so loud.

  Patty: Well I guess we can assume Jane is a quiet comer then since Brady was even disturbed

  Marc: LOL…apparently. Why don’t you ask her?

  Patty: Should I tell Brady, you are interested in his fiancé’s bedroom decorum?

  Patty walked into the shop and spotted the girl’s right away. Molly looked rough, like she had no sleep at all. She was sitting on one of the chairs holding what looked like a mimosa and Jane was tending to Molly’s hair trying to tame it down a notch.

  “Hey girls, are we ready to try on some dresses?” Patty announced as she got closer to them.

  “Yes!” Jane said. “Thank you so much for coming ladies I appreciate it. There are a couple of dresses I’m really interested in seeing on you and Lucy here our fabulous assistant is going to take pictures for us and then we will make the executive decision. I believe the ladies who work here have already pulled the dresses and are waiting for you to try them on in the dressing room.”

  Molly started to get up to walk toward the dressing room when Patty stopped her.

  “Hold on Molly. Jane what was the announcement you wanted to make?” said Patty.

  “Oh yea, you had an announcement, what’s up Jane?” Molly added.

  “Well Brady and I talked last night and we decided that we don’t really want to wait to get married. We want to get married as soon as possible and then go on a honeymoon after the season. We will go on a mini one right after the wedding but we will go on a real one later. That being said, we want to get married during the all-start break.” Jane said smiling.

  “Wait when is the all-star break?” asked Molly.

  “The homerun derby is July tenth and then the all-star game is right after. The break lasts about four days and the season continues where it left off. Usually there are trades and what not that happen during that time frame as well. It can be stressful, are you sure you and Brady are ok with that?” said Lucy.

  “Hold up, how do you know so much about baseball?” Molly asked Lucy.

  Jane answered for her. “Molly didn’t you know Lucy and Austin are best friends? They go way back to high school. Of course she would know about baseball and yes Lucy, we are prepared for that. We really don’t want to wait much longer.”

  Patty watched Molly give Lucy a dirty look and then stormed off into the dressing room. God what was her deal? She wasn’t being very maid of honor-ish.

  Jane defended her. “She is going through a rough time, I know this wedding can’t be easy given that fact that Luke passed three days before she was supposed to get married. Please forgive her attitude.”

  “Not a problem” said Patty. “Oh hey, I heard Brady had a rough night’s sleep last night. Marc sent me a text right before I got here saying Austin kept the team up all night.”

  Molly poked her head out of the dressing room only wearing her bra and underwear.

  “Oh yea, apparently Austin had a girl with him in his hotel room and she was extremely loud the whole night. I’m surprised the guys didn’t call down to the lobby to send someone up to quiet them. Usually they do stunts like that on each other.” Jane said.

  “I wonder where the girl came from?” Patty asked.


  Molly heard the girls talking about Austin and poked her head out to hear what they were talking about. Apparently Marc and Br
ady didn’t get any sleep because of her. That information only made her giggle to herself. When Patty asked where the girl came from Lucy turned and looked at Molly with a bit of a scowl. What the hell was that about? Did Austin tell Lucy about their relationship? Only one way to find out. She swigged the rest of her champagne, shook the empty glass at the sales woman and asked Lucy to join her in the dressing room.

  “What’s up, Molly?” Lucy asked.

  “Hey, I was wondering if you could help me in this dress.”

  “Sure, let me put down the camera and clipboard.”

  There was a knock at the door and the sales woman came in with a fresh glass of champagne for Molly and then offered to help Molly into the dress so Lucy could be with Jane and help write notes.

  “That is awfully sweet of you but I actually wanted to talk to Lucy. Thanks though.”

  The lady left and Lucy asked Molly, “What did you want to talk about?”

  She turned to face Lucy and asked, “Do you know who Austin is seeing?”

  “Why? Do you like him?” Lucy said in a snobby tone.

  “Listen here Lucy, I know you know so just come out and say what you want to say.”

  “Fine.” Lucy said. “I don’t like what you are doing to Austin. He likes you and you are only using him for sex, it’s not fair to him.”

  “Not fair to him or to you Lucy? It seems to me like you might have a little crush on your friend.” Molly saw Lucy blush. Ah ha. She hit the nail on the head. She could believe any girl would have a crush on Austin; he was one fine piece of meat. Lucy was a cute girl but a little frumpy. If she ditched the glasses and wore more attractive clothing she had the potential to be a knock out.

  Lucy was no competition for Molly and Molly wanted her to know it.

  Molly took her bra off to try on dresses and gave Lucy a good look at her competition. Lucy blushed feverishly from Molly’s blatant display of nudity and quickly tried to leave the dressing room but Molly stopped her.

  “Don’t be shy Lucy I still need your help. You’ve seen tits before you have some yourself. Granted they are not like mine. After I had Winnie the doctor helped give them a bit of a lift. You should see Austin’s face every time I strip for him. He can’t take his eyes off these puppies; he gets so hard for them. Here you can touch them, they’re all real.”

  “That’s alright. I’ll pass let’s just get you in the dress so I can get the hell out of here.”

  Lucy zipped up Molly’s dress and started to walk out of the dressing room. Molly grabbed her arm and pinned her against the dressing room.

  “You better not tell anyone what you know, Lucy.”

  Lucy glared Molly up and down with a disgusted look on her glasses covered face.

  “I’m not going to tell anyone what I know because that’s not who I am, it’s not my place to tell and also because I respect Austin’s wishes. But by no means believe for one second that I am doing you a favor. I think you are a piece of trash of a mother and an egotistical woman who cares about no one’s feelings but your own. Grow up Molly your fiancé might be dead but that doesn’t mean you can act like everyone else is dead and treat them like they don’t have feelings. Be a grown up and face your problems, stop hiding behind them because if you continue down the path you’re going you’re only going to lose your daughter and Austin, the only two good things going on in your life.”

  Lucy pushed Molly off of her and walked out of the dressing room with her head held high and her glasses pushed back on her nose like the stuck up bitch that she was.

  How fucking dare Lucy talk to her like that? Where did she grow the nerve to say such horrible things? She had no clue what Molly went through and all the crap that was thrown her way in the last two years. She had no fucking clue.

  Molly downed her second drink and asked for another one as she pulled herself together and modeled off the dress like a good bridesmaid. Fuck Lucy, she could go to hell was the mantra Molly repeated in her head as she showed off the dresses Jane picked out for them.


  Brady was getting ready in the locker room when his phone started to ring. He looked down and saw that it was Jane calling. He felt relief pass through his bones. He was exhausted from Austin’s adventures in head board banging as well as not having a very good game the other night that he needed to hear her voice.

  “Hey baby, how are you?”

  “Hey handsome, I miss you.”

  “God, I miss you even more. I can’t even describe to you how great it is to hear your voice.”

  “Is everything ok?”

  Brady knew Jane was always worried about him when he was on the road and rightfully so because he unfortunately became very dependent upon Jane’s love and when he was away it was harder for him to function. He was a dependent, sap of a man ever since he met Jane but he wouldn’t give up their love for anything.

  “Yea, you know how I get. Man, you’ve really messed up my away stats. Ever since I have started dating you my away stats are worse than my home stats. I need you to start traveling with me, I’m sure the organization will be on board given the fact that you will help produce more runs through making me a happier man.”

  Jane laughed. “I know I’m sorry. Once the wedding is over I will have some more free time thanks to Lucy. Having her and Patty running the events for me have been amazing and I will have more time to travel around with you.”

  “I can’t wait! So what’s up sweet thing?”

  “I was just calling to tell you we picked out the bridesmaid dresses yesterday and there seemed to be an odd tension between Lucy and Molly and Patty for that matter. I don’t know what to do, Brady. Molly seems to have really taken a turn for the worst and is not herself at all. It’s like she has turned into ultra-bitch and is mean to anyone in her path. She’s just going through the motions with me, her body is present but her heart and mind are nowhere to be found. It makes me feel sad because I feel like she doesn’t want to be a part of this, for our wedding. I really wish I had my best friend helping me, not the shell of her body, you know?”

  “I know, babe.” Brady said sympathetically. “You have to remember though, the last wedding she was helping plan was her own wedding and we both know how that turned out. I bet you she is just really tense because it is bringing back bad feelings for her. Give her some time I’m sure things will get better.”

  “You’re right, thanks handsome. So I booked the St. Regis. They were very accommodating and were able to fit us in on the tenth of July. So that means we will be married in three weeks. My god, I cannot wait to be Mrs. Matthews.”

  “That’s fantastic, babe. I can’t wait either. Are you going to be able to get a dress in that amount of time?”

  “You’re cute for being concerned but yes I am. My good friend works at a bridal shop we already picked out a dress and it’s being altered as we speak. Don’t worry I got it all covered. Invites are being sent out tomorrow and everything is in motion.”

  “I don’t doubt you one bit pip-squeak.”

  “Hey have you talked to Michael? Is he going to be in the wedding?”

  “Yes I did, he said he would be honored and said he would take us out to dinner when we get back to Atlanta to celebrate. He was really awesome about everything and said he could not be happier for us.”

  Brady knew Jane was worried about Michael’s reaction to the proposal. They all hung out on occasion and clearly kept in touch but they were not as close as they used to be, at least Jane. Michael and Jane always felt sad about the fact that they were unable to rekindle what they used to have so the fact that Michael wants to be in the wedding and take them out to dinner is a big step in the right direction toward reconciling their friendship.

  “Good I’m glad. Alright, I have to go and make some phone calls. Good luck tonight handsome. Hit a homerun for me!”

  “I’ll try, if we had some Skype sex last night I’m sure I would be able to hit one no problem.”

  Jane always was shy dur
ing phone or Skype sex. He thought she was so cute the way she stuttered in describing what she was doing or was so nervous getting off in front of a camera but Brady loved it. It brought out the innocence that initially made him fall in love with her.

  “Brady, you’re not going to quit with that are you?”

  “Nope, I love it. Skype date tonight?”

  Jane groaned in the phone. “Yes, but this time I want you to show me you locked the door because Marc walking in last time made me just about die. I’m already shy as it is, I don’t need an audience.”

  “You have my word on it and you know I didn’t mean for that to happen. There is no way I want that horn dog Marc to see my girl naked.”

  “I know, alright see you tonight. Love you, handsome.”

  “I love you, sweet thing.”


  Lucy got home and decided to take a bath. The last couple of days had been rough. She could not believe the way Molly treated her in the dressing room the other day, it still was bothering her. Lucy knew Molly was going through a rough time, Jane talked about Molly’s troubles on occasion but Lucy didn’t believe that Molly should be treated differently. It had almost been two years since Luke’s death; Molly should not get a pass any more on life. Lucy felt Molly needed to deal with her problems instead of running away from them as well as stop treating people like crap.

  Lucy hated the way Molly treated Austin. The only reason Molly was an absolute bitch to Lucy in the dressing room was because Molly felt threatened. For some odd reason Molly didn’t want anyone knowing about her and Austin which didn’t make much sense to Lucy. Who would want to keep being in a relationship with Austin a secret? Lucy would shout it to the world that she was in a relationship with such a man…if she ever had the opportunity.


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