Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 29

by Quinn, Meghan

  He slumped back in the chair next to her. He was starting to make her dizzy with all his abrupt movements.

  “Come on Patty, who are we kidding? You know what’s going to happen. You are going to tell me you’re not ready to be in a relationship but you want to be my friend. I just can’t be your friend anymore, I want more. I want you to be mine.”

  He was right, she was afraid to be in a relationship especially after what she just went through. She didn’t want to lose Marc though. He was so strong and caring and not to mention, major eye candy. He was one of the best things to come into her life.

  “Are you going to say anything?” he asked.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking.”

  “Can we just forget this even came up? You have what? A couple more weeks left here? Maybe we can talk about all this then but for now let’s just focus on getting you healthy again.”

  “No, I want to talk about this now. I don’t want to lead you on Marc.”

  He slapped the side of her bed startling her. “Damn it Patty, I don’t get you. Why won’t you let your doubts go and just be with me? Be mine. You will never know if you don’t try to forget your past and start something new with me. Give us a chance before you slam the door on something that could have been great. We can be great together, Patty. You’re the only one for me and I will be damned if I let you give us up before it even begins.”

  She looked into his eyes as he spoke such passionate, eloquent words. Words no one had ever said to her, or cared to say to her. Marc was the man for her but she didn’t know if she could take the leap. She kept telling herself it wouldn’t be easy, it never was entrusting someone else with your heart but wouldn’t she feel worse not giving them a shot?

  “I dare you.” He said with a grin. He was rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

  How could she resist that grin? She reached across the bed and pulled him close to her and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, barely caressing them. She felt him exhale and sink into the side of her bed.

  She grabbed his head with her hands and looked him in the eyes.

  “I want this Marc. I want this so badly. I don’t know what has taken me so long to realize it. I have experienced every feeling and said every word before so I don’t understand why I’ve been so sacred. You have done nothing to make me think you’re not worthy of my heart. You’ve proved that through thick and thin you will always be by my side.”

  “Always, babe.”

  “Thank you, thank you for everything not just for being there for me physically but emotionally. When I was in a coma, your face was constantly appearing in my head. You helped me Marc, you helped me wake up.” She kissed his nose and said, “You’re my one and only, Marc Sullivan.”

  He took that opportunity to slide into bed with her and set her on his lap, wrapping his arms completely around her and cradling her into his chest.

  “Jesus, you don’t even know how good it feels to hear you say that. I have dreamt of the day you wanted to be with me, granted I didn’t think we would be in a hospital but I wouldn’t trade this moment for anything.”

  He positioned his head so he could devour her mouth. He was slow and caring with his kisses, not forceful at all. His tongue slid across her bottom lip making her shiver with anticipation.

  “We need to stop this.” She said. “Because from what I can tell you’re a little too excited and I’m getting all hot and bothered.”

  He rested his forehead against her chest and said, “How much longer are you in here?”

  Laughing she replied, “Patience Sully, patience.”

  “I think I have been pretty damn patient. Two years is a long time to be without a woman.”

  That made her sit straight up.

  “You mean to tell me you haven’t been with a woman in two years?” The news completely shocked her. Before she met Marc, he was a complete playboy and the fact that he had not had sex in two years was outrageous to her.

  “No woman even came close to measuring up to you. You really have ruined me.” Laughing he placed a kiss on her nose.

  “Well we must fix that then when I get out of here. A little more physical therapy and I should be good to go.”

  “Don’t even tease me.”

  She looked at him, taking every last inch of his handsome face in. She was really going to do this, she was throwing herself whole heartedly into a relationship. She couldn’t have chosen a better man. This was it for her. She knew this was real and nothing was going to break them a part.

  Taking a leap of faith she said, “I love you, Marc.”

  She felt him stiffen up when the words slipped out of her mouth and she instantly regretted her boldness. He turned her face so they were looking directly at each other.

  “I never thought it was possible to hear those words come from your mouth and be directed toward me. Jesus, I think my heart might combust. God, I love you so much, Patty.”

  She couldn’t help but cry. She buried her head in his chest and he held her. She felt his heart pound against her ear, she had never been happier in her life. She could have taken a different route to get to this place in her life but now that she was with Marc, in love, she would never go back. She gave him her heart and she knew he was going to cherish it forever.


  Molly stared at herself in the mirror. She looked like a completely different person. She cut her hair into a bob, just above her shoulders and added some highlights. The bags that she thought were beginning to be permanent slowly started to disappear and her complexion looked healthier. She had not had a drink of alcohol since Jane practically kicked her ass and she replaced any kind of cigarette or drug use with exercise, something Molly always balked at when Jane suggested it but she found running in the morning made her feel more invigorated throughout the day.

  She talked to Jim and Marcia, Luke’s parents, and told them about the changes she made in her life and the steps she was making to improve her life. They all decided on splitting time with Winnie during the week until Molly got her feet fully back on the ground.

  Molly got a job with her old school. The new principal, who was a teacher beforehand, always got along with Molly and when Molly approached her about finding a job, she was instantly offered a position teaching fifth graders that just opened up. The timing was perfect and Molly thought Luke must be looking out for her. She used to teach third graders so she had to brush up on her fifth grade curriculum but she had a while until the school year started back up in September.

  She pretty much had everything back in her life besides a man. She thought long and hard about inviting Austin in her life, who knew if he was going to take her back but before she even tried to ask, she wanted to make sure she was ready to have a man permanently in her life again.

  Before Luke, she was a wild child, Luke was the one who calmed her down and made her settle with a guy. She never thought she would be a girl in a serious relationship but Luke changed everything when he asked her to dance at Deuces. When he died, he took that Molly with him. The committed, relationship type Molly was no longer alive. She wanted to make sure she was going to be able to throw away the partying Molly permanently and give her heart to Austin.

  She took her time thinking about what life would be like, sharing it with another man and the thought didn’t bother her as much as it used to. Austin was an amazing guy, cared about her, wanted to meet Winnie and was one amazing lover. She knew it was going to be hard but she wanted to share her life with Austin. She wanted to try and see where life took them…together.

  It took many phone calls, text messages and e-mails to convince him to come over for dinner and talk but she was positive about the night. She knew he wouldn’t come if he wasn’t interested, therefore she had hopes for the future.

  She cooked up a meal of pulled pork made in the crock pot, some cornbread, mashed potatoes and corn. He was from Texas and she wanted to make him feel at home, show him she was trying.

  She wor
e a yellow sundress that cinched at her waist and lightly flowed out from there. Her make-up was very light in contrast of what she normally was wearing and she made sure her hair was in place. She was ready for tonight. She had a massive amount of butterflies but she was confident she could convince Austin to give them a chance.

  She went around the house, lighting candles and was startled by a knock at the door. Her heart plummeted knowing this was it. She checked herself out in the hall mirror before she peaked through the peep hole. In view there was a fabulous display of flowers. She smiled confirming the thought that tonight was going to be ok.

  She flew the door open and was instantly smacked in the face by the past. Standing in front of her was what she could only imagine a ghost. Luke was grinning back at her, holding flowers, looking thinner than she remembered. She couldn’t breathe and she started to hyperventilate. She felt her legs go weak and she tumbled to the floor.

  “Baby it’s me. It’s ok.”

  Next thing she knew she found herself being held by Luke on the couch. Her Luke, her Luke who was supposed to be dead. She couldn’t process a thought.

  The only thing that she could think to say was, “You’re supposed to be dead.” She was crying hysterically.

  “I know baby, I know. I’m so sorry.”

  She shot out of his arms and crawled away, scared out of her mind, not knowing what was happening.

  “Is this some kind of sick dream? Or trick? It’s not funny.”

  Luke tried to come near her but she stopped him. “Don’t come near me. You’re dead, you died two years ago. I went to your memorial service. They told me you were dead. Why would they do that?”

  “Baby please calm down, come sit down and I will tell you everything.”

  “Were they playing a trick on me?”

  “No babe, they thought I was dead. Everyone on the plane died…except me. I was taken hostage by some drug dealing natives. I was able to escape a couple of months ago, made contact with my commanding post and they came and got me. It’s over babe. I’m back for good.”

  “What do you mean? I don’t understand.” She ran her hands over his body checking to see if what was in front of her was actually real. “You’re home for good?”

  “Yes babe. I got an honorable discharge. No more missions. I’m yours forever.”

  Her mind couldn’t process what was happening. She said bye to Luke two years ago and now he was back? Could they just start from where they left off? Were they still engaged? She was so confused. She looked around the room and remembered the candles. Shit. What about Austin? What about her feelings for him?

  At that moment she saw him walk through the door with a single rose in his hand. The look on his face was pure confusion. He looked at Luke and his eyes lit up with fire. Molly turned to look at Luke and he looked hurt.

  “Jesus, I didn’t even think about the fact that you could have moved on.” Luke started to get up but Molly stopped him.

  “No, it’s not what you think.”

  Austin took that moment to chime in. “Oh it’s not what he thinks? What is this then Molly? You call me a million times telling me you want to see where the future takes us and I convince myself it’s a good idea to give you another chance but I find you’re here with some other guy. That’s bullshit.”

  She strode across the room to Austin, gripping his hands. “Austin, it’s not what you think.”

  “Please by all means, tell us what we’re thinking.” Luke said.

  She turned on a dime to look at Luke and pointed her finger at him. “Don’t you dare even give me attitude, you have no right. You can’t expect me to drop everything in my life after two years and go running back to you. Jesus, I still don’t even know if you’re real yet.”

  “What the fuck is going on Molly?” Austin practically screamed.

  Molly exhaled and said, “Austin, this is Luke Cartwright. Luke this is Austin Lee.”

  Austin jaw was practically dragging on the floor. “You mean…God, I didn’t even recognize him. This is Luke, as in your ex-fiancé who should be dead, the father of your child?”

  “Child?!” Luke exclaimed.





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