Tyranny in the Homeland

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Tyranny in the Homeland Page 2

by A J Newman

  “Scott, you haven’t been with another woman since you started going steady with Joan. You don’t even flirt with any of the young women. Hell, they all want you to court them. You are the most wanted man in the southeast.”

  Jim thought that was funny and was laughing hard when Scott thumped him on the back of the head.

  “I’ll just tell Imelda what you said and see if she doesn’t finish thumping your head.”

  Imelda and Joan came around the corner of the living room just in time to hear the end of Scott’s comment.

  “Why would I want to thump my baby’s head? I love his head, but if my boss says thump, I thump.”

  With that said, she gently slapped the back of Jim’s head then fell into his lap and kissed him.

  Joan said, “I don’t think I will let that last comment get pushed under the rug. Jim, were you making fun of Scott for moving in with me? I might cut your balls off if you are trying to give him cold feet.”

  “Joan, you know me too well to think that I would say anything negative about y’all moving in together. I think it’s a great idea.”

  “If it’s so great, why don’t you and Imelda live together? You two are together every minute that you are off duty and look at the apartment you get. It has at least two more square feet than the area around your bunk in the bachelor’s quarters.”

  They all laughed and went back to helping get Joan and Scott’s belongings unpacked.


  "Now, class, this is probably the most difficult question of the day. Which is more important, the First Amendment or the Second Amendment to the Constitution?”

  He saw several hands go up in a knee jerk reaction and said, “Take your time. This could be the most important question that you will ever be asked.”

  ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺

  Chapter 3

  Terror in Decatur

  Decatur, Alabama

  February, 2021

  The Department of Homeland Security had set up camp just across the river from Decatur in a little town named Peets Corner. There were over two hundred DHS, three companies of Kentucky National Guard and a regular Army artillery company making up the force. Only the DHS officers knew that the President of the USA wanted to make an example of Decatur. Their orders were to kill every man, woman and child and then destroy the town. The President was worried that the National Guard may not carry out their part of the massacre if they knew the whole story about the attack. Their officers had been told that a biker gang had taken over the town and had already killed all of the citizens.

  “Sergeant Davies, what did your scouts find on the other side of the river? Did the DHS or anyone see your team?”

  “Sir, no one saw the team. Those biker gang members apparently brought women and children with them. They also have farmers and some policemen. Sir, there are about forty five hundred civilians across the river.”

  “Thanks for the update. Tell your men to keep this to themselves. Dismissed.”

  “Alex, gather the scouts and meet me behind the mess truck in ten minutes.”

  “Will do.”

  Sergeant Ted Davies knew that he could not be a part of the attack on Decatur, but wanted to make sure that the biker gangs didn’t fool the scouts. Even if the gangs controlled the city, it made no sense to shell the women and children.

  “Team, give me more detail. How many kids and what ages? How many women and were they armed?”

  “Ted, I saw over a hundred kids of all ages in schools and playing in the park.”

  “I saw that plus most of the women were unarmed and the ones that were appeared to be part of a group that was guarding the city. They have guards at all entrances to the city. These were well-dressed and clean people. I never saw any greasy bikers. We can’t kill these people.”

  “Okay, keep this to yourselves. I told the Major and he is thinking about the situation.”

  “Damn, he’d better think quickly. The artillery starts in two days and I’m not joining in on the attack.”

  All of the men said that they would not attack innocent civilians.

  “I’ll talk with the Major again, but don’t talk out loud about this. The DHS will shoot us for insubordination if they catch wind of these comments.”

  “We just want to go back home to Madisonville and see our families. This is bullshit.”


  “In thirty four hours we will begin moving troops across the river and an hour later we will begin shelling the enemy. Another hour after that the attack helicopters will finish off any remaining enemy troops. This will send a message to this rebel group that they can’t fuck with Uncle Sam. Colonel Bates will go over your assignments with you and then you will get back to your commands.”

  “Sir, what about civilian casualties?”

  “Good question. There are a few innocents that we hope to save, but there are very few and yes, some may be killed. A few women and children are located in a school on the west side of town that the artillery and choppers will avoid. Major Mill’s NG unit has been selected to free them from the gangs. I have faith that the Kentuckians will not shoot innocent women and children.”


  “Major Mills, please come here. We need to talk.”

  “Ted, what can I do for you?

  “Jack, I double checked with the scouts and Decatur has no gangs at all. They are innocent civilians. The men won’t join the attack.”

  “Sergeant Davies, shut up and come with me.”

  The Major led him to a spot in the woods about a hundred yards from the camp.

  “If the DHS hears you spouting off; we’ll all get shot. I agree with what you are saying and I know I can trust you, but we cannot trust everyone with this situation. Do you trust the ones that know about the civilians?”

  “Jack, we went to high school with all of them. They hate the DHS and don’t trust those bastards. They are going to massacre thousands of civilians just to make a point to the ISA rebels.”

  “Okay, I have a plan and I need you and your most trusted men to do what I tell you to do. I have four other groups that will do their part and we may get out of this alive. We can’t stop the attack, but we can lessen its impact. We have to escape and get our families to safety. I have also sent word of the attack to the ISA; perhaps they can help those poor souls.”


  “John, the DHS and some Army troops have massed just above Decatur and plan to kill everyone as a message to us. We want to stop them, but this is happening at dawn. We are sending some F-18s and Apaches, but need boots on the ground. If y’all go full speed, you should get there before the battle is over. I am sending fifty Rangers and Seals by chopper, but they can only harass the enemy until you get there. I hope we can save the town, but time is not on our side.”

  Scott’s scout team was on the road in an hour going as fast as the roads would permit. John had cleared the roads north of Mobile for about fifty miles. However, after that there were cars and trucks stalled on all of the highways from the EMP attack last year. They were weaving between cars and driving on the shoulder trying to go as fast as possible. They had three hundred and sixty miles to travel in ten hours to save thousands of lives.

  “Damn, Jim, we have to clear these roads before we go through this shit again. It never dawned on me that we’d have to move an army overnight.”

  “Scott, we’ll do the best we can and fight like hell when we get there.”

  “John, you can’t go. PERIOD! Beth is about to deliver any day now and your baby needs a father. I’ll lead the fight for Decatur and that’s that.”

  “Okay, Gus, but keep me informed on your progress and may God go with you and our men and women. It’s very hard to send my men into harm’s way and not go with them. I feel like I am betraying them.”

  “John, you have to trust your men. You trained them and taught them all you know about defeating the enemy, now turn them loose and have faith in them.”


jor Mills put his plans into motion at 2:00 a.m. starting with killing the seven men that the DHS had planted in his group. That team had the most distasteful job, but it was the key to their success.

  Ted slipped up behind the two DHS plants and tapped them on the shoulder. He stabbed one in the kidney while he held his hand over the guy’s mouth. Another slit the throat of the second man. They let them drop to the ground and then slid into the tent and killed two more of the bastards. Another team killed the remaining three DHS moles.

  The NG vehicles were searched for explosives and GPS tracking devices. Mills had them removed and placed on DHS Humvees.

  Next, several teams snuck into the artillery emplacements and shoved 105mm rounds down the barrels of the 155mm cannons. Then they poured sand down the barrels of the 105mm cannons. They sabotaged about half of the cannons before they heard the crews starting to wake up for the morning.

  The whole camp was stirring now and most would be crossing the bridges to head into Decatur. Mills planned to head west instead of crossing the river and go over to Elgin and cross the river at Wheeler Dam and hide out east of Florence until they could head back north to get their families.

  The NG units peeled off the road went through a field and cut across country in the pitch-black night. They were undetected and soon made it to Highway 24 and headed east until they joined Highway 72 and drove over to Elgin and crossed the river.

  About half an hour later, they heard several explosions and artillery fire at the same time. Then they heard explosions across the river in Decatur. Eighty men were killed and dozens more were wounded when the cannons exploded. There was a half hour lull while the crews checked their cannons for sabotage.

  “Head over to the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course. We’ll hide there until the coast is clear.”

  They drove back roads and gravel paths to get close to the golf course and were not spotted by the DHS. They drove up to the clubhouse and Major Mills got out and walked up the front steps.

  “This place is beautiful and will make a great command center.

  “Sergeant, hide as many of the vehicles under the clubhouse as possible. Hide the rest under the trees and no golfing.”

  The Fighting Joe was Major Mill’s favorite golf course. The course had reverted to weeds and tall grass; deer and rabbits were everywhere.

  “Ted, we used to come here every spring for our buddies golf tournament. Do you think anyone will ever play here again?”

  “Jack, I hope so because that will mean everything is back to normal. I don’t think we will see it in our lifetime.”

  ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺

  Chapter 4

  Decatur Falls

  Decatur, Alabama

  February, 2021

  Field Marshall Anderson had been chosen by the President to get revenge for the Mobile debacle. He was the Field Marshall for Tennessee and was one of his favorites. He knew that he would do anything he told him to do. Killing was no problem for Anderson who had been Black Ops who turned to selling his services to the highest bidder before TSHTF. He had him wipe out several groups of 2nd Amendment protesters in Iowa and Texas two years ago to slow that movement down. He hated guns; however, he made good use of them to further his agenda.

  Anderson arrived just after dark the night before to observe the attack on Decatur. He brought his wife and teenage sons to watch the attack. They needed to see the victory and go back and tell their friends about the experience. He even had several reporters along to broadcast the major success in his new Southern Campaign.

  “Dad, why did we have to get up so early? The sun won’t be up for hours.”

  “Major, take my wife and kids over by the cannons so they can experience the barrage.”

  “Sir, the noise will be deafening.”

  “I know. I won’t be able to hear the whining.”

  “Sir, shelling will start on your command.”

  “General, begin firing.”

  “Commence firing.”

  The firing began with cannons exploding and large fragments tearing through the crew and onlookers. Men and women were killed instantly. A three-foot long section of a barrel cut through the Field Marshall’s family and sliced them to pieces. His oldest son was screaming in pain with the lower half of his body several yards away. Anderson was hit by several small pieces of shrapnel, but had no major injuries. He watched the horrifying scene play out as his men rushed to tend to the wounded while others inspected the rest of the cannons for sabotage.

  “General! General! Get your ass over here now. I want whoever did this to pay.”

  Anderson held his wife’s lifeless body and wept. He vowed vengeance on the bastards who killed his family and made him look like a fool.

  “Sir, we will perform a full investigation ASAP. Do you want to stop the attack and start the investigation now?”

  “General, continue the attack and then start the investigation. I will have my personal security group begin gathering evidence while you conduct the attack. Dismissed!”

  The shelling of Decatur began and continued for several hours. Then the Apaches began strafing the city along with five A-10 Warthogs.

  “Cheetah, this is Ice Man. There are civilians and children down there. We are pulling out. We won’t kill any more of them. This is a massacre. Command lied.”

  “Ice Man, confirmed on the civilians.”

  “Command, this is Cheetah. There are women and children on target. Request permission to stop the attack. I repeat, request permission to stop the attack.”

  “This is General Black. Permission denied. Continue the attack. That is an order. If you disobey, you will be court martialed and shot.”


  “Captain, the attack is well under way. The city is in ruins and now Apaches and A10s are beginning to strafe the city.”

  “Permission given to shoot down the attacking aircraft. It won’t be much help, but maybe it will save some lives.”

  “Sir, the aircraft broke off during the first run. They went on open channel and questioned their orders. Their commanding officer has ordered them to continue even though they report civilians at the target. They have refused to fire on innocent civilians.”

  The Navy F-18s bore down on the aircraft attacking the city when at the last minute they heard, “The attackers have ceased firing on the city and are moving away from the city. Do not fire on them unless they make any hostile moves.”

  “Open up communications with them and see if they want to join us.”


  Jim and Scott crawled to the top of the roof and peered over the crest to see Decatur in ruins. The sun was just starting to rise over the tree line and there was enough light to make out the soldiers coming across the bridge.

  “Bob, we are in place and it’s very bad. The city is in ruins and the enemy is only a few minutes from crossing the bridge. I made contact with the Rangers and we can slow them down, but we are outnumbered twenty to one and they can shell the hell out of us.”

  “Scott, their aircraft have deserted them and our birds are inbound as we speak. Button down and watch the fireworks. The F-18s will take out the artillery and as many troops on the north side of the river, but you have to hold the troops out until re-enforcements arrive.”

  “We’ll do our best. My guess is that there are still several thousand people left in the town.”

  “Jim, we will drive fast around the southeast side of town and hit the enemy as they come off the bridge.”

  “I’m in. Let’s send these bastards to hell or the USA which ever they run into first.”

  Suddenly there were multiple explosions on the far side of the river, then the earth shook and the sky erupted as the F-18s passed over to attack the DHS. Several Apaches strafed the men on the bridges and the convoy behind them. Humvees and trucks exploded and men jumped off the bridge to escape the withering fire.

  “That should even the playing field. Kill the rest of the bastards,” said the Apache fl
ight leader on their last pass.

  “Thanks for the weeding out. We can handle the rest of the bastards. We may not even leave any for the Rangers and Seals.”

  “Don’t be too cocky, there are a couple hundred more running at you and we are low on fuel and have to bug out. You have a chance now, but it’s not a good chance.”

  “Roger that, while we have been watching the Decatur bridge, the SOBs are trying an end around and will be coming across the Highway 65 bridge and will try to come in behind you. Fall back to Highway 67 and ambush them as they get off 65. Better yet, get there ASAP and shoot the bastards on the bridge in the middle of the river.”

  “Oh shit, we are on the way.”

  “Bob, any chance of air support at the Highway 65 Bridge?”

  “Son, you are SOL. I heard the conversation, it will take an hour for the Apaches to get back to your position and by then they will be on top of you. Try to keep them bunched up on the east side of town and we will wipe them out, but you have to entertain them for the next hour.”

  Scott’s team rushed over to the Highway 65 and 67 intersection only to find the enemy already turning off 65 onto Highway 67 towards town. They quickly set up an ambush.


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