Things That Go Bump In The Night

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Things That Go Bump In The Night Page 12

by Jaid Black

  But it wasn’t the need to suckle him that was making her feel breathless and passionate, though she could ascertain that was precisely what the giant wanted from her! It was the need to mate with the huge predator that was arousing her so fiercely. She didn’t just want to have sex with him, she thought uneasily, she wanted to actually mate with him, to have him implant his child in her womb…

  “Oh lord,” she whimpered, her nipples hardening, her breath coming out in pants. She knew something wasn’t right, wasn’t as it should be. Human women do not react to human males like…like…good grief like dogs in heat. But that’s exactly what she felt like, and what’s worse, she could swear she felt every egg that lined her ovaries tingling, waiting to be fertilized.

  Damn it!

  Nancy groaned, clamping a hand to her forehead as she did so. What in the name of God was happening to her? she thought morosely, her lips forming a dramatic martyr’s slash. What manner of…species…was this fanged predator that he could make her body react so damned primitively?

  Her stomach rumbled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten in an age. She’d been too keyed up at Lori’s party to consume a morsel, and too worried about her waistline expanding to take a bite. But now…

  Nancy’s eyes flicked up to the giant’s face as her breathing grew increasingly sporadic. Now, she thought worriedly as her eyes locked with his and she saw his breathing hitch, now she was hungry.

  * * * * *

  Vorik heard the yenni groan, the sound followed immediately by the noise of her empty belly rumbling.

  Oh aye, he thought shakily, his man sac tightening til ‘twas nigh unto blue, at long last the alpha female was hungered enough to dine upon him. Every muscle in his body clenched in anticipation, and his breath came out in a rush when her dimwitted eyes flew up to meet with his. That an intelligence seemed to lurk behind the dominant female’s gaze was of no interest to him at this juncture, for all he could think on was the fact that after having been forced to wait so many agonizing years for bodily surcease, his cock was about to be suckled of seed.

  He reached out and brushed a lock of hair away from her face. Verily, he had never seen hair the color of hers, a soft amber hue that made his heart ache.

  The color of her bedamned hair made his heart ache? Arrg! By the tit of the she-god, he would not fall in love with a dimwitted yenni. Verily, he frowned, ‘twould make him the laughingstock of his entire pack!

  Vorik saw the hesitation in her eyes and wondered at it. Mayhap a former master had treated her badly, he thought sadly, his heart constricting yet further. His teeth gritted as he steeled himself against his emotions, yet he found that all the steeling in the galaxies could not keep his heart from thumping madly in tune with hers.

  Ah well no matter, he assured himself, ‘twas probably a normal reaction any male of his species had to the first pet he captured. Mayhap a Barbarian always holds a special place in his heart for the she-beast who’s the first to suckle of him. ‘Twas a passing fancy, that.

  The heaving of her breasts caught his attention, inducing Vorik’s hand to instinctively reach out and palm one. ‘Twas large and full, he thought wonderingly, his breath hitching once more. He ran his thumb o’er the elongated rouge nipple, then closed his eyes briefly whilst he dragged in a calming breath at the sound of her gasp of pleasure.

  Her nipples were like maji fruits, he thought as his nostrils flared. Puffy at the base, long and ripe at the peak.

  Vorik’s silver eyes bore into the yenni’s, the troubled look within her dark gaze still causing his heart to ache. He continued to stroke her silken mane of hair, his eyes gentling at her worried expression. His other hand reached further down her body until his thumb found her clit. He massaged it gently to soothe her. “Sha nala faron, zya.” ‘Twill be alright, little one. He smiled softly. “Khan-Gori m’alana fey.” I will not harm you.

  She looked as though she understood not what his words meant, which Vorik had expected since all yenni were dim of the mind, yet he could tell that the gentle way he’d spoken the words had calmed her fears a bit. Her eyes flicked down to his shaft, no doubt remembering the need of a meal, and he felt his man sac go entirely blue as it tightened further, ready to explode for her.

  And then, oh aye and then, the alpha female gave herself up to the lure of a hot meal as her lips slowly clamped around the sensitive head of his manhood. Vorik groaned at the first touch, his muscles cording when he saw and felt her suctioning lips envelop the head in its entirety.

  “Oh aye,” he moaned hoarsely, perspiration dotting his brow, wetting his shoulder-length black hair. His breathing grew labored as he watched her eyes close, as he heard her softly moan whilst she began attending to his cock. A rush of air came out from his lungs in a hiss as he gently guided her head up and down his shaft, his fingers twined through her hair as he pressed her closer to him.

  She suckled him ferociously, getting more and more into the feeding as her eyes closed and she worked her suctioning lips vigorously up and down his staff. Her nipples hardened as she toyed with him, as she did what the females of her species had done since the advent of time to males of his species.

  Vorik groaned when her small hands began massaging his man sac, gasping when he knew he was nigh close unto bursting already. Her ravenous tongue knew how to flick about his sensitive head, her nimble fingers knew just how much pressure to apply to his scrotum. He gasped again as he watched his cock disappear into the depths of her mouth, her eyes closed in bliss as she suckled up and down the length of him.

  She took him in a frenzy, her suctioning mouth working faster and faster, the sound of lips meeting cock smacking throughout the nest. Vorik growled low in his throat, unable to stop his fangs from emerging from his gums. He cradled her head reverently at his groin, his silver eyes opening then narrowing in crimson desire as he watched her feast on him.

  She suckled faster, then faster still, her silken amber head bobbing up and down upon his manhood. When her tiny hands began massaging his man sac in earnest in time with her sucks, his head fell back upon the animal hides and his muscles corded. She seemed to know ‘twas time to make him spurt, for her suctioning mouth honed in on the sensitive head and she sucked upon it greedily whilst massaging his tight balls.

  Oh aye, Vorik thought, his mind nigh unto delirious. ‘Twas bliss, this.

  His entire body shuddered, then clenched hotly in anticipation of release. The yenni continued to work the magic of her kind upon him harder and harder still, her fingers massaging his scrotum whilst her lips pulled, sucked, and suctioned at the sensitive head.

  “Zya,” he roared. Vorik exploded between her lips, his fangs jutting fully into his mouth whilst his entire body shuddered and convulsed. She groaned as his seed spurted into her mouth, then closed her eyes as she fed from him, lapping up every last glowing drop of his silvery dew.

  It was long minutes before he could catch his breath and even longer minutes before he could see again, for stars had exploded behind his eyes when he’d spurted and he had felt nigh close unto swooning from the intensity of his release. But at last, when finally he was able to steady himself and breathe normally again, he gazed down upon her lush form and his man sac instantly tightened for her.

  Oh aye, he thought headily, a smile of contentment pervading his lips as he nudged her face with gentle reverence back down toward his groin, this yenni was a hungry alpha without a doubt.

  She studied him with an astonished expression for a few moments, her eyes clashing with his as she apparently decided what to do. But eventually, just as Vorik had thought she would—as he’d hoped she would—the beautiful, hungry she-beast latched her lips around the head of his manhood again and began the process of feeding from him all o’er again.

  Vorik laid back upon the muu animal hides with a dreamy sigh, his heavily muscled arms flung o’er his head in surrender to her appetite. He closed his eyes and smiled blissfully as her lips worked o’er him once more, praying that ‘twoul
d take many sucklings before her belly felt full.

  Verily, he thought on a gasp as his man sac tightened with seed, who needed a Bloodmate when a pet so fine as this one needed food.

  Still, he was no saint, he knew. Aye he enjoyed feeding her, but ‘twould be bliss when she’d had her fill and he could stuff his cock into her wet, puffed up pussy.

  Oh aye. ‘Twould be bliss.

  * * * * *

  Nancy wasn’t sure if she’d gone insane or not, but four blowjobs later she decided that she had. Her jaw was so sore it was throbbing, yet every time the huge predator gazed down at her with stars in his eyes she’d find her lips latching around his penis of seemingly their own accord and she’d begin the process of making him come all over again.

  She sighed resignedly, realizing as she did that it was heady indeed to have a male gaze down at you as though you were a goddess. That the male doing the gazing was the most handsome and powerful man she’d ever laid eyes on only added to the giddiness. She knew he was young—he had to be young regardless of his gigantic size, for his reaction to her touching was completely unschooled and…naively touching.

  As he spurted the sweetest liquid she’d ever tasted into her mouth for a body-shattering fifth time, she told herself that she had to be dreaming. He was eight feet tall, he had to weigh five hundred pounds or more, his eyes were silver when he was sated and crimson when he was angry or passionate, he had fangs, and he growled.

  Definitely not what one would call a lucid reality.

  And yet, weird as it was, she knew deep down inside that she wasn’t dreaming. She knew that she was awake, and that this gargantuan male would do all in his power to keep her from escaping him.

  She felt a pang of fear course through her as she wondered what she could do to get away from him. He was handsome for sure, but handsome wasn’t enough to keep her from wanting to go home.

  But if she did find a way to escape while he was sleeping or otherwise unaware, what then? Nancy sighed as she laid down beside him, her head coming down to rest upon his chest, her mind too tired to reason out any escape attempts just now.

  She had no idea where she was and no idea how to leave it behind. Where the witch had thrown her to she could only guess.

  Chapter 5

  Vorik awoke in the silvery twilight with a tight man sac, the need to mate weighing down upon him mightily. He smiled as he cuddled his pet closer, the sound of her contented snoring causing him to chuckle.

  Aye, she had fed well on him last moon-rising. Verily, she had suckled him nigh blind just as he’d hoped she would.

  He sighed dreamily, his eyes still closed, as his large hand ran down her lush backside to play with her tail whilst she slumbered. She was perfection, his pet. She was an exuberant suckler who would bring him many lifetimes of bliss. She was—

  His brow furrowed as his hand fumbled about her backside. Where was her tail? he grumbled to himself. He felt no appendage at all there. Surely his pet had to have a tail! Where was…

  “Ahh gods.”

  Vorik’s eyes flew open and darted downward, his silver gaze clashing with an intelligent brown one. His eyes narrowed as he looked at her, really looked at her for the first time, and apparently his intense study of her features frightened her for she swallowed nervously and looked away.

  By the Ices of Shalor, he thought with surprise, the female was no yenni at all. She was humanoid—a humanoid wench. Ahh gods what a dunce he was! He grimaced. Now that he viewed her in the harsh light of day she had naught in common with a yenni other than creamy, pearly skin. She was too beautiful to be a yenni, and her eyes were too knowing.

  But nay, Vorik silently qualified, he was not one known for being a lackwit. He could have sworn she’d had a tail when first he’d ensnared her—aye she’d had a tail. Hadn’t she?

  Well no matter, he grunted, his palm kneading the backside he refused to relinquish—humanoid or no. Whether she’d had a tail or his eyes had been playing tricks on him was irrelevant just now, for he knew with all certainty she had let loose the cry of an alpha female yenni desirous of a feeding. That much of last moon-rising’s events was a certainty.

  He grunted again, satisfied in his reasoning, contented in realizing he was no dunce. Feeling amorous as his species was want to do, he plucked the humanoid wench from her lying position and set her upon his lap that her legs straddled him. She yelped a bit at first, her large breasts heaving up and down, and he figured correctly that she was frightened of his size.

  Well no matter. He would gentle her to his touch, then would he do the very deed he’d been nigh dying to do since he’d been a twelve-year-old pup.

  Slowly, Vorik’s dark head came up and his sharp silver eyes clashed with her rich dark ones. She swallowed nervously, looking away from him again, which was just as well for his mouth had dropped open in shock.

  By the tit of the she-god, his sins were worse than he’d thought!

  Vorik groaned, sorely vexed with himself. His cheeks pinkened in embarrassment and shame as he considered the reality of what he’d done. Not only was she no yenni, not only was she a humanoid, but she was something far more important and coveted than either of those things. She was the very elusive dream most males of his species spent lifetimes searching for and, sadly, many never found. She was his—all his—and no other’s. And he’d found her on the very moon-rising he’d become a Barbarian full grown.

  “Oh aye,” he murmured as he felt his body respond to hers, as the need to mount her and impregnate her womb instinctually kicked in. Every cell in his body tingled as he drank in the scent of her. His manhood hardened with thoughts of gorging upon her blood…and, oh aye, with tantalizing thoughts of her gorging upon his blood.

  Vorik released a shaky breath as his hands clutched her hips and his fingers dug into the flesh there. He needed to mate her now, to sink himself deep inside of her and get a litter of pups on her the soonest.

  By the gods, she was his Bloodmate.

  * * * * *

  Nancy gasped when, in the blink of an eye, he reversed their positions and lowered his massive body between her comparatively small legs. She sighed, thinking it had taken being thrown into another world—most likely another planet entirely!—for her to feel small and delicate next to a man. A fanged man. A fanged man with a penis large enough to rend her into halves.

  “EEEK!” Nancy pushed at the unmoving wall that was his chest, her legs flailing madly at either side of his hips. She hadn’t been able to get even half of his shaft into her mouth last night—there was no way in the hell it was going between her legs.

  “Forget it!” she fumed, her voice indignant. “The buck stops here, buddy.” For a woman who had been a spinster all of a day ago, this was just too much. Sucking on him was one thing—and she still wasn’t certain what had possessed her to do that much!—but having him put it inside of her was another thing altogether. She bet he’d never once suffered from a case of penis envy. No locker room ribbings for this guy. Her hand slashed definitively through the air. “There is no way you will ever—eek!”

  A growl of outrage erupted from his throat as fangs exploded through his gums. His once silver eyes turned crimson in anger, in lust, in possessiveness. He was anxious to get inside of her—very anxious she knew when he bent his head and nipped at her shoulder disapprovingly. She wondered if all the fighting in the world would keep him from sinking into her, which she feared could possibly kill her!

  And yet, as anxious as she could tell he was to dominate her will and her body, he stilled himself atop her, waiting for…something. Waiting for her to calm herself, perhaps?

  Nancy’s lips pinched together in a frown as she considered the fact that his method was working. She was becoming calmer. And the moonstruck way that he was gazing down at her, the same worshipping, hopeful expression that King Kong had harbored as he’d watched Fay Wray’s every movement, was doing its damnedest to work a number on her senses.

  She sighed, her eyes c
losing and her hands coming up to rub at her temples. This was weirdness incarnate. The ultimate getting-kidnapped-by-a-mountain-man scenario. And what’s worse, she had a perverse feeling that by the time all was said and done, she’d have become a willing captive.

  Damn it!

  Her nostrils flaring, Nancy’s eyes flew open to meet her captor’s and their gazes locked. He looked ferocious. Determined. His jaw was set, his fangs slightly bared, and his eyes were now pure crimson.

  Oh damn, she thought as she began panting, she could feel him telepathically speaking into her mind. She had no idea what he was saying because she couldn’t speak his tongue, but whatever the words were they were doing a number on her hormonally. She groaned as horniness the likes of which she’d never before felt shuddered through her, then gasped when her womb began to contract.

  She needed his flesh joined to hers, needed to feel him rocking in and out of her, needed him to impregnate her. She would obey him in all things, she thought unblinkingly, for she could do no other. She belonged to him forever. Verily, her body was but his vessel, ever ready to provide pleasure—

  “Damn it!” she sniffed. Her eyes narrowed when she realized he’d been hypnotizing her. “Quit making me think things I don’t want to think!”

  He smiled slowly as an answer, then sent out a sensual mental wave that left her gaping like the village idiot.

  Nancy closed her eyes and moaned, her body involuntarily writhing beneath the giant’s. Good grief, she silently wailed, she was back to feeling like a dog in heat only this time the effect was a thousand times worse—and likely to drive her mad if he didn’t enter her body soon.

  “Please,” she groaned, her breaths coming out in a series of short gasps. To hell with worries about dying, she sniffed. She needed him inside of her like she needed to breathe. She decided this was no time to contemplate how troublesome of a fact that was. She wrapped her legs around his waist without thinking about it, then reared up her hips and ground her soaking wet flesh against his groin.


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