My Love Protect

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My Love Protect Page 18

by Anna Antonia

  No. That wouldn’t happen because I wasn’t going to fuck this up like I did France. Besides, we were as good as ghosts here. The estate looked as neatly abandoned as it had for years. Well-kept but unlived in.

  It was a carefully constructed lie. The stone walls made an excellent defense against bullets. If the house came under attack, impenetrable steel would drop down to cover the doors and windows. All the glass was bulletproof as an added precaution.

  Beneath the house there was a bunker. Beyond that, there were tunnels that led to safety two kilometers away. A fueled car awaited us at each point—just in case. Beyond that, my security firm was fully engaged in separately monitoring this location and the decoys.

  So far everything was clean.

  “All signs point to us being locked away in a luxurious hotel,” I murmured in a further effort to comfort Risa. Or perhaps myself.

  “Are they safe? Can they take care of themselves?”

  Even though Risa was next to me, she was still too far away. I pulled her onto me, tucking her head against my chest. The pressure in mine grew. I threaded my fingers in her hair, smoothing out the tangles as I found them.

  “They’re professionals.”

  “Good.” The tension eased out of her before coming back. “But what if the people that man sends figures out the decoys are just that? Then he’ll know we’re somewhere close to Bucharest. He could just keep looking until he finds us here.”

  I turned my head to inhale the scent of her hair. As always, I loved her clever mind as much as I loved the rest of her. I just wished she didn’t connect the dots so quickly.

  I don’t want her to think about this. I want her innocent.

  Of course, I’d already considered that possibility when I made the decision to obey my father’s command and come here. It would not have been my first decision as a hiding place. However, I trusted my father with my life. If Grigor instructed me to come here then here I would go.

  But our options were limited if he was wrong…

  If our position is discovered here then the tunnels might also be compromised. We’d be trapped above or below ground.

  “We’ll be leaving soon, Risa. I promise.”

  She sighed, rubbing her cheek against my chest. “I’ll just be glad to put this behind us.”

  I’d love to do that. Unfortunately, there was much to be done before that happened.

  Much to be done and much to hide.

  Abruptly, rolling Risa beneath me, I pinned her arms above her head. She giggled, “Again?”

  I bit the side of her neck in response. Risa’s giggle immediately transformed into a breathy moan. These were the sounds I needed to hear.

  Not the perceptive questions. Not the deliberate untruths.

  Just Risa filled with the pleasure I gave her.

  “Stay still, my love. Don’t even think of moving.”

  I backed away from the bed, gaze zeroed in on the decadent sight showcased between Risa’s spread legs. Her nipples, dark and tight, begged for me to nip them until she screamed.

  I would definitely make time to do it.

  I’d forget my worries in her arms. Everything would turn out perfectly.


  The last twenty-four hours had passed perfectly.

  So what was wrong with me?

  I didn’t flounder like this. Once a decision was made—it was done. I didn’t waste time going back over it.

  Unless I failed. Then I studied it from every angle to ensure I’d never make so gross an error in judgment again.

  However, I wasn’t failing. Risa enjoyed me and our time together so well.

  She’d melted back into me as if nothing bad had ever happened. She chattered away, filling my ears with virtually every little thought that crossed it.

  It’d be exhausting if I didn’t appreciate what it signified.

  Her trust.

  Risa opened herself back up because she was true to her word. She’d forgiven me my trespasses. I achieved my goal but I didn’t rest easy. I was still awake long after she fell asleep beside me, leg curled over mine while nestled against my chest.

  I didn’t have to dig to know what bothered me. I felt guilty.

  I wasn’t accustomed to that emotion. I’d always based my decisions in perfect logic so there was no reason to ever doubt them.

  Logically, things were going smoothly. Risa was happy. Ecstatic even. Wolffington had things in hand. Our decoys were working. They’d drawn out a ghost of a touch from the enemy. It was only a matter of time before I had them cornered and this ugliness could be put behind us.

  I had the future right within reach.

  So why did I feel so goddamned bad?



  I was so happy.

  Ridiculously happy considering the circumstances. I was tempted to do as Damian suggested and treat this as an impromptu vacation. It was easy to do that when we spent so much time together.

  Making love, talking, eating, playing games, and watching movies.

  This time Damian attentiveness had me completely under his spell. He pampered me, focused on my comfort and happiness.

  He’d become my Sir, manservant, and lover. Damian moved through all three roles flawlessly. He took care of all my needs. I was protected and cared for. I had what I always wanted—Damian’s complete trust.

  It was wonderful.

  Turning on my side, I watched Damian get dressed. The muscles in his back flexed as he pulled an undershirt over his head, covering the scratches I left. A naughty grin teased the corners of my mouth.

  The last day really was wonderful. The best I’d ever had with him.


  Something was missing. Off.

  Not the attention.

  Not the affection.

  Not the sex. Definitely not the sex.

  Damian finished dressing. He walked back to the bed, a beautiful dark shadow attired in the colors of midnight. Naked and disheveled, I was a mere mortal in the presence of an otherworldly perfect creature.

  He cupped my chin, having me look up at him. “Stay here, my love, while I make your breakfast.”

  “Yes, Damian.”

  My lover smiled at his good girl.

  “I love you, Risa. You do know that?”

  Reaching for him, I wrapped my arms around his thigh. “I do.” I closed my eyes as he ran his long fingers through my hair.

  Damian answered any question I gave. He’d become an open book so I had no complaints. Yet, something just wasn’t…right.

  It was there in the worry I caught when he thought I wasn’t looking. There in the ghost of a frown. The quietness in his body hinted at secrets untold.

  Damian kissed the top of my head and settled me back into the bed. His fingers caressed my cheek before trailing down my neck. “Wait for me. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “I’d wait for you forever.”

  My passionate declaration should’ve brought a pleased twinkle to his eyes. They remained blank even as his lips molded into a gorgeous grin.

  “Be good.”

  With that he turned around and left the room.

  My gentle smile faded and worry took its place. What more wasn’t he telling me? Why wasn’t he sleeping? I’d woken up to find him watching me even though he should’ve been exhausted by our carnal activities.

  I’d shift and stretch only to watch as the mask slipped back on. Perhaps it was his protective nature and the effects of our dangerous situation weighing him down. After all, no matter how much fun we’d had the past twenty-four hours, neither of us could forget why we were here.

  It’d become a slow-drip kind of torture.

  Damian’s security team had it in hand and their instructions where clear. We were to keep our heads down and wait.


  In the middle of nowhere.

  In an enormous house where anyone could slip in and we wouldn’t know until he showed up behind us with a gun c
ocked to our heads.

  It’s no wonder Damian can’t sleep. He’s probably on guard duty.

  Rolling onto my side, I let the guilt prickle me. I’d had plenty of long naps between our vigorous rounds of lovemaking. I wasn’t the least bit tired. Damian, on the other hand, probably only had a handful of hours to sleep.

  I could take over watch. At least for a little bit.

  Decision made, I broke the rules and got out of bed. In an effort to make up for the stress I’d gone through, Damian declared I wasn’t to do a thing for myself. It wasn’t a big hardship to comply since I loved the pampering, but I had a good reason to break free.

  Creeping out of his room, I scurried over to mine. While I didn’t necessarily need to get dressed to tell Damian my thoughts, I didn’t want him to think I was trying to distract him into giving me the answer I wanted.

  And being naked usually leads to dirty things.

  I hurriedly slipped on a pair of dark leggings and a black sweater along with a pink bra and panties. I found a hair tie and piled my hair into a messy bun. Giving myself a once-over, I decided I was presentable enough to conduct a serious meeting with Damian.

  And it was indeed going to be serious if I knew anything about him.

  Damian was unlikely to just agree to my suggestion. He’d see it as me encroaching on his territory—something he didn’t take lightly.

  However, I’d ensure him I wasn’t about to go creeping off alone to investigate any possible threat. I’d definitely wake him up for that. I simply wanted to help Damian get some rest.

  That was all.

  I headed down the stairs, straight for the kitchen, when I saw the light on in Damian’s office. Cocking my head to the side in curiosity, I approached and reached for the door when I suddenly heard him raise his voice.

  “Find Gretchen and find her now! I want her away from Leon, do you understand?”

  Jealousy didn’t have time to take root.

  “What the fuck do you mean all the targets have gone to ground? You had them in Hamburg and Bursa.”

  My heart dropped to my feet. Betrayal soured my mouth. My legs trembled as if death’s wind came howling down the corridor.

  Perhaps it did.

  This isn’t good.

  I closed my hand over the knob. The next words took me out at the knees.

  “Leon couldn’t have just disappeared on his own. Elaine and Thomas have virtually unlimited resources. Your team knew that, Wolffington. It’s unacceptable to lose them.”

  Damian’s soft words chilled me more than his yelling did.

  “My instructions were specific. Surveillance until I gave the word for containment. There was a reason for that. You’ve been informed of their background. You won’t break them. They’ve been trained in counterintelligence interrogation. These particular skills will not fade with time.”

  Counterintelligence interrogation? Was that an official way of saying they were trained to resist spilling intel when being tortured? Why the hell would Damian’s parents know how to do that?

  Sweet baby Jesus! Who exactly were Elaine and Thomas Black-Price? More importantly—why was Damian talking about his parents like that? As if he wanted them…


  “Either your people are incompetent or you have a leak. Which is it?”


  “That’s unacceptable. I won’t risk moving Risa until you know where they are. You find them, Wolffington, and you find them now.” He paused, apparently listening to this Wolffington. “My orders are clear—containment.”


  I let go of the knob as if it burned me. Bringing my hands up to my face, I stared at the closed door in growing revulsion and horror. I didn’t want to hear anymore. Wildly, I spun around and tore up the stairs.

  But it was too late.

  Damian came out of his office.




  I charged up the steps, but somehow Risa made it to her room first. She slammed the door shut in my face. I didn’t have to guess how much she heard.

  Of all the times for her to get out of bed…

  Everything was unraveling and I had limited control. Leon and Gretchen were gone. Elaine and Thomas went off-grid for one reason. They were about to make their move. It didn’t take a strategist to guess the target.

  A mist of rage overcame me. I had to protect Risa regardless of what she thought of me from this point out. I tried to knob. It was locked.

  “Risa. Open. The. Door.”

  My love not only refused to comply, but she remained mute. Her silence wasn’t an option. Neither was this distance. I couldn’t protect her if I couldn’t see her.

  “Risa, I’m not going to ask you again.”



  Very well.

  “Risa, move away from the door.”

  This elicited a reaction.

  “Don’t you dare, Damian Black-Price!”

  “Move. Away. From. The. Door.”

  I gave it a test kick knowing it’d serve as a warning. I didn’t want to take the chance of hurting my little girl, but I couldn’t allow for her to be alone. Not now.

  If that made me insane…so be it.

  I kicked the door once more. Then I kicked it for real.

  It flew open. I was in before the door knob hit the wall. Stalking over to Risa, I pulled her to me and lifted her off the ground. She slapped at my arms, but I didn’t care. I needed to hold her.

  “Let me go, Damian!”

  “Stop it.”

  “You stop it!”

  The petulant cry didn’t fool either of us. She wasn’t going anywhere because this was where we both wanted her to be. No matter how much I infuriated her.

  Worried her.

  Disappointed her.

  I’m sorry, little girl, but I wouldn’t do anything differently. Except not get caught.

  Why couldn’t things be different between us? Why couldn’t Risa just trust me to do what was necessary? I just wanted to protect my love from anyone who tried to hurt her.

  Why didn’t she understand?

  My heartbeat calmed the longer she was against me. I didn’t acknowledge the panic tearing away at my nerves. I couldn’t allow myself to believe for one second that what she overheard would affect us in any real way.

  “It’s going to be okay, Risa. I promise. Just trust me.”

  I held her, not budging an inch until she went eventually slack in my arms.

  “I want to look at you, Damian.”

  Burying my face against her neck, I denied Risa. “No. Not yet.”


  “Just a bit longer.”

  We stood there like that until my arms began to ache. Eventually, I had to let her go but not yet. Not until I knew what to say and how to say it.

  My mind couldn’t run through various scenarios. It was frustratingly blank. The brilliant intellect which had seen me through my whole life failed me when it really counted.

  I had nothing to lay against this enemy because the enemy was me.

  I should’ve left the door open. If I had I would’ve seen Risa coming down the stairs. I would’ve ended my call and then marched Risa upstairs. We would’ve indulged in our play and only then would I have returned back to give Evan Wolffington the dressing down he so richly deserved.

  Instead, I’d brought about our ruin through unforgivable sloppiness. I grit my teeth at the sudden throbbing assaulting my head.

  What to say to this woman I’d betrayed too many times to count?

  I didn’t know and the lack of preparation discomforted me.

  Discomforted you? How about you try ‘scared’ you?

  Discomforted. Scared. Terrified.


  I couldn’t hide from this. I wouldn’t be the man Risa needed if I couldn’t even face her. Knowing my time had run out, I let Risa down and steeled myself for what was to co
me next.

  She’d be hurt. She’d stop believing in me. I might even lose her.

  No. Absolutely not.

  Risa looked up at me. Her pale face betrayed the vicious truth. She’d heard enough to be immune against misdirection.

  “Damian, you said this was all because of a business deal gone sour. You never mentioned your parents. Why?”

  I exhaled, tapping two fingers against my thigh. “I didn’t want to worry you.”

  She let out a broken laugh. “You didn’t want to worry me?” Her eyes filled with tears. “So instead you do this? You lie to me? You make me think everything is…oh god!”

  Risa took a step back. I took the same one forward. I didn’t do it to crowd her. I just…I couldn’t let there be distance between us. Not over this.

  She covered her face with both hands and her shoulders dropped.

  “Risa, little girl, I’m sorry you overhead what you shouldn’t have. I asked you to stay in bed for a reason.”

  My words sparked a bit of life into her. Her gaze snapped along with her tone. “No. You’re not turning this around on me, Damian.”

  The tapping against my leg increased. It wasn’t well done of me to say what I did, but I meant it. All of this could’ve been avoided if she’d just let me take care of her.

  You’re not being fair to Risa.

  That was also true. Perhaps there was still a way to salvage this.

  “Why did you come down, my love?”

  She shook her head, looking at me as if I was crazed. “I came down to tell you I understood why you weren’t sleeping well.” Risa let out a thin breath. “I was going to tell you I could help take over watch since I wasn’t nearly as tired as I suspected you were.”

  My frustration faded a bit. “That was incredibly thoughtful of you, little girl, but unnecessary. I take care of you. Not the other way around.”

  “Unbelievable.” Risa blinked rapidly. “You were never going to treat me as an equal.”

  I didn’t know how to answer her question. I didn’t want to hurt Risa, but I seemed to do little else.

  “It’s not a black and white issue.”

  “Funny. Those are your two favorite ways of thought. It’s either right or wrong. Bad or good.” She bit her lip and then whispered, “I just don’t believe it. I can’t. But…but it’s true. You lied to me.”


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