Vanished Without A Trace

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Vanished Without A Trace Page 12

by Nava Dijkstra

  Alon could not hear anything from the other side of the line and he assumed she already hung up the phone. "Be careful your neck isn’t hung on the rope and any brain left will not be blown away by the wind." he said sarcastically.

  Suddenly, he heard a heavy bang on the roof of his car. He got out and saw a bottle of mineral water had landed straight on the roof of his car and left a mark on it.

  "Oops, that was under your clothes. I did not notice," he heard her voice on the phone and was surprised she didn’t hang up.

  He noticed his clothes flying through the window. "We can stay friends, we don’t need to be enemies." he added sarcastically.

  "Oh, I think this is your favorite shirt," he heard her on the other line.

  Few people began to gather around him and the only choice left for him was to go back to the apartment in Rosh Haayn, but he preferred to stay in a cheap hotel until he found another solution. He preferred anything other than seeing Deborah’s face. He picked up his clothes and drove away.

  "I see you are leaving. I'm sorry I didn’t pack the way it should be. You know, you came to me with a short notice," Natalie taunted.

  "No, actually I’m happy you bother so much for me at this hour of the night," he taunted back.

  "My pleasure!" She closed the phone, and Alon turned on the lights of his cell phone to make sure it was closed, fearing he would curse her by mistake and cause Natalie to close her heart to him for a couple of weeks. He needed a place to live right now.

  The next day he heard the phone ringing. It was Gideon. "Where are you? I'm waiting to hear the news from yesterday."

  Alon looked at the clock. It was nine. "I'll be late in coming to the office today," he said weakly.

  "No way! I need to hear what happened yesterday," Gideon said.

  "Then listen, yesterday Deborah murdered me and Natalia threw me out of the house at three o’clock in the morning. I picked up my clothes on the sidewalk and from there I headed to a cheap motel to sleep with the bugs."

  "Alon, are you okay?"

  "I’m alive."

  "Okay, I guess you really need to sleep. When you wake up, come straight to the office."

  Alon was not able to go back to sleep. He called the flower shop and asked them to send a bouquet of flowers to Natalie. Just thinking about her reaction put a broad smile on his face. He was having a second thoughts about whether it was worth spending on a large bouquet at all, which, in any case, would find its way to the garbage after she will realize that it came from him.

  "What’s the budget?" the saleslady asked.

  "What do you think of a two hundred shekels bouquet?" Alon asked.

  "Depends on the value of your girl." The saleslady replied in a dry voice.

  'clever', Alon thought.

  "What will I write on the note?" the saleslady asked.

  "Nothing," Alon said.

  "Will I write your name?"

  "Better not. That way, there is a chance for the bouquet to find itself inside a beautiful pot and not in a garbage can." he said.

  "I understand."

  Alon was angry with himself. The tough woman over the phone, whom he never knew, convinced him to spend five hundred shekels on a bouquet. He did not understand why he had to be ashamed in front of a woman he did not even know. It reminded him of his visit to Istanbul last year. He saw a leather jacket for thirty-five euros. Cheap price, he thought, but it was known that in Turkey, leather coats were cheap.

  The shop was about to close when he entered. He asked to try on two coats, one brown and the other, black. After all, with this price, he preferred to have two different colors. The black coat fit him and he asked to have it wrapped up. However, they didn’t have a brown coat. Though they needed to close the shop, they went to the neighboring shop to look for a brown coat that fit his size. While waiting, they served him a glass of apple tea and talked to him in a very polite manner. When the man came back, Alon tried the coat and decided to buy it too. They wrapped up the two coats and he paid seventy euros.

  "Excuse me?" the seller called after him, "What do you think you’re doing?"

  Alon looked at the seller, confused.

  "You gave me seventy euro instead of seven hundred."

  Alon felt an embarrassing heat that flared in his body, "It is written thirty five euros outside."

  "Oh yes?" the seller said in sarcasm, "Where exactly is it written thirty-five euros? Are you crazy?"

  Alon realized apparently he did not see the zero after the thirty-five. With shame and embarrassment, he thought about paying seven hundred euros. He would be left with no money, but his dignity would be spared. He felt the conflict between saving his money and saving his dignity. Spending seven hundred euros for two coats was an outrageous expense for him. He decided to reject his pride. He left the store like a cat with its tail in between his legs, and heard them cursing. When he left the market, he felt he was brave to make this decision. Where was this courage when he bought the flowers from the erratic woman on the phone? Without a doubt, the month with Deborah had affected him.


  Karina was sitting in her office on Hayarkon Street. She was happy her parents decided to celebrate their thirty years of marriage. This was an opportunity to visit Romania and meet Daniel. She felt guilty that she was dating Odi, and yet thinking about Daniel, but she cleared her conscience and convinced herself that Daniel was just an idolized figure, just like actors and singers. She asked her secretary to get hold of Daniel to tell him that she would be arriving next week and set some business meetings with him. Was this not the reason why she invested her money, so she could enjoy the brief moments with him?

  The secretary informed Karina Mr. Montaigne was on the line. Karina waited for a while before she told the secretary to pass on the line. She tried to choose her words and her tone and felt excitement inside. "Hello, Daniel?’

  "Yes." He frigidly replied.

  "This is Karina." there was no response from the other end. "I will be coming to Romania in a week. Do you have some time for your partner?" She didn’t say that it was for business. She wanted him to agree even with a casual meal.

  "Honestly, you really have lots to see here. There are some documents you really need to look at. If this interests you, there are some apartment buildings that were completed some time ago. I can send you photos by email, and anyway, you're invited to come and see."

  "I am invited?" she got caught on Daniel’s word.

  "Excuse me?" Daniel asked.

  "You said I am invited to see."

  "Karina, what do you want? Why did you call?"

  Karina couldn’t understand why he was so mad at her. It was a long time since she had betrayed his trust. She had already proven herself. She did not even reprimand him or even say a word about the exceptional spending of her money that was made last year, that had gone through without asking permission or at least an update. She decided to talk to him about all these things when she arrived in Romania. She was embarrassed and wanted to just close the phone, but instead, found herself muttering nonsense and non-related statements. "I went to the investigation agency and asked for information about your mother and your father. You owe me for a lot of things, and I really want to see how much you appreciate it when I get there."

  "You are what? What do you mean, you went to ask information about my mother without telling me? This is my life!"

  "What are you blaming me for? Don’t you remember we arranged a meeting or were you too drunk? You should be grateful that I went alone."

  Daniel was silent for a while. "I would still prefer you to stay out of my business. Once was enough for me."

  He hung up, leaving Karina angry. Everything she was doing for him was not enough.

  A week later, after work, Daniel went to Alexander’s bar as usual and saw a bunch of girls dancing on the stage. He recalled Alexander was doing an audition for girls that would dance and would give some services to the tourists. But though he had known
about Alexander’s intention, he was a little bit surprised to get there and find the girls sitting on him and touching his private areas.

  "What's going on with you? Give them something," Alexander laughed with a full throat.

  "I'll leave them something if you will make sure they don’t come close to me."

  "Believe me, Daniel, you have a problem. You don’t know how to enjoy life," Alexander said, while slapping one of the girls on the ass.

  Sultana approached. "Here she is, this is my girl," Daniel said and hugged her.

  "Have you eaten?" she asked.

  "Tell me, do you think I would dare to eat something before I come to the number one chef in the whole world?"

  She went to the kitchen to get him something to eat.

  "How do you get along with her now?" Daniel asked Alexander.

  "It’s okay, when you get to know her, you learn to love her.

  Daniel agreed. He was busy with his food when the phone rang. Karina was on the line.

  "I came earlier than my scheduled visit. I'm at the airport. Maybe you could pick me up?"

  Daniel wanted to tell her to take a taxi to save both their time, but he finished his meal and went to the airport. There, he noticed her walking towards the exit, blooming and glamorous. She was beautiful. She smiled while looking at him, and he smiled back slightly, but his smile vanished automatically when he saw Odi, her partner from the party. He was angry with himself for not suggesting she take a taxi. It had always been like this; whenever he tried to be nice to her, it always backfired.

  "How are you?" She asked, ignoring the tension between him and Odi.

  "I’m okay." Daniel stepped quietly toward his car while the two were behind him. They sat in the back and Daniel felt like he was a driver for hire. He was aware of Karina’s gaze through the rearview mirror. Odi didn’t stop talking all the way, but the only thing Karina obviously cared for was the mirror. From there, she could look at Daniel. He wondered why she came to Romania with Odi if she really wanted him. When they got to the hotel he was happy to get rid of them. Karina invited him in, but he said he was busy, despite clearing his whole afternoon for her. He went home and intended to start a shower when he heard a knock at the door. Strange, he thought. He was not expecting a visitor. Was it possible that it was Karina? He put a towel around his waist and opened the door. On his doorstep stood a girl in jeans and a t-shirt.

  "I'm the new neighbor." She pointed at her apartment. Then she glanced at his body with a seductive smile in her face.

  "I'm pleased to meet you but I must go," Daniel said.

  "If you want a friend sometime, knock on the door. After all, we are in a pretty isolated area."

  ‘Yes’, Daniel thought, I'm in an isolated area because I wanted to be in a quiet place.

  In the evening, he arrived at the hotel where Karina stayed and they went to the pub that was in the lobby. Karina sat in between him and Odi next to the bar. Odi ordered beer from the barrel and white wine for Karina while Daniel ordered something to eat. After it was served, he was busy eating. Karina looked at him. He seemed lonely to her. It was obvious he was used to eating alone. When he finished, he went to one of the roulette tables, bet a hundred euros and lost. He went back to the counter and ordered vodka with lemon.

  "What?" Daniel was surprised when he saw Karina looking at him with concern.

  "The roulette," Karina replied.

  "Just an impulse. It's not any kind of addiction." He grinned at the thought she was worried about a hundred euros. At the counter was a small coin machine and Daniel played with her.

  "When will you have time for a business talk with me?" Karina asked.

  "Anytime you want." He replied vaguely while all his attention was on the machine.

  "How about tomorrow afternoon?"

  "I'm busy. I can only be free in the evening."

  "Early or late?"

  "Whatever you want." He replied without looking at her. He was still focused on the machine.

  "We will meet in your office?"

  "No, in my apartment." He replied sarcastically. "Of course in my office."

  "Bring something?" She wanted him to be rude, to tell her sexy clothes, wine, meal or anything. But he took the remaining coins out of the machine and gave them to her. "I’m quitting for today, so you go on and enjoy your evening.” He had no intention of staying for another moment seeing Odi’s face.

  She was disappointed when he left, but she could not express it through actions or words, especially in front of Odi.

  Karina did not close her eyes all night. Her thoughts were all about Daniel. In the morning, she felt a strong desire to see him, aware of the fact there was some harm in it. But this awareness did not stop her from waking up quietly, so she wouldn’t wake Odi, and going out with her shoes in her hands. She stood at the entrance of Daniel’s office at the site. She saw him covered with dust on his face and hands. For her, he looked great in any circumstances and the fact he was twenty seven made him more mature and manly. He smiled when he saw her, and she could feel her legs were much lighter crossing the obstacles in her way. "You were a bit depressed yesterday."

  "Absolutely, Odi’s face did it to me. I'm just quite surprised there is no equal effect on you." he laughed.

  "Odi is a nice guy." Karina said.

  "I guess you love to be depressed," Daniel said. "Tell me, what are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming in the morning."

  "I did not know... It was a sudden decision." She was checking his response. She noticed he was looking at her in a way different from the gaze she was used to. She wore a white shirt and jeans, her body was beautiful and her hair hung down to her shoulder with a modern and youthful haircut. "You changed your haircut."

  "Is it pretty?" she asked. She was glad he noticed it.

  "Everything is beautiful on you, I guess." His words could be described as a reluctant compliment and not very compelling, Karina thought.

  "Your face is very dusty." She took a damp cloth out of her bag, walked up to him and wiped his face.

  He got up and took her hand off his face, "You want me", he said, savoring the moment.

  She did not answer, but rather put her lips to his lips. She felt a sweet tremble inside her body. Her hand was stroking his neck. "Daniel, embrace me," she said. He pressed her body close to him and kissed her lips. She had been craving this. She had been waiting for him to do this for so long. She didn’t want him to stop. He took his lips away from her and continued to stare at her. "Will I see you tonight or was this your replacement visit?"

  "What do you think?" she asked while he was still holding her. "Why don’t we go now?"

  "No, not now," he interrupted, "I'll wait for you tonight. I have a lot of work to finish." He kissed her lips again. This time, it was gentle. She wanted to tell him she loved him, but she knew it wasn’t right.

  He walked her out of the office staring at her while she walked towards her car. She looked so beautiful in the background of the construction site and in contrast with the workers as well.

  "What's going on here?" he heard Mikhail, "Did you not tell me you didn’t have any feelings for her?"

  "Just a physical attraction," Daniel said, and went back to the office.

  "Make coffee for us. I will just finish some stuff and I will join you in a few minutes." Mikhail said. He wanted to hear the details about the new developments, but after five minutes he saw Daniel's car fly off and realized he would probably catch up another day.


  Daniel entered Alexander's bar and quickly took two glasses of vodka. Alexander rushed to sit next to him, "Who's the girl?" Alexander was intrigued.

  "You don’t know her."


  "As special as possible," Daniel said, "Well, where's the food? I need to go."

  "It’s on the house," Alexander said, when he handed Daniel a take-out bag, while his eyes were insinuating dirty thoughts.

  "What a dirty mind
you have. Believe me, ever since you brought in the girls your head has become completely dark."

  "On the contrary, ever since I brought the girls into my life, I have a light in my head. Everything looks more glamorous."

  When Daniel arrived at his apartment, he noticed the young neighbor opening her door. He ignored her and entered his apartment. He took a quick shower, turned on the TV and fell asleep even before five minutes had passed. He woke up an hour before Karina was supposed to arrive. He put a mat on the table, served dishes and plates he couldn’t even remember when and where he bought them. He arranged the food Alexander gave him on a plate, arranged some beautiful table napkins and admitted he had talent as a host. The table looked pretty good and even seductive. He heard knocks at the door while lighting two twisted and thick blue candles. Karina walked into the room. "Wow, it looks very nice. I didn't know you had such good taste".

  "Me too, to be honest."

  She looked at him as he walked to the closet. He did not bother to dress in particular, three-quarter white pants and a designer white shirt. He was barefoot and still seemed tall. Regardless, he certainly looked good in any situation. He pulled a bottle out from the cabinet and poured for the two of them. She was glad he remembered that she loved white wine. He put food on her plate, trying to urge her to taste each food item. When she refused, he mounted food on the fork and put it into her mouth while waiting for the comments. When she complimented it, he quickly said, "I told you, there is nothing like Solly’s food." He had a considerable respect for Solly and her food because he ate almost everything. When he finished, he sat back on the couch in a lazy kind of movement, "How was your day with Odi?"

  "It was okay, he was quite good."

  "Sometimes I really don’t understand you. I don’t know if I should admire you that you can live with a Shrek or think something is wrong with you."

  She looked at him quizzically. "Who?"

  "Shrek, the famous character."

  Karina could not understand the connection between a famous character and Daniel's obvious dislike for Odi unless it wasn’t something positive or flattering. "Do you think because I kissed you today you are already allowed to say such things?"


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