Saving My Submission BN

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Saving My Submission BN Page 11

by Jenna Jacob

  “Oh, wow,” I whispered. “Sanna… you look… god, baby, I’ve never seen you look so stunning.”

  She couldn’t hide her proud smile. “Hurry up. The guys are looking at their watches and pacing a hole in the floor. They sent me up to fetch you.”

  “Okay, hang on. I need you to help me with the zipper.”

  Snatching the cranberry silk off the bed, I stepped into it, adjusting my boobs as Sanna zipped me up. With one last glance in the mirror, I snagged my clutch, hooked the straps of my gold-heeled sandals around my fingers, and rushed from the room.

  When we arrived at the church, Dylan and Nick took off to find Tony while Sanna and I discovered Leagh in the bride’s room with pandemonium in full swing. She looked frazzled beyond sanity, and fighting back tears as a short, pretty Italian woman tugged at the neckline of her wedding gown. Three younger, dark haired women looked on, wearing various expressions of annoyance as they watched the older woman attempt to conceal Leagh’s cleavage.

  “I’ve got it, Alisa. Really,” Leagh snapped, brushing the woman’s hands away. “I’m afraid this is as good as it’s going to get.”

  “Oh, honey. I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be a prude, but Tony’s grandma is going to be here… and… she’s from a different generation,” Alisa began with a pained expression. “I think your breasts are beautiful…not that I spend my days staring at your…oh, dear.”

  “Ma,” a younger woman with dark hair and big brown eyes hissed. “Just stop. Leave poor Leagh alone. If Gramma Rose can’t remember what it was like to have a set of perky tits, that’s her problem. She’ll just have to get over it.”

  I bit my lips together to keep from laughing.

  “I suppose you’re right.” Alisa exhaled heavily. “I just don’t want to hear… oh, never mind. I think she’s getting senile anyway… she probably won’t even remember the ceremony after a couple of drinks at the reception.”

  “Exactly, so give it a rest, ma.” Another one of the girls chimed in.

  “What can we help you with, Leagh?” Sanna asked. Swooping in to give the bride a hug, she accidently-on-purpose nudged the overly anxious Alisa out of the way.

  “I don’t know. I think I need a bigger dress.” The look of mortification on Leagh’s face was heartbreaking.

  “No you don’t, sugar. You look like a fairy tale bride; breathtakingly stunning,” Sanna reassured her.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I haven’t introduced you all.” Turning toward the four dark-haired ladies, Leagh extended her hand. “These are my friends, Savannah and her sister Mellie Carson. Sanna and Mellie this is Alisa Delvaggio, Tony’s mom, and his sisters, Anna, Sofia, and Maria.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Sanna and I replied in unison.

  “How’s Tony holding up?” I asked hoping it might prod the nervous mom out of the room so we could try and calm Leagh down.

  “Oh, dear, I’m not sure.” Alisa wrung her hands as she flashed a worried look toward her daughters.

  “Maybe we should go check on him, Ma,” Sofia urged as she flashed me a look of gratitude. “Leagh’s got plenty of help now. We need to get out of her hair so she can finish getting ready.”

  “Yes. Yes, that’s a good idea. Let’s go check on your brother.” Alisa nodded.

  Like a mother hen, she gathered up her daughters before leading a parade out the door.

  “Good luck,” Sanna called.

  Maria, the last in line paused and glanced over her shoulder.

  “We don’t need luck, we need Prozac,” she announced rolling her eyes. “You look gorgeous, Leagh. My brother’s eyes are going to pop out of his head, and his tongue’s going to hit the floor. Don’t worry about Gramma Rose. She’s half blind anyway.”

  The young girl grinned, winked, and blew a kiss before closing the door behind her. I rushed over and quickly engaged the lock.

  “Oh my god, thank you, Mellie. You just saved my life.” Leagh let out a loud sigh and slumped down on a fluffy couch in the massive dressing room.

  “You’re doing fine, Leagh. Just try to relax,” Sanna comforted her as she eyed a big tray of finger sandwiches, fruits, and cheese. “Have you eaten today?”

  Leagh shook her head.

  “Okay, we need to get some protein in you.”

  “I can’t. My stomach is rolling so badly, I’m afraid I’ll barf all over Tony’s Italian dress shoes.”

  “No, you’re not. Listen to me, just close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Relax and think of the night Tony proposed to you. Go back to that romantic beach and how he got down on one knee in the sand. Come on. Think back on how it amazing it was… just like you told me,” Sanna urged.

  I put together several plates of food while Sanna helped Leagh out of her dress, before we started applying her make-up, while talking the nervous bride down off the ledge. Taming Leagh’s anxiety, my sister reminded her about the butt plug fire, the twerking stripper, and what a lucky man Tony was to take her hand in marriage. Coaxing Leagh to eat some food, the girl downed two full plates and asked for another. The bride-to-be had actually relaxed, until a knock came from the door, and her anxiety spiked again.

  “God, I love Alisa, I really do, but please don’t let her back in here,” Leagh whispered in a desperate plea.

  “I won’t,” I mouthed, before I cracked open the door and peered through the tiny gap. Smiling, I swung it open wide as Julianna and Trevor rushed in, both wearing broad smiles and dressed to the nines. Closing the door behind them, I locked it once again.

  “Thank god. I was starting to get worried that you two weren’t going to show,” Leagh groaned.

  “Bitch, please,” Trevor chastised with a grin. “I think you need some liquid calm.”

  Untucking his arm, he pulled a bottle of champagne from his tuxedo jacket.

  “Yes, I do.” Leagh nodded emphatically. “Lots and lots of champagne...hell, just give me the bottle.”

  “No way,” Trevor giggled. “If I get you drunk before the wedding Drake will have my balls dangling from his rear view mirror. You get one glass, then I’m going to have to cocktail block you.”

  “Make it a big one then, please,” Leagh begged.

  “Why is the door locked? Are you expecting more cop strippers or something?” Julianna laughed.

  “Lord no. No more strippers. I can barely function as it is. We’re keeping Tony’s mom, Alisa, out. God, that sounds really bad.” Leagh made a face. “I love her to pieces, but she’s making me crazy today.”

  Sanna found some plastic cups, as Trevor popped the cork with a squeal. They filled the cups and passed them around.

  “Oh, honey,” Julianna, moaned. “Come on, drink up. You need to jump start your zen. You’re getting married to the man of your dreams.”

  “Yes I am.” Leagh nodded with conviction then downed her glass. Grabbing the bottle from Trevor, she took a long swig, then handed it back to him. “Let’s do this.”

  “That a girl,” Sanna giggled. “Come on gang. It’s time to work our magic.”

  As Sanna, Julianna and I began primping Leagh for her big day, Trevor stepped toward the door.

  “I vow to keep everyone out of the sacred beautification room, with the exception of our Masters,” Trevor declared with a solemn salute.

  In less than two hours we’d transformed not only Leagh’s outward beauty, but calmed her inward anxiety, thanks to several pep talks and a couple more swigs of champagne. When we were through, we helped her back into her bridal gown. Leagh looked every bit the quintessential ‘blushing bride’, and when she checked herself in the mirror, a smile so bright spread across her lips, it rivaled the sun.

  Trevor wiped a tear from the corner of his eye as he stared at her. “Oh, sis. You look… stunning.”

  “Don’t cry, Trev. You’ll get me started. Then the girls will have to redo my face, and there’s not enough time for a major overhaul.”

  “I’m sorry, love. It’s just that you look… amazing. All bu
t one thing.” He pouted.

  “What? What thing?” Sanna scrutinized Leagh’s hair and makeup as she nibbled her lip.

  Trevor reached into his breast pocket and pulled out the flashing penis veil from the adult toy store. With a flick of his wrist, the netting unfurled. He then pushed a button on the real imitation rhinestone encrusted tiara, and the penises started pulsating in neon colors of green, red, orange, and purple.

  Leagh snorted in surprise as we all started howling.

  Trevor placed the plastic tiara on her head, careful not to mess up her hair, then issued a satisfied sigh. “There. You are now a complete and perfectly breathtaking, kinky bride.”

  “You are so bad,” Leagh giggled.

  “The one we bought for your bachelorette party perished in the fire. But being the awesomely fantabulous friend I am—“ Trevor preened, with a twist of his wrist. “—I decided to raid my own wedding stash. No self-respecting tawdry bride would even think of walking down the aisle without one.”

  “Is that so?” Leagh laughed as she dashed back to the mirror.

  Unbeknownst to us, the phallic symbols were motion activated. Once we’d discovered the added feature, Leagh raced around the room as the strobe of cocks throbbed. We were laughing so hard, we had to blot away our tears.

  “Stop. Stop.” Julianna cried. “My cheeks and stomach hurt.”

  “That’s just wrong, on so many levels,” Sanna chortled.

  “I know it is,” Leagh snorted. “I bet Gramma Rose wouldn’t pay one bit of attention to my boobs if I danced down the aisle wearing this.”

  Roaring with laughter once again, Trevor shook his head, barely able to speak. “If you try to wear that damn thing, you won’t sit for a month. Tony will paddle your ass till it’s black and blue.”

  “I know. But, oh my god, it would be so worth it.”

  “Yes, but poor Gramma Rose’s false teeth might fall on the floor. That wouldn’t be good,” I warned.

  “True.” Leagh pouted, then suddenly a scheming flicker lit up her eyes. “I’ll just save it for our wedding night.”

  Trevor snorted. “By the time Tony’s done with you at the club, you won’t even know your own name, let alone have the energy to put that thing on your head.”

  Leagh’s eyes grew wide with fear, and just as she opened her mouth to reply, a loud knock filled the room.

  “Oh shit,” she hissed. Snatching the tiara from her head, she shoved it back at Trevor. “Hide that.”

  “You mean you’re not going to wear it?” Trevor teased as he quickly tucked it back in his jacket and unlocked the door.

  Dylan and Nick stepped through the portal, still looking like bookends out of GQ magazine. Suspicion furrowed their brows as they studied us.

  “What trouble are you wild ones cooking up now?” Nick asked.

  “Nothing, Master.” Sanna smiled ever so sweetly.

  “Right.” Dylan rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You five look as guilty as a fox in a hen house. You didn’t start another fire, did you?”

  “Honestly, Master,” Sanna chastised with a peevish scowl.

  “Kitten,” Dylan’s tone dipped in warning, making it clear he didn’t appreciate her sass.

  “I think you just earned an attitude adjustment tonight, precious,” Nick announced with a conspiritory grin.

  “You bet your sweet ass you did,” Dylan chuckled, as Sanna frowned.

  “Come on, you two, it’s time for us to take our seats,” Nick announced.

  Both men stepped in close to Leagh. “You look like an angel. Tony’s a lucky bastard,”

  Dylan praised.

  “Our happiest blessings to you both,” Nick added with a grin.

  “Thank you, Sirs.” Leagh whispered, softly.

  Sanna and I hugged our partners in crime before following Dylan and Nick to the chapel. Stopping at a pew close to the front of the church, Nick stopped and tapped a man wearing a dark suit on the shoulder. When he stood and turned I couldn’t help but smile. It was James, the cop I’d railed on the night before. He floated an approving gaze over my body, and I issued an inward curse. I didn’t want his attention… I wanted Joshua’s. That was nothing more than a hopeless pipe dream… the man still hadn’t called; he wasn’t going to.

  “It’s good to see you again, Mellie.” James grinned.

  “Likewise.” I smiled as an awkward, itchy film blanketed me within.

  James sidled down the pew making room for us to sit, and I exhaled a sigh of relief for not having to sit next to him. He seemed nice enough; I simply wasn’t attracted to him and I didn’t want to encourage him, especially after the inner conflict of Scotty’s kiss.

  A buzz of excitement filled the air as the ushers hastily seated guests. Soft organ music filled the ornate sanctuary as people packed the pews. Sanna and I bided our time whispering and giggling, wondering if Leagh would shock the crowd and wear the tacky penis veil. Evidently we were getting a little too carried away, because Nick flashed a stern glare in our direction. Of course that only made us giggle harder. He narrowed his eyes and shook his head. I was afraid our bad habit of feeding off one another would wind up getting Sanna into trouble, so I quietly shushed her and bit my lips.

  I watched an usher escort Alisa to the front pew with Tony’s handsome father following behind her.

  When the organ fell silent, anticipation spiked. Tony and the priest appeared from behind the nave, looking calm and cool. The groom smiled at his family before locking his gaze to the back of the church, as if mentally calling Leagh to join him. The organ blared with dramatic music as both Sanna and I wiggled in our seats, staring toward the back of the room. Drake and Trevor appeared arm in arm, wearing stunning tailored tuxes. Drake’s dark charcoal gray ensemble accented his beautiful eyes, while Trevor’s deep burgundy color seemed to make his pale skin glow.

  Following the two men were Mika and Julianna, linked arm in arm. The dungeon owner wore the same gray sophisticated tux as Drake, while Julianna wore a luxurious strapless flowing burgundy ruched chiffon gown. Their fashions were lavishly chic, but it was their dazzling smiles—even Drake, who rarely ever wore one—that cast each in an almost ethereal hue.

  At the altar, Mika, Drake, and Tony shared a private chuckle as Julianna and Trevor stared at the doorway waiting for Leagh to appear. As the chords of ‘The Wedding March’ began to echo through the A-framed interior, I joined the rest of the crowd and stood.

  Turning to watch Leagh walk down the aisle, I noticed one lone guest facing the front of the church. His gaze locked with mine. A startled cry fluttered over my lips as Joshua Lars’ twinkling green eyes snared me like a hunter’s trap. My heart clutched. My knees nearly buckled, and I wanted to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Unable to avert my gaze, I stood mesmerized by the fiery lust shimmering in his sexy eyes. Once again, his bewildering talent to see right deep inside slammed me hard.

  My entire body began to shake. My heart thundered in my ears, and my mouth felt as dry as a desert. The room began to spin and I placed my hand on the back of the pew to keep from sliding to the floor. Trying to keep my hammering heart in place while struggling to draw air into my lungs, I placed a palm to my chest and issued a tiny whimper.

  Amused by my astonished reaction, a brazen smile crawled across his lips—lips that had unraveled me to the bone—before he flashed me a devilish grin. Drinking in the sight of him, every minute detail of our night together rushed through my mind, bringing with it an onslaught of arousal. My nipples tightened and my pussy wept. The physical ache to be beneath his naked body, filled with his massive cock stretching me with that amazing silken burn, stole my breath. Tearing from his gaze, I bent to whisper in Sanna’s ear.

  “What the fuck is Joshua Lars doing here?” I hissed.

  “What? Where?” Sanna blinked as she scanned the crowd.

  “Right there,” I choked, nodding in his direction. Scared to lock gazes with the man for fear I’d never break free, I lo
oked at my sister, hoping she’d see the man staring at me.

  “That’s not Joshua Lars, that’s Master Stephen,” she whispered with a frown.

  “No, that is Joshua Lars,” I spat.

  “Are you kidding? Oh, my,” she replied, seemingly surprised. Tugging Nick’s sleeve, she arched on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear.

  Taking his attention off Leagh, Nick and Joshua exchanged nods then Nick bent and softly said something to Sanna.

  Fighting the urge to look at him and failing miserably, I watched his shoulders begin to shake in a silent chuckle.

  Sanna’s breath warmed my ear as she leaned in. “Yeah, that’s him all right. Damn. I had no idea Master Stephen was Joshua Lars.”

  “Nick did,” I grumbled in a terse whisper. “Why didn’t he tell me?”

  “Don’t be mad at him, Mel. You know the rules. Anonymity is a sacred thing among lifestylers.”

  “I know, but… Shit. I am so screwed,” I hissed under my breath.

  “Not yet. But I’d say the way he’s undressing you with his eyes, you could have another shot at it,” Sanna whispered, then giggled.

  So stunned I couldn’t even think of a witty comeback to Sanna’s jab. The blurring white figure of Leagh making her way down the aisle briefly obscured my view of Joshua. Thankfully it was long enough to sever the magnetic hold he had over me.

  Vaguely aware of people around me turning to face the front of the church, my feet remained frozen in place. Sanna elbowed me in the side and I almost tripped readjusting myself in the narrow pew.

  When Leagh reached the altar, the priest stepped up to the microphone and invited us to take our seats. His words registered in my brain, but my body wouldn’t seem to obey. With a tiny giggle, Sanna cupped my elbow and pulled me down next to her in the pew.

  “You’ve got it bad, sweetie. Really, really bad,” she whispered in a giddy tone. “He’s an impressive Master, by the way.”

  Like I hadn’t already figured that out?

  “Does he have a sub?” I murmured.

  “Not anymore. He released the one he had a few months ago.”

  My heart sank as a combination of anger and grief burned within. What were the odds of me attracting another player who got his jollies off slapping Velcro collars around subs’ necks? Why did they always seem to sniff me out? Joshua Lars was really Master Stephen in disguise. My brain swirled in shock and dread, while unwelcome desire zipped through my girl parts like a bumblebee on crack.


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