Saving My Submission BN

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Saving My Submission BN Page 23

by Jenna Jacob

  Tears stung my eyes and I swallowed the lump of sadness burning my throat as I walked up the ramp and into the crowded terminal. Scanning the faces of strangers, I couldn’t find Sanna, Dylan, or Nick.

  Maybe their flight was late.

  Trudging toward the digital display of arrivals and departures, I searched for their flight and frowned. They’d landed thirty-five minutes ahead of me.

  “They’re not coming to meet you, little one. I am.”

  Joshua’s calm, deep voice blanketed me from behind. I spun around, my belongings sagging to the floor. A muffled cry of relief and remorse vibrated over my lips as I stepped into his open arms. Holding him tightly, I tried not to cry as I breathed in his familiar scent and absorbed the strength of his warm body. Thank god, he was a tenacious, hard-headed man.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I whispered as I clung to him in a desperate hug.

  I knew I’d pay a high price for my behavior over the phone, but trailing my fingers through his soft hair… enveloped in his sturdy embrace, was worth any punishment he deemed to give.

  “I’ve got you, girl. I know you’re scared, but everything’s going to be okay,” Joshua murmured as he held me tight.

  “I’m so sorry I acted like such a bitch to you.”

  “We’ll talk about that after we get Davis and your house sorted out.”

  “But…” I shook my head. “I need to apologize to you. I shouldn’t have lashed out like that.”

  Joshua inched back, cupped my cheeks, and smirked. “I said we’ll discuss it later. We have to catch our flight, but first I need this.”

  Slanting his lips over mine, Joshua drowned me in a blistering kiss suffused in passion. Wrapped in his blanketing arms, a feeling of absolute contentment settled through me.

  “There, I’m much better now,” Joshua smiled.

  He bent and lifted my computer bag from the floor and slung it over his shoulder, then handed me my purse. With his strong arm firmly wrapped around my waist, I floated ten feet off the ground while my head swam in the clouds as we hurried to our departure gate.

  After take-off, Joshua raised the armrest, unbuckled my seat belt and stretched out in first class. He pulled the blanket from the seat pouch in front of him and opened it before draping around and pulling me across his lap. Nestled against his sturdy chest, I wrapped my arms around him and issued a sigh of contentment.

  “You’re exhausted. Sleep, little one,” he instructed with a soft kiss to my forehead.

  “I am. Thank you,” I replied with a weary smile.

  Snuggled tight against his hard chest, I closed my eyes. Joshua provided me with the medicine I so desperately needed: compassion, strength, and understanding. I focused on his soft, even breaths as the tempo lulled me off to sleep.

  The feel of his long fingers threading through my hair rousted me from the darkness.

  “Wake up, my sleeping beauty. We’re getting ready to land.”

  “Mmm,” I purred. “I don’t want to. I want to stay wrapped in your arms forever.”

  He issued a low chuckle. “That can be arranged, little one.”

  Peeking up at him from beneath my dark lashes, the sincerity of his statement reflected in his eyes. It was both heart-warming and crushing. In a perfect world, we’d be in Chicago, tangled in the sheets until this manic connection binding us died. But in the real world, the stirring fantasy could never exist. Mentally adhering bandages to the bleeding wounds impaling my heart, I sat up as we prepared to land and steeled myself to face the ugliness Davis Walker had left in his wake.

  After retrieving both my luggage and car, I could feel Joshua’s stare as I drove down the Interstate toward my house.

  “You’re making it hard for me to concentrate on the road. You know that, right?”

  “I’m not doing anything, little one,” he smirked.

  “Yes, you are. You’re undressing me with those gorgeous eyes of yours.”

  “Perhaps, but I’m not following through with my thoughts… at least, not yet.”

  Carnal images flitted through my brain and my body quivered. Reaching over, Joshua rolled his finger and thumb around my erect nipple.

  “What were you thinking that got my sweet berry buds so nice and hard?”

  Glancing over, I shot him a sultry smile. “I’ll show you when we get home.”

  Joshua tossed back his head and laughed. “No, little one. You’ll show me if I let you.”

  “There’s always a catch, isn’t there?” I pursed my lips in a fake pout.

  “Not when you finally learn to behave yourself,” he smirked. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you straightened out… against the wall, on the bed beneath me… over my knee, whatever it takes.”

  “Stop. You’re going to make me wreck the car.” I laughed nervously. My imagination didn’t need his encouragement; it was doing just fine on its own.

  Anxious to get home to live out the scenarios making my girl parts wet and tingling, I finally pulled into my driveway. Pressing the garage door opener, I frowned when nothing happened.

  “That’s weird. Maybe I need a new battery for the remote,” I mumbled.

  Glancing around, Joshua held out his hand. “Turn off the engine and give me your keys.”

  Curious about what he was up to, I did as he asked and followed him to the back of the car as he opened the trunk. Zipping open his suitcase, Joshua withdrew a metal lock box with a series of numbers taped to its top. He punched in a series of buttons and when the box opened he pulled out a small pistol.

  “You brought a gun?”

  “Of course I did,” he replied, tucking it into the waistband of his pants. “If Davis is unstable enough to kill animals, he’s capable of doing anything. I’m not taking any chances with you, Mellie. I won’t lose…”

  Joshua paused, pinched his lips together then nodded toward the house.

  “Come on, we’ll get the luggage later. Let’s go inside first. Stay behind me, understood?”

  “You’re scaring me,” I whispered.

  “You should be scared. Nobody’s been able to locate him back home. He’s not been at work, his neighbors haven’t seen him… he’s vanished.”

  “How do you know he’s not been at work, or his house?”

  “I called. His secretary said he was out of the office, but offered to take a message. I asked her when he’d be back. She was evasive, and I got the feeling she didn’t know where he was. Of course she might have been holding back after I sidestepped her trying to screen my call. Ian’s been doing some surveillance at his house for me.”

  “Maybe he’s out of town working.”

  “Oh he’s out of town working all right—working on stalking you.”

  Something felt wrong, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Davis wouldn’t throw away his career to terrorize me. His title as senior manager with the pharmaceutical company he’d been with for years meant more to him than anything in the world. He wouldn’t mess that up for something so petty as revenge.

  When Joshua unlocked my front door, a heavy sense of foreboding filled me. Dropping my gaze, I noticed drops of blood on my porch. An icy chill slithered up my spine. Pushing the door open wide, I followed him into the foyer. Standing still and silent, I listened for movement inside the house, but it was as quiet as a morgue. Shadows filled the recesses past the entryway. Reaching up, I brushed my palm over the three light switches, but none of the lights came on. My electricity was out.

  “Back outside,” Joshua instructed as he gripped my elbow and pulled me back out the door.

  He yanked out his phone, and I watched as he dialed, nine-one-one.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m calling the cops. I want them to do a sweep of your house. I’d do it myself, but if something happened to me, there’d be no one to protect you.”

  “Joshua, don’t you think you’re…”

  “Hello, yes. I’d like to report a possible break-in.” Pausing for a moment, he ar
ched his brows. “What’s your address?”

  I rattled it off, then cast a wary glance back at the house. It no longer felt like the safe haven I’d once loved; the massive structure seemed to hold a malignant, tainted aura. Anger spiked. Davis Walker had chosen to steal my power, like a thief in the night. Pacing, I tried to keep fury from consuming me. As if sensing my struggle, Joshua kept his distance but watched me like a hawk.

  Four minutes later the street was lined with patrol cars. Joshua stood by my side as several officers walked the parameter of the house, while several more drew their weapons and stormed inside.

  A man in a dark tailored suit approached, wearing a tight smile. “Ms. Carson?”


  “Hi. I’m Detective Pruett. We talked on the phone yesterday.”

  “Oh yes. It’s nice to meet you.” I forced a polite smile.

  “I think the ballsy bastard came back. Well, someone did. He cut your electricity along the wall of the foundation in the back. The power company is on their way to fix it.”

  “Great.” I sighed in disgust.

  “Look, I’m not telling you how to live your life, but until we get this son of a bitch locked up, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to stay here.” The detective raised his gaze to Joshua. “I’m not implying that you can’t protect her, sir, but Ms. Carson has a full-blown, very brazen stalker on her tail.”

  “I’m glad we’re on the same page,” Joshua interjected.

  Turning toward me, the detective continued. “I’m worried. The fact that you’re with another man might set this fuck knuckle on an even more unpredictable path.”

  The foundation of my independence and self-reliance cracked, crumbling like dust beneath my feet. Not since the loss of my parents had I felt so helpless and angry. I may have been powerless over my mom and dad being from ripped from my life, but I sure as hell wasn’t about to roll over and let Davis Walker strip my pride a second time.

  “That prick hasn’t seen rage yet,” I hissed.

  “Mellie,” Joshua warned. “Think with your head and not your heart for a minute. Detective Pruett has had a lot more experience dealing with this kind of thing than we do. I think it would be wise to take his advice.”

  “I know that. But what am I supposed to do? Just walk away from my house, my life, my freedom because some dipshi…”

  “Dipshitiot,” Joshua smirked.

  “Thank you. Some dipshitiot thinks he owns me again?”

  “No, ma’am,” Pruett chuckled. “I’m simply suggesting you two take a vacation. Go someplace tropical, sit on the beach, sip drinks with little umbrellas in them, and get the hell out of Phoenix until we arrest this joker.”

  “I have a business to run… out of there,” I railed, pointing toward my house.

  “We’ll be glad to escort you back inside so you can gather up whatever you need.”

  “How the hell am I supposed to fit my whole house into a couple of suitcases?” I hissed.

  Strung out, and on the verge of hysterics, I wanted to snag Joshua’s gun and hunt Davis Walker down. Put a bullet in his head to end this surreal nightmare.

  “I know it’s not ideal,” the detective commiserated.

  “Fine. I’ll do it,” I snipped.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” Joshua whispered. Pulling out a business card, he handed it to Pruett. “Here’s my number if you need to reach us. As soon as she gets her things, we’ll be heading back to Chicago tonight.”

  “Davis Walker’s from Chicago. I don’t think it’s wise to take—”

  “She’ll be safe. Trust me. That prick won’t get anywhere near her,” Joshua informed him with stony reassurance. Turning toward me, his brittle veneer softened. “Go on, get what you need. I’ve got a couple calls to make. I’ll be inside to help you shortly.”

  Turning, I issued a heavy sigh. Pruett and two other officers followed me toward the house. Glancing over my shoulder, Joshua pressed his phone to his ear. “Ian. It’s me. We need a lot more help, man.”

  Climbing the stairs to my office, I wondered what Ian did for a living and why Joshua was asking for his help. It would be nice if the dude was a hit man… that idea thrilled me entirely too much.

  Tearing into the files in my office, I filled two briefcases with necessary paperwork. All the while fluctuating between rage and fear, wanting to scream one minute and cry the next. Being forced from the comfort of my own home and having the safety it had always provided yanked out from under me. Giving up wasn’t in my vocabulary, yet that’s exactly what I was being forced to do.

  With the waning sun spilling in through my bedroom windows, I stuffed my clothes into a couple of suitcases. Darting a glance at the three strange men keeping an eye on me, I nixed the idea of snagging my vibrator. With a huff, I opened my panty drawer, snatching my hand back; I recoiled in horror and let out a scream.

  Ropes of thick, white come glazed my under garments. My stomach rolled and the room spun. The motherfucker had jacked off all over my panties, and by the looks of his revolting calling card, it had been done recently.

  “Mellie!” Joshua’s cry echoed up the staircase. “Mellie. Goddamnit, where are you?”

  Backing out of the room, shaking like a leaf, I gripped my arms against my chest. Violated and repulsed, I turned to run, but Joshua was there and clutched me to his chest. Panting from racing up the stairs and probably the surge of alarm from my scream, he squeezed me tight.

  “He jacked off on my panties,” I explained with a quiver of disgust in my voice.

  “Shouldn’t your men be going door to door? Ask her neighbors if they saw something?” Joshua demanded.

  “I don’t need you telling me how to do my job, Mr. Lars. That’s being done as we speak. It’s procedure.” Sucking in a deep breath, Pruett softened. “Look, I want to nail this prick just as badly as you do. This fucker is pissing me off.”

  “You and me both. Look, I need you to escort Mellie downstairs… get her a drink or something, while I finish up here and load her stuff into the car. She doesn’t need to be here in case he’s left anymore surprises.” In true Dominant form, Joshua directed the detective in a tone implying negotiation was out of the question.

  “I can do that.” Pruett nodded.

  “Thank you. I’ll meet you both down there in a minute.”

  As he handed me off to Pruett, Joshua tucked the strap of my purse over my shoulder and assured me he’d be right down. I didn’t want to leave him. He was my lifeline, my rock. Drowning in foreign emotions, I felt crushed and defeated. I didn’t know how to fight the hammers that kept chiseling at my control. Panicked and needy contradicted every aspect I’d aligned in my life. There didn’t seem to be a tourniquet big enough to stop the timid and indecisive blood gushing within me.

  Pruett led me down the stairs and into the family room. Seated on the couch, I waited anxiously for Joshua to appear.

  “Do you have any alcohol? Something to help settle your nerves?”

  I wanted to laugh. Horse tranquilizers wouldn’t be enough to calm my tattered nerves. Numbly, I pointed to the liquor cabinet on the far side of the room. There wasn’t much to choose from only had a bottle of citrus vodka and a tiny bit of amaretto. Pruett carried the vodka to the kitchen, and I found myself alone for the first time since arriving home. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as an indescribable feeling of being watched filled me. Clutching my arms around me, I searched for any sign of the vaporous ghosts that had me on edge.

  My cell phone chimed and I jolted The damn thing sounded like a gong in the silence of the room. Digging the device from my purse, my hand trembled as I read the message.

  Unknown: I’m coming to see you bunny just as soon as you get those fucking pigs out of MY house. Do it now, or you’ll be sorry.

  My woman’s intuition had been dead on. Davis was watching me. I set my phone on my lap and scanned the walnut bookshelves, looking for a camera or anything out of the ordinary. Nothing loo
ked amiss. Unsure where he was watching me from, I realized it didn’t matter. The prick had taunted me for the last time. His harassment superseded all fear and rekindled my anger. Squaring my shoulders, I raised my head then lifted my fist and extended my middle finger.

  “Fuck you, you son of a bitch. If you want me, come get me. I’m right here. Either shut up or man up, you fucking pussy.”

  “Mellie? What are you doing?” Joshua demanded from the doorway.

  My phone chimed again and I snatched it up to read the bastard’s new message.

  Unknown: That’s going to cost you, cunt.

  Immediately it rang out with another notification.

  Unknown: Oh, good. Lover boy is there with you. Perfect. I think I’ll let you keep him for a little while… I have plans for the prick.

  Joshua snatched the phone from my hand. Reading the messages, he quickly put two and two together. Sliding my phone into his shirt pocket, he slowly turned as he glanced around the room. Cupping his hand, he taunted Davis with a motioned that said ‘bring it.’

  “Come on, coward. Let’s see what you’ve got. When I’m through with you, cocksucker, you’ll wish you’d never been born.”

  Anger surged off Joshua like flames. Pulling me up from the couch, he wrapped a protective arm around me and headed toward the door. Detective Pruett rounded the corner from the kitchen, his expression wrinkled in confusion.

  “What about her drink?” he asked, striding up next to us.

  Joshua grabbed the glass and hurled it across the room. As it shattered against the fireplace, glass, ice, and vodka rained down over the carpet.

  “You either find that fucker, or I will,” he snarled. “Get a team in here to sweep for bugs; her house is infested. Walker is listening to every word and watching every move we make.”

  “Fuck. Get her out of here,” Pruett growled before storming toward the front door.

  “Come on, baby. I’ve got your things in the car. Let’s go,” Joshua whispered.


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