Saving My Submission BN

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Saving My Submission BN Page 27

by Jenna Jacob

  Choking out a sob of relief, I wrapped my wet arms around his neck and clung to him.

  “Shhh. Don’t cry, baby. I’m not going to let you leave me. We’re going to get through this together, I promise.” His conviction fused me, all the way to my soul.

  Joshua wasn’t going to let me shut him out. He wasn’t going to let me get lost or tangled up in the strings I still hadn’t figured out how to unravel. No, he had every intention of being by my side, to guide and lean on when I needed him, to protect and care for me through the dark and through the light.

  Strumming his fingers up and down my spine, he feathered kisses over my hair as he held me tight, and I realized that somewhere along the way, I’d fallen in love with him. But ironically there was no panic, no stranglehold of fear, just an overwhelming warmth surrounding and filling my heart. Why wasn’t I freaking out?

  Because you’ve searched for him your whole life; you’ve just been too stubborn to admit it. Wanting—or god forbid—needing a man made the mighty Melinda Carson inadequate. Joshua makes you stronger; you finally understand that now. Your irrational fear of commitment wasn’t about losing someone close to you again. Deep down you knew that you’d never be whole until you found that one perfect person. All the men before him were nothing but stepping stones… leading you to the mountain. Joshua is your mountain, Mellie, and you damn well know it.

  That little voice inside my head was right.

  Every man I’d dated wanted to change something about me. That’s why it was so easy for me to walk away from them, but not Joshua Lars, aka Master Stephen. No, he accepted me—imperfections and all—without forcing me to fit into some preconceived mold. He wanted to cherish my submission, nurture it and help it grow; not force it down my throat until I choked. Only a true Dom would put the emotional welfare of his submissive before his own needs.

  Joshua had accused me of blindsiding him, but it was crystal clear; he’d done the very same to me. Leaning back from his embrace, I sniffed and issued a tiny, trembling smile. “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “You’d do what you always do, princess… kick ass and take names. So put your boots back on. I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy the show.”

  Something about his unabashed glee kicked my suspicions into high gear. “You’re not going to keep a little black book of transgressions and punish me for the things I do or say later, are you?”

  He laughed. “Now, would I do something that devious?”

  “In a heartbeat.” I grinned.

  “No, little one, I’m not. You find the headspace you need to cope. I’ll get your sexy ass back on the straight and narrow soon.”

  “Okay. I’ll do my best to behave, but no guarantees.”

  “I didn’t expect any.” He kissed my forehead and stood back up. “I need to call Pruett back, then I’m going to pluck you from the tub and drag you into the shower with me. We’ll grab breakfast on the road, because…” His expression turned serious. “We need to keep moving.”

  On the road again, Joshua held my hand as I kept my focus off Davis and let my mind flutter through all the ways Joshua touched my heart. The miles stretched into hours, interrupted only for bathroom breaks, fuel stops, drive-through fast foods, and an occasional switch of driver duty. Though we’d received numerous phone calls, and made even more, there was no news. Ian wasn’t able to come up with anything from the image Joshua had sent him. The sunglasses he’d worn resulted in inconclusive matches. Ian was sorting through a mountain of ‘maybes’ that would take days instead of hours, and even then there was no guarantee of a match.

  When I spoke with Sanna, she sounded a bit calmer, but I could tell she was a nervous wreck. I needed to wrap her in my arms before she’d be convinced that I was perfectly safe. James and his fellow officers had been scouring the city, both on and off duty, searching for Davis, but had no new leads as to his whereabouts. I tried to tell myself that no news was good news, but I wasn’t doing a very convincing job of it. The closer we got to Chicago, the higher my anxiety rose.

  After two days on the road, Joshua stopped outside Joliet to re-fuel and grab some lunch. An hour and a half later he turned onto a gravel road dark and canopied by the huge trees that lined it. Reaching down, he squeezed my hand.

  “We’re almost there, little one.”

  “Good. I don’t want to have to get back in this car for a week.” I laughed, relieved and happy to see my family again.

  As we pulled up to the massive lodge, I blinked. In my head I’d pictured a small rustic cabin; instead I stared at a huge majestic, plantation-looking mansion. The tall, thick trees surrounding it made it feel like an impenetrable fortress. I knew now why Joshua had brought me here.

  As soon as he put the car in gear, the front door burst opened and Sanna came rushing off the porch and down the stairs. She hopped impatiently next to my window with tears in her eyes and my chin began to quiver as I ripped away the seatbelt and jumped from the car.

  Yanking her into my arms, I held her tight.

  “Oh Mel,” she sobbed. “I’ve been so damn worried about you.”

  “It’s okay, baby. I’m here. Joshua took real good care of me, and got me here safe and sound,” I murmured as I held onto her for dear life.

  “Savannah, you and Mellie get inside,” Dylan barked from the porch. “We’ll unload the car.”

  I felt my sister tense as she let go of me and gripped my hand. Scowling, I watched as Dylan bounded down the stairs, a long rifle slung over his shoulder, and join Joshua as he opened the trunk.

  “What’s he so pissy about? Is he mad at me for causing such a mess?” I whispered to Sanna.

  “No, and you didn’t start this. That prick-faced Davis Walker did,” Sanna replied, leaning in close to my ear. “Dylan’s gone off the deep end. He’s in soldier mode. I don’t like it, and I’m worried about him. He doesn’t want me going outside, and acts like snipers are hiding in the trees, surrounding the place or something. Nick and Drake are the only sane ones here right now.”

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head before shooting a quick glance Dylan’s way.

  “Savannah,” Dylan warned as he narrowed his eyes.

  “We’re going, Sir,” she called back sweetly. Tugging my hand, she ran toward the lodge. I almost tripped trying to keep up with her.

  Drake and Nick stood at the doorway, armed with guns, and gave me a quick welcoming hug. I couldn’t miss the way they scanned the perimeter, watching as Dylan and Joshua unloaded our belongings from the trunk.

  Once inside, Sanna took me on a tour of the lodge. Inside the kitchen she grinned and threw open her hand, presenting a regular drip-style coffee maker.

  “The minute I saw that, I thought of you.”

  I started to laugh, but something inside me cracked, and sobs came out instead.

  “Oh, Mel. Mel, don’t cry.” Enveloped in my sister’s arms, the damn burst open wider. “You’re here now, and we’re all going to keep you safe. That rat-faced bastard isn’t going to hurt you.”

  Pulling back, she forced a smile. “Trust me. My badass Master, Commander Dylan Thomas out there, won’t let a fly’s fart inside these walls.”

  Choking on a sob, I nodded. “I won’t die and leave you alone, Sanna. I swear.”

  “No. You won’t. I won’t let you.”

  Both of us were crying when Joshua entered the kitchen. He took one look at us and shook his head. Ian strolled up behind him and smirked.

  “On second thought, let’s grab the beers and head out to the sunroom. There’s a little too much uncontrollable estrogen in this room,” Ian chuckled.

  “Where’s your compassion, man?” Joshua chided with a sour expression. “Go ahead, I’ll meet you there in a few.”

  “Ah, I see how it is. You’ve not only lost your heart but your sense of humor, too. You’re so fucked, man.” Ian chuckled as he tossed Joshua a beer and sauntered out of the kitchen.

  “I don’t fin
d anything funny about beautiful women crying, asshole,” Joshua called out to his friend before casting a frown toward Savannah and me. “Come on, you two. You’re killing me here. Dry those eyes before you two end up getting something to cry about.”

  “Holy shit, he just said what Dad used to say when we were little,” Sanna laughed.

  I covered my hand over my mouth and started to giggle.

  “Oh, fuck me. So that’s the thanks I get for trying to console you two?” Joshua grumbled with a grin. “I’ll be with Ian if you need me.”

  “Oops,” Sanna squeaked with a wide grin.

  Joshua issued her a playful wink. “Since you got my girl to smile again, Savannah, I won’t nark you out for your language to your Masters, this time.”

  “Thank you, Sir. You just saved my backside. Dylan’s head is in a strange place.”

  “I can tell,” Joshua exhaled deeply. “Don’t worry. Nick will keep him grounded, girl.”

  Savannah issued a pensive nod as Joshua turned and walked away. Looking back at me, she nibbled on her bottom lip. “What do the messages that Davis sent you say? I know they’re bad, but nobody will tell me what they are. I don’t think they wanted me worrying more.”

  Plucking my phone from my purse, I turned it on and clenched my teeth. There were several new texts, and I had to force myself to read them.

  Unknown: It won’t be long now, bunny. My little funhouse is all set up ready and waiting for you and that so-called Master you’re spreading your legs for.

  Unknown: Tell me, cunt. Why are you letting that prick ass motherfucker sweat and grunt all over you? I’m a better lover and you fucking well know it. I’ve got a knife and I can’t wait to scrape his worthless seed out of our pussy. Keep him off you from now on bitch. When I’m through with him he won’t be able to fuck you again.

  “Oh, god,” I whispered as I stood shaking.

  Unknown: Where are you bunny? Don’t make me come looking for you. You won’t like what I’ll have to do to you if I have to hunt you down, you miserable cunt.

  Unknown: Hiding on me, slut? Wrong choice, bunny. I’m coming for you.

  I cast a glance at Sanna, who’d gone ghostly white. Turning on her heel, she began screaming for Dylan at the top of her lungs.

  “Sanna. No,” I hissed.

  Within seconds every male in the house pounded into the kitchen, guns ready and eyes wild. Body tensed and poised to kill, Dylan stepped up and gripped Savannah to his chest.

  “What is it, kitten?”

  “Davis… Mel’s phone... Oh god, Master. He’s crazy. Davis is a lunatic. He’s going to take a knife and…”

  “We turned your phone off for a reason, Mellie,” Joshua scowled. “Give it to me. Everyone you need to talk to is right here.”

  “You can’t keep shielding me from his threats,” I hissed, shoving the device back into my purse.

  “Mel,” Sanna whispered.

  “No,” I snapped. “Look, I’m not going to—”

  “Stop,” Joshua interrupted. “Giving me your phone isn’t a sign of weakness, Mellie. Yes. I want to shield you from his vile threats, but allowing me to do that isn’t an act of submission.”

  “You promised me I could do, act, and say what I needed to, remember?” I countered.

  “And you still can. I’m not asking you as your Dom, I’m asking you as a friend. Give me your phone so you don’t have to subject yourself to any more anxiety.”

  The other Doms in the room stared at Joshua as if he’d grown three heads. “Since when did you turn to the vanilla side?” Ian asked in absolute disbelief.

  “It’s complicated,” Joshua replied with an unhappy expression. “Until we sort this shit out, Mellie is her own woman. It’s the only way she feels she can keep Davis from taking her control.”

  Drake smiled. “You’re a wise man, Joshua.”

  “No, I’m just willing to do whatever it takes to make sure she comes through this unscathed, mentally and emotionally.” Turning his attention back to me, Joshua held out his hand and waited.

  When I made no move to give it to him, he sighed. “Fine. If you need to keep control of your phone then do it, but as a favor to me, don’t read any more of your messages unless I’m with you. Is that a good enough compromise for you, Mellie? If not, I’ll be more than happy to draw some hard limits. Are we clear?”

  His scolding was like sandpaper chafing my pride, and its burn warred with my melting heart. Joshua went to such lengths—laying aside his pure Dominant nature—to ensure I kept my wits about me. I shot him a sharp nod of my head.

  Ian let out a low whistle. “Somebody make some popcorn, this is going to be fun as fuck to watch.”

  Drake’s big body shook in silent laughter and an unladylike growl rumbled in the back of my throat.

  “Why don’t we go upstairs and unpack?” Joshua suggested, trying to redirect my mounting ire.

  “Fine,” I replied in a clipped tone as I flashed a sarcastic smile at Ian.

  “Second door on the right at the top of the stairs,” Dylan instructed. “Your room is flanked between us and Ian, and Drake is right across the hall.”

  “Isn’t that cozy,” I flippantly interjected, still irked that Ian felt obliged to ridicule my need for control. “I’m all warm and fuzzy.”

  “Mellie,” Joshua warned as Dylan bristled and moved in close.

  Cupping my chin, Dylan zoned in on my eyes. Compassion and anger swirling in his aqua blue pools. “You should be. Ian and I are both expert marksmen. It might be what keeps your smart little ass alive.”

  And didn’t that make me feel like a total raging bitch?

  “I’m sorry… everyone,” I exhaled on a heavy sigh. “I know you all are here to help me and I’m acting like a spoiled child.”

  “It’s okay, Mel,” Sanna whispered. “You’ve earned the right to. After reading the stuff Davis is sending you, I don’t know how you’re still keeping it together.”

  I gave Sanna a little shrug. Gratitude began warming as I scanned the faces of those who had put their lives on hold to come and protect me; I paused on Joshua and smiled.

  “I’m getting by with a little help from my friends.”

  “Good girl.” Dylan nodded solemnly. “Just keep your shit wired tight. We’ve got the rest.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  Joshua guided me out of the kitchen and everyone grabbed a suitcase and my boxes of files before we headed upstairs. Once inside the room, I smiled. It was massive with a king-sized four poster bed situated along the west wall. Tall, wide windows lined the north side of the room. The sheers had been pulled, concealing the forest outside.

  Dylan stepped up next to me as I inched the creamy fabric open and glanced outside. “Keep away from the windows as much as you can. Ian will close the hurricane shutters at dusk.”

  “Okay.” I nodded then stepped back as the fabric fell back into place.

  “You two get unpacked. Dylan and I are going to start dinner soon,” Nick informed us as he paused and darted a look at Joshua and me. “Glad you both made it here safely.”

  “Me too. Thank you… both of you, for taking such good care of Sanna.” My chin began to quiver as I looked at both Nick and Dylan. Biting back my tears, I inhaled a deep breath. “I’m sorry I never told you two that before. You’re the loves of her life and everything she’s ever needed to be complete.”

  “She needs you too, girl,” Nick reminded with a soft smile.

  But I left her. Guilt spooled, playing the same worn out tapes that had sung in my psyche for years.

  Ian’s cell phone rang. All heads turned expectantly as he answered with an unusually serious tone.

  “Fantastic,” he smiled. “Give me a sec. I’m heading to the office now to pull it up.”

  My brows tugged together as Ian turned and walked out of the room. Dropping my purse on the bed, I followed him back down the stairs and into a large study. The relaxing room had been overrun with computers and pri
nters all linked by coils of power cords snaking across the floor.

  Ian slid into a tall leather chair before rolling up to a large desk to begin pounding on a keyboard. Peering over his shoulder, he gave me a cursory glance before opening a document.

  Side-by-side images of the unknown stranger appeared on the screen. One was the picture Pruett had e-mailed to Joshua, the other a mug shot. The facial features were identical. I didn’t need to see behind the sunglasses of the original image to know it was the same man.

  Ian scrolled down further and we both scanned the information his source had provided. The man stalking me was Gordon Tideway. Forty-seven, six foot one, 285 pounds, brown hair, hazel eyes. His address was in a sketchy part of Chicago and he had a long list of breaking and entering charges as well as several for vandalism. He’d served a short stint in the Cook County jail for assault with a deadly weapon in his early twenties. Gripping the back of Ian’s chair, I continued to read. Tideway had spent the past seven years in Statesville Correctional Center—a maximum security prison in Joliet—for statutory rape, extortion and murder for hire. He’d been released just sixty days ago and was currently on parole.


  My heart hammered in my ears as I shook like a sapling in a hurricane. Glancing up from the monitor, I locked eyes with Joshua. Neither of us said a word; he simply strode into the room, pulled me away from Ian’s chair and led me to a long leather couch.

  “Hey, Drake. Do you mind getting Mellie a drink, please?”

  “Not that Scotch shit. Vodka. I’ll take vodka if there’s any around.”

  “Sure thing.”

  With a concerned nod, the big tattooed Dom poured me a healthy shot of vodka as everyone filtered into the study. Slamming back the alcohol, I exhaled as the burn warmed the back of my throat.


  After reciting Gordon Tideway’s extensive criminal career, Ian steeple his fingers to his lips, sat back in his chair and frowned. “No doubt if he discovers our location, he’ll be armed. I know Savannah doesn’t know how to shoot, but do you?” Ian looked at me and I shook my head.


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