Dark Alpha's Demand: A Reaper Novel (Reapers)

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Dark Alpha's Demand: A Reaper Novel (Reapers) Page 8

by Donna Grant

  That invisible, mental armor did nothing for her now. She was a crumbling mess of emotions. At any moment, she expected her knees to give out.

  The ones responsible for abducting her family weren’t anyone she could charm, entice, or seduce. How silly she must look to Talin for thinking she could take on this foe.

  But she knew there was really only one who could.

  Neve turned to where she knew Talin stood behind her. “Show yourself, Talin.”

  A heartbeat later, the veil dropped, and she found herself staring into familiar pale silver eyes.

  Chapter Twelve

  Talin was filled with both joy and distress that Neve had figured it out. But then again, he knew she might after her search in the library.

  “Who took my family?” she asked.

  Talin held her gaze. “His name is Bran.”

  “What are the chances my family will live? The truth,” she added, tight—lipped.


  Talin wanted to rush to her when he saw her breath leave her in a rush, but she remained standing tall despite the news. It took everything he had to allow her to stand on her own instead of bearing the burden for her.

  She turned her head to the symbol. “That stands for Reapers, doesn’t it?”

  He didn’t want to answer her. It might already be too late in Death’s eyes. Neve’s intelligence in putting it all together might be all it took to seal her fate, but Talin didn’t want to give Death another excuse.

  When he didn’t answer, Neve swiveled her head back to him. “I know you’re a Reaper. I also know that by admitting what I know—aloud—my life is in jeopardy.” Then her gaze narrowed. “You’re not alone, are you?”

  Shite. There wasn’t much that got past Neve. Any other moment, Talin would’ve beamed with pride at his woman. Now, all he wanted to do was shield her from what he knew was coming.

  Talin decided to try and change the subject. “Atris said you were being watched before. That was most likely Searlas or Bran. Neither of which can remain veiled here now.”

  “Why is Bran after you?”

  “Because he fell in love,” Talin said. “Bran told the Fae who he was. It’s one of the cardinal rules that can’t be broken without reprisal.”

  Neve’s pulse beat wildly in her throat. “What happened?”

  “She was killed. Bran didn’t take it well.”

  She turned her head away, her eyes closing. “I knew it. He’s a Reaper.”

  “Was,” Talin corrected.

  Neve opened her eyes as she looked at him. “Does it really matter? He’s here, and he has my family.”

  “Neve,” he began.

  She held up a hand to stop his words. “Right now, Bran doesn’t know I know of him or that you’re a Reaper. Let’s use that to our advantage.”

  “We’re going to take Searlas.”

  “Not until I know where my family is,” she stated angrily. “I don’t care how remote of a chance it is, I’m going to try and get them back.”

  “And I’m going to help you.”

  She looked taken aback, as if that were the last thing she’d expected him to say. “I’m going to need it.”

  Talin didn’t care that the others were there watching. He walked to Neve and claimed her lips in a savage kiss born of desire and desperation.

  When she ended the kiss, she put her lips next to his ear as she held him and whispered, “I’m so glad you’re with me.”

  He closed his eyes, his chest feeling as if an iron band were wrapped about him, cutting off his air. Talin didn’t know how long he had with Neve, but he was going to make the most out of every second.

  Resentment unfurled within him. It wasn’t fair that Baylon and Kyran were able to bring their women into the Reapers’ sanctuary, with the half—Fae essentially becoming Reapers themselves.

  Why couldn’t he have the same? Neve was just as deserving. She had the heart of a warrior. And he loved her.

  “It was my decision,” she whispered. “I knew what would happen if I called you out. I carry the weight of this.”

  “Why did you do it? I would’ve been beside you. I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you.”

  “I know.” She briefly tucked her face into his neck. “This way, I can talk to you and know what it is the Reapers plan instead of trying to figure it out on my own. It’s the best way for my family.”

  But not for her. Talin wanted to roar his anger, howl his outrage. Instead, he held on to the woman who had stolen his heart so effortlessly he hadn’t realized it happened.

  Neve stepped out of his arms. “Can I see the others?”

  “It’s better if you don’t.”

  Cael dropped his veil and pushed away from the wall. “Actually, I disagree.”

  Talin eyed Cael, ready to fight him if he attempted to slay Neve. Cael met his gaze and gave a subtle shake of his head, letting Talin know it wouldn’t happen now.

  Neve faced him. “Have all of you been here veiled?”

  “Just today. I’m Cael,” he introduced himself. “I lead the Reapers.”

  Neve nodded in greeting. “I have no right, but I would ask something of you.”

  Talin looked between the two of them, suddenly wary of what Neve might be thinking.

  “All right,” Cael consented.

  “When my time comes, will you let me know?”

  Talin immediately said, “No.”

  “Yes,” Cael replied calmly, a heartbeat later.

  Neve graced him with a small smile. “Thank you.”

  Talin looked at the ceiling and prayed for patience. This couldn’t be happening. There had been a remote chance Death might let Neve live, but now that Cael had showed himself and talked to her, it sealed Neve’s fate.

  “Would you like to see the others?” Cael offered.

  “Very much so.”

  Talin could only stare at her, his chest tightening.

  “The Reapers are made up of Light and Dark,” Cael explained. “Each of us proves our worth before Death chooses us.”

  Kyran unveiled himself and came to stand beside Talin. He held out a hand to Neve, bowing his black and silver head. “I’m Kyran. I’m usually the one who keeps him in line,” he said as he motioned to Talin.

  That made Neve’s smile widen. “You need to keep a better eye on him.”

  “I know,” Kyran replied wryly.

  Next was Fintan. His white hair and eyes startled Neve for a moment, but she recovered quickly and greeted him with a smile.

  “I usually shock the Light,” he said.

  Without missing a beat, Neve said, “It’ll take more than your hair and eyes to shock me.”

  “I’m Fintan,” he said with a crooked grin.

  Eoghan came up to stand beside Cael. Neve turned to him and waited for him to speak.

  Cael said, “This is Eoghan. He and I are two of the original Reapers. He chooses not to speak.”

  Neve grasped his hand and held it between her own as she looked into his silver eyes. “Thank you for saving me.”

  Eoghan placed his other hand atop hers and smiled before he touched his chest above his heart and bowed his head.

  Her gaze moved to Talin where her look softened. Despite the circumstances, he recognized she was happy to get a peek into his life. He hadn’t appreciated how much it would mean to her.

  Or to him.

  “Where are the other two?” she asked.

  Talin took her hand in his after Eoghan had stepped away. “Daire is on another assignment. Baylon is safeguarding our base.”

  He left out Jordyn and River. Since he didn’t think it fair that two half—Fae were allowed in, he was certain Neve wouldn’t either. Besides, it was easier to omit their existence. Thankfully, none of the other Reapers said anything.

  Neve’s fingers entwined with his. “So, Bran wants Talin.”

  “He wants me and Eoghan,” Cael said. “And any Reaper he can hurt until he gets to us.”

ve glanced at Talin. “Because Bran fell in love with a Fae. Did one of you kill her?”

  “Death did,” Fintan replied.

  Talin looked at the symbol on the wall. Until that moment, he’d been proud to be a Reaper. The fact that Neve was taking everything in stride, including her upcoming death, left him with a bitter taste in his mouth.

  “I see,” Neve said.

  Cael said, “Bran divided us, turning Reaper against Reaper until only four were left standing. He murdered our leader and came after us. Before I could kill him, Death intervened and took him away.”

  “Why didn’t she kill him?” Neve asked.

  Kyran rolled his eyes. “A question each of us has asked.”

  “She wanted him to suffer. So she put him in the Netherworld,” Cael explained.

  Neve’s brows shot up as her eyes widened. “So that place is real?”

  “Very much so,” Talin said.

  Neve’s brow puckered as she looked at Talin. “Who let him out?”

  “He escaped,” Kyran said. “He’s been after us ever since.”

  “You’re Reapers. You can’t stop him?”

  Talin shot her a wry look. “If only it were that easy. He’s got an army of Dark that he’s somehow managed to give the same powers we have as Reapers.”

  “Oh,” she murmured.

  Cael brought everyone’s attention to him when he called Neve’s name. “We’re going to attempt to rescue your family. Searlas is going to want to take you to them. Go.”

  “What?” she exclaimed.

  Talin squeezed her hand. “I’m going to be with you. He told you to get someone to help. That’s me.”

  “What if they have magic to stop you all?” she asked.

  Fintan smiled, but there was no humor in it. “The magic will be down enough for Searlas to teleport you both in.”

  Neve bit her bottom lip as she nodded, listening. “All right. Then what?”

  “Talin will let us know where he’s at,” Kyran said.

  Fintan rubbed his hands together. “Then we attack.”

  “What of the Dark army?” Neve pointed out.

  Cael looked at Talin and said, “We have two objectives after we find where the Everwoods are being held. We get them and Neve out. And we capture Bran. If Bran isn’t there for some reason, we take Searlas.”

  “I’ll stay with Talin,” Kyran said.

  Eoghan pointed to himself and put his fist into his hand.

  Cael nodded. “I know. We’ll each have a go at Searlas or Bran. Bran wants a Reaper, but he’s focused on Eoghan and me. Eoghan and I will then capture Bran.”

  “While I’m kicking some Dark ass,” Fintan said with a wink.

  It was a good plan, and the smiles they wore helped convince Neve that it would work. But she hadn’t been in battle. Nor had she been up against Bran. She had no idea how things could turn from going their way to going against them.

  And she had been right to mention the Dark army. They had no idea how many were now with Bran, and the more they had to fight, the longer it gave Bran to get away.

  Then there were the Everwoods and Neve. That was another concern. There was no use planning anything because it would all depend on where they were being held, how many were there, if the Everwoods were injured, and what magic Bran had put in place.

  All of that would have to be acknowledged and dealt with while fighting the Dark and keeping an eye on Neve. It was a catastrophe waiting to happen.

  “I don’t like this,” Talin said. He could no longer keep silent because he knew the odds of Neve and her family coming out alive were diminishing by the second.

  Neve turned to him and touched his cheek. “I know you don’t. I’m also sure your friends have thought of another way to do this, but even I can see this is it. Bran and Searlas expect me. You’ll have the element of surprise. Have you had that before?”

  “We thought we did once. It didn’t turn out well.”

  “But this will,” she said determinedly. “Use this, Talin.”

  When he began to argue, she rose up on her tiptoes and placed her lips on his, quickly ending whatever he’d thought to say.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Neve reluctantly ended the kiss, but she wasn’t done with Talin. Not even close. She ignored the presence of the other four Reapers as she said, “I want to be alone.”

  In the next blink, she found herself teleported to a room inside the castle. Talin pressed her against the wall and savagely took her lips.

  It was a kiss meant to set her ablaze. And as always, it worked. She was engulfed by desire, her blood heating as her heart raced with excitement—and yearning.

  As if Talin knew she needed to feel, there were no words spoken. None were needed. Everything could be seen and felt in the deepest, most profound and genuine way.

  With a mere thought, she removed his clothes so her hands could run over his sculpted body. The Fae often took beauty for granted since it was what made them who they were.

  But there was nothing about Talin that could be taken for granted. Not his soft silver eyes, not his luxurious mane of long, black hair. Not his body that made her mouth water.

  And especially not his heart.

  It was on the tip of Neve’s tongue to tell him of her love, but she forgot about words as her gown vanished and his lips wrapped around a nipple. Her eyes closed as she clung to him while he licked and laved and mercilessly teased the turgid peaks.

  Then it was nothing but hands, lips, and tongues as they caressed, stroked, and embraced each other. Sighs of pleasure echoed in the room, matched only by the moans of desire.

  Her breasts swelled, her skin sizzled with longing—and a hunger only Talin could quench.

  She slid her fingers into his thick strands of hair and held his head as he kissed her senseless. There was a thread of desperation in his kiss—because they each knew this could be the last time they were together.

  His hands skimmed along her ribs before he grasped her hips and lifted her. Neve immediately wrapped her legs around his waist. He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes as he held her.

  With one hard thrust, he buried himself inside her. The breath lodged in Neve’s lungs from the exquisite feel of him filling her. Where she ended, he began.

  They were as close as two people could get, and it felt right. As if this moment had been planned for them. That second, that very instant in time, seemed to have been set aside just for her.

  A hint of a smile played about Talin’s lips as a triumphant look came into his eyes. He palmed her butt and began to rock his hips.

  The fear of what was to come, the anxiety of her impending death, and even the excitement of learning that Talin was a Reaper all ramped up her emotions until she crackled with them.

  The tempo of his thrusts grew. Neve could feel herself falling into the abyss of pleasure. Her orgasm got closer each time he drove inside her.

  “Together,” he whispered.

  Neve nodded, unable to form words for the pleasure flooding her. She could feel her own heartbeat, could hear the ragged breaths that passed her lips.

  The carnal way their bodies slid against each other, the decadence of how he felt moving inside her made her blood race and her heart swell with love.

  Because he was hers.

  And she was his.

  The words might never be spoken aloud, but her heart repeated them often. And would for eternity.

  The orgasm approached quickly. She tightened her legs. Talin plunged hard and fast, sending her over the edge. She screamed his name as her body was racked with pleasure. Fingers dug into her hips when he buried himself deep and whispered her name.

  They stared into each other’s eyes as they climaxed together. In that special moment, time stood still for them. Everything she had ever been, everything she was, and everything she would be was given to Talin.

  Freely. Willingly.

  And for the first time, she saw the way he looked at her. As if she
were the most precious thing he’d ever held, as if she were all that he wanted.

  As if he would die if he let her go.

  Neve put her hand over his heart. No longer could she hold back her feelings. “This is the wrong time, but we might not have another chance. I love you, Talin. I think I have from the first day you arrived at court. No matter what happens, I wouldn’t want anyone else beside me.”

  His throat worked as he tried to swallow. To her surprise, his beautiful eyes filled with emotion—and tears.

  “Don’t say anything,” she hurried to say as she put a finger on his lips. “This is the best moment of my life.”

  She rested her head on his chest with him still inside her. Neve felt the tears burn her eyes, but she refused to shed them. Life, even for a Fae, wasn’t always fair.

  Magic couldn’t fix everything, and rank and power rarely healed. That was all Neve had. Except for Talin. She had him for a brief time, and in that interval, she was going to fix a wrong for both of them.

  All the while, her heart shattered and she wanted to scream her frustration and devastation. The only way she could face what was to come was because of Talin.

  “Each Reaper is betrayed, which brings about our death,” Talin murmured into the silence. “I was employed by a very powerful family in Belfast to watch over their children. I’d done it with my own siblings, so it seemed a natural fit. And so it was for several years. There were two boys with the youngest being a girl.”

  Neve leaned back to look at him, unsurprised that he’d always been a protector. She was grateful he was sharing part of his history, and she wanted to see his face as he did.

  “They grew up, as kids do,” he continued. “The girl believed she’d fallen in love with me. I did nothing to encourage her. In fact, I informed her parents as soon as I found out.”

  “And?” Neve asked.

  “They laughed and said she’d get over it. I went about my job as always. There was another employed by the family that caught my eye. Corla was in charge of teaching the children spells. We began to see each other privately.”

  Neve didn’t like the sudden flare of jealousy that reared its head.


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