Bromley & Company, 504
Brooklyn Eagle, 155, 302, 345, 352, 492, 494, 619
Brooks, Erastus, 491
Brooks, Noah, 449, 478–82, 480, 487, 544, 551–52, 564, 591, 651
Brooks, Preston, 165–66
Brown, John, 206–7, 207, 248
Lincoln’s criticism of, 208–9, 219
newspapers on, 207, 210–14
Browne, Junius Henri, 92, 438–39
Browning, Orville H., 309, 333, 370, 398, 411, 470, 475–76
Brownlow, William “Parson,” 357
Brown’s Indian Queen Hotel, 69
Bryant, Jane, 593
Bryant, William Cullen, 20, 116, 175, 225, 242, 406, 432, 492, 500–501
campaign advice to Lincoln from, 239–40
death of, 561
Lincoln advised by, 239–40, 267
Lincoln campaign song composed by, 251
Lincoln introduced at Cooper Union by, 218, 218, 219
Buchanan, James, 170, 210, 269, 308, 342, 404
Bennett’s support in 1860 for, 239, 255
Douglas’s break with, 169
Greeley’s opposition to, 174
presidency won by, 164
Buckingham, James Silk, 41–42
Buena Vista, Battle of, 72, 98
Buffalo Advertiser, 125
Buffalo Times, 273
Bull Run, First Battle of, 314–16, 318–19, 320, 322–24, 328–29, 330, 333, 335, 337, 343, 346, 351, 353, 355, 358, 361, 366, 381, 511
censorship of news of, 323–24
Bull Run, Second Battle of, 406
Bunn, Jacob, 189, 469
Bureau of Ordnance, 373
Burke, Edmund, 143
Burnside, Ambrose, 412, 414, 423, 432, 489
Chicago Times shut down by, 424–26, 425, 431, 561
Butler, Benjamin F., 419, 464, 497
slaves considered “contraband” by, 332, 389
Butterfield, Daniel, 459
Cadwallader, Sylvanus, 326
Calhoun, John C., 13, 142
California, 72, 141
Calixtus III, Pope, 407
Callender, James Thomas, 576
Cameron, Simon, xxiii, 265, 310, 374, 497
in bid for nomination of 1860, 226, 230
made secretary of war, 274
ousted from cabinet, 322, 367
suppression of Maryland press ordered by, 339, 356
and treason accusation against Raymond, 361
Camp, Benjamin F., 277–78, 279, 498
Campbell, A. W., 273
Camp Douglas, 425
canals, 12, 41
Canisius, Theodor, xxii, 186–94, 190, 274, 410, 604
as consul to Samoan Islands, 564
death of, 565
Lincoln biography by, 564–65
made consul to Vienna, 193, 194, 196
Cape Girardeau Eagle, 339
Cape Hatteras, 462
Capitol, U.S., 76
Carman, Caleb, 15
Carpenter, Francis Bicknell, 396, 466–67, 470, 471, 477, 518, 592
Cass, Lewis, 94, 99–100, 592
“Castine,” see Brooks, Noah
Catholics, Bennett’s hatred of, xxvi
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 652
censorship of the press, xxiv
in Civil War, 323, 343–48, 354–56, 357–58, 419–22, 424–26, 425, 435–37, 507–8
in early nineteenth century, xvii
Central Illinois Gazette, 202, 274
Central Park, New York, 198, 442
Cerro Gordo, Battle of, 72, 89–90, 119
Chancellorsville, Battle of, 432, 460
Chappaqua, N.Y., 201, 314
Charge of the Police at the “Tribune” Office, 447–48, 447
Charleston, S.C.:
alleged capture of, 474–75
1860 Democratic convention in, 210, 225, 239
secession convention at, 260
Charleston Courier, 22
publication suspended by, 459
at Republican Convention of 1860, 225
Charleston Harbor, 272
Charleston Mercury, 139, 201, 211, 290
Lincoln’s first inaugural address in, 293
secession advocated by, 258, 261–62
Chase, Lucien Bonaparte, 163
Chase, Salmon P., 390, 408, 497, 498, 501, 523
in bid for nomination in 1860, 226, 234
cabinet post sought by, 245
emancipation plan of, 395
at Greeley’s lecture, 378
Lincoln visited in Secession Winter by, 265
Villard’s visit to, 304
Chester, Thomas Morris, 549–50
Chester County Times, 223, 273
Chester Picket Guard, 509
Chicago, Ill., xxvi
newspapers in, xxii
Chicago & Galena Railroad, 423
Chicago Daily Democrat, 159
Chicago Daily Democratic Press, 173
Chicago Daily Journal, 153
Chicago Daily Times, 143, 164
Chicago Democrat, 143
Chicago Evening Post, 560
Chicago Fire, 160
Chicago Historical Society, 560
Chicago Journal, 466
Chicago Morning Post, 422
Chicago Post, 561
Chicago Press and Tribune, xxxi
Davis supported by, 174
1858 election in, 175
formation of, 173
Lincoln-Douglas debates in, 179–80, 180, 182
in Lincoln photograph, xxxii, 159
Lincoln’s Dred Scott speech praised in, 168
Lincoln’s praise for, 203–4
Chicago River and Harbor Convention, 224
Chicago Times, xxxi, 157, 216, 328, 409, 422, 424, 430, 431, 463, 466
Burnside’s censorship of, 424–26, 425, 431, 561
as Douglas campaign organ, 241
Douglas’s manifesto on Brown published in, 209
Emancipation Proclamation denounced by, 418
Gettysburg Address attacked in, 454
Lincoln-Douglas debates in, 180, 181, 182, 183
Lincoln’s troop supply vote in, 174
National Intelligencer’s condemnation of, 428
Chicago Tribune, 159, 160, 161, 230, 309, 362, 408, 431, 462, 466, 467, 488, 560–61
1860 Republican Convention reported in, 226, 229–30, 229
emancipation accepted by, 406
First Bull Run Battle in, 316
freedom of the press questioned by, 355
Gettysburg Address praised in, 454
“House Divided” speech in, 173
Lincoln-Douglas debates in, 176, 181–82
Lincoln endorsed by, 216–17, 222
Lincoln profile in, 242
Lincoln’s Corning letter praised in, 429
Lincoln’s defense of Davis in, 174
Lincoln’s nomination supported by, 230
Lincoln’s train ride to D.C. covered by, 282
Lincoln’s visit to, 161–62
on McClellan, 386
Medill’s purchase of, 160–61
as necessary for Lincoln in 1860 campaign, 204
Russell’s insulting of, 321
steam press at, 160–61
see also Medill, Joseph
Chickasaw Bluffs, Battle of, 437
cholera, 9
Christian Observer, 343–45, 349, 420
Church, Francis Pharcellus, 464
Church, William Conant, 464
Cincinnati Chronicle, 125
Cincinnati Commercial, 229, 358–60, 466, 488
Cincinnati Daily Gazette, 242, 282, 404, 466, 474
Cincinnati Enquirer, 211–12, 236, 516
censorship of, 430
circulars, xx
City Hall Park, 198, 445
Civil War, U.S.:
Blair’s peace initiative in, 542
draft riots in, 441–48, 491, 532
end of, 550
Greeley’s peace initiatives in, 510–19, 512, 529–30, 532, 540, 544
Hampton Roads conference in, 544–45
Lincoln memorabilia sold to raise funds in, 221
memoirs of reporters in, 328
Civil War, U.S., newspapers in, xvi
black troops and, 418–19, 456, 473–74, 475–76, 485
censorship of, 323, 343–48, 354–56, 357–58, 419–22, 424–26, 425, 435–37, 507–8
collapse of, in South, 457–58
commanders’ relationships with, 358–59
cost of reporting by, 326–28
criticism of, 325–26
draft and, 441
editors’ declaration and, 427–28
Emancipation Proclamation and, 408
false call for volunteers in, 489–96
First Bull Run Battle in, 315–16, 318–19, 322–24, 328–29
and military control of telegraphs, 337, 364–69, 368, 372
read by soldiers, 461–65
reliance on New York correspondents in, 326–27
Sabbath editions in, 328
sacking of offices of, in 1864, 509, 646
Sherman criticized in, 359–60
Southern unionist, 259–60
Stanton’s strict censorship of, 373–75, 385, 386, 419
suppression of, in border states, 338–42, 345
telegraphs used by, 322, 326, 328
Western reports from, 325
Clay, Cassius Marcellus, xxiii
Clay, Clement Claiborne, 516
Clay, Henry, 13, 42
colonization supported by, 144
death of, 140, 144
in election of 1832, 16
in election of 1844, 57, 58
in election of 1848, 98–99
Herald’s opposition to, 74
as Lincoln’s hero, 13, 43, 65, 98, 140, 591
Raymond praised by, 123
slavery bill of, 141
Clayton, John M., 118–19
Clephane, Lewis, 308, 620, 631
Cleveland, Grover, 562
Cleveland Herald, 236
Cleveland Leader, 273
Cleveland Morning Leader, 160
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 284
Clinton, DeWitt, xxi
Codding, Ichabod, 242
Coffin, Charles C., 316, 549–50
Colfax, Schuyler, 414
colonization, 144, 398
Colorado, 72
Colored American, 109
Colored Orphan’s Asylum, 442, 446
Columbia City, Ind., 423
Columbus, Ohio, 283
Columbus Crisis, 424, 454, 463
Common Council, 200
communes, 55
Compromise of 1850, 141, 143
Comstock, Elon, 428
Concord, Battle of, 303
Concord Democratic Standard, 353
creation of, 275–76
Lincoln’s blockade of ports of, 299, 312
reporters arrested by, 438–39
War Department of, 274
Confederate, 438
Confederate News Association, 328
Confederate press, xxvii
collapse of, 457–58
Lincoln’s first inaugural criticized in, 292–93
pro-Union dailies in, 458
Confederate Press Association, 459
Confederate States Almanac, 345, 457–58
Confiscation Act, 395, 404
Congress, U.S., “transient” papers banned by, 17
Conkling, James C., 472, 473, 474, 518, 528–29, 650
Connecticut, 352–53
conscription, 422, 423, 430, 467–68
Conscription Act, 422, 423, 641
Constitution, U.S.:
Garrison’s attack on, 108
Lincoln’s study of, 216
Constitutional Union Party, 239, 343
conventions, political, xix–xx
Converse, Amasa, 343–44, 344
Cook, Isaac, 164–65
Cook, Thomas, 433
Cooper, James Fenimore, 63
Cooper, Peter, 217
Cooper Union, 498
Lincoln’s speech at, 63, 214, 215–16, 217–23, 220, 224, 234, 273, 285, 378, 563
Copperheads, 423, 441, 485, 486, 488, 502, 516, 561
copyright laws, 12
Corning, Erastus, 428–30, 448, 518
Corning letter, 428–29, 448, 518
Correspondence (Walpole), 23
Cort, Charles Edwin, 462
Corwin, Thomas, 98
Corwine, Richard M., 251, 526
Coshocton Republican, 160
Courier des Etats-Unis, 352
Cowan, Edgar, 405
Cox, Jacob D., 301
Cox, Samuel “Sunset,” 489, 542
Crawford Democrat, 509
crime, 27
Crimean War, 316
Croffut, William A., 327, 376, 378
Croly, David G., 504
Cropsey, Edward, 434
Crounse, Lorenzo Livingston, 325, 327
Cullom, Shelby M., 511
Currier, Nathaniel, 164
Currier & Ives, 252, 253, 253, 254, 255
Curtin, Andrew, 421
Curtis, George William, 150, 225–26, 314
Customs House, U.S., 501
Cuyler, Theodore, 62, 558
Dana, Charles A., 61, 138, 151, 317, 327, 434, 528
made assistant secretary of war, 365
photograph of, 62
Daniel, John Moncure, 145–46
Dart, William A., 628
Davis, David, 174, 175, 277–78
Davis, Henry Winter, 524–25, 529
Davis, J. C. Bancroft, 317
Davis, Jefferson, 299, 303, 314, 348, 349, 376, 420, 439, 448, 457, 477, 511, 513, 519, 526, 539, 542, 548
black troops considered by, 535
elected Confederate president, 276
Gilmore’s interviews with, 508–9, 510
Davis, John G., 174
Davis, Theodore, 321
Dawson, George, 273
Day, Benjamin, 17–19, 18, 21, 24, 28, 30, 73, 565
business plan of, 19–20
Day, Clarence, 17
Dayton, William, 274
Dayton Daily Journal, 273
Dayton Empire, 424
Dayton Journal, 424
Deckart, Daniel, 339
Declaration of Independence, 167, 168, 176, 216, 409, 415
Defrees, John D., 266, 313, 494, 621, 638
patronage job of, 270
Delahay, Mark, 233, 426
Delane, John T., 321
Delaware, 347, 541
Democratic Convention, of 1856, 163
Democratic Convention, of 1860, 210, 225, 238–39
breakup of Democratic Party at, 239–40
Democratic National Committee, 523
Democratic Party, U.S., xxxi
breakup of, 239–40
in election of 1840, 27
internal improvements opposed by, 95
newspapers of, xiv, xix, xxi, 23, 24, 38–39, 78, 102–3, 112–13, 116, 142–44, 240–41, 283, 302, 312, 441, 456, 463–64, 500, 530
in New York election of 1837, 26
Democratic-Republican Party, U.S., Federalist opposition to, xvii
Department of the Ohio, 423, 425
Department of the West, 332
Depew, Chauncey M., 511
Derby, James Cephas (J. C.), 50, 521–22
Dicey, Edward, 197–98, 320, 333–34
Dickens, Charles, 50, 70, 77, 316
Dill, Benjamin, 435, 459
Diller, Isaac, 143
Dix, John Adams, 365, 491, 492, 494, 653
Dodsworth, William, 562
Dole, William P., 265
Dominican Republic, 563
Douglas, Martha Martin, 68
Douglas, Stephen A., xiv, 45, 103, 119, 160, 299, 308, 309, 422, 469, 595
advice to Linc
oln on first inaugural, 290–91
anti-secession editorial of, 260
as antislavery, 69
background of, 40
in break with Buchanan, 169
D.C. bill negotiated by, 111
D.C. social circle of, 71
death of, xxvi, 306–7, 428
Early case and, 583
in 1852 presidential race, 144, 145–46
in 1856 election, 164
elected to Senate, 65, 67, 68
in election of 1858, 169–70
Francis’s fight with, 45–46, 195
Greeley’s support for, 169, 171–72, 174, 178, 185
Harper’s article on Popular Sovereignty in, 215–16, 218
Herndon’s meeting with, 170–71
Illinois party press control of, 142–44, 146, 164
and inheritance of plantation, 69, 142
on John Brown, 209
Kansas-Nebraska Act masterminded by, 149–50, 151–53, 156, 165, 204, 215
Lanphier flattered by, 120
Lanphier recruited to choose delegates for 1860 convention by, 210
Lecompton Constitution opposed by, 169, 174
Lincoln’s debates with, see Lincoln-Douglas debates
at Lincoln’s inauguration, 306
marriage of, 68
Mary Todd allegedly courted by, 71
Medill’s support for, 170
Mexican War supported by, 76, 82–83, 84, 120–21
Popular Sovereignty of, 150, 166, 169–70, 204, 215–16, 239, 266
public debate enjoyed by, 75
Register’s support for, 40, 42
secession worries of, 260, 262–63
Senate Committee on Territories chaired by, 93–94
slavery compromise revived by, 141–42
Tribune’s support for, 169–70, 171
Van Buren championed by, 43
Webster’s disputes with, 94
Western antiwar tour of, 306
see also Lincoln, Abraham, Douglas’s rivalry with
Douglas, Stephen A., in campaign of 1860, 238–39, 247
circuitous campaign trip of, 240
official newspaper organs of, 240–41
Douglass, Frederick, 40, 110
abolition advocated by, 398
alleged support for Brown from, 213–14
black troops recruited by, 563
colonization mocked by, 144
D.C. Emancipation bill praised by, 384
death of, 563
Emancipation Proclamation and, 408
Emancipation Proclamation news spread by, 526
European tour of, 60, 109–10
Greeley criticized by, 224–25
Greeley praised by, 60
on lecture tour, 60, 109–11
Lincoln criticized on slavery by, 398
on Lincoln’s freedom from prejudice, 485
on Lincoln’s habeas corpus suspension, 313–14
Lincoln supported by, 238
North Star launched by, 110
at post-inaugural reception, 545–46
Seward supported by, 238
Douglass’ Monthly, 110, 110, 214, 238, 563
Doyle, Alexander, 559
Drake, J. R., 282
Lincoln and the Power of the Press The War for Public Opinion Page 96