The Illustrated Gettysburg Reader: An Eyewitness History of the Civil War's Greatest Battle

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The Illustrated Gettysburg Reader: An Eyewitness History of the Civil War's Greatest Battle Page 49

by Rod Gragg

  19th Indiana Regiment

  19th Massachusetts Infantry

  20th Maine Infantry

  24th Michigan Infantry

  27th Indiana Regiment

  39th New York Infantry

  42nd New York Regiment

  60th New York Volunteer Infantry

  69th Pennsylvania Infantry

  79th New York Infantry

  82nd Ohio Infantry

  95th New York Regiment

  97th New York Infantry,

  106th Pennsylvania Regiment

  108th New York Regiment

  124th New York Infantry

  126th New York Regiment

  137th New York Volunteer Infantry

  140th New York Infantry

  147th New York Infantry

  148th Pennsylvania Infantry

  150th Pennsylvania Infantry

  154th New York Infantry

  Eleventh Corps

  Fifth Corps

  First Corps

  First Volunteer Artillery Brigade

  Ohio Light Artillery

  Philadelphia Brigade

  Second Corps

  Sixth Corps

  Third Corps,

  Twelfth Corps,

  Wadsworth’s Division. See also 1st Cavalry Division

  Fiske, Samuel W.

  Fleetwood Hill

  Forbes, Edwin

  Fort Sumter



  Fremantle, Arthur L.

  From Manassas to Appomattox

  Fry, Birkett D.


  Galaxy, The

  Gamble, William

  Garnett, Richard B.


  Gettysburg General Hospital

  Gibbon, John

  Giles, “Val,”

  Gordon, John Brown

  Graham, Charles K.

  Grant, Ulysses S.


  Greene, George Sears

  Greene, Nathanael

  Gregg, David

  Gregg, J. Irvin



  Hall, Daniel

  Halleck, Henry W.

  Hall, Isaac

  Hall, Norman J.

  Hampton, Wade

  Hancock, Almira Russell

  Hancock, Winfield Scott

  Harpers Ferry

  Harper’s Weekly


  Harrison, James

  Haskell, Frank

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel

  Hays, Alexander

  Hays, Harry T.

  Hazlett, Charles

  Hearst’s Magazine

  Heidlersburg Road

  Herbst Woods

  Herr Ridge

  Heth, Henry

  “High Water Mark of the Confederacy,”

  Hill, Ambrose Powell (A. P.)

  “Historicus,”. See also Sickles, Daniel

  Hoke, Robert F.

  Hood, John Bell

  Hooker, Joseph (“Fighting Joe”)

  Houck’s Ridge

  Howard, Oliver O.

  Humiston, Amos

  Humiston, Philinda

  Humphreys, Andrew

  Hunt, Henry J.


  Imboden, John D.

  Imperial Austrian Army


  Instructions for Field Artillery

  Ireland, David

  Iron Brigade. See also “Black Hats,” 6th and 7th Wisconsin Infantries

  Iverson, Alfred


  Jackson, Thomas J. (“Stonewall”)

  Jacobs, Henry

  Jenkins, Albert G.

  Jerome, Aaron

  Johnson, Edward

  Jones, Hilary

  Jones, Jesse H.

  Jones, John M.

  Jones, John T.

  Jones, William E.


  Kemper, James Lawson

  Kershaw, J. B.

  Key, Philip Barton


  Krzyzanowski, Wladimir



  Lane, James H.

  Lane, John R.

  Lang, David

  Latimer, Joseph White (J. W.) (“Boy Major”)

  Law, Evander M.

  Lee, Alfred

  Lee, Fitzhugh

  Lee, Henry (“Light-Horse Harry”)

  Lee, Mary Anne Custis

  Lee, Robert E.

  Leslie’s Illustrated

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lineback, Julius

  Little Round Top

  Lochren, William

  Longstreet, James

  “Louisiana Tigers,”

  Lowrance, William Lee J.

  Lutheran Seminary


  Mahone, William

  Malvern Hill

  Marshall, James K. (“Jimmie”)

  Marsh Creek

  Martin, Rawley W.


  Marvin, Matthew

  Mason-Dixon Line

  Mayo, Robert M.

  McClellan, George B.

  McConnell, Charles H.

  McCreery, Westwood W. (W. W.)

  McIntosh, John B.

  McLaws, Lafayette

  McLean House

  McPherson’s Ridge

  Meade, George Gordon


  Meredith, Solomon

  Mexican War

  Meyer, Henry

  Military Memoirs of a Confederate

  Mississippi River

  Monroe, James

  Moon, William H.

  Morrow, Henry A.

  Mudge, Charles R.

  Mummasburg Road


  Neese, George

  New Orleans

  Newton, John

  New York Herald

  New York Times


  Oak Ridge

  Oates, William C.

  Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies

  O’Neal, Edward A.

  O’Rorke, Patrick H.

  Owen, Henry T.


  Passing of the Armies, The

  Peach Orchard, the

  Pegram, William J.

  Pender, William Dorsey

  Peninsula Campaign

  Perrett, Thomas

  Pettigrew, James J.


  Philadelphia Inquirer

  Philadelphia Weekly Times

  Pickett, George

  Pickett-Pettigrew Charge

  Pierce, J. V.

  Pipe Creek

  Pleasonton, Alfred

  Plum Run

  Pope, John


  Posey, Carnot

  Potomac River 9

  Power’s Hill


  “Raccoon Roughs,”


  Rappahannock River

  Ray, Neill W.

  Rebel Yell

  Reed, Charles Wellington

  Revolutionary War

  Reynolds, John F.


  Ricketts, R. Bruce

  Robertson, Jerome B.

  Robertson, Walter H.

  Rock Creek

  Rodes, Robert

  Rose Woods

  Ross, Fitzgerald

  Rothermel, Peter F.

  Ruger, Thomas H.

  Rummel, John

  Rummel, Sarah

  Rupp, John


  Sawyer, Franklin

  Schimmelfennig, Alexander

  Schuricht, Hermann

  Schurz, Carl

  Seddon, James A.

  Seminary Ridge

  Seminole Wars

  Semmes, Paul J.

  Semmes, Raphael

  Seven Days Battles

  Sheahan, John P.

  Shenandoah Valley


  Sickles, Daniel

  “Sickles’s Salient,”

  Sioux (Native American tr

  Slocum, Henry W.

  Smith, James E.

  Smith, James Power

  Southern Historical Society Papers

  Southern Independence

  Stannard, George J.

  Stanton, Edwin M.

  Steuart, George H.

  Stiles, Robert

  Stillson, J. B.

  Stuart, James Ewell Brown (“J. E. B.”)

  Sturtevant, Ralph O.

  Sugar Loaf Hill

  Susquehanna River

  Sykes, George



  Taylor, Walter H.

  Thatcher, David

  Thompson, Richard S.

  Trimble, Isaac

  Trostle, Abraham

  Trostle, Catherine

  Trostle farm

  Tyler, John


  University of North Carolina

  urban warfare

  U.S. Army

  U.S. Christian Commission



  Veil, Charles

  Vincent, Strong

  Virginia Military Institute (VMI)


  Wade, Mary Virginia (“Ginnie”)

  Wadsworth, James I.

  Waitt, Ernest L.

  Wall, H. C.

  Walton, James B.

  Ward, John Henry Hobart (“Hobart”)

  Warren, Gouverneur K.


  Washington, George

  Waud, Alfred R.

  Webb, Alexander S.

  Weed, Stephen H.

  Western frontier

  Western Theater

  West Point

  Weygant, Charles

  Wheat. R.

  Wheatfield, the

  Wheelock, Samuel

  Whitaker, Frederick

  Wiedrich, Michael

  Wilcox, Cadmus M.

  Wilkeson, Bayard

  Wilkeson, Samuel

  Williams, J. M.


  Williams, Samuel J.

  Willoughby Run


  Wofford, William T.

  Wright, Ambrose R.


  YMCA (Youth Men’s Christian Association)


  Young, Louis G.

  Copyright © 2013 by Rod Gragg

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, website, or broadcast.

  eISBN : 978-1-621-57073-8

  Published in the United States by

  Regnery History

  An imprint of Regnery Publishing, Inc.

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  Washington, DC 20001

  Manufactured in the United States of America

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