Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1)

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Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1) Page 16

by A. K. Evans

  “How did you do it? How did you find a way to let go and be happy again, Charley?” she asked.

  “Honestly? He was persistent. He made me feel safe. And, oddly enough, as soon as I told him about Taj I felt better. The more I’ve talked to him about it the better I’ve felt. Talking about it has been very, very good for me. Maybe you should talk to someone other than me, Nikki, or Monroe about your stuff. Someone like Zane, maybe? You never know until you try. Perhaps he can help you find your happy, honey.”

  “I’m so not doing that. And I’m definitely not holding my breath on finding my happy. I’ll be happy if I don’t have to worry about having happy and losing everything,” she said and my heart broke for her. “However, after the peck on the cheek what I think I need now is someone who would be willing to hold me and kiss me. I just need to feel for a bit; you know what I mean? Would it be wrong to ask for that?”

  “Honey, you are beautiful. I don’t think it’ll be a hardship for someone to give that to you. That said, if you are thinking about Zane, I’m sure he’ll be into it. I also think, though, you’re going to have to be up front with him.”

  “Ugh. Why does he have to be so fucking hot?” she asked as she dropped her head to the table.

  “I hear you, Em. Apparently, that’s how they grow them out here in the mountains.”

  “What do they grow here in the mountains?” Wes asked me as he and Zane approached the table with our drinks.

  I looked up at him and bit my lip. “Trees,” I answered quickly and took the drink out of his hand. “Thanks for getting this.”

  “Trees? Really Charley?” he asked.

  I decided not to answer. I just gave a shoulder shrug and took a sip of the candy cane cocktail he brought me. So yummy.

  We all sat and enjoyed the music playing over the speakers, talking, and eating. It was evident that Lou knew how to celebrate. There was an endless supply of food, drinks, and entertainment. A little while later the four of us made our way up to the second floor. When we got there, I noticed Stone and Luke were both there hanging with each other and a gaggle of girls. I waved to the guys and Emme smiled at them while Wes and Zane did chin lifts of acknowledgement, but otherwise we didn’t intrude on their fun.

  Emme and I made our way to the dance floor for a bit before the karaoke started and the boys found tables close by. A few songs later Lou was up on the stage calling up the first brave soul for karaoke. We sat and enjoyed the entertainment for a bit. After a couple hours of Christmas music, dancing, food, and drinks we decided to head out for the night.

  The car brought us back to our place and the guys, as expected, walked us to the door.

  Emme spoke up and asked, “Would you guys like to come in for a while? We have cookies.”

  I whirled my head around to look at her and saw she was gazing, yes gazing, up at Zane.

  “I’d fucking love more cookies,” Zane answered.

  Wes grinned, pulled me close, and looked to me when he said, “I’m good on the cookies for now, but I’m more than happy to stay a while.”

  We made our way in and I told the guys to give us a minute while I dragged Emme down the hall to my bedroom.

  “Honey, you sure about this?” I asked.

  “No, but if I don’t take small steps I’ll never know. I told you before, Zane makes me feel safe. And both you and Wes are here, so if something happens I know you’re right down the hall. I figure I give Zane enough information he can decide what to do with it. I’m not looking for a one night stand or a relationship. I expect to be by myself for the very foreseeable future, essentially forever, but I don’t want to be lonely on Christmas Eve.”

  My eyes welled up and my heart broke again for my best friend. “Ok, Em. I’m here for you if you need me.”

  “I know, sweets. Thank you.”

  I hugged her and we made our way back to the guys.

  “Hey Wes, I wanted to show you some of the new stuff I’ve been working on. Come with?” I asked, extending my hand.

  He smirked, catching my drift. “Sure, Charley,” he answered, taking my hand and then leading us back down the hall to my bedroom.

  After we made it to my bedroom and I shut the door, I turned to Wes and said, “I’m worried.”

  “About what?” he asked.

  “I need details on Zane. I know he’s your friend, but is he a good guy? Like a really good guy? My best friend is hurting really badly right now and I think she just needs companionship that isn’t me or the girls.”

  Wes’ eyes warmed and he pulled me into his arms, “She’ll be fine with Zane.”

  “I’m serious, Wes. I’m really worried for her. She’s been having nightmares nearly every night and when I say she’s hurting, I mean she’s very fucking fragile.”

  “You forget I witnessed the result of one of those nightmares? Charley, baby, if for one second I even had a shred of doubt about your girl in Zane’s care, I wouldn’t be standing here right now. I promise you, she’s good.”

  I squeezed him. “Ok, Wes.”

  “Now. Can I show you what this outfit did to me all fucking night, gorgeous?”

  “If you like my outfit, I should warn you that I also bought some pretty spectacular undergarments,” I answered, reaching up to press kisses to his neck and jaw.

  He pulled me tighter to his body where I could feel his arousal and groaned.

  And with that, Wes showed me just how much he appreciated what was under my outfit. Multiple times.

  Chapter 21


  “Merry Christmas, gorgeous.”

  I turned toward Wes, my eyes remaining closed. I snuggled into his chest. I felt his body move as he laughed.

  “We’ve got to get up, Charley.”

  “What time is it?” I asked, my eyes still closed trying to soak up every last ounce of sleep I could get.

  “Seven,” he answered.

  I lifted my head to look at him in disbelief. “I’m pretty sure you said it’s Christmas. Unless one has a child living in their house or they themselves are a child there is no good reason to get up this early on Christmas morning. Last I checked, there were no children living in this house, and you, my friend, are definitely not a child. You are all grown man so, sleep it is.”

  I closed my eyes again and snuggled back in. He continued to laugh at me.

  “I’m not sure what you are finding so funny, Wes.”

  “Damn it. Now there is a problem,” he said.

  “Exactly. I’m glad you are seeing this my way. No worries, honey, just go back to sleep.”

  “Charley, definitely not going back to sleep. The problem is that you are being cute with that mouth right now. And that means, I’m going to need to fuck you this morning. The bigger problem is that in doing so we’re going to be late for Christmas breakfast at my parents’ house this morning.”

  My eyes shot open. I completely forgot about breakfast with the parents. I bolted up out of the bed and turned to get out so I could get ready when Wes ceased my motions wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me back to the bed so I was on my back and he was on top of me.

  “Wes, we cannot have sex this morning. I’m meeting your parents for the first time and you can’t make me late for that. And I absolutely cannot go there having just had sex with their son,” I informed him.

  He grinned his sexy grin at me.

  Shit. We were going to be late for breakfast.

  An hour and forty-five minutes later Wes and I pulled into the driveway of his parents’ house. We were fifteen minutes late. This was, of course, after Wes and I had sex that morning, which was worth being late for. It was also after I had gotten myself ready in lightning fast time, and lastly, after I attempted to make sure that Emme was good.

  That was a whole other issue I wanted to get into, but unfortunately, did not have the time to since I’d chosen sex over being on time for Christmas breakfast with Wes’ parents. After I finished getting ready that morning I walked dow
n the hall and found that Emme was not yet awake. I didn’t want to leave without knowing she was good, but I also didn’t want to wake her or interrupt anything. Thankfully, I didn’t have to debate on what to do for too long because Zane walked out of her room about thirty seconds later. He had a strange look on his face that I couldn’t quite read, so I asked him if she was awake. He nodded, but feeling unsure about the situation I decided to go in her room. I gently knocked on the door, walked in and saw her lying in her bed. I told her that I was heading out with Wes to his parents’ house, but wanted to check on her first. She assured me she was good and that she’d call if anything came up. I told her we’d be back later with plenty of time to spare so we could make and have dinner together and exchange gifts.

  I sat, unmoving, in the passenger’s seat looking at their house. It was a beautiful log home on a decently sized piece of property; though, it was not nearly as large as the land Wes’ home sat on. This home also had incredible mountain views.

  I hadn’t said much on the drive over as I was too panicked about meeting his family. I had already met Elle, but our meeting was brief. What if they didn’t like me?

  “Charley, baby, relax.”

  “What if they don’t like me?”

  “They will like you. Trust me,” he said.

  “You can’t know that. They might not like me. And then, where will I be?” I asked still staring at the house, nervously biting my lip.

  “Gorgeous, look at me.”

  I looked at him.

  “If for some God forsaken reason they didn’t like you, which won’t be the case, you’ll still be right where you are, sitting next to me, because I like you. Now, stop panicking and let’s enjoy Christmas. Ok?”

  I swallowed and nodded, “Ok, Wes.”

  Wes came around the front of the Jeep and met me on my side to help me out. He took the tray of cookies that I insisted on bringing from my hands and carried it for me. I figured if there was even the remote possibility that they wouldn’t like me I could possibly bribe them with sugary treats. Wes held my hand as we walked up the path that led from the driveway to the steps leading up to the front porch that was flanked on either side by log posts. The moment we stepped in front of the door it opened and an older, but remarkably beautiful, petite, blonde-haired woman looked back at us, smiling.

  “Merry Christmas, Ma,” Wes said and then turned to me. “Charley, this is my mother, Linda; Ma, this is my girlfriend, Charley.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Blackman. Merry Christmas,” I said.

  She looked a me a moment, still smiling and then said, “Merry Christmas, Charley. Please, call me Linda.” She then moved to hug Wes, “Merry Christmas, honey. She’s even more beautiful than you said.”

  My belly warmed at the words Linda exchanged with her son. He’d spoken to her about me. I took this as good news. He handed her the cookies and told her that Emme and I had made them. She ushered us inside and no sooner had she closed the door when an older man, who looked strikingly similar to Wes, joined us. He had a full head of hair that was salt and pepper colored, the same chiseled jawline, and a large frame, though he wasn’t overweight.

  “Hey Pops. Merry Christmas,” Wes said, giving his father a one-armed man hug. He then put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me tight to his body. “This is Charley. Charley, this is my dad, James.”

  “Merry Christmas, Mr. Blackman.”

  Wes’ father pulled me in for a hug and said, “Merry Christmas, darlin’. You call me James, though.”

  He released his hold on me and I stepped back and nodded at him.

  “Come on in. Elle is in the kitchen,” Linda said.

  We walked through the foyer past the stairs that led to the second floor and into a wide-open area that had views to the kitchen, breakfast nook, and family room. The entire first floor was covered in natural color hardwood floors. The kitchen was off to the right and had a large center island with seating for six. The cabinetry was chestnut colored and covered with marble countertops. The breakfast nook off the kitchen had floor to ceiling windows making it a well-lit and bright space. It housed a one-of-a-kind, custom walnut slab dining table with matching seats. The table was already covered with place settings. Lastly, off to the left was the family room. While the kitchen and breakfast nook screamed rustic, log cabin, mountain home, the family room was simply cozy. Comfortable couches, a huge area rug, a floor to ceiling fireplace, a coffee table, and a wall mounted, flat screen television adorned the space. It was, without a doubt, a place one could relax in.

  “Merry Christmas, Wes,” Elle said and then turned towards me. “Hi Charley, Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas,” I replied.

  Wes hugged his sister and wished her a Merry Christmas as well.

  At this point, Linda had made her way over to the kitchen, so I spoke, “Thank you for having me here today. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “As long as you brought your appetite we should be good to get started. We just finished up with making breakfast, so go ahead and grab a seat and Elle, James, and I will bring out the food.”

  I walked with Wes over to the breakfast nook where he pulled out a chair for me to sit in. He then sat down next to me as Elle sat across from us, and Wes’ parents sat at either end of the table. I don’t think I had ever seen a breakfast spread like the one before me. There were scrambled eggs, waffles, bacon, hash browns, biscuits, and an assortment of fruit. Coffee, tea, and orange juice were amongst the beverage choices. I was thankful that Emme and I decided on having dinner instead of lunch since I was certain I would fall into a food coma after experiencing this breakfast.

  Everyone loaded up their plates and the conversation was easy. Wes’ family asked about my graphic design career and I asked about Elle’s music career. Of course, the conversation went to Wes and I pushed to find out about what his childhood was like.

  “Wes always kept us on our toes,” his mother said. “There was never a dull moment with this boy around.”

  I looked to Wes and saw him smiling at me.

  “I don’t think anything will ever top the time he basically ruined Nan’s walls with the pudding,” Elle chimed in.

  “Don’t forget the BB gun incident with Grandpa,” Linda said.

  “Pudding? BB gun?” I asked, leaning forward extremely curious to hear all about this.

  James answered, “Wes was spending the afternoon at my mother’s house one day when he was about six years old. She was occupied with making his lunch, but had given him chocolate pudding a bit before that because that’s what grandparents do, apparently. While she was making up his lunch Wes decided to fill a balloon with chocolate pudding. Once he felt the level of pudding was sufficient, he blew up the balloon, and let it loose. The balloon darted all over the kitchen spraying her pristine white walls with chocolate pudding.”

  I stared, jaw dropped. “No, he did not,” I said, turning to Wes. “You did not!”

  “Guilty. I feel bad looking back on it now. Nan was running around the kitchen trying to catch the flying pudding missile and her kitchen looked like a war zone when it finally ran out of air. It was the only time I ever experienced my grandmother’s ability to get angry at me,” he said.

  “That’s the truth,” James said. “She loved all of her grandchildren, no doubt about that, but Wes was special to her. His cousins live in Michigan and my mother, along with us, always lived here. That said, she grew attached to Wes. Of course, Elle came along and brought sunshine where there was the disaster of Wes’ ways, but my mother didn’t care. She loved him like no other.”

  “Oh my goodness,” I said in total disbelief at what he’d done. “So what happened with the BB gun?” I asked.

  Elle answered, “My grandparents were divorced and Wes had gone over to spend the day with our grandfather. He decided using the BB gun in the house was a good idea and shot out Grandpa’s kitchen window. He was very destructive as a child.”

p; I looked to Wes and just stared, wide-eyed at him. He grinned back at me, clearly proud of his childhood antics.

  “One day, when Wes has children of his own that’s going to come back to haunt him,” Linda said.

  At that moment, my mind whirled with thoughts of Wes with children. Visions of him chasing a little boy around his house trying to keep him out of trouble were heartwarming. My belly warmed and my heart squeezed at the images of Wes as a father. I only hoped I’d be lucky enough to not only witness, but also be a part of this one day.

  We spent a couple hours after breakfast with Wes’ family and he had been right. I got along with all of them. I was so nervous about meeting them, but they welcomed me with open arms and it was never awkward. Finally, Wes excused us letting his parents know that we had plans to have dinner with Emme. Linda and James gave me hugs and told me they wanted me to come back for another visit soon. I took this to mean they liked me. I hugged Elle and told her to let me know when she was performing at Lou’s again so I could come and support her. She told me she would and then Wes and I left.

  We were in the car pulling out of the Blackman’s driveway when Wes spoke.

  “Going to take you to my place before we head back to yours, gorgeous,” he said.

  I looked to him, but said nothing.

  “We won’t be long. Just need to do something quickly.”

  “Ok, honey.”

  We drove to his house and talked the entire way about that morning’s breakfast with his family. I expressed how much I enjoyed it and how much I really liked his parents and his sister. He told me that he knew I’d like them and that they would, without a doubt, have liked me.

  Chapter 22


  Wes turned the truck turned into his’ driveway. He pulled up to the house, parked, and came around to meet me at my door. After we got inside the house, Wes asked me to have a seat in the family room while he went to get something. At this point, he was acting a little strange and the butterflies were fluttering madly in my belly. I couldn’t figure out what he was up to and I had to admit it was a bit nerve-wracking. A few minutes later, he came out carrying a Christmas present. It was wrapped, nicely I might add, but it was huge.


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