Death Or Fortune

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Death Or Fortune Page 12

by James Chesney

  He had his carpet laid out on the floor and was handing me a potion. "I learned quite a few things today Kromwell. That potion in your hands is the last of its kind anywhere in the entire kingdom of Eystlund. Sure, more can be made but it is costly and takes some time. I want to show you what it can do." I watched as he stood on his carpet and made it hover into the air. "Now, open the vile and let a single drop fall onto the carpet." I did not question him I just did as he told me. Soon after the potion touched the carpet he sank back to the floor. "Try as I might, this will not go back up. It is nothing more than a rug now and will be that way for at least another fifteen to twenty minutes. The potion strips an item of its magical properties for a short time. Do you know why that is the last bit of that potion?" I just held up my hands, I honestly had no clue. "This tournament you want to fight it, that potion sells out every year around this time. Fighters trying to get an advantage use it so their items will pass any magical inspection. By the time they have to fight, the magical properties have returned and will give them their advantage back. Unless you plan on letting your pretty wife watch you get gutted, you might want to use that or forget any notion of fairness."

  I looked at him and asked him if he was sure. "Ask the halfling if you do not believe me. He was there." As we were talking, Hetaron and his carpet started to rise into the air again. While I had my doubts about what he said, Pare wouldn't lie to me. He would tell me the truth and he did just that later on at night. There was a lot of money bet on the fighters each year. There was also a ten thousand gold purse to the winner of the fight. More money than some men would see in a life time. The more I doubted just what Hetaron was telling me, the more it made sense. People were going to use every advantage they had. They have been doing it for years. There was more than gold on the line, people could and did die. Hetaron told me to take the potion, it was clear I was going to need it.

  The following morning I went to sign up to take part in the tournament. Looking around, I saw men with the same bottles, rubbing it into their gear. As they were inspected, if they passed they were then tested by the games master. To see if they had any business taking part. I was standing in line, waiting my turn when I heard a soft voice behind me. "Lord Kromwell, good luck. I hope you bow out before you get to me. I would hate to kill such a fine looking man." I turned to see just who it was speaking to me and saw her face again. Her dark hair hung down framing her face, it made her cold blue eyes stand out. I asked her who she was. She gave a slight bow at the waist and smiled, "My name is Cynthia. I am serious, get in my way and I will kill you." She then gave me a small laugh and rubbed her hand up and down my arm. While the sound of her voice made my blood run cold, she was warm to the touch. She was, very warm. It was then that I noticed just how beautiful that she was.

  30. Assassin

  I stood there in shock. Looking into this woman's eyes, I could see she was serious. It was all I could do to restrain myself. Part of me wanted to run, the other part of me wanted to cut her down where she stood. Yet I remained calm, I decided to play her game if that was what she wanted. I told her that I had seen her in Arcadia, that I had seen her watching me here in town. I also told her that I should kill her on the spot for the homeless man who tried to kill me at the Red Dragon Inn. "Oh I had nothing to do with that but I knew someone who would try something like that. I say knew because you don't have to worry about him anymore. I have been watching you though. I saw what you and your friends did to Lakarus. He washed his hands of you two by the way. I was thinking of taking on the contract for your head but you are much more interesting alive I believe. No, I do not want you dead Lord Kromwell. I have much better ideas on what to do with you."

  I could not believe my burning ears. She spoke to me in a soft tone yet very direct. With every word she moved her body closer to mine. As if she was trying to seduce me. Had I met her a year before, things might have been different. Then again, a year before that I wasn't very interesting or so I would say. I just took a step back from her and asked her who she was again. "I told you, you can call me Cynthia. I am what some people would call an assassin, a very good one I might add. If you were not so pretty, you might be dead now. I could never bring myself to slide my blade into your flesh. Unless you get in my way in the arena. Then I may just have to take you down but I am here for someone else." I tried to get her to tell me just who it was that she was after but she would not tell me. She once again put her hand on my arm and told me goodbye. Said she had some things to look into. I felt my temperature rising as I watched her walk away. I will never forgive myself for what I did to her. That is one sin I will have to answer for at the foot of the gods.

  I stood there for another moment or two. I could not believe the things she had just told me. It made no sense to me. Perhaps she was trying to push me off guard. Was she really an assassin? Today I know it is all true but then, I wasn't so sure. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, why she was so open with me. I could not stop thinking about what she said to me or her cold blue eyes. As the day went on, I signed up and got tested. They tested my strength and other things. It was all rather simple stuff. Truth be told, the whole time I was thinking about her. By the end of the day, I was given a spot among the thirty two men who would fight in the tournament. Not because of my test but because of who I was. When I told the games master what my name was and where I was from he did a quick double take. "Lord Kromwell from Arcadia, the same who fought in the war up that way?" When I told him yes he had quite the laugh and said "Have I got a match for you. Crowd will love it."

  I didn't care who he thought I was, honestly I didn't know the news of the war was all that important in Eystlund. Today I have a better understanding of how things work in and around the sister kingdoms. I have seen and met folks who think we would all be better off if all three lands were reunited under one crown. I for one, think too much time has passed for such a thing to ever happen. It is better to be on good terms with our neighbors. Darius is a good man and I have found respect for the elven city in Tanglewood Forest. Then there is the problem of Toryth Vol. No matter how bright a new crown might shine, it will never lift the darkness that flows from the heart of its king. Just thinking of the place makes me want a bath.

  As I returned to the inn that afternoon I saw Pare jumping up onto a bar stool. I went in and sat down next to him. He quickly shouted to the bar maid to bring two. I asked her for water instead. I asked him if he was staying out of trouble and the smile on his face made my gut clench with fear. The bar maid set down a tankard for the little man but before he could take a sip I placed my hand over the top of it. He looked at my hand, looked at my face and then back at my hand. He seemed to be in a bit of shock. "Hey! What’s the deal Darmot?"

  "I need a favor Pare, a favor only you can do for me." He looked at me and smiled a bit.

  "Anything for you Darmot, you know that." So I told him about the woman I met including, the things she told me and then I told him to go find out what he could. "Gee, I don't know Darmot. Poking around in stuff like that might get me in trouble. The bad kind you can't get me out of." Pare had a gift for getting into places without being seen. I needed to know what this Cynthia was up too. So I told him the only other thing I knew would affect him. That she might try to hurt Jasmin. I don't know where he pulled the dagger from that he jammed into the bar. "Anyone hurts Jasmin and that is what they will get. I will find out what you want to know Darmot. Don't you worry, you can count on me." He put the dagger back where it came from and hopped off the bar stool. When it was clear he was going now I asked him to wait. I told him that when I was fighting, I would need him to stay with Jasmin. He just nodded at me once and took off out the door.

  Later that night as I was lying in bed with Jasmin, Pare returned to my room. He let himself in the locked door with a small candle in his hand. He crept over to the bed and with one finger he opened my right eye lid. "Hey Darmot, are you awake? Come down stairs." I was not awake and before I could question
him about how he got into the room he was gone again. I sat there on the edge of the bed wondering if it had been a dream. I thought about going back to sleep but knew it would only be a matter of time before he was back in there. I got dressed and headed down to the common room. I found him in the same stool as before. I sat down next to him and waited.

  "So I did some looking around. She told you the truth, she isn't' here for you. I guess there are more than a few people upset with some guy that is in the tournament, big ugly guy named Rogar. Turned his back on a few folks, they put a huge contract out on his head. More than anything they are afraid of him and what he might do should he every turn back around and pick up his old habits again. I don't know, I didn't ask. There are something’s a halfling shouldn't know. You were right about one thing; her eyes are just like ice. Kinda pretty once you look at them for long enough." I shook my head twice at that last bit and asked him what he meant.

  "Well, my old guild friends are all in jail or dead. I don't know any of the new guys. So I just went to spy on her. She saw me, invited me to join her for dinner. I was real hungry Darmot." I could only roll my eyes at him. He did his best and came home alive, that was all that mattered to me. I told him I had to fight in two days and that I wanted him with Jasmin when I was fighting. "Sure thing Darmot, anything for you." I gave him a wave and went back to bed. Two days later I was standing there on the arena floor. Looking across the platform at a ghost of every man I killed in the war or so that was the feeling I had that day. That first day of the tournament sent me Salazar from The Sultanate of Katja-Lor.

  31. Ghost

  The first day of the tournament the games master explained the rules to us. There were two ways to win. Kill the man in front of you or make him leave the ring. The ring was a large platform, ten feet off the arena floor. If I had to guess it was forty feet on each side. More than enough room to die I thought to myself as I stood and looked at it. During the fights I had Hetaron and Hans with me at ring side. I had hoped Hetaron would stop me from being foolish and Hans would help me when I would not listen to Hetaron. He would help me stay alive should anything go wrong. Using the potion that he gave me, all of my gear passed inspection. I sat with the two of them deep in the arena, waiting my turn.

  During the war in Arcadia the Messiah used his vast horde of gold to buy mercenaries. While he got them from far and wide most of them came from one land, the Sultanate of Katja-Lor. You knew the men of that land from the black head wrappings they wore. I remember watching them march in formation towards us. Each man’s head covered in the same black head dress, all moving together. It reminded me of a dark angry cloud that had fallen to the ground. I am sad to say that I killed a countless number of them that day. They all knew the risk they were taking, live by the sword and you can die from it. The Sultanate of Katja-Lor had no bad blood towards Arcadia but for the amount of gold they were paid, they would have been foolish to reject it. After their bodies were shattered on our front lines, I never expected to see another soul from that land again. I am sad to say, I was mistaken.

  As our names were announced we were on opposite sides of the platform. I could not see him and he could not see me. Hetaron was standing there, holding my sword. Hans was standing in front of me, saying a prayer to Solarth, asking him to bless me. I could see the look of contempt on Hetarons face. The games masters’ voice was clear and loud as he introduced Salazar from the Sultanate of Katja-Lor. Salazar rushed up the steps to the platform. He was wearing the traditional garb of his people with a sword in each hand. Each blade held high over his head, drawing a good amount of cheers from the people in the stands. The look on Hans face was one I will never forget. "This should be interesting" said Hetaron as I took my sword from him. Then they introduced me.

  "Home in Eystlund for the first time since leading Arcadian troops to victory in their civil war, Lord Darmot Kromwell." As I mounted the final step to the platform you could hear a pin drop. Salazar stood there looking at me, I could only see his eyes behind the vale covering his face. He knew who I was and while I could not say the same I knew those eyes. They were the eyes of a hundred ghost who haunted me in the night. I looked at him a moment longer and gave him a salute. I then turned towards the crowd. Finding Jasmin and Pare, who was waving as fast as he could I raised my sword above my head to them. When I turned to face Salazar again, the entire place erupted. The floor was shaking under my feet. The sound of the crowd was like a solid wave of energy pounding down on me.

  I started to move towards Salazar, looking to meet him in the center of the platform. As he started to run towards me, I assumed he had something else on his mind. He charged towards me with all the speed his feet could manage, waving his swords around in the air. Had he not been running towards me I might have been impressed with his ability to handle his blades like that while running at a full sprint. I don’t know what he was thinking at the time. Perhaps he was looking to score a quick win. I set my feet, raised my shield and waited for him. I expected him to launch into a quick flurry of blows, to put me on the defensive. I knew one thing and one thing only. I had to be faster than him. I knew I was stronger but I had to be faster. Then he did perhaps the dumbest thing I have ever seen.

  Just as soon as he was within striking range of me, he jumped up into the air and launched himself at me with both feet. It might have seemed to be a sound strategy, if he knocked me back far enough, he could then force me off the platform. Had I not stepped to the side, it may have worked. As he was flying by me I reached out with my shield, he was lucky I did not take his head off right then and there. Salazar landed there in a heap of weapons and armor. I stood back and let the man get to his feet. At the time it seemed like the proper thing to do. Not that I would ever make that mistake again. The man did want to kill me.

  Salazar got to his feet and quickly moved to attack again. It seemed to go on for quite some time, him attacking and me blocking. Each time I tried to counter he was able to dodge. We each had minor wounds but nothing to worry about. He was fast, agile and never showed any signs of getting tired. There was no crowd. There was no arena; there was only the two of us, blades clashing there in the center of that stage. I honestly don’t know how long we fought that day. I could see the anger in Salazar's eyes. Perhaps he thought I was toying with him when in truth, it was all I could to do keep his quick wrist from sending me home on my back.

  My breathing was hard and fast, my body aching and many of the small blows he had scored had started to take its toll on me. I knew I had to turn things around and I had to do it quickly. I backed away from him, letting my shield arm hang just a little, my sword pointed towards the ground. I could see a look of satisfaction in the eyes of Salazar, he thought that he had won. He thought that he would return home with the tale of how he killed the man who slaughtered so many of his people. He charged towards me again for the final time. His right arm held one of his swords high, he planned on taking my head off with some great swinging blow. As soon as he was close enough I moved in. Lifting my shield to meet his blow yet I did not try to block the blade, I turned just enough to ram the edge of the shield into his wrist. I could hear the bones shatter as his sword went flying from his grasp. I then rammed my shield forward towards his body. He was stunned and in blinding pain. Helplessly flailing as I pushed him backwards. He never saw the blow coming.

  Trying to keep his balance, falling backwards away from me I moved in for the kill. The first strike was down and hard. The tip of my blade hit him just above the left shoulder, scoring a flesh rending gash across his body. As his life blood began to run down his legs and fill his boots, I rammed my blade deep into his chest. I could feel his body going limp on my blade, I almost expected him to try to strike me with his other weapon but he forgot it was there. I then pushed him away from me, pulling my blade from his near lifeless body. He fell down on that platform, arms and legs all askew, his face looking towards the sun. I went to his side and looked into his eyes one last time. He trie
d to speak but all I could hear was the sound of blood bubbling in his mouth. I knelt down there at his side and told him his people would have been proud. That he had fought well and with honor. That he died a brave and glorious death.

  As Salazar closed his eyes for the final time I bent my head and asked the gods to give favor to his soul. I then stood up and turned back to see my two friends standing near the top of the stairs. I nodded to them once and then turned to the crowd. For the first time since the fight had started I let myself hear them. I stood there in the sun, lifting my sword high above my head. It felt good to hear them cheer. It felt good to be alive. Yet at that moment, I was more. I was the victor and I felt like a god.

  32. Rum

  After that first victory, I don't think I walked down the steps. I don't remember touching a single one. Hans healed any minor wounds I had once I was at the bottom of the steps. He told me that his friend Zackary was fighting later in the day, he was going to stay around to watch and see how he did. I collected Jasmin and Pare from the stands and we met Hetaron outside of the arena. The walk back to the inn was quiet and easy. Most of the town was still inside the arena. Blocks away, we could still hear the people cheering on the fighters. Once we were in sight of the inn Pare told me he had something to do and ran off on his own. I looked towards Jasmin and asked her if she knew where he was going.

  "He said he was going to see some girl." She said it with a light laugh in her voice. I wasn't sure it was something to laugh about though. I had a feeling I knew who he was going to see and I couldn't think of why he would be going to see Cynthia. She had fought a match or two before mine and won quite easily. Hetaron reading the look on my face said something I never expected. "Halflings do have sex Kromwell, they don't spring forth from the void." I looked over at the mage and only shook my head. When we entered the inn Hetaron went straight to his room. I told the inn keeper that we would be down for dinner in an hour if everything was ready. She shook an old bar rag at me and I went to clean up.


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