Fatal Call (New Breed Novels Book 4)

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Fatal Call (New Breed Novels Book 4) Page 18

by Martha Bourke

  For all eternity.

  She smiled to herself, watching everyone talk and laugh while they raided the dessert table. Xavier brought over some mochi ice cream and they shared it together. That’s when she heard the familiar beginning notes to their favorite Ella Fitzgerald.

  Xavier stood up. “I believe that’s our song.”

  “Oh, I’m not sure I’m up to dancing, my male.”

  “You don’t need to be.” He smiled and lifted her from the couch. Cradling her in his arms, he carried her over to the stone mosaic where Troy and Evy were dancing by the birdbath. Slowly he rocked her.

  “I can’t enjoy this night without you. Shake down the stars,” he sang softly by her cheek.

  Rose looked up into his rich brown eyes and this time the tears won out. She bit her bottom lip.

  He paused for a moment. “Ready to head down?”

  She nodded.

  “Okay. Let’s just let Helen know.” He handed her his cell and she sent Helen a quick text letting her know that they would like some couple time in the ward.

  He picked up her quilt and carried her down to the compound. She started smiling the moment they were through the ward’s swinging door.

  “Hey, now. How did we get a double bed?” Xavier asked.

  “Helen mentioned how they’d tied two beds together before. I didn’t want to sleep without you.”

  He sat her down on the edge and bent down to slip her shoes off. She leaned forward and kissed him.

  “Make love to me, Xavier.”

  “Are you sure you feel up to it?”

  She nodded. “It’s our mating night, my male.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She traced his goatee with her finger. “I’m not worried.”

  X wrote a note on a piece of printer paper and stuck it to the door before picking up a chair and wedging it shut. Then he helped her get undressed, dropping a kiss on her mark. He took off his tux and crawled in next to her.

  “Are you warm enough, Rosie?”

  “Shh.” She put her fingers to his soft lips.

  He leaned down and kissed her. He took his time, leaving nowhere on her body untouched by his caresses. “Can you wrap your legs around me?”

  She nodded, expecting him to get into some familiar position. Instead, he lay down next to her, staying on his side so that she bore none of his weight. He brought her into the massive span of his body, holding her as close as possible. And then he was inside her. Their naguals connected and she gasped. Oh, God. Whatever waited for her on the other side, whatever was there, she wanted to remember them this way. Their bodies entwined, second souls connected. Thoughts of nothing and no one else. Just Xavier. Only Xavier. Forever.

  The next morning, X woke later than usual. He looked over at his mate in the adjoining bed. Goddess, she looked tired. Deep shadows framed her eyes, making her delicate cheekbones look hallowed.

  Helen came in. “Oh, I’m glad you’re awake. Rose woke up around four with some pain, so I’ve set up an IV for her. Right now she’s receiving a low dose of pain medication along with some fluids.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “She’s not the only one who needs to keep her strength up. Are you hungry? I can order a late breakfast.”

  “No, thanks.”

  “Well, at least go grab a shower while she’s asleep. I’ll sit with her.”

  X gave in and went down to their room to take a quick shower. Goddess, his mate had weakened so much over night. He was hoping she was just tired after the big day they’d had. But something inside told him that she was beginning to slip away.

  As the day went on, Rose slept more and more. In the early evening, she seemed to rebound. She even let him feed her a little leftover mochi ice cream.

  He held one to her mouth and she took a bite. “You can have the rest.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded as she watched Cool find a new position at her side.

  He swept the hair back from her forehead.

  “I’m so glad I found you, my male. You’re my miracle,” she said softly.

  He took her hand in his and kissed it. If only that were true.

  “But it’s my time, my male. The Goddess wants me with her.”

  His eyes welled up. “Rose, no.”

  She reached up to touch the side of his face. “I’m not afraid. I can be brave like you. My warrior. My Xavier.”


  She closed her eyes so peacefully that at first he thought she had drifted back to sleep. But when he could no longer sense her, he knew.

  She was gone.

  Rose could feel a gentle pull leading her upward toward the heavens. With no effort, her spirit phased into Crane and continued to fly through what she thought must be the Otherworld. There was a faint yellow light shining in the distance and she began to move toward it. On and on her wings carried her. Over mountains and lakes. Past rivers and forests. At last the light seemed within her reach. She flew into it and found herself at the entrance to a great barren land.

  Suddenly, she was blinded by a shimmering white light. As it slowly faded away, a lovely young woman with black hair and aqua marine eyes became visible. Instinctively, Rose knew she was the Goddess Akina. She phased back to her first form so that the two of them floated together in the ether.

  “My Goddess.”

  Rose began to bow, but the Goddess opened her arms to her. “Come to me, Rose.”

  As the Goddess embraced her spirit self, Rose knew a completeness that was unlike anything she’d ever felt.

  “What is this place, my Goddess?” Rose asked.

  “It is the wasteland. A plane you must cross to join your kind in the Afterlife. I came when I sensed you. Why are you here? Why are you not with your warrior?”

  “I became ill and my shifter body died.”

  “But how is that possible? You are a tsuru, a descendent of the Immortal Crane. You have the gift of longevity. You should have lived many hundreds of years.”

  Tsuru. Rose recognized the Japanese word for crane. “I don’t understand, my Goddess.”

  “You are a shifter who has been gifted with immortal long life. Have you never wondered why your mark is different?”

  “Yes, my Goddess, but I could never find the answer in books nor within myself.”

  The Goddess looked solemn. “Then you are here because you never truly learned to use your power.”

  At this, tears began to flow down Rose’s cheeks. She realized if she had known, she could have remained on earth with Xavier.

  “Why do you cry?”

  “I’ve lost my mate because of a war that has taken everything from me.”

  “Xavier is a most worthy male.” The Goddess Akina smiled. “Rose, do you wish to return to him?”

  “Yes, my Goddess,” she said without hesitation. “But how can I?”

  “The cost will be great. A life must be taken so that you may keep yours.”

  Rose felt bitter disappointment. She could never take another’s life, no matter what the reason.

  The Goddess continued. “Are you willing to give up your immortal life in order to live alongside your warrior? You would relinquish your power. You would be a simple shapeshifter.”

  Rose’s heart soared. “Yes, my Goddess, I am willing. I choose Xavier.”

  The Goddess Akina smiled. “Very well then. A life for a life.”

  The Goddess closed her eyes for a moment and Rose felt the air around her crackle with power.

  “It is done.”

  “Thank you, my Goddess.”

  Without warning, more shimmering white lights appeared all around them. “Rose, you must go. Hurry!”

  One glowing light after another dimmed and beings that were nothing more than transparent heads began to appear all around them. Rose watched in horror as power was released toward the Goddess. With a sweep of the deity’s hand, Rose suddenly found herself propelling ba

  She opened her eyes moments later to find herself back in the hospital ward at the compound. She heard the sound of softly spoken words and looked to the side of the bed. Xavier sat quietly with his face in his hands. He was praying.

  Oh, my male. She gently touched his arm.

  He slowly lifted his head. “Rose? But you were gone. I lost you.”

  “I was dead, but the Goddess told me it wasn’t my time. She sent me back to you. Unless, maybe it was all a dream.” She turned her head and lifted her hair. “What does my mark look like, my male?”

  He touched it gingerly with his fingertips. “It’s completely black, even the crest.”

  She hadn’t dreamt it. It had all really happened. She was truly home again. But if that was real then…

  “Xavier, the Goddess has been taken!”

  Evy was roused from her sleep by a terrible high pitched noise. Only once Troy had taken her by the shoulders and called out to her did she realize it was the sound of her own scream that had awakened her.

  “What is it? Did you see something, Ev?”

  She couldn’t seem to catch her breath. No matter how many times she inhaled, it was as if the air never reached her lungs.

  Troy lifted his hand and slowly she felt herself begin to calm.

  “Was it a dream?”

  “No, not a dream, my male. Do you remember what happened after James was shot? We were in the bathroom after we had broken your connection to him and I had that odd sensation, like a strand of time had broken? I had it again just now in my sleep.”

  “Jesus. What do you think it means?”

  “I think there has been some kind of event. Something has changed destiny. But I didn’t see it. I don’t have any idea what it could be.”

  “I’m sure with time you’ll figure out how all the pieces fit. You always do, babe.” He kissed her cheek and pulled the duvet up over them.

  “I hope so.”

  Whatever this was, it was big.

  James sat with Pax by the medical ward while they waited for the male’s test results. Pax had finally stopped pacing and was busying himself by tracing James’s mark with his finger. It didn’t really matter to James who had given what to whom. He just wanted the results to be whatever would be easiest for Pax to handle. Whichever that was. Watching the male suffer like this without being able to do anything to comfort him was unbearable. But he knew taking the test was only the first step in what would probably be a long period of healing for Pax.

  The truth was, his camzah wasn’t the only one who needed time to figure shit out. He’d started having mood swings since he’d first started seeing Pax. He was sure they had to do with Seth and not Pax, but the fluctuations were starting to take on a pattern. When he was with the male, he was happier than he could ever remember being in his life. But once he was alone, the dark secrets in his mind seemed to come out of the shadows and all he could do was think about what he had done.

  Helen poked her head out into the hall. “You two can come in whenever you’re ready.”

  James turned around and looked into the brother’s dark browns. “Are you ready?”

  “Not even close.”

  He took Pax’s hand and together they walked into the ward, letting the door swing closed behind them.

  About the Author

  Martha Bourke grew up in Burlington, Vermont, a magical place where street art meets nature and Boston, a city full of history and no-nonsense New England sensibility. She is an accomplished teacher who has spent the last fifteen years creating Spanish language programs for elementary schools and traveling extensively. For most of her life, she has been fascinated by foreign languages, cultures, and mythology– a passion that colors and enriches the world of Jaguar Sun, which now encompasses two series.

  Martha and her husband of fifteen years have carved out their own little piece of Vermont in the Massachusetts countryside. When not writing, she loves spending time with her animals, listening to good music, thrifting, and adding to her Converse collection.

  For more information about the author, please visit www.marthabourke.com. Also By Martha Bourke

  Young Adult

  Jaguar Sun (Book 1 in the Jaguar Sun Series)

  Jaguar Moon (Book 2 in the Jaguar Sun Series)

  Revelations (A Prequel Novella to the Jaguar Sun Series & New Breed Novels)


  Forbidden Call (The New Breed Novels, Book 1)

  Deadly Call (The New Breed Novels, Book 2)

  Mating Call (The New Breed Novels, Book 3)

  Fatal Call (The New Breed Novels, Book 4)

  Up Next

  Untitled (The New Breed Novels, Book 5) – 2015




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