Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 19

by Stacy Claflin


  Ava fought back tears as the gun dug into her scalp. There were so many officers surrounding them, but her dad wasn’t one of them.

  Where was he? Going through the cabin behind them to take Dave by surprise? Or maybe she just couldn’t see him. It wasn’t like she had a great view.

  Dave dug his nails into her arm and muttered, “Quit struggling.”

  Ava wanted to lash out, but she couldn’t even speak much less fight back.

  “Did you hear me?” He pressed the gun harder against her skull.

  She gave a little nod just to get him to ease up.

  Dave yanked her back, hurting her neck. “I’m going to shoot her if you all don’t leave! Now!”

  Nobody moved. Not a single gun pointed in their direction turned away.

  Ava’s breath caught. Were they that sure he wouldn’t hurt her? Or did they think they could take him out before he killed her?

  One man stepped a little closer. “Let Ava go, then we’ll leave. We just want to bring her home safely to her family.”

  “Then you’ll leave me alone?” Dave took sharp breaths and tightened his grip around Ava.

  “Yes. Her family wants her home.”

  Dave’s ragged breathing was loud next to her ear. Then he did the unthinkable. He pulled the gun away from her.

  Ava’s entire body went limp, and Dave almost lost his hold on her. He swore at her then, waved the gun around at the officers. “You must think I’m stupid, right? If I hand her over, you’re not going to let me go! I watch documentaries. I know how this works. Either you’ll drag me to jail or kill me.”

  “Dave, we just want everyone safe. That includes you.”

  “You don’t care about me! I’ve got a gun to my stepdaughter’s head!” He shoved the gun against Ava’s temple.

  She wanted to tell him she wasn’t his stepdaughter, but with tape over her mouth, she wasn’t saying a thing.

  “Dave, we don’t want to see anyone hurt. Not even you.”

  The man kept saying Dave’s name. Was that some kind of technique to calm him? Or build trust between them?

  “Liar! You’re all liars! Nobody cares about me. No one ever has, especially not now. The whole world hates me.”

  “Dave, we want to help. I don’t know what anyone else thinks, but I can see that everything you’ve done is a cry for help. Let me be the one to give that to you.”

  “No!” Dave readjusted his hold on Ava.

  The gun clicked in her ear.

  Her breath caught. Was he about to shoot, or had he only bumped something on the gun?

  She was still alive and not hurt, so he hadn’t shot. Not yet, anyway. It was probably only a matter of time.

  “Dave, would it help if we all step back and give you a little space?”

  “Just leave!”

  “As soon as you hand over Ava, Dave.”

  “My only leverage? You’ll shoot me! Never. I’m not dying here.”

  Stars danced before Ava’s eyes. She was too scared and breathing shallow and quickly, not getting enough air. She closed her eyes and tried to block everything else out.

  It didn’t work. Ava focused on breathing, instead. She managed a couple deep breaths, and it seemed to help. She opened her eyes and kept her gaze low. There were so many people with guns aimed at her and Dave.

  The one guy kept talking to Dave. He was obviously saying whatever he could think of, trying to get him to let her go. But Dave had nothing left to lose, even Ava knew that. He’d shot up a school and kidnapped two people. Once they arrested him, he would never get out.

  That was almost a relief, except for the fact that he currently held a loaded gun to Ava’s head. She’d watched him put the bullets in. He’d wanted her to see. To know what he could do if she didn’t cooperate.

  Ava tried to focus on what the negotiator was saying. Anything to get her mind off being seconds from death. All Dave had to do was to pull his finger, then it would be lights out for her.

  More tears stung at the thought of it. Never seeing her family again. Her friends. Never telling Braylon how she felt and not knowing if he returned the feelings. Losing out on the chance to experience all her dreams. She needed to apologize to Parker for being a jerk to him the morning of the shooting.

  She couldn’t hold back the tears. They spilled onto her cheeks and ran down her face.

  Why couldn’t the cops work faster? Couldn’t someone just jump Dave and knock the gun from him? It couldn’t be that hard.

  Except everyone was afraid that he would shoot her. With her being so young, they were probably extra careful. Or at least she hoped.

  “Will you take an exchange?”

  Ava tried to turn toward the feminine voice, but Dave had too tight of a hold on her. She moved her eyes as far as they would go.

  Officer Foster stood off to the side, staring at Dave. “Take me instead.”

  Ava’s eyes widened. What was Tinsley’s mom doing?

  “Just let Ava go. She’s young and innocent. She doesn’t deserve any of this. I’m a cop. Wouldn’t you rather put a gun to my head?”

  Dave shouted profanities at her and demanded she get out of the way.

  “Let the girl go.” Foster’s voice was smooth as honey. “If you care at all for her or her mom, do this one thing. I’m willing to step in her place. You can still negotiate what you want.”

  One of the other officers ordered Foster to back away.

  The negotiator also said something along those lines.

  Ava could barely think. Her knees wobbled and threatened to give out.

  Dave jammed the gun harder against her head and whispered for her to hold still.

  Her bladder was about to give out. In front of all these people. More tears ran down her face.

  “Take me,” Foster stepped closer. “You can do whatever you want to me. We’ll get you anything you demand. Just let Ava go.”

  “Get away!” Dave’s finger moved slightly on the trigger.

  The sound echoed louder than anything else in Ava’s ears.

  Pee flowed down her legs.

  He swore and, for a moment, loosened his grip on her.

  Ava flung her weight forward. The ground came at her faster than she could comprehend.

  Shouting and gunfire sounded all around about the same time she hit the forest floor. Dirt flew into her eyes and she inhaled it up into her nose. Feet moved all around her, kicking more dust into the air.

  Someone or something tugged on the ropes around her back.

  “I’m trying to help. Hold still, honey.” It was Foster.

  Ava closed her eyes. Relief ran through her, but also fear. What was going to happen next? Could Dave still shoot her? Or had they taken him down?

  “It’s going to be okay.” Foster pulled loose one of the ropes.

  Ava wanted to scramble to her feet, but her body wouldn’t cooperate. It was like her muscles had all given out at once.

  More ropes came loose. Ava’s arms fell to the sides. Then her legs rolled away from each other.

  “This might sting.” Foster ripped the tape from Ava’s mouth.

  She spit out the gag and struggled to breathe.

  Foster helped her to sit. “I need you to walk. Can you do that?”

  Ava nodded, though she wasn’t sure her body would cooperate.

  Foster put her hands under Ava’s arms. Ava took a deep breath and forced herself to stand. She shook but managed to take a step. Then another until they reached the end of the cabin.

  Ava turned to look at Dave. She needed to know if he had been restrained or killed. Either way, he had it coming.

  He had cuffs on his wrists, behind his back. One cop was shouting at him while another read him his rights.

  “Are you okay?” Foster asked.

  Ava turned back to her. She shook her head. “I thought I was going to die.” Her voice cracked and tears spilled again.

  “Oh, honey.” Foster pulled her into an embr
ace and squeezed.

  Ava relaxed a little in her arms. “Where’s my dad?”

  “He’ll meet you at the hospital.”

  “He’s not here?”

  Foster rubbed her back. “He wanted to be, but it wasn’t possible. Come on. Let’s get you to the ambulance.”

  Ava stepped back and met her gaze. “Were you really going to take my place? As Dave’s hostage? Or was that just something you guys say?”

  “I meant it.” She nodded. “I wasn’t supposed to do that, but I had to step in. I’ll probably be put on desk duty for a while for that, but it was worth it.”

  Ava threw her arms around her.


  Alex ducked under branches and jumped over exposed roots as he followed the dog, who could take paths he couldn’t. It moved around stealthily despite its limp.

  He kept his eyes and ears alert for danger, though he trusted the canine far more than he trusted people. At least if he was headed for a trap, he had his weapon ready. He would shoot without hesitation.

  The dog slowed, sniffing the ground. Alex used his phone as a flashlight to see what had caught the dog’s attention.


  His heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t Zoey’s, was it?

  It could be anyone’s. There was no reason to think it belonged to Zoey. What were the chances that the dog jumped out in front of Alex’s car?

  It was probably someone else’s blood. The dog’s owner, that’s what made more sense. Zoey didn’t have a pet.

  Alex took a deep breath. “Come on.”

  The dog glanced up at him and twitched an ear. Then it crept forward, keeping its nose close to the ground.

  Alex’s heart raced. Hopefully he could help the owner quickly, then get back to his car to meet Zoey at the hospital. The cops would find her. Alive. They had to.

  The dog slowed again.

  Branches rustled nearby.

  Alex froze. He kept one hand on his gun and the other on his phone. He shone the flashlight around.

  Sniffling sounded on the other side of a bush. The dog walked around, then looked at Alex.

  “Hello?” He shone the light from side to side.

  “Is someone there?” The voice was weak. Scraggly.


  Alex’s heart jumped into his throat. He raced around the bush.

  Zoey lay in a ball, her eyes red and bruises and dried blood covering her. Her shirt was ripped and bloody.

  It took a moment for realization to settle. She was actually there in front of him. Alive.

  Alex flung himself on the ground and pulled her close. A million thoughts and emotions ran through him, making it impossible to talk.

  “Alex?” she whispered.

  “It’s me.” The pain in her eyes gutted him. He kissed her hair over and over.

  “How’d you find me?”

  “How could I not?”

  She pulled back and ran her palms across his too-long beard. “Am I dreaming again?”

  “No, baby. I’m really here. Let’s get you to the hospital.” He clung to her, resting his head against hers so she wouldn’t see his tears.

  “But Ava—”

  “The cops are already there.” His voice wobbled. “It’s you they couldn’t find. Come on.” Though he urged her, he couldn’t get himself to move.

  She pulled back again, then wiped a tear away. “I’m so sorry…” Her voice trailed away.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” Alex pressed his lips on hers and kissed her deeply. Zoey didn’t return the kiss. He needed to get her to the hospital, but he never wanted to let her go again. She was right there, she was safe. And he didn’t have to confess any wrongdoing to her.

  She pulled back, her expression unreadable. “You taste like alcohol.”

  Except that. He had to confess to drinking. Alex nodded. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t handle you being gone. The thought of—” His voice cracked. He cleared his throat. “It was too much for me.”

  She scooted back and kept her gaze averted. “Now you have to start over with your sobriety.”

  “How can you be worried about me?” He shook his head in disbelief. “Let’s get you to my car.”

  She grimaced. “I don’t think I can walk. Everything hurts.”

  “I’ll carry you, then.” He tucked his arm underneath her legs and rose to his feet, somehow keeping his balance. His heart was racing and his legs were unsteady, but he managed.

  Zoey leaned her head against his. “I can’t believe you found me. He left me there to die.”

  Fury surged through Alex. He fought to keep his voice steady and soft. “Never doubt my love for you.”

  “I don’t.”

  Alex stumbled along, trying to recall the path he’d taken in. At one point, he had turned right.

  The dog trotted in front of him despite its limp, took the path to the left, and gave a small bark.

  “This way?”

  It limped on ahead. Alex followed, clinging to Zoey. He never wanted to let go. Yet he would have to at the hospital.

  Her breathing grew deeper, more rhythmic. She was sleeping.

  She probably hadn’t gotten any decent rest since she’d been taken. Alex understood that all too well.

  He pushed through some bushes and came to the road, just a few feet from his car. An ambulance and two police cars surrounded it, lights flashing. Someone was tending to the dog’s broken leg.

  “Zoey, wake up.”


  “The medics are going to fix your leg and check out your other injuries.”

  She opened her eyes and held his gaze. “Don’t leave me.”



  Nick’s legs nearly gave out as he pulled back the privacy curtain and stared at his baby girl lying in the hospital bed with tubes attached to her.

  Ava’s eyes lit up. “Daddy!”

  He ran over and wrapped his arms around her, falling to his knees. “You’re okay. You’re really okay.”

  “I am now. They wouldn’t let you help find me?”

  “Not officially. But I was the one who figured out where Dave’s cabin was.”

  “You were? How?”

  Nick closed his eyes. As much as he’d love to throw Corrine under the bus, he couldn’t do that to Ava. “It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you’re safe.”

  “And Dave’s going to jail.”

  “He won’t get out, either. Not after what he did. You don’t have to worry about that.”

  “Where’s Mom?”

  Nick grimaced. “She’s at the station, honey.”

  “Is she in trouble?”

  He needed to tread carefully with his words. “She’s answering some questions about Dave.”

  “Because they were together?”

  Nick nodded, still unable to meet her eyes.

  “Do they know about Mason?”

  “What do you know about him?” Nick sat on the edge of her bed and squeezed her hand.

  Ava grimaced. “The creeper is my half-brother.”

  Nick wanted to demand how long she’d known and why she hadn’t told anyone, but he already knew the answer—Corrine would have told her to stay quiet. Instead of speaking, he just nodded. “None of them can hurt you.”


  Nick took a deep breath. “Right. Anymore.”

  “Daddy, I’m tired.”

  He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I’ll let you get some sleep.”

  “Are you going home?”

  “I’ll stay here. If I get tired, I’ll sleep in that chair.” He nodded to the seat next to the bed.

  “Thanks.” She gave him half a smile, then closed her eyes.

  Nick didn’t budge. He couldn’t stop looking at her. She was safe and sound. The nightmare was over.

  Although there was still plenty to deal with, such as making things right with Foster. If she would talk to him after the whole towel i
ncident. And him ignoring her after fleeing her apartment.

  He’d be lucky if she ever spoke to him again. If she was mad enough, she could file a report on him.

  He had been so stupid to give into his desires like he had.

  Regardless, he would have to face the consequences, whatever they may be. Hopefully she would give him some grace considering the circumstances.

  If not… At least Ava was home, safe and sound. He could always get another job if it came down to that.

  Nick wandered out of the room, lost in thought.

  Anderson stood outside the door. “Hey, boss.”

  Nick gave him a slight nod. “Detective.”

  “I’m glad Ava’s safe.”


  “Does this mean you’ll be back to work?”

  Nick leaned against the wall. “Give me a few days.”

  “Understood. Did you hear about Foster?”

  “What about her?” Nick tried to keep the worry off his face.

  “She’s the one who saved Ava.”

  “She is?” Nick exclaimed.

  “Well, it was a team effort, but she offered herself in place of Ava.”

  Nick closed his eyes and took in the news.

  “She’s on paid leave for breaking protocol, but I can’t see that lasting. Especially not since she saved the hostage.”

  Genevieve had risked her job and her life to save Ava, even after everything Nick had put her through, whether intentional or a misunderstanding.

  “You okay, Captain?”

  Nick opened his eyes and nodded. “It’s been a rough patch. I’m just glad it’s over.”

  Anderson nodded. “I don’t know about you, but I could use a really boring year at the office. Maybe two years.”

  “That’s something I could get behind. Hey, do you know where Gene—Foster is? I’d like to thank her.”

  “I know they wanted to look her over, but I’m not sure if she’s here at the hospital or if she was checked out at the site and let go.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll find her.”

  “If I hear anything, want me to let you know?”

  “Yeah, thanks.” Nick headed down the hall, where some blue uniforms were gathered, talking.


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