Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series)

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Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series) Page 9

by K. D. Jones

  “Too bad you aren’t transporting orphans or foster kids. There are so many on Earth that are without caring families.”

  “It is a shame. Your planet has young without families. My planet has families without young. Perhaps I will speak to RendEL and the High Council about this issue.” He ponders out loud.

  “Yeah, Earth’s foster care system is atrocious. It’s a miracle I turned out okay.” Jaxon says standing up in the small shuttle to stretch her legs.

  “You are a miracle in many ways.” Kyd agrees pulling her onto his lap. He kisses her with tenderness.

  She remembered something that SilAS had said to her, she pulled back and questioned him. “SilAS said that you mated me. That you scent marked me. Was he right?”

  Oh Kitana. He felt shame for not having more control over himself. He should have asked for her permission first. “I did scent mark you. We exchanged our sexual fluids. We usually hold back unless we plan to mate the person.”

  “We’re married?” Jaxon was confused.

  “It requires more. We both have to accept each other as mates. To make it official, we would have a mating ceremony like Ren and Cassie.” He pushes her hair back out of her face.

  “So, we’re not mated?” There are so many technicalities.

  Kyd sighs. He can see the fear and confusion on her face. Not exactly what a male wants his mate to experience. “I will do my best to control my mating urges and take things slow for you.”

  She was still hesitant. He needed to distract her. He flicked his tongue against the corner of her soft mouth. She opened up for him without protest. He gripped the back of her head to keep her lips where he wanted them. With his other hand he reached between their bodies and started to undo the hooks to the uniform top she wore. He nibbled and licked his way down her neck.

  “Kyd.” She moaned his name as his hand massaged a bra covered breast. She tilted her head back to give him full access to her neck.

  He took advantage and continued to nibble down her neck and over her collarbone. A direct path to her now exposed breast. He teased her nipple and made the tip stand up into tight tiny points. He blew warm air on the crest and it puckered. He repeated the same technique with the other breast.

  Jaxon was soaking wet for him. She needed to get him inside of her now. She pushed away from him and stood up. Kyd growled a protest. She quickly removed her clothes. Kyd unhooked his pants and pulled out his hard thick cock. Jaxon threw one of her legs over his thigh so that she could straddle him.

  “Now mate.” Kyd demanded. He buried his head against her neck.

  Without hesitation she lowers herself onto his shaft. Jaxon starts to ride him, pumping up and down. It feels so good having him inside of her. Being with Kyd was like flying. When they are physically connected, the rest of the world melts away until only the two of them exist. She loves every second of it.

  She looked into his dark eyes with the gold pupils and felt hypnotized. Very few thoughts entered her head except how good it felt to be with him. She wanted to give him anything he wanted and everything she had. She was falling for him. Hard.

  Kyd reclaims her lips, licking their softness. He continues nibbling and sucking. His tongue delves into her mouth and mimics the rhythm that they set for making love. Nothing else matters at that moment except for the two of them.

  Jaxon ground herself against him harder and faster. He seemed to fill her deeper and deeper with each stroke he made. She bucked her hips as she started to climax. Kyd rammed into her as deep as he could go as he growled out his release. “Mine!”

  They were both breathing hard as they held each other. She had made love under the stars before. But this was the first time anyone had ever taken her to the stars, literally. “Wow.” It was all she could get out of her hoarse throat.

  “Amazing.” Kyd agreed as he licked her neck .Her sweat tasted delicious. He wanted to lick her whole body.

  “So Commander, I thought you said that shuttles were not a place for mating?” She asked wiggling her bottom half, making him moan.

  “Katieran shuttles are not for mating purposes, this is a Kiljorn shuttle.” He says while squeezing her breasts.

  Jaxon giggled. No man had ever made her feel so carefree and … joyful. She gave him a sexy smile which made him growl. His semi hard shaft was still inside of her, it became instantly hard and ready for action.

  Kyd grabs her luscious ass in his hands and rocks her up and down on his arousal. She responds by gripping his shoulders and positioning herself to take him deeper. “Yes baby, right there.” She moans.

  “Mate, you feel so good.” He whispers against her cheek. As they near their release, they become more frantic. He reclaims her mouth and swallows her cries of pleasure.

  Kyd watched Jaxon put her clothes back on. He hated covering up her beautiful body. He noticed some of his seed had trailed down her inner thigh. He needed to mate her officially; his seed could take root. The image of Jaxon swollen with his young made him feel even more possessive of her. He was going to have a serious talk with her about their future, because he was not about to let her go. Not ever.

  Kiljor looked very similar to Earth. The water that covered most of the planet was blue. There were diverse areas like beaches, mountains, and sandy deserts. They had a variety of flowers and plants. What made this planet dissimilar from Earth was that the air was cleaner, the waters were unspoiled, and the planet was severely under populated.

  Jaxon watched Kat who barely contained her enthusiasm. She wasn’t the only one to notice Kat’s excitement. Prime Medic SydEL hadn’t taken his eyes off the pixie haired doctor. Jaxon frowned and made a mental note to question Kyd later on his brother’s intentions towards her friend.

  She noticed that AriELa was talking enthusiastically with the Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN. He was pointing and describing parts of Kiljor that could be seen on the viewing screens to her and Lindsey. While AriELa paid close attention to what he was saying, Lindsey rolled her eyes and turned away. Jaxon thought that was interesting.

  The City of Kiljor had a different appearance than Katiera. On Katiera, all the buildings were made of some kind of brick material. On Kiljor, the buildings were made out of some kind of metallic material. Instead of having a landing field like Katiera, there was a landing platform built on the top of one of the highest buildings.

  When they landed, they were taken from the rooftop down a lift to their suites. Jaxon was sharing a suite with Kat, AriELa, and Lindsey. Kyd was sharing a suite with his brother, TarAK was sharing a suite with SilAS and the other two medic team members.

  Jaxon looked at Kyd longingly as everyone else went to their suites. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her till she felt dizzy. She rubbed her body against his and moaned his name, “Kyd.”

  “We will be together again soon. Be patient mate.” He tells her as he pulls away from her reluctantly.

  “I’m not good with being patient.” She responds obstinately. She turns to go into her suite.

  The next day after Morning Meal, Prime Medic SydEL and his team members were taken to confer with the lead medics on Kiljorn. A Kiljorn liaison was showing AriELa around the City of Kiljor with TarAK as her security detail. Kyd and Lindsey had a meeting with Prime Leader KadEN and Commander TylOR to work out further details of the alliance.

  Lieutenant SilAS was told to guard Jaxon. What the hell? She didn’t need a damn guard! She was going to give Kyd a piece of her mind when she saw him next. Damn man.

  Kyd shook his head. Prime Leader KadEN and Lindsey Carreli had been butting heads the entire meeting. If he didn’t know better, he would say that the male was baiting the female on purpose just to get her hackles up. They had been at it for almost two hours now. He wanted to be done already so that he could find his female and get her naked.

  “Miss Carreli, perhaps you cannot understand the change we would like to make to the agreement, because it is above your comprehension.” Prime Leader KadEN suggests.

/>   “Are you saying that I can’t understand because I am female? Or that I am stupid? Or, that I am just a stupid female?” Lindsey asks with a red face. She is incensed.

  KadEN loved making the female mad. She would breathe hard causing her chest to swell tight against her blouse. Her lovely pale skin shaded pink and she pursed her lips. It made him want to kiss her.

  “Enough! We will finish this up tomorrow.” KydEL could not take another minute of this nonsense.

  He left the meeting room and went in search of Jaxon. He found her and SilAS sparring in the training facility. He stood there watching his female in action. She was a thing of beauty.

  Jaxon and SilAS circled one another. SilAS was breathing heavy while Jaxon didn’t seem winded at all. SilAS made one last attempt to grab her. Jaxon used his momentum to throw him over her shoulder. She put her foot on his chest to keep him on the floor.

  Kyd shook his head in wonder. Watching her fight made him hard. Damn female. He noticed the heated glances that SilAS threw her way. Kitasa!

  “That will be all Lieutenant.” He dismisses SilAS as he approaches Jaxon.

  She threw her dark braid back over her shoulder to fall down her back and gave Kyd a devious look. He was just the sparring partner she wanted. “Did you want a piece of me Commander?” She teased him.

  He tilts his head at her as he rolls his huge shoulders. “Absolutely I do.” He starts to walk towards her slowly, smoothly. The gold of his pupils were shining brightly out of his black eyes.

  His muscles bulged beneath his tight shirt and she grew wet in her panties. My God the man was hotness personified. Jaxon thought to herself as she took a step to the side to make him circle around.

  “How do you want it? Slow and steady or hard and fast?” He asks her with his deep sexy voice.

  Jaxon gulped. Normally she would have a quick comeback. But her traitorous body was on fire for him. She found it hard to think at all when he was near her. No other man made her feel this way. So wanted … so feminine. She was distracted trying not to react to his taunting that she missed his sudden move towards her. She twisted around but he had hold of her waist. The both of them went down to the mats.

  Humph. “What the …” Jaxon didn’t have time to recover because Kyd was suddenly on top of her and had her arms pinned back above her head. Shit. She wanted him now! She lifted her head so that she could take his lips. They both moaned from the sheer pleasure of it.

  “Mate.” Kyd moaned in between kisses. He needed inside his female right away. He pressed his lower half against hers. He reluctantly pulled back from the kiss.

  “We’re not alone here.” He reminds her sounding winded.

  Jaxon turned her head so she could take in their surroundings. Some of the Kiljorns in the training facility had stopped and was watching them avidly. Great, they were putting on an X-rated show. She turned back to Kyd and saw him smiling at her smugly. “What?” She asked.

  “You are so sexy. I want to take you right here, right now.” He growls to emphasize his desire.

  “Um … I know I talk a big talk but I like to keep my private things … private.” She says while blushing.

  He smiles down at her with warmth. “As do I. SydEL is going to be busy for the next couple of hours, should we go back to my suite?” He offers.

  Jaxon surprises him by using her legs to suddenly reverse their positions where she is now on top of him. “I’ll race you there.” And then she jumps up from his body and starts running for the door.

  Kyd shook his head and smiled as he stood up to follow after his female. Other males in the training facility were chuckling and yelling out comments like, “Way to go Commander” and “Don’t keep her waiting for too long Katieran.” Kyd ignored them. He had better things to do.

  That evening, Jaxon and Kat were sitting on the balcony of their suite enjoying the view of the nearby mountains. It was so beautiful and peaceful. At least it was peaceful until Lindsey walked out onto the balcony in a huff. She plumped down on an empty seat. She didn’t say anything, just stared out at the view.

  “Are there problems with the alliance negotiations?” Jaxon asked.

  “That man is stubborn, cocky, self-important, insulting …” Lindsey could go on and on about the aggravating man.

  Jaxon laughs and asks, “Are you talking about Prime Commander KydEL or Prime Leader KadEN?”

  “The latter.” Lindsey replies with a pout.

  Jaxon gives Kat a knowing look. “Do you know what the best way to forget a bothersome man is?” She asks.

  Lindsey stares at her suspiciously, “Another man?”

  Both Kat and Jaxon shout out at the same time, “TEQUILA!”

  “I wanted to go too!” Jaxon whined. She was in Kyd’s suite. He had just informed her that he was planning to accompany SydEL’s medic team to the outer planets to collect samples. Originally it was going to just be SilAS going, but Kyd felt he should go as well. He told Jaxon that she was to stay on Kiljor with AriELa and TarAK. It wasn’t fair.

  They had been on Kiljor for 3 days. She was going stir crazy with boredom. She couldn’t go anywhere unless Kyd or SilAS was with her. Now he was going off and leaving her there without him. Jaxon wasn’t going to have it.

  “Come on Commander. You said that I was a natural pilot.” She begged him.

  Kyd looked down at Jaxon’s pleading face. He couldn’t say no those soft brown eyes with the strange black pupils. He was probably being unreasonable about this. He just wanted her to remain on Kiljor where she would be protected.

  “You can come, but, you will follow my instructions to the letter.”

  “I’ll do anything you say Commander.” She says with a sexy voice which makes him growl.

  They spent about 6 hours on the 5th planet from the sun collecting samples. They took everything from water, plants, to animal samples. They also took blood and DNA samples from Kiljorn people living there. Prime Medic wanted to stay longer but KydEL put his Commander’s foot down. They needed to head back to Kiljor for safety reasons.

  Beep … beep … beep. Commander TylOR’s Comm link went off. He had accompanied them on their excursion. Prime Leader KadEN was left on Kiljor for safety reasons.

  “Commander TylOR here. How far out are they? Send as many warships as you can out to meet us. We’ll be at the transport ship within 15 minutes.”

  Kyd is all business. “What is happening?”

  “Your transport ship coming from the human planet is being tracked by the Morins.” TylOR tells him.

  “Shit.” Jaxon said out loud.

  Chapter 10

  Fifteen minutes later their shuttle landed in the docking bay of the Kiljorn transport ship. The warships, which looked similar to Earth’s fighter jets, were already docked. They were silver colored, small enough for one pilot, and fully loaded with all kinds of strange weaponry. It was the first time Jaxon had seen anything like it. Either the Katierans didn’t have any of their own, or they were really good at hiding them.

  Kyd watched Jaxon observe the warships. She was going to be asking him lots of questions. He needed to clear it with Ren before he gave her any more information. He turned his attention to Commander TylOR who was in charge of their current mission.

  “How long will it take until we rendezvous with the Katieran transport ship?” Kyd asks.

  “According to the transmission sent by your Katieran transport ship, they had just come out of the last worm hole when they detected Morin ships tracking them. We should be there in about 6 hours. Prime Leader RendEL deployed warships and transport ships from Katiera to intercede until we arrive.” TylOR told him as he checked his digital tablet’s IHI, instant hologram imaging. A 3D display of the Katieran transport ship’s position appeared.

  “You should send your warships ahead to assist our Katieran warships in case the Morins engage.” Kyd suggests.

  “Agreed. However, we need to wait until we are a little bit closer. The Katieran warships should reach
them in a couple of hours .The Morins have not attacked yet.” The Kiljorn Commander says.

  A few hours before help arrived for the transport ship? Kyd didn’t like it. But he wasn’t in command here. He nodded his head in acceptance.

  Well, it was no longer a question of whether the Katierans had their own warships or not. They did. She would have to have a talk with Kyd about that later. She stood to the side silently observing. It was enjoyable for her to watch the two experienced commanders discuss strategy. Not to mention it was sexy as hell.

  Commander TylOR had a lieutenant show everyone to their sleeping quarters so that they could to rest and prepare for battle. Kyd didn’t wait to find out if he was to bunk with Syd and SilAS. He took hold of Jaxon’s hand and dragged her into his sleeping quarters sliding the door shut.

  “Kyd?” Jaxon asked. But that was all she could say. Kyd pressed her up against the door and devoured her mouth. When he pulled away, he was taking her clothes with him. He had been busy unhooking Jaxon’s uniform top. The man had very talented fingers. He knelt down to remove her boots, pants, and panties.

  Jaxon reached for his pants and fumbled to get them open. Kyd growled when she released his stiff member from his pants. He kicked off his own boots and practically ripped his shirt off. He was desperate for her. He wasn’t going to make it to the bed. “Get on the floor, hand and knee position.” He demanded.

  Jaxon wasn’t going to argue with him. She needed him inside of her now. She went down to the floor on her hands and knees. She turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. She rolled her hips and presented her rounded backside to him.

  Kyd growled before he lunged at her, the little tease. He grasped her finely shaped ass in both his hands. He squeezed and rubbed back and forth. He bent and took a gentle bite of her flesh. “Mine.”

  Jaxon’s breathing speeds up with her excitement. “Make me yours.” She wiggles her bottom. That is like waving a red cape in front of a bull.


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