Dreamweaver (Hell Yeah!)

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Dreamweaver (Hell Yeah!) Page 6

by Sable Hunter

  When the concert was over, Judah was mobbed by the crowd. To her surprise, he’d acquired a body-guard named Arnold, a massive bald man who reminded Pepper of Mr. Clean. He put himself between the singer and the women who wanted to get their hands on him. She watched as he dealt gently with them, signed autographs, shook hands, and still managed to make it to her as fast as possible. Pepper leaned against the wall, her eyes locked on Judah, her body tingling with anticipation over the hours to come. She refused to think about what her family would think of her decision to spend the night with a man. As if by magic, she could almost hear the exasperated, irate voice of her oldest brother.

  Penelope McCoy, what are you thinking! Haven’t I raised you better than this? You’re too good to just throw yourself away on some man who won’t appreciate you!

  Even as she imagined the fit her brother would throw, she smiled at the knowledge of her family’s protective love. She hated to mislead them with half-truths, but this was something she wanted more than anything. As far as Heath and the others knew, she was visiting a college friend. And she intended to do that. Tomorrow.

  Tonight, she would spend with Judah.

  When he finally made his way to her, he held out his arms and she went into them without delay. “I’ve got a room for us at the best hotel in town. Are you ready?”

  Was she ready? Yes. No. Maybe.

  “I can’t wait,” Pepper confessed breathlessly – and they were on their way.

  …Judah was fast becoming accustomed to avoiding the public. His driver dropped them off at a back entrance where a bellhop awaited to escort the rock star and his lady to their penthouse suite. “I set all this up, just in case you agreed to stay.” He kept a protective hand on the small of her back. “If you’d decided against it, I probably would’ve slept in the bus.”

  “I didn’t want to waste the opportunity to spend time with you. Your schedule is hectic.”

  “This tour isn’t going to last forever. I’m coming home in a few weeks.” He didn’t mention that the label was pushing for a world tour. Almost simultaneously, he’d been gifted with two jackpots – success and Pepper. Juggling the two wasn’t ideal, but he didn’t intend to let either one slip through his fingers. “I wish you could come with me.” Even as he voiced his desire, he knew it wasn’t possible, not at this point in their relationship. It was just too soon for Pepper, much less her family.

  He wasn’t surprised when she muttered, “I’m not sure that I could do that.”

  “Oh, I know. I know.” He bussed a kiss to her cheek. “I was just wishing.” He gave her a reassuring smile as the man carrying their bags stopped at the suite and opened the door, holding it open for them to enter.

  As Judah tipped him, Pepper took in their surroundings. This was no ordinary hotel room, this was one of the best Dallas had to offer. There was a sitting room, a dining room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a huge bath. One wall was made entirely of glass, showcasing the beautiful Dallas skyline. “This is gorgeous.”

  “Yes, but it pales next to you, Penelope Elizabeth,” he murmured her name like a caress as he came behind her and drew her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I’m so glad you’re here. I understand who you are and I’m not pushing you. Even though we’ve talked every day, one way or the other, we haven’t been able to spend much time together. I want you to be comfortable with me.” He kissed her cheek again, this time more tenderly. “I want you to feel safe and secure.”

  Turning in his arms, Pepper lay her head on his broad chest. “We’ve shared a lot, we’ve talked about so many things.” A small giggle slipped from her lips. “I think I’ve told you all my secrets, every funny family story I could think of. You know more about the McCoys than the McCoy’s do.”

  “That’s true.” Judah chuckled. “I know Heath loves his truck and that his bark is worse than his bite. I know Jaxson thinks professional wrestling is real and Tennessee is a night owl. I also know Philip is absentminded and has to leave yellow sticky notes everywhere to stay organized.”

  She smiled, her face still pressed to his shoulder. “I’ve shared too much.”

  “Never.” He buried his nose in her hair and breathed in the fresh scent of her shampoo, mixed with the perfect essence of Pepper herself. “I want to know everything that’s important to you. How are things with Philip and the investigation?”

  “Stalled. Zane, his lawyer, has a team of investigators researching the case. He thinks the best way to approach this is to find the real killer. I hope they’re right.”

  He rubbed her back, offering comfort. “I hope so, I wish there was something I could do. How’s Ryder, is she still keeping the Duke brothers at arm’s length?”

  “Yes, I keep telling her to not let the family hold her back. Samson and Gideon aren’t going to give up on her.”

  “From what I’ve read about those guys, they’re pretty determined. They’ve built an empire, everything they touch turns to gold. Their company, OuterLimits, will probably put a man on Mars.”

  “Ryder wants them, I know she does, and not for their money. She’s just afraid of hurting the family.”

  Judah nodded. “Your family is close and I think that’s great. I’m just surprised they approved of your coming to see me.” When she stiffened in his arms, he knew he’d hit on a touchy topic. “You didn’t tell them, did you?”

  “Well…not all of it. They know I came to the concert, but they think I’m staying with a friend.”

  “Pepper...” he said the word with a hint of censure in his tone. “I didn’t intend for you to lie to your family.”

  “I’m an adult,” she countered. “Ryder and I both need to spread our wings. If our brothers had their way, they’d lock us in a high tower and throw away the key.”

  Judah smiled, Pepper would make a perfect Rapunzel. “I can picture that image.”

  “I guess I took advantage of the fact that everyone’s preoccupied with things beyond my control.” She clutched his shoulders. “I’m here because I want to be. This is my life and I’ve never felt about anybody the way I feel about you.”

  Judah wasn’t made of stone. “Oh, baby, you have me in the palm of your hand. I’d turn the world upside down for you.”

  “Kiss me.”

  She held up her face, offering him her lips. A sweet gift he couldn’t have resisted if his life depended on it. “With pleasure, my love. Open for me,” Judah whispered against her lips, letting his tongue glide into her mouth.

  Pepper felt cherished as he cradled her in his arms. She could feel passion rising in him, his whole body was taut with hunger. She could tell he held himself in control, his kiss tender, waiting for her to give him a sign she wanted more.

  Pepper gave it to him with a soft whimper, opening her mouth wider, asking for more. He gave her what she needed when he deepened the kiss. His arms pulled her closer until she could feel all of him – hard to her soft, strong to her surrender. His hands moved down to her hips and he rocked against her in a rhythm as old as time.

  Judah kissed her until they needed to breathe, letting their lips slide away, yet lingering near. “My God, what you do to me.” With a slightly shaky hand, he caressed Pepper’s soft face with the back of one finger, from cheek to jaw line, to the satiny skin covering the pulse beat at her throat. He smiled when she quivered and sighed. “You like my touch?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  With a wink, he leaned forward and caught Pepper’s lower lip between his teeth, giving her an erotic nip. Unable to resist, he slid a hand underneath her cropped top, teasing the smooth skin he found there. She arched her back, pushing her breasts against his chest, giving him wordless permission to explore further. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “God, you’re sweet.” Without further encouragement, he placed a hand beneath her knees and lifted Pepper into his arms. “We’ll only do what you want to do, but I need to hold you close.” Carrying her to the big bed, he laid her gently
on the coverlet, then came to rest beside her. Finding her mouth once more, he returned to his quest, running his hand up under her top to tease her nipples through her bra. If she hadn’t been lying down, Pepper’s knees would have buckled. “Can I see you?”

  Pepper’s hands went to the buttons of her top, but he nudged them away, claiming the task for his own. Her front clasp bra proved to be no challenge and Pepper briefly wondered how many other women had been in this enviable position with him. She quickly dismissed the thought, she was here now and that was all that mattered.

  When Judah released the clasp and the cups popped open, he stared in near reverence. “You’re exquisite. Two creamy globes stood proudly, each more than a handful, each topped with a puffy areola and crowned with a thick, suckable nipple, already hard and awaiting his mouth. Going to his knees, he framed them with his palms, pushing the lush mounds together. With a groan of pure hunger, he rubbed them, weighed them, kneading the firm flesh, his palms moving over her nipples until she writhed at his touch.

  Pepper watched the play of emotions on his face, there was no way she misread his countenance. He wanted her. “Judah?” Her voice broke as she felt the amazing heat and pressure of his mouth on her breast. “Oh, God,” she whimpered as he licked and sucked, taking the whole of her areola in his mouth and bathing it with his tongue. Pepper couldn’t be still, she clutched at his shoulders and bucked her hips, seeking more of him. When his teeth grazed her nipple, she almost levitated from the bed with pure delight. “Judah! You’re setting me on fire!”

  Judah James knew well what he was doing. He rejoiced to see the color rise high on her cheeks, to hear her breath hitch in her throat, to sense the awakening of her sensuality.

  “I want to touch you too.” Pepper found herself working on the buttons of his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders and letting her eyes and fingers feast on what she found there. He was spectacular. Wide, strong shoulders. Muscles rippled in his arms as he held her so gently. His chest was firm and sculpted, covered with a thin sprinkling of dark hair, trailing in a line down his belly and lower. “You’re so beautiful, Judah.”

  With a purr of pleasure, Pepper explored the sexy contours of his chest, shivering when the dark furring tickled her palms. She rubbed his pecs with slow, luxurious strokes, smiling at the tactile pleasure touching him gave her.

  “You’re driving me crazy, love.”

  She lifted her hands to stop the petting, but he pressed them back.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  His voice was deep and his eyes were blazing with a sensuality that Pepper had never imagined seeing in a man’s eyes when he looked at her. He pressed her hand more securely to his chest, moving his so that her palm would rub his skin once more. Judah closed his eyes and moved beneath the caress, much like a large cat reveling in a pet.

  Pure euphoria rippled through him as he watched her face, amazed that simply touching his skin gave her such pleasure. The reality of her desire for him rocked Judah to the core.

  When she tugged him closer, he marveled when she placed her mouth on his throat. He could feel the sweet caress of her tongue on his skin. His whole body tightened in response, he groaned with pure lust. Every time they touched, the flames leapt higher. “Christ, I want you!” Rolling to his side, he brought her with him, their lips melded, his hands rocking her hips against his. The passion with which she responded made him dizzy.

  Pepper was so aroused, she ached. The searing heat of Judah’s hands and mouth on her body was so good, she thought she might combust from sheer bliss. When he drew a throbbing nipple into his mouth, shaping it with slow laves of his tongue, she gasped as electric rapture shot from her nipples to the core of her sex. Her back bowed as fire shot through her body, setting her ablaze. Her nipples were tight, her clitoris was swollen, and she wanted this man more than her next breath. “I need you, I need you so much.”

  Judah marveled at her abandoned response, he’d never known a woman could want him so much. “I’m going to love being inside you.” As her hips lifted, he dispensed with her clothing, pressing her legs apart. “You are so perfect, so beautiful,” he growled hoarsely. The moment he touched her, she lifted her hips and he had to hold her down. “Easy, baby, easy.”

  A firestorm began to build between her legs as he palmed her mound, his thumb caressing the soft flesh, dipping a finger into the silky folds. The unfamiliar caress set off sparks of heat through her femininity. Over and over, he began to stroke her, from the well of her secret opening, to the tight, swollen bud that seemed to beg for attention.

  Judah was mesmerized, his cock was so swollen, a permanent impression of his zipper would forever be indelibly marked into his shaft. The uneven sound of her breathing and the light of wonder in her eyes made him smile. His lips fused with hers as he played between her thighs, making her wet, making her hungry, until she was bucking her hips and riding his hand. As she grew creamier with every caress, his rock-hard flesh leapt with every beat of her heart.

  Pepper felt bathed in a golden glow, every time his fingers teased her clit, her whole body pulsed with ecstasy. She wanted him inside her, she felt an empty ache throbbing within her. “Judah, I want…”

  “I know what you want.” He spread her legs wider, but instead of his hips settling between her spread thighs, it was his shoulders. Sliding his hands beneath her hips, he began to kiss and lick her already sensitized flesh. She keened her ecstasy, her whole being pulsed with hot, sweet passion. Her pleasure surged and she pushed her hips up, begging for more of what he was so willingly giving.

  He feasted at the altar of her womanhood, using his tongue to spear inside her, collecting her nectar, his lips tugging on the pearl of her desire until Pepper shivered and cried. Ecstasy exploded within her, a wild surge of heat radiating throughout her body. “Please, please,” she began to beg, tangling her fingers into his hair, trying to pull him up.

  Judah couldn’t wait a moment longer. He ripped his clothes off and threw them on the floor, then rising over her, he took his cock in hand and ready to guide it home.

  Pepper lay there trembling, awaiting his touch. “I’ve never…”

  She didn’t have to say more. “I know,” he whispered, stopping her words with a kiss. “And I’m thankful to be the first.” The only. “I haven’t been with anyone else, not in a long time. I’m clean.”

  She trusted him. “I’m safe too, I’m on the pill.” Pepper held out her arms and he went into them. In the next instant, he entered her, not far enough to cause pain, just far enough to make her hungry for more. She raised her hips in supplication, widening her thighs to invite deeper penetration. “Take me, Judah.”

  “I’ve never wanted anything so much.” Burying his face in her neck, he pushed in, sheathing himself fully within her. He groaned at the pure pleasure of being joined with her, part of him was now inside of her, in a place that was softer than anything he’d ever dreamed and hotter than anything he’d could’ve imagined. She gasped with the shock of his invasion and he captured the sweet sound with his lips. Reaching between them, he caressed her clit, giving her pleasure to mask the pain. Instead of pushing him away, she clung to him, drawing him closer, lifting her arms and legs to entwine around his masculine form.

  Judah struggled to tame the wildness whipping through his blood, but it was nigh impossible. Pepper was so tight, so sweet, so hot that all he could do was be as still as possible until he could control his response to her. “Fuck, angel, I’ve never felt anything so good.”

  With a cry of amazement, she wove her fingers through his long, dark hair, chills of pure pleasure coursing through her. Her breath rushed from her lungs as she felt her body burning and stretching to accommodate him. She soothed her hands down his back, her fingernails raking his skin lightly. As he thrust in, she pressed up, meeting him, squeezing him, seeking their pleasure in a move as old as Eden.

  Judah closed his eyes in ecstasy as he began to move, a river of fire flowing thr
ough his veins. He was desperate for release. Never had he felt anything like this before, he had no idea he could ever need anyone like this. In and out, again and again, he hammered inside of her, plunging so deep that she keened her delight, tearing at the coverlet beneath her and balling it into her fist.

  “Oh, Judah, I’m coming apart!” Harder. Deeper. Faster. Her voice splintered, and she closed her eyes as her body rocked back and forth with the force of his possession. Relentlessly, he took her, planting himself deep – time and time again. Yet, even as he took his fierce pleasure, his hands and mouth were ever gentle as he kissed and touched her breasts, her face, her shoulders. He was intense and sweet – Pepper’s heart was so full it ached.

  Her climax swelled, grew bigger and bigger, until the wave crested and broke. Her release was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. No orgasm she’d ever given herself could compare. This was beautiful, a union of souls. A making of one from two. Seeing the possession in his eyes, feeling it in his kiss, in his every touch, Pepper knew she was marked – claimed.

  Feeling her body clamp down on his, holding her while she shook, hearing her cry out his name, Judah felt his blood sizzle in his veins. God, he’d never tire of this. Never. Bliss ripped through his body as he surged into her one more time, coming so hard he was sure his bones were melting in his body. With a shout, Judah emptied himself into her, knowing she’d just claimed his heart forever.

  Afterward, they lay entwined, their breaths mingling, Pepper’s head resting on his shoulder, her body draped over his. “Are you okay?” he asked, his lips feathering kisses at her temple. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No.” She ran her fingers over his chest. “It was perfect, I didn’t know I could…feel so much.”

  Judah stroked her hair. “I didn’t either, the enormity of it all took me by surprise.” Easing her to one side, he rose from the bed. “I’ll be right back, don’t move.”

  Pepper’s eyes followed him from the room. A smile danced on her lips. The man looked really good naked. Even at rest, his penis was big. Her legs shifted restlessly as she blushed.


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