Married to the Royal_An Accidental Marriage Romance

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Married to the Royal_An Accidental Marriage Romance Page 12

by Ashlee Price

  "Well, I surely am glad to meet you," Don tells me. "And I'm sure you're tired, so please head inside. Our home is your home."


  Jess's home, huh?

  As I stand in the living room while Jess talks to her mother about dinner in the kitchen, I pause to look around.

  Floor pillows of various shapes in colorful knitted cases surround a low, round wooden table in front of the fireplace. Five pairs of tiny mittens hang from the mantel; two are noticeably newer than the other three, and my guess is that Maggie made them all for her three children and two grandchildren.

  To the left of the fireplace, French windows extend from floor to ceiling, giving a glimpse of the garden outside-and access thereto, if one wished. Across from it, a couch with a floral pattern sits in front of a forty-plus-inch TV. A glass coffee table stands between them.

  I spot a boy, about six years old, on the couch, busy pressing the buttons of his gadget.

  I approach him with a smile.

  "You must be Raffy," I say.

  He just glances up at me then continues playing.

  I look behind me and see the dining room with its table for eight and the cabinet that houses all the china. Beside that is the door through which Jess disappeared.

  "Why don't you go ahead upstairs?" Laura suggests as she enters the house. "I'll show you where you'll be staying."

  I nod. "Thank you."

  I follow her up the stairs and down a hall with doors on either side. She stops in front of the second door to the right.

  "Here we go." She grabs the knob and pushes the door open. "This is Jess's old room, which is where you'll be staying. I'm afraid the kids and I stay in the guest room since my old room was turned into Mom's craft room. You don't mind, do you? After all, you're Jess's boyfriend."

  I grin. "I don't mind."

  But I wonder if she does. Does she know?

  Laura pats my shoulder. "I'll leave you to it."

  She leaves and I enter the room. I put down my things and close the door behind me.

  It's a small room, even smaller than the bedroom I have in Jess's apartment. The twin-sized bed stands against the wall, made up with pink and green sheets. A desk occupies the corner near the window, and opposite that is the closet. There's a bookshelf across from the bed, but instead of books, it's filled with CDs. A ukulele sits on top of it.

  I pick the instrument up and give it a strum. The notes fill the air.

  So Jess loved playing even when she was little? How little? Was this her first instrument?

  I set down the ukulele and go to her desk. There are no pictures on it, but I do see a jewelry box filled with odds and ends-charms from a broken bracelet, a quarter, rubber bands, a baby tooth, tickets to Disneyland, a ribbon from school that says '2nd Place'.

  I smile as I close the box. The contents may not mean anything to me, but they're remnants of a childhood, Jess's childhood, and as I look out the window, I remember mine.

  Lessons. Endless lessons. Training. Parties. Fittings. Times when I played pranks on Danni, times when I ran away from my governess to play in the snow, times when I snuck sweets into my brother's bedroom, times when I hurt myself climbing things I wasn't supposed to.

  The door opens, breaking into my thoughts. I turn to smile at Jess.

  "What are you doing?" she asks me.

  "Reminiscing," I tell her honestly. "Being here has somehow reminded me of my childhood."

  "No, I mean what are you doing here in my room?"

  "Laura said I'm staying here," I explain.

  She sits on the edge of her bed and sighs.

  Just as I thought, she does mind.

  "At least our story will be more believable this way, won't it?" I say to console her.

  She looks at me. "Fine. But we're not sleeping in the same bed. My old sleeping bag should still be in the attic."

  She heads back to the door, but stops to glance over her shoulder.

  "Oh. And since we're sharing my room, maybe you can tell me some stories about your childhood later."

  Chapter 15


  "So how are things at the cafe?" I ask Lisbeth with a yawn.

  I stayed up late last night listening to Steff tell stories of his childhood and sharing some of my own. I would have preferred to sleep in, but I promised Lisbeth I'd call her on Skype, which is why I'm in the living room right now with my laptop in front of me. She, on the other hand, is on her first coffee break of the day.

  "Good." She glances behind her. "Not that busy."

  "I can see that."

  She leans closer to the screen. "But you seem to have been busy last night. Isn't that why you're sleepy?"

  My eyebrows shoot up. My sleepiness suddenly vanishes.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "You're there with Steff, aren't you?" Lisbeth asks with a mischievous grin. "Tell me, did you share a room last night?"

  "Well, yes, but-"

  "And did he keep you up?"

  "Yes, but-"

  "I knew it!" Lisbeth cheers.

  I sigh. "Lisbeth, that's not-"

  "Hey, keep it down," I hear Tom's voice in the background.

  "Sorry," Lisbeth apologizes.

  I wave a reprimanding finger at Lisbeth.

  That's what she gets for teasing me.

  Suddenly, Tom's face appears on the screen.


  I sit up straight. "Hi, Tom. I'm sorry I couldn't come to work today. I'm here in Wisconsin."

  "Yeah. Lisbeth told me about your father," Tom says. "How is he?"

  "He's out of the woods now," I tell him.

  "That's good."

  "But I won't be back until Monday. My family hasn't seen me in a while, so..."

  "That's fine," Tom says. "You've always come to work until now anyway, even during holidays. You deserve a break."

  I smile. "Thanks, Tom."

  "You're too soft, Tom," Lisbeth teases him.

  "You think so?" Tom turns to her. "Isn't it time you got back to work?"

  Lisbeth pouts.

  Tom chuckles. "Just kidding."

  He peers into the screen again. "Just take the time to..."

  He pauses and gives me a puzzled look.

  "Is that your gay roommate?"

  I glance behind me to see Steff at the bottom of the stairs. What's worse, though, is that he's not the only one around. My mom has just come in from the garden. Her gardening shears slip from her fingers and clatter to the floor.

  She gasps. "G-gay roommate?"

  I slap my forehead and look at the screen. "I'll get back to you later."

  I terminate the call and lift my hands as I face my mother. "Mom, I can explain."


  "Explain," Laura demands as soon as she, Mom, Keith and Steff are gathered in the living room.

  We decided to leave Dad out in consideration of his health.

  I rub my temples. "It's a misunderstanding, okay? I didn't want to tell my boss that I had a boyfriend, so I said Steff was my roommate and that he's gay."

  "So he's not gay?" Mom asks.

  "Why didn't you want to tell your boss?" Laura asks. "He seems like a good guy."

  "He is, so I didn't want him to worry about me." I glance at Keith. "You know, like an older brother would."

  Keith crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm not convinced. Is Steff really your boyfriend? How can I be sure he's who you say he is when he's not even who he says he is?"

  My eyebrows crease. "Excuse me?"

  "The intel I received says no Steffan Olsen from Norway entered the country within the last few months," Keith reveals.

  Gasps fill the living room.

  "Well, that's because I'm not actually a Norwegian citizen," Steff explains as he steps forward. "I was born in a small Baltic country called Brelv, but I grew up in Norway. I usually say I'm from there because very few Americans have heard of Brelv."

  "And where did you study?" Keith asks. "Where do you

  "I studied all over Europe. I work in Brelv now."

  Keith touches his chin and falls silent.

  "And you're not gay?" Mom asks him.

  "No," Steff answers.

  "You caught us, remember?" I remind Keith with a scowl. "Or have you forgotten that when you dropped by my apartment, Steff and I barely had any clothes on?"

  Laura gasps.

  "But I didn't actually see you doing anything," Keith supplies.

  God, I want to punch him right now.

  Steff grabs my hand. "Should I kiss your sister in front of you to prove I'm not gay and that I'm in love with her?"

  "Ooh." Mom grins.

  I narrow my eyes at Steff.

  "A kiss wouldn't prove much, though," Laura says.

  "What do you want me to do?" Steff asks.

  "Prove to us that you and Jess are really in a serious relationship," Laura answers. She glances at me. "Just show us some proof."

  I snort. "Why do I have to prove anything to you guys? If you don't believe me..."

  "Well, you didn't even know where he's really from," Mom points out. "We just want to make sure he's actually your boyfriend."

  Keith nods.

  I slap my forehead. This is such a pain. "What, are you guys immigration officers now?!?"

  "Even just a few romantic messages will do," Laura says.

  I frown. "Sorry, but they were all on my old laptop."

  "How convenient," Keith says.

  I glare at him. All this is his fault. I wouldn't be in this situation right now if he'd kept his mouth shut.

  "So you have no proof?" Laura asks.

  I glance at Steff, who looks deep in thought.

  I try to think as well.

  Think, Jess. Think. How can you convince them that you and Steff are in a serious relationship?

  Should I just come clean and tell them the truth? Keith doesn't believe I had sex with Steff anyway. But if I do that, Dad will get more worried than ever about me.

  I don't want him to worry. I don't want any of them to worry about me anymore.

  I've caused them enough trouble.

  What to do?

  Then my gaze falls on Steff's hand and something comes to mind.

  I sigh. "You know, I wasn't ready to tell you guys yet, but I guess you're forcing my hand."

  Steff looks at me with arched eyebrows.

  I grab his hand and hold it behind mine.

  "Ready to tell us what?" Mom asks.

  "Well, you're right," I tell them. "Steff isn't my boyfriend."

  I slip the ring off his finger and put it on mine.

  "I thought so," Keith says.

  "He's my fiance," I announce as I show the ring on my finger. The gold band and purple gems glint under the light.

  Unfortunately, it's too big for my ring finger, so I had to put it on my thumb, but at least I'm wearing it.

  Laura gives me a puzzled look. "That doesn't look like an engagement ring."

  "It is in his country," I answer, since Steff still looks as surprised as my Mom.

  "And it's on the wrong finger," Laura adds. "Is that part of the custom, too?"

  "He got the size wrong," I say. "But hey, it's the thought that counts, right?"

  I hug Steff's arm.

  "Um, wasn't he wearing that before?" Keith asks.

  He just has to make things difficult, doesn't he?

  "Of course he was," I say with as much confidence as I can muster. "He proposed the moment he arrived at the airport. I told him I'd think about it, and he's been wearing it ever since so he'd always have it ready in case I said yes."

  "Then you're not engaged," Laura points out. "Because you didn't say yes."

  "I was going to at that fancy party, but then we found out about Dad and I had to leave. I finally said yes just last night."

  Mom clasps her hand over her mouth as she gets on her feet. "You're engaged?"

  "Yes," I tell her as I run my hands through my hair. "Though I still can't believe it myself."

  I give Steff's arm a squeeze.

  "It's true," he confirms with a grin. "I did ask her to marry me, and thank goodness she finally said yes."

  For a moment, everyone in the room falls silent. I hold my breath.

  Do they believe me? Do they still think Steff and I aren't in a serious relationship? Do they think this, too, is a lie?

  Then Mom runs to me and squeezes me tight. Laura joins the hug.

  "I'm so happy for you!" Laura says.

  "Wait," Keith says. "We don't believe Jess has a boyfriend but we believe she's engaged?"

  "Oh, shut up," Mom tells him. "You're just jealous because you're not engaged."

  I smile and resist the urge to stick my tongue out at him.

  Thank you, Mom.

  "But he was, wasn't he?" Laura says. "It just got broken off."

  "Hey," Keith complains. "This is not about me. It's about Jess."

  "She might lie about having a boyfriend, but not about being engaged," Laura says. "Especially not with the man concerned in the room. Do you think a guy would go along with that?"

  She gives Steff a hug. "So when's the wedding? And where do you guys plan on getting married?"

  "No date yet," Steff says coolly. "And we don't have a venue, either."

  "I just said yes, after all," I remind my sister.

  "Well, make sure you let me help with the planning," Laura says.

  "Okay," I promise her.

  Keith gets off the couch and looks into my eyes. "You really are engaged?"

  Steff squares his shoulders. "If you're questioning the engagement, we can have a duel. That is how it's done in my country."

  Keith's eyes grow wide. "A duel? Sounds interesting."

  "There will be no such thing," Mom says.

  She grabs my hand and Steff's.

  "Come. We must tell your father."


  "I'm sorry about all that," I tell Steff later on when we're finally alone in my room.

  I let out a sigh as I let my arm fall across my forehead. Today has probably been the craziest day of my life.

  I thought they'd leave me alone after hearing that Steff and I were engaged, but no.

  After Steff and I talked to my dad, who was so overjoyed that I started to feel even more guilty about lying, my mom and Laura wouldn't stop talking about weddings. My mom brought her friends over and threw an impromptu bridal shower for me. Laura brought over her wedding dress and made me try it on. And then Keith dragged Steff off for their 'duel' at the boxing gym, which ended up a draw.

  "I should have thought of something else."

  "But you couldn't, could you?" Steff folds his arms behind his head on the sleeping bag and stares at the ceiling. "It's fine. I was surprised. That's all."

  "So was I."

  I hold up my hand and stare at the ring on my thumb.

  "You said this ring was a family heirloom, right?"

  Steff grunts in assent.

  That must be why the design looks so unique. All of my mother's friends said so.

  I run my other thumb over the purple gems. "What are these? Amethysts?"


  I glance at him with wide eyes. "Sapphires? I thought sapphires were-"

  "Blue?" Steff finishes my sentence. "There are purple ones, but they're very rare."

  I swallow as I glance at the ring again.

  No wonder he's never taken it off. It must be worth a fortune. I'd better take good care of it.

  "I'm sorry I have to borrow this," I tell him. "I promise I'll take good care of it and give it back when-"

  "You're being apologetic again," Steff cuts me off.

  I pout as I hug my pillow. "Well, that's because I'm feeling guilty."

  "In that case, do you want me to help you ease your guilt?"

  I lean over the bed to throw him a puzzled look. "Huh?"

  Steff reaches up to touch my cheek. My heart skips a beat.

feeling guilty because you feel like you're using me."

  Well, he's not wrong.

  "You think it's unfair, and you don't like owing me."

  That's not wrong, either.

  "So why don't we make it even?" His thumb touches the corner of my lips. "If you don't want to owe me, you know a way to pay me, don't you?"

  I look into his eyes as mine grow wide. Is he suggesting...?

  "Of course, you don't have to," Steff tells me as his hand falls away. "I just brought it up because you seem to be in pain and you're reflecting that on me. That's why you keep apologizing. But feel free to deal with it in your own way."

  He turns on his side away from the bed.

  "Good night."

  For a moment, I just stare at Steff as I try to digest what he just said.

  Me? In pain? Well, I am feeling guilty. I don't like using other people, not even Steff.

  He's right. It is unfair to him. Well, it's unfair to everyone, but to him most of all.

  Didn't my sister say no man would go along with such a big lie?

  And it's true, I don't like being in his debt.

  So there's only one thing to do.

  I have to pay Steff. I have to give him something in return.

  Thankfully, I know just what he wants.

  I get off the bed and put my arms around him. My nose digs into the pale strands of hair that gleam under the lamplight. His scent drifts into my nostrils.

  And just like that, my worries vanish.

  I close my eyes and press my lips against his neck. I feel Steff's body stiffen.

  I'm inexperienced at this, I know. I'm still a virgin in many ways.

  But right now, his scent is putting me in a daze. The taste of his skin is making me dizzy. The heat of his body is lighting a fire in mine, and as the flames spread through my veins, my body begins to move as if it has a life of its own.

  My hand slips under the blanket and reaches around him to touch the bulge in his crotch. I part my lips and his name escapes me in a whisper.


  Chapter 16


  Jess's hot breath tickles my skin. The sound of my name on her lips vibrates through my body all the way down to my crotch. My cock quivers against her palm.

  I glance behind me. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

  "You suggested it," she answers as her palm rubs against my erection through its cotton prison.

  I suck in a breath.


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