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Spark Page 1

by Aliyah Burke


  Copyright © 2014 Aliyah Burke

  Cover illustration © Covers by K Designs

  Sensual Romance Publishing logo © MMJ Designs

  Editor: Jessica Bimberg

  ISBN: 9781311600271

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the Web-without permission in writing from the publisher or author. The unauthorized replication or allocation of any copyrighted work is illegal. File sharing is an international crime, prosecuted by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Border Patrol, Division of Cyber Crimes, in partnership with Interpol. Copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is punishable by up to five years in federal prison, a fine of $250,000 per reported instance, and seizure of computers.

  This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is coincidental. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

  Published by: Sensual Romance Publishing at Smashwords Publishing



  Aliyah Burke


  Thanks so much to every reader who’s spent hard earned money on my stories. I appreciate it more than I can ever express. God Bless!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Additional Books by Aliyah Burke

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  The engine coughed and sputtered its last little bit then died. Much in the way of an actor over-exaggerating on the screen, as if it wanted to keep the camera and the audience on it just as long as it possibly could. Kendria Bonher swore, smacked the steering wheel, only to swear again as pain radiated up her arm, reminding her of the fracture in it. Dread welled up within her as she stole another look in the rearview.

  The road behind her was empty. As was the road before her.

  Tears of frustration gathered in the corners of her eyes. Exhaustion gnawed at her eyelids like hyenas on a carcass. She fought it. She still had to get to Atlanta and disappear in the city.

  Joe would be after her. No doubt. The thought made her gut tense up and sweat to coat her palms.

  “I could really use you just turning over now,” she muttered, in a partial prayer.

  She tried the key to no avail. After checking her surroundings once more, she climbed out onto the two-lane country road. I should have stayed on the interstate. At least a cop would be by occasionally. Although, that could potentially backfire, as well.

  “Can’t even see where I am. Why? Because I have a dead cell phone and a dead car. Am I about to be killed by some crazy inbred family?”

  A rumble broke the relative silence around her. Every muscle in her body went rigid as alarm spiked through her. Had he found her already?

  Fear had rooted her to the ground, the toes of her tennis shoes upon the raised edge of asphalt, her heels upon the dried grass. When a solitary bike roared into view, she breathed a bit easier, well aware Joe wouldn’t travel alone.

  He would send someone out alone, though.

  The motorcycle slowed to a stop before her. Kendria couldn’t hide her shock at the dark-skinned feminine face that met her after the black leather clad rider removed the helmet.

  “Everything all right here?” Her words fell from her lips in a soft drawl.

  Recovering, Kendria shook her head. “Car problems.” And a fractured arm. Would he send a black woman after me? He doesn’t have a lot of women working for him other than in a secretarial manner.

  The woman rolled her bike off the road to the front of Kendria’s car, lowered the kickstand, and swung her leg over. Leaving the helmet on the seat, she came to Kendria’s side, a large smile on her face.

  “We’re not far from Cottonwood Falls. There’s a great mechanic there; he’ll get you all fixed up.”

  “My cell’s dead.”

  “I’ll give him a call and have him meet us at his garage. The day is too hot for me to leave you out here.”

  “I have no wish to be an inconvenience.”

  She waved it away, and Kendria witnessed a brief flash of a tattoo with an anchor and a circle of some sort on it gracing the inside of her left wrist. “Grab what you need. I’m on my way in, anyway, so it’s no inconvenience.”

  Kendria watched her unzip the leather jacket and withdraw a cell phone. At the car, she swiped her purse before reaching into the backseat for her small suitcase. This, she tossed in the trunk. If someone took her bag, she’d merely lose some clothes. Nothing back there to identify her. She did what she could favoring her arm. Her second priority would be to get that looked at.

  “Vance’ll meet us at his garage. I’m Sarah, by the way.”


  Another welcoming smile. “Welcome to Cottonwood Falls. Let’s go.” At the bike, Sarah handed over the helmet. “You take this.”

  “No, I couldn’t.”

  Steel entered her eyes. “You will. Come on.” She swung her leg back over the bike, her black hair falling free. It took her a few moments, and it was below the collar of the jacket.

  Swallowing hard, Kendria walked to the bike, jumping slightly at the large rumble that sliced through the air. She’d never ridden on a motorcycle before. Is it safe? How good of a driver is this woman?

  Drawing the helmet down over her natural curls, she sent up another prayer then awkwardly climbed on.

  “Hold on.”

  She required a short bit to find a position that didn’t bother her arm too much. At Sarah’s prompting, Kendria wrapped her arms around Sarah’s waist. She secured her feet and closed her eyes as they moved back onto the road. The warm wind streaked over her, and she cracked open her eyes. The thrum beneath her was addictive, and she relaxed a bit, determined to enjoy the ride.

  A sign, hand-carved and showing its age, welcomed her to Cottonwood Falls. There were waterfalls on the sign as well as numerous trees. Then, it was gone, and she found herself in a small town. Tree-lined streets, brick storefronts, and people walking around, waving to one another.

  They continued until she recognized an auto shop. Vance’s Auto Repair was the sign before the turn for the drive. She released her grip as the stand was lowered then climbed off. Her legs still trembled with the lingering vibrations from the ride.

  The bike fell silent. “He should be here any moment.”

  Kendria removed the helmet and shook out her hair. “Thank you. You know, for helping me.”

  “We’re friendly around here.” Sarah smiled, softening her expression. “Here, take my card. If you have to stay over while he’s fixing your car or just don’t want to eat alone, give me a call.”

  Taking the offered card, she said, “Thank you.” Captain Sarah Mallery, USMC were the words on the rectangular paper.

  The large dark gray truck rolling in the drive grabbed her attention. Big tires, grill, and it looked like a winch on the front.

  “Here he is,” Sarah said, heading toward the vehicle.

  Kendria followed slower. The door swung open, and a man jumped down. Her breath caught. Shit. If I knew this was what country boys looked like, I wouldn’t have been so skeptical. This man, while Caucasian, had a r
ich tan skin. Arms with defined biceps and triceps pushed against the sleeves of his light gray shirt. This Vance is hot.

  Sarah stepped with ease into his embrace and shared a hug. Kendria neared and waited. The man peered beyond Sarah and pinned his dark hazel eyes on Kendria.

  Another sensation hit her, different from before, beginning in the pit of her stomach and spreading with warmth throughout her entire body.

  Her world eked to a slow crawl. Even passing vehicles barely registered. Even when she first met Joe, her response hadn’t been this way. The pounding of her heart thundered in her ears, her mouth grew dry, and her pussy set up a clamor demanding attention.

  “Vance, this is Kendria. Kendria, Vance, the best mechanic in Cottonwood Falls.”

  His blatant perusal of her only fanned the raging inferno surging unchecked. She licked her lips, pleased at the way his gazed darkened as his pupils dilated.

  “Vance,” he said, offering his hand.

  “Not like I didn’t just get done saying that,” Sarah drolled. “I’m going to make myself scarce, not that anyone here cares.”

  Kendria put her hand in Vance’s, and her knees nearly buckled at the force of her visceral reaction. Holy shit. “Kendria.”

  Strong and callused, his grip engulfed hers.

  “Where’s your car?”

  His question rattled around for a moment before she had enough sense to respond. “Outside of town about ten miles.”

  “Let’s go take a look at it.” He released her hand and gestured to the tow truck parked by the building.


  He held the door for her, and she shuddered as his masculine scent combined with the freshness of a roaring waterfall floated around her.

  “Just passing through?” he asked, hopping up behind the wheel.

  “I was.”

  “A shame. Cottonwood Falls is a great small town. Where are you heading?”

  Her nerves kicked up, and she wrung her hands. He cleared her throat, and she forced herself to hold still.

  “Just making small talk, is all. Sorry to make you uncomfortable. I don’t bite.” He looked in her direction with a grin dripping with sexuality and decadent promise. “Unless you ask me to.”

  Her clit throbbed, and she struggled to find moisture for her throat. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Her lighthearted teasing fell away at the sight of the tinted windowed car behind her dead one.

  “You are about to panic. Those men after you?” He slowed the big tow truck.

  She had to answer him or he would think she was certifiable. “Yes.” Her voice was small and shaky. A fact she despised.

  “Avert your head and put on the ball cap.” He slid his across the seat after removing it from his head. Vance wheeled about in the road and backed up the rest of the way, giving her more of a chance to cover up.

  “Stay here,” he ordered, hopping out.

  She had no intention of going anywhere. As much as she could, she observed him. He’d not pressed the issue of them being after her. Just went with it.

  She couldn’t explain her relief at that.

  Vance strode toward the Chevy Impala. Only a couple years old, there were a few rust spots on the blue pain. Rental. “Can I help you gentlemen?” he asked, drawing on his gloves as he neared.

  “Where’s the person who was driving this car?” One of the trio—the tallest—barked his question.

  “No idea.” He made a perusal around the car, wanting to inspect the tires and tow ability or if he’d have to return with his flatbed. Looked well enough to tow.

  The man crossed his arms as Vance returned to his truck for the sling. “So, who’s in the truck with you?”

  Vance lifted an eyebrow. “My woman.” He turned on the motor.

  “Who did you say?” he yelled.

  Vance responded in kind. “My woman.” He made sure his voice carried over the motor to both the men waiting and the woman in the truck.

  The shortest of the trio walked toward him, his swagger laughable. Napoleon complex. Vance just began hooking up the car. When he stood, he smiled a bit at the blonde who climbed out of the patrol car behind the trio’s vehicle.

  “Hey, Vance,” she called out.

  “Deputy,” he said easily.

  She approached them, one hand resting easily on the butt of her sidearm. Not threatening, just broadcasting awareness and readiness.

  “What’s going on here?”

  “I was just telling these men I hadn’t any clue whose car it was I just got the tow call.”

  Deputy Vicki Boshay, bless her, never missed a beat. “I heard the sheriff asked you to tow it.” Her attention migrated back to the men. “There a reason y’all are around the vehicle? Is it yours?”

  “We’re looking for our friend.” Middle height man rocked back on his heels as he responded. “Is there anything in the car?”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Vicki said.

  Vance continued hooking it up.

  “Why not?” the same one asked.

  Vance watched with growing interest. Vicki rubbed her thumb along the corner of her mouth.

  “You said a friend. So if, in fact, this is their car, you can’t have their things. That would be stealing.”

  They all shared looks.

  Tall man cleared his throat. “What else is around here?”

  “Cottonwood Falls is about ten miles that way. Where are you men from?” she questioned.


  “Really?” She made a point to stare at the California license plate.

  “It’s a rental.”

  “So, you flew in?” Vance joined the conversation.

  “No, drove. Through Atlanta.”

  “So, you don’t know what’s around here but claim to have arrived from Baltimore via Atlanta?” At their nods, Vicki continued, “I find that interesting and definitely suspect. See, most folks who get to Cottonwood Falls from Atlanta approach from the other side of town and would have already been through it at this particular juncture.

  “What about your girlfriend?” Tall Man asked. “Has she seen that car around in your town? And possibly the driver?”

  “Let me go ask her.” Vance ran over Vicki’s question in his mind. She had a point there. They should have come from the other side of town.

  He strode up to the passenger door and opened it. Kendria watched him from below the brim of the cap he’d loaned her. She’d shoved all her bouncy hair under it. He longed to knock the hat off and sink his hands into the curls. She’d also tugged on his long-sleeved shirt. While upset it hid her tank top, he couldn’t argue he approved of her wearing his clothing.

  “Come on down.” Vance reached up for her hand. Her panicked gaze had him feeling like a tool. “You’re staying with me, right here. They wanted to know if my woman had seen the car in town. You need to step out and look. You’re hidden enough they won’t recognize you, especially in my hat and shirt.”

  “Your woman?” Her words, accentless, dragged over his skin soft as silk and encased his cock in titanium.

  He helped her down, her curves sliding over him. Blood pounded in his ears, and he took a deep breath for control. Bad idea. She smelled like a grove of dogwood trees in full bloom.

  “Yes,” he forced the word out. He turned her to face the car and pointed. “Chin up, kitten. Almost through it. Shake your head no.”

  She complied and turned back to climb in. He stopped her before she could swing her legs over. “You okay?”

  He noticed lingering pain in her eyes before it was replaced by impishness. She captured her lower lip in her teeth as her gaze flirted with his mouth. Kendria slid to the seat’s edge, wrapped her arms around him, as well as hooking her legs about his waist, and kissed him.

  His entire world shifted with that one kiss. Their tongues dueled as tastes mingled. A groan rippled up from his throat as he held her tighter, pressing her breasts against him. As he wanted to without clothing between them.

; Her eyes twinkled when she retreated. “Damn,” she muttered.

  “That’s one way to put it.” He cupped the back of her head and enjoyed another hard kiss that did nothing in the way of relieving the pressure his jeans were under because of the state of his cock. Striding back over, he ignored Vicki’s shocked expression. “She said no, she didn’t recognize it.”

  “Guess we’ll keep looking than,” Middle Man spoke.

  Vicki popped in a piece of gum. “Drive safe now.”

  Together, they watched them pile in their Jaguar and head toward Cottonwood Falls.

  “So, who is she, Vance?” Vicki headed for his truck. She opened the door and looked up at Kendria.

  “Kendria,” he said. “Deputy Boshay.”

  “Who are those men?” Vicki put the question to her.

  “Very unpleasant ones.”

  “Are those the ones you’re running from?” he questioned, slipping up close to her and placing a hand on her thigh. The toned muscles below his hand twitched then settled.

  “In a manner of speaking. They work for the one who is.”

  Vicki frowned. “Did you go to the cops in California?”

  “No. He owns them. I left.”

  Kendria fidgeted until he covered her hand with his. Protective instincts were alive and well in him. Something about her got to him on a deeper level than any woman previously had.

  “You’ll be safe here. Vicki, I have to get the car back and see what’s wrong with it.”

  “Right. Call me if they return.” She stepped back. “I’ll alert the sheriff and Tim.” In a lower tone, for his ears only, she said, “I hope you know what you’re doing, Vance.”

  He hoped so, as well.

  Back in the truck, he stared at Kendria for a moment. When her shapely eyebrows went up, he reached out for the lapels on his shirt and yanked her to him. His mouth ate her groan. When her body rested against him, soft and subtle, he slowly set her back from him.

  “I much prefer the look of desire on your face to the fear I saw earlier. You’re safe now,” he promised. He dragged his fingers along her jaw. “From them. I make no promises about me.”


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