Beware of Bad Boy

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Beware of Bad Boy Page 13

by Brookshire, April

  “What? You have girlfriend?” My own mother was laughing at me! “Don’t get me wrong, she’s gorgeous, Caleb, but do you think it’s the best idea to break your own stepsister’s heart?”

  “Why would you say that? Who says I’m going to hurt her?”

  She looks at me seriously. “Caleb, you’re my son and I love you, but I know how you are with girls. I’m just trying to be realistic here. Besides, how do you think her mother is going to feel about this?”

  “Her mom is sort of intense when it comes to Gianna. She had her in high school and feels she missed out, so she wants everything in Gianna’s life to be perfect, including Gianna herself. But I don’t care what her mom says about it,” I said defensively.

  My mom twirled a spatula in the air. “Like it or not, Gianna is only sixteen years old. Her mom still has a lot of say in what she does or doesn’t do.”

  “We aren’t going to tell her or dad yet. When we do, they’ll just have to get used to it.”

  “Well, I’m here for you two if you need me,” she offered doubtfully.

  “We appreciate that, Mrs. Morrison.” a voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Gianna standing in the doorway. How long had she been there? Hopefully she didn’t hear the part where my own mother called me a player.

  “Morning, Gianna. Come sit down, I made you guys breakfast.”

  “Good morning.” Gianna yawned and took a seat at the table. Her hair was all messed up from sleep, but she looked cute like that.

  “What are you two going to do today?”

  “I don’t know, mom, whatever Gianna wants to do.” My mother raised her eyebrows at my comment. Jeez, why was she so surprised? Was I usually that selfish?

  Gianna bit her lip. “Cece and some of the guys were going to check out 16th Street and see if there anyone was up for a cypher. I thought maybe we could go.”

  “What’s a cypher?” my mom asked, handing us both plates full of omelet and fried potatoes.

  Gianna looked from me to my mom. “It’s when a bunch of breakers get together and freestyle.”

  “Gianna’s a b-girl,” I told my mom in between bites of omelet.

  “Oh, that sounds like fun! You two be safe today.”

  I could tell she liked Gianna, despite any doubts she had about me or Julie. She probably hoped having a girlfriend would keep me out of trouble. Little did she know, Gianna was more of a partner in crime.

  Since my mom was using her bathroom, Gianna and I took turns getting ready in mine. My mom hugged us both as we left, which brought a smile to Gianna’s face. Getting off the elevator, Gianna called Cece to find out what their plans were.

  Those of the crew not busy or working were already there. I assumed Jared would be there, but didn’t ask. It was funny that I stole Gianna right out from under him, almost literally. By this point, the dumbass had either figured it out and was pissed, or he was dumb enough to buy the protective stepbrother act and was going to suck up to me to get my permission to date my stepsister. After last night, he’d be asking to date my girlfriend. That was a big fat negative.

  I paid for parking near the 16th Street Mall and we walked several blocks before finding the group. The outdoor mall was packed, with the MallRide shuttle buses transporting people up and down 16th Street. A crowd of mall-goers were already gathered around the street dancers. I recognized a few breakers from the crew.

  When we circled around to where Cece and Jared stood, he gave me a weird look and asked Gianna, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “No,” I told him, feeling that was clear enough.

  He both looked and sounded annoyed as he said, “Caleb, I know you’re her stepbrother and all, so I don’t blame you for trying to protect her, but I’ve been her friend a lot longer than you’ve known her.”

  “I don’t care how long you’ve known my girlfriend,” I corrected him with a triumphant smile.

  Jared’s face fell and he looked to Gianna. “Is this true? Are you two together?”

  “Uh, yeah,” she said guiltily, staring at the ground.

  “What are you thinking, Gigi? You can’t date a guy like him. I asked Taye about him and do you know what he told me?” Jared’s appalled face was overly dramatic.

  “No, and I don’t want to know!” She yelled, finally looking him in the eye.

  “Fine, then I’ll tell you this. I love you and I have for a long time. He doesn’t love you and he never will. He’ll get tired of you and throw you aside like he has to all the girls before you!” Jared’s raised voice was drawing the attention of those around us. Poor Cece looked ready to cry.

  And she said I wasn’t romantic. Bitching a girl out while you declared your love for her was a fool’s move. Gianna was stunned but I’d had enough of his crap. Taking Jared off guard, I pushed his chest, making him stumble backwards. “Fuck off, man! I don’t care what you’ve heard. You don’t even know me.”

  Jared didn’t seem ready to back down. “I don’t need to know you. All I need to know is she should be with me, but instead she’s wasting her time with a loser like you. I’ve looked out for her the best I could for years and you just come along and decide to make her your next conquest.”

  “She means more than that to me,” I argued through clenched teeth.

  “Yeah, for how long?” Jared sneered. Obviously there was only one way to shut him up. I punched him in the face, drawing gasps from the girls. I heard Gianna call out my name, but he’d recovered quickly and punched me in the gut. From there it escalated and we went at it for a few minutes before some of the guys dragged us apart because some police officers are jogging down the street towards us.

  We all got the hell out of there. Jared and I were both pretty roughed up, but I was pretty sure I’d won the fight.


  Gianna and Cece were long gone.


  “Do not confuse beauty with beautiful. Beautiful is a human judgment.

  Beauty is All. The difference is everything.”

  -Matthew Fox


  When Caleb and Jared started fighting, Cece and I hadn’t stuck around to watch. Stupid boys. I still reeling from the things Jared had said. Cece was walking next to me down 16th Street and for once she was quiet.


  “Yeah, Gigi?” she asked, nervously looking at me from the corner of her eye.

  “Did you know how Jared felt about me?”

  “Um . . . kinda.” She was playing with a curl in her hair now, pulling it straight.

  I stopped at a bench and yanked her down to sit next to me when she just stood there. “Why didn’t he tell me before?”

  “He wanted to, but you were with Josh and for a long time and before that, he was just too nervous. He’s my brother, so of course I want you to give him a chance.” She took a deep breath, turning to me with a serious expression. “But, I’m also your best friend and I have to tell you to do whatever you feel is right.” She visibly relaxed then blurted out, “I think you should choose Jared!”

  Despite feeling crappy about the whole situation, I laughed. Cece always made me laugh. “What do you think about Caleb?”

  “He seems nice enough and he’s protective of you,” she said carefully.

  “No, I mean, do you agree with Jared? That Caleb will only hurt me?”

  “Gigi, I honestly don’t know him well enough, but I was there when Jared asked Taye about him and he does have a bad past when it comes to girls. Lots of girls,” she explained with obvious pity. Did everyone have to keep emphasizing how many girls there were in Caleb’s past?

  “I know, but people can change and he’s trying to prove it to me,” I stubbornly defended.

  Then she dropped the bomb. “What do you think your mom is going to say about you dating Scott’s son?”

  “She’s not going to say anything because I’m not telling her.” Cece was shocked, but she already knew the secrets I kept from my mom, so she shoul
dn’t have been surprised.

  My phone started playing “Good Girls Go Bad” by Cobra Starship. I rolled my eyes at the ringtone Caleb put on my phone for when he called. The stupid boys were done proving how tough they were and now they were wondering where the ladies had gone off to.


  “Where the hell are you?” Caleb demanded.

  “Where the hell are you?” I mocked him.

  “You’re not funny, Gianna. Why’d you take off like that?”

  “Because maybe I didn’t want to see my boyfriend and best friend beat the shit out of each other.”

  “He started it.” What was this, the third grade?

  “Do you always get into a fight when you don’t like what someone has to say?”

  “Not always. Where are you, Gianna?”

  “In front of the movie theater,” I finally told him.

  “Okay, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “Whatever.” I hung up without waiting for him to answer.

  “He’s coming?” Cece asked.

  “Yep, he’ll be here in a couple minutes.”

  Cece laughed at my displeasure. “Act like that all you want, Gigi, you’re totally in love with him.”

  “Am not!” I shouted and ignored her scoffing.

  Caleb came strolling up, acting as if he’d done nothing wrong. Brushing his hair off his forehead, he asked Cece, “Hey tiny dancer, do you need a ride home?”

  She leaned against the back of the bench, crossing her arms. “Are you sucking up to me because you tried to beat up my brother?”

  Caleb got a smug look on his face. “There was no trying involved. I kicked his ass.”

  Scanning his disheveled appearance and the red mark on his cheek, I copied Cece’s pose but added a smirk for effect. “From the looks of you, Jared must have held his own.”

  He took in my body language, shaking his head. “He looks much worse.”

  Cece stood up and I did the same. “No thanks about the ride. I’m going to go find my brother and some band-aids.” She hugged me tight and glared at Caleb before waving goodbye.

  Caleb and I stood there, gauging each other for a moment before I spun on my heel and started in the direction where his car was parked. Catching up with me, he wrapped his arms around my waist, stopping me in my tracks.

  “Are you mad at me, princess?” he purred into my neck.

  “Very,” I informed him and pushed his hands off my waist before walking away. Unconcerned, he strolled alongside me in silence. If he started whistling I was going to kick him in the shins. We reached his car and I made sure to buckle my own damn seatbelt. My phone played a different song when it began ringing again, “I’m Real” by Jennifer Lopez and Ja Rule.

  Nervously answering it, I managed to say in an even tone, “Hey, Jared.”

  Caleb made an irritated sound from next to me while pulling out of the parking lot.

  “Gigi?” Jared asked hesitantly. I hoped this wasn’t going to get awkward. What I needed was alone, non-Caleb time to think over Jared’s declaration of love.

  “What’s up?”

  “As much as I want you to choose me, I can tell it isn’t going to happen right now. He’s manipulated you into thinking he’s a good guy. Just promise me I won’t lose you as a friend.”

  “I promise, Jared.” We had history so losing him would royally suck.

  “Okay, Gigi, that’s all I needed to hear. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Bye, Jared.”

  What the hell had happened to my life? Things weren’t this complicated a few weeks ago. My best friend was in love with me and my stepbrother was now my boyfriend. It was like some freaky alternative universe.

  While I was trying to get my head on straight, Caleb must’ve been fuming over Jared’s phone call. “What the fuck, Gianna?”

  At this point, I was in no mood to put up with any boy’s bullshit. “What the fuck what, Caleb?” Maybe I should’ve just stayed single, like forever. Boys were pains in the asses. First Josh, then Caleb and now Jared.

  Taking his attention off the road, he shot me an exasperated look. “What the fuck are you promising him, Gianna? And what the fuck is up with that ringtone?”

  I shot him back a look like he was retarded. “Just that we’d stay friends no matter what happened and that song is mine and Jared’s song.”

  “You two have a fucking song? I don’t know if I like my girlfriend hanging out with a guy who wants to take her away from me.”

  “Too bad you don’t get a choice. You knew how close Jared and I were before you asked me to be your girlfriend. He and Cece have been the most important people to me, besides my family, for a long time now.”

  “Way to make me feel special,” he muttered peevishly.

  “Caleb, should we be fighting like this already? I mean, our relationship is only a day old.”

  A worried expression flashed over his handsome features. “I’m sorry, Gianna. I think I just need to get used to this boyfriend thing. I’ll try harder. I’m just not used to being jealous over a girl.”

  He was saying the right things and I didn’t actually want to break up with him. Figuring a few bumps in the beginning of a relationship were normal, I brushed aside all thoughts of ending things with Caleb. I wasn’t sure I had much of a choice anyways. I was drawn to him in a way that drugged my mind, preventing logic from winning out.

  I rubbed the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair. “Oh, poor baby, getting jealous over a girl.”

  He did a mock pout. “I know. I’m going to need some cuddling to make me feel better.” By cuddling he probably meant groping each other in our underwear.

  He looked so cute, how could I deny him? “Later, hot boyfriend.”

  Caleb brought my hand up to his full lips and kissed it. “Gianna, I have to know how you feel about Jared. Do you have feelings for him?”

  To be fair, I went over it in my head for a moment before answering. “I don’t know. Before he kissed me last weekend, I’d never thought of him in that way. He’s always been my rock, one of the few people who acted real with me. He tells me the truth, good or bad.”

  “How do you feel about him saying he loves you?” Jeez, I could practically hear Caleb grinding his teeth.

  “I haven’t had time to digest that yet. I’m trying not to think about it. I don’t want things to change between me and him.” I’d think about what Jared said later, when I was alone. Jared deserved that much.

  Caleb didn’t look completely satisfied with my answer, but nodded his head. I noticed he still kept my hand in his.

  A change of subject would be best. “So we did go down to 16th Street, does that mean I’ve completed number six?”

  “I’ll consider it completed. I definitely don’t feel like doing it over again.” Good to know he wasn’t eager to fight Jared again.

  The Sunday afternoon traffic going north was bad due to a car wreck up ahead, so it ended up taking almost an hour to get home. Not that I was looking forward to being home. I didn’t want to tell my mom and Scott about us, but we shouldn’t have to hide it. Walking in the front door, we could see through a back window that Scott and Chance were in the backyard.

  From the sounds coming from the kitchen, it was easy to guess where to find my mom. Caleb followed me into the kitchen where my mom was cooking. “Hey, mom!” I chirped like an idiot.

  “Hi, honey. Caleb, dinner will be ready in a little bit. Why don’t you wash up?” As she turned back to the stove, Caleb threw me a what the hell look. I was used to my mom’s personality but to an outsider she probably came across as fifties housewife throwback.

  My mom was still busy stirring something in a pot when I was suddenly pulled out into the hallway. Caleb pushed me up against the wall, kissing me like he was starved for it.

  Half-afraid and half-excited, I whispered against his mouth, “Are you crazy?”

  “Uh-huh,” he responded, not stopping. Caught up in him,
I forgot about my mom on the other side of the wall. We continued making out until someone cleared their throat.

  Turning our heads in unison, we saw Caleb’s dad, Scott, standing there.

  Less than a day and our secret was out.


  “All the freaky people make the beauty of the world.”

  -Michael Franti


  Shit, my dad caught me making out with his stepdaughter. In my opinion, we were doing nothing wrong, but I understood he and Julie might not see things the same way. Hell, they definitely wouldn’t. From the look on my dad’s face, I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, besides what a shock it was to find us like this.

  My dad’s face turned from shock to seriousness once he’d composed himself. “Caleb, in the study. Now.” Expecting immediate compliance, he turned around and marched into his study.

  Staring down at her face as she nervously gazed back at me, I had one thought in my head, fuck ‘em. Something new was happening here and if we couldn’t stop is ourselves there was nothing anyone else could do.

  I gave Gianna a reassuring smile then pulled away from her to follow my dad. Shutting the door with a click, I stood defiantly instead of taking a seat. Having no need to defend myself, I waited for him to break the silence.

  My dad began with, “Gianna is a good girl.”

  “I know.”

  Maybe that wasn’t the response he’d expected. He didn’t say anything for a full minute. “How serious are you about her?”

  How serious? She meant a heck of a lot more to me than all the girls in my past combined. “Very.” I could see Gianna and I being together for quite a while.

  He obviously didn’t expect that answer either. He’d practically cringed at my response. “You have to end it.”


  My dad sighed. “Caleb, if it was up to me, I’d leave the two of you alone. But Gianna isn’t my daughter. She’s Julie’s daughter and I know Julie wouldn’t like the two of you dating.”

  I scoffed at that. “Too late, we already are.”


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