Beware of Bad Boy

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Beware of Bad Boy Page 20

by Brookshire, April

  In a millisecond I’d processed her words. “Thank god,” I breathed out, relieved.

  Grabbing the back of her thighs, I lifted her up to wrap her legs around my waist. Her gaze found mine, her blue eyes startled. I pushed her back against the wall of the elevator and went to town on her with my mouth.

  “In that case, can I just say that you look so fucking hot in this dress? Every time I look at you in it, I want to peel if off you and use it to tie you to my bed.”

  She laughed in delight. “There’s my special guy.”

  The elevator doors opened and I reluctantly placed her back on her feet. On the way to my car, I asked her, “Does this mean you’ll be happy if I don’t take you to the fancy restaurant I book a reservation at?”

  She squeezed my hand. “I’ll be happy no matter where you take me.”

  “Where I’d like to take you is to bed. But I haven’t been to the diner in forever and I’m also starving for food. We’ll go there, if you don’t mind.” I opened the passenger door for her when we reached my car. I may not have been the most romantic guy, but I could still be a gentleman.

  “This time can I order for myself?” she asked once I got behind the wheel.

  “Only if it’s something I like, so I can eat your leftovers.”

  “You’re horrible,” she scolded.

  “No, I’m sexy, handsome and lickable. You said so yourself.” I pulled out of the parking garage in the direction of the diner. It wasn’t far from the apartment, but far enough not to want to walk.

  Gianna leaned over to squeeze one of my cheeks. “Yes, you’re those things too, babe.”

  We sat at one of Jean’s tables at the diner and she squeezed my other cheek. What the hell? Was I that adorable today? Her smile was motherly. “How’s the new school, Caleb?”

  “Great.” I gestured to Gianna. “You remember my stepsister, Gianna?”

  Jean gave her the same smile but left her cheeks alone. “Yes, nice to see you again, Gianna. What can I get for you two?”

  I ordered my usual and Gianna ordered something I wouldn’t mind eating the rest of. We managed to finish our meal without any girls from my past showing up. After I paid for our meal, we walked back to my car and drove to a club where I knew the bouncers. I had a fake ID, but I wasn’t sure Gianna did.

  On the way there, I finally thought to ask her, “Do you have a fake ID?”

  “Yep.” She took it out of her purse and handed it to me.

  I read off the name. “Gigi Ramirez. Isn’t that Jared and Cece’s last name? Funny, you don’t look Hispanic.”

  “Jared got it for me.” She put it back in her wallet.

  “He gave you his last name? Remind me to get you a new fake ID,” I muttered. I’d let her keep that one for now. It figured the douche would do something so cheesy.

  We didn’t have to wait in line outside the club since Ned was manning the door. I joked around with him before we went inside. Ned was a nice guy despite appearances. He shaved his head and wore a tight black t-shirt that showed off his huge biceps and two arms covered in tattoos.

  I introduced them, “Ned, this is my girlfriend, Gianna.”

  “Girlfriend?” Ned repeated skeptically. “You mean, you actually claim this one out of the bedroom, Caleb?”

  Gianna put out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Ned. Where did you and Caleb meet? In prison?”

  Ned looked at me, still holding onto my girl’s hand. “I like this one.”

  “I’m flattered,” Gianna said sarcastically.

  “And I’m charmed,” Ned complimented, totally ignoring the line waiting to get in. “Actually, Caleb and I met when he was twelve. He showed up here with a shitty fake ID. When I called him on it, he tried to talk me into letting him in. He told me that middle school boys needed to get laid too. I told him to get his scrawny ass to the mall if he wanted somewhere to hang out. When I didn’t let him in, he started showing up every so often with his friend Dante. They would hang out at the door with me. Once they started growing some fuzz on their faces a few years later, I started letting them past the front door.”

  “And now I get to benefit from their hormones’ hard at work. Do you need to see my fake ID?” Gianna asked like a smartass.

  “No, you two kids have fun inside.” Ned waved us in, shaking head big head.

  “Thanks for telling my girlfriend an embarrassing story, Ned. See you on the way out.” Holding her close, I guided Gianna inside.

  Ned called after me, “I’ve got more where that came from!”

  Maybe I’d take her to a different club next time. Somewhere where the bouncers hadn’t carried me out drunk or broken up catfights I’d unintentionally caused.

  The music pounded inside and I led her to the bar. Ordering us both a drink from the bartender I sat Gianna down on an empty stool. The stools on both sides of her were taken, so I stood behind her with one arm around her waist. That was a sure way to keep other guys away. Once we were both finished with our first drink, Gianna pulled me onto the dance floor. After two songs, I pulled her back to the bar for drink number two.

  Still working on our second drinks, someone I really didn’t want to see showed up. Actually, I’d been hoping to never see this fucker again.

  He shouted over the music, “What’s up, Caleb? Still on probation?” I could see Gianna’s eyes dart to his face. I really hoped she didn’t hear that.

  Holy shit, I wanted to beat this prick’s ass. “Fuck off, Ian!”

  “Is that any way to greet an old friend?” His expression was of mock hurt.

  “We were never friends. By the way, how’s Jackie? Are you two still together?” I asked him. His pissed off face made me smile evilly. He’d really liked Jackie. Unfortunately, she’d cheated on him with me. Stupid prick had asked for it.

  “What school are you going to now, Caleb? Gotten expelled lately?” I was thinking about whether or not I should be punching anybody while on a date with Gianna when she stood up to step between us. It wasn’t lost on me the way Ian’s eyes roved over her face and body.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce us, Caleb?” She a placed one hand on my chest and I put one of my own over it, a gesture which Ian didn’t miss.

  “No,” I replied stubbornly.

  The prick introduced himself, “I’m Ian Crenshaw. Caleb and I go way back. What can I call you other than beautiful?” With lame lines like that, no wonder Jackie preferred me between her legs.

  One side of Gianna’s gorgeous lips twitched. “I’m Gianna, Caleb’s girlfriend.”

  “Girlfriend?” he mouthed in astonishment just to be an ass. “What school do you go to?” The nosy prick wouldn’t be asking without a reason.

  “Don’t worry about it-” I began.

  “Broomfield,” Gianna answered innocently.

  Ian’s grin was predatory. “Do you like it there? I’m thinking of switching schools.” Fucker probably got expelled and was on the prowl for new stomping grounds.

  “It’s alright, especially since Caleb showed up.” That was my girl. As if Ian hadn’t been eating her up with his eyes, she turned to me. “Let’s go dance!” She grabbed my hand. “See you later, Ian.”

  Yeah, peace out, you fucking douchebag.

  On the dance floor, I yelled in her ear. “If that guy ever comes near you when I’m not around, don’t talk to him.”

  “Don’t worry. I have a good idea of what it’s like between you two!” Her body melted into mine as we got lost in each other and the music.

  Ian stayed away from us the rest of the night, but I did spot him from afar. By the time we left, I could definitely cross off number twelve on the list. Gianna was adorably drunk. Helping her to my car, I buckled her into the passenger seat. She stopped me from shutting the door to lay a big one on me, almost missing my mouth.

  I put her hands on her lap and told her to behave before closing the door. Back at the parking garage, I made her sit in the car until I could help her out. “Gianna, I don
’t think you’re going to make it to ballet tomorrow.”

  “I don’t think so either,” she said, sounding forlorn. “But it was worth it.”

  “So you had a good time?”

  She would’ve stumbled if my arm weren’t anchoring her. “Yep. Caleb?” Her eyes were glazed over as she looked up at me.

  “Yes, princess?” I kissed her on the cheek and she giggled.

  “Why are you on probation?” Damn, she did hear that bigmouth.

  “Because I’m a juvenile delinquent,” I answered simply while holding open the door of the apartment building.

  “Oh.” She looked confused but not coherent enough to follow it up with another question.

  I pushed the button for the elevator and changed the subject. “Are you hungry?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Well, I’m going to feed you anyways. It’ll help prevent a killer hangover in the morning.” Holding onto her, we waited for the elevator to hit the right floor.

  In the apartment, Gianna unexpectedly pushed me onto the couch to straddle me. “Let’s have sex, Caleb.”

  I groaned in torment. “Gianna, why couldn’t you suggest this when you were sober?”

  “Who cares when I say it?” she said airily as she unbuttoned my shirt.

  “I care and so should you, bad girl. You might be too drunk to even remember it in the morning.” I moved her off my lap to her displeasure and escaped into the kitchen. “I’m going to make some you something to eat.”

  “You suck,” I heard her mumble.

  I’d never been the type of guy to take advantage of a girl while she was drunk. I was sure pricks like Ian did that crap all the time. Because of his big mouth, I wasn’t looking forward to Gianna interrogating me about being on probation once she was sober.

  Gianna only ate half her sandwich before declaring herself stuffed. Yawning, she was turning into a sleepy drunk. I gave her two aspirin and held the cup of water as she swallowed them down. “Ready for bed?”

  “Yeah,” was her answer but she didn’t move.

  Carrying her to my bed, I set her down on it and took off her boots. I found her pajamas in her bag and helped her change while keeping my eyes mostly on her face. I didn’t need any more temptation tonight.


  “Yes, princess?”

  “Why don’t you want to have sex with me? Is it because I’m a virgin and I’ll be a bad lay?” She climbed under the covers and was having trouble keeping her eyes open.

  I chuckled at her ignorance. “Of course not. I just don’t think we should rush it. I want you to be sure.”

  “I think I’m sure,” she mumbled.

  “Goodnight.” I kissed her on the mouth long and hard because it was all I’d get tonight.

  She laid her head back on the pillow with her eyes closed. “I love you,” she said softly. She didn’t open her eyes again.

  Jolted, I sat on the edge of the bed watching her sleep. Did she mean that? Did she say that because she was drunk or because she was tired? Did she even realize who she was saying it to? If she did mean it, did I feel the same way? I really doubt she’d remember saying it in the morning.

  If she didn’t remember, I’d just pretend it never happened.


  “I find beauty in unusual things, like hanging your

  head out the window or sitting on a fire escape.”

  -Scarlett Johansson


  When I woke up the next morning my mouth felt dry. I must’ve been dehydrated from drinking so much alcohol last night. Slowly opening my eyes, I stared at the ceiling. Not too bad, I didn’t think I was going to throw up or anything. Wondering if I’d missed ballet, I turned my head to find out the time.

  “You missed class,” I heard Caleb say.

  Rolling my head the other way, I found Caleb propped up on one elbow, staring down at me. Had he been watching me sleep?

  Pushing the thought aside, I groaned. “My instructor is going to be so mad.”

  Caleb shrugged one shoulder. “What can she do to you? Take away your favorite tutu?”

  I laughed, placing one hand over my eyes. “We don’t wear tutus in class, only in performances and only sometimes then. Besides, you’ve never experienced the wrath of a little old Russian lady. She could even whip you into shape, Caleb.”

  Caleb was silent, so I removed my hand from over my eyes to look up at him. He had a thoughtful look on his gorgeous face. “How do you feel?”

  “I haven’t sat up yet, but I don’t feel nauseous. I’m very dehydrated though.”

  He pushed me back down as I try to sit up and hopped out of bed. “Wait here. I’ll get you some water.”

  “Thanks,” I sighed, glad not to get up yet. While he was gone, I thought back on last night. The last thing I remembered was leaving the club.

  After that, nada.

  Caleb returned and handed me a glass of water. I sat up and guzzled it down. Caleb stood a couple feet away from the bed with a weird look on his face. I unashamedly checked him out in his boxer briefs. My guy was hot.

  “I’ll make some breakfast.” He exited the room so fast I began to wonder if I’d done something embarrassing last night. He would tell me if I did, right? I couldn’t see him missing an opportunity to tease me.

  I was only a little dizzy when I stood up. Grabbing my duffel bag, I went into the bathroom to shower. A shower and brushing my teeth were definitely in order.

  Thirty minutes later I walked into the kitchen where Caleb was already sitting at the table eating. He motioned for me to sit down in front of where he’d already served me. He still wasn’t acting like himself and avoided my eyes.

  “So anyways,” I began. “What did we do after the club?”

  He met my gaze looking suspiciously relieved. “You don’t remember?”

  “I remember up until we left the club and after that, nothing. Why? Did something happen?” Now I was beginning to think I’d done something crazy like streak through downtown naked.

  “No, nothing happened,” he assured me with a blank face. “We came back here, had a snack and you went to sleep.”

  “Oh, from what I remember, I had a good time. We’ll have to do that again. Next time we could invite some friends.”

  Caleb finished eating and went to take a shower. I ate my food then cleaned up the mess in the kitchen. While waiting for him, I flipped through the channels. He appeared back to normal when he sat down on the cushion next to me and pulled me onto his lap. “I’m glad you had fun last night. I had fun watching you have fun.”

  “I didn’t do anything stupid?”

  “Nothing stupid,” he reassured me.

  I studied his face for a few more moments. Something had been up with him earlier. “I’m glad you had fun too.”

  “What time do you have to be at Cece’s house?” he asked, rubbing circles on my back with his thumb.

  “Not for two more hours.” His touch was soothing and I burrowed my head into his neck.

  “Do you want to go for a walk?”

  I lift my head to look at him. “Sure.”

  Getting a pair of sneakers out of my bag in his room, I slipped them on. The weather was perfect outside. We leisurely strolled around the trendy downtown neighborhood for about an hour. He was sort of giving me a tour since all I’d seen of his neighborhood so far was the short walk between the parking garage and the apartment building. Caleb greeted a few people he knew, mostly girls. He told me he and his mom had lived here since the divorce.

  When it was time to head over to Jared and Cece’s house, we picked up my bag at the apartment. Caleb eyed my bag. “You could just leave it here.”

  “Well,” I said drolly, “I’ll need pajamas to change into tonight and clothes to wear tomorrow.”

  “You’ll be wearing those pajamas here tonight and changing into those clothes here tomorrow morning,” he insisted.

  I was holding my duffel bag ove
r one shoulder and I noticed he didn’t offer to carry like he usually did. “Since when do you tell me what to do?”

  “You’re my girlfriend. My place is wherever you are and vice versa.” He crossed his arms over his chest as if he weren’t going to budge on the issue. “And I really don’t want to have a sleepover at Jared’s house. I don’t think he’d appreciate me sharing a bed with you and Cece.”

  I laughed. “You’re right, he wouldn’t. Fine, we’ll come back here, but I still need to take my bag because it has my outfit for tonight.” Why not give in? It wasn’t as if I wanted to be apart from him.

  He narrowed his eyes at the bag. “Alright, I guess you’ll need to take your bag.”

  “Jeez, thanks for permission, master,” I joked sarcastically. Caleb was just too funny when he got possessive. I couldn’t believe what he’d said about his place being wherever I was. It was funny how he could be sweet and bossy at the same time.

  He turned around after opening the apartment door. “What are you smiling about?”

  I wiped the smirk off my face. “Nothing.”

  “Uh-huh, sure. Let’s go, princess.” He motions for me to lead the way and locked the door behind us. He grabbed my bag out of my hand while I hit the elevator button to go down.

  The whole crew was at the house. Cece came up to give me a hug. “Where were you this morning? You missed ballet!”

  I looked at her guiltily. “I had a bit of a hangover.”

  “What? You got drunk without me last night? How much did you drink? You never do that! Where was the party?” Cece didn’t know how to limit her questions to one at a time.

  “Yes, I got pretty drunk off about five drinks, but not at a party, at a club.” I answered all of her questions in one go.

  “At a club? With who? Didn’t you say you weren’t going to do that ever again after you-know-what happened? Are you okay?” Cece’s questions were beginning to give me a headache.

  “Don’t worry, I was with Caleb.”

  “Oh, okay.” She settled down and I guessed that was a good enough answer for her.

  Jared walked into the garage and immediately spotted Caleb sitting on the couch up against the wall. Caleb smirked at him and Jared got a sour look on his face. “God, what’s he doing here again?”


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