Fire Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 14

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Fire Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 14 Page 8

by Trim, Brenda

  The sight of her bare legs was such a distraction. Her denim shorts were close to obscene. If they were any shorter, they’d be panties. And her low-cut t-shirt paid homage to her luscious breasts. His gaze snagged on her cleavage. He wanted to bury his face between them and stay there for days. Just thinking about it made his cock jerk with need.

  “Do you use a forge to blow glass or do you rely on your fire?” Breslin said, intruding on his fantasy.

  Forcing his eyes away from the lush globes, Rhett replied, “Before two days ago, I didn’t even know what blown glass was. I tried my hand at it and, unfortunately, I suck. Then again, I was in my apartment so probably not the best setup. I wish I could create something as beautiful as what Angus made at his mating ceremony. All I managed was a twig,” he said with a chuckle as he thought about the dragon king’s fire-wielding ability.

  The night of Angus and Keira’s ceremony, he morphed glass into the most intricate tree Rhett had ever seen. It put his twisted mess to shame.

  Breslin looked over and when their eyes met, her mouth twisted into a smile. She was trying her hardest not to laugh but couldn’t mask the giggle that escaped.

  “That ceremony is why I’ve been wanting to go to this place. I’m no’ going to attempt anything that elaborate but I hope I can at least form a bowl,” she said with a smile. It wasn’t forced and she appeared to be enjoying her time with him.

  “What exactly is this place?” he asked. “Killian told me was it was for artsy types that went there to make shit from metal or glass.”

  “Ha, that doesna surprise me. If it’s not aboot computers or nightclubs, he’s no’ interested. How is he anyway? I havena been to Confetti Too for months,” Breslin quipped and Rhett noticed her tense. She didn’t like the idea of him canoodling at the nightclub.

  Wanting to assuage her assumption, Rhett replied, “Kill’s good. I haven’t been to the club since I returned to Seattle but he called me about a financial matter.”

  She didn’t say anything but he noted she relaxed in her seat and unclenched her fisted hand.

  “Business is booming but apparently, humans on the Dark Web discovered T-Rex and were trying to hack into the system. Luckily, they didn’t make it past his firewalls, and he added another layer of protection with a spell. No way will a human ever get through now,” Rhett told her as he followed Bhric’s SUV.

  “I didna know it was possible to mix magic and technology,” Breslin murmured. “He’s brilliant.”

  “That he is. He even had one of his cronies try to hack it after the spell was in place. The guy’s fingers were singed on the spot. He said electricity literally jumped off his keyboard with each attempt. Is this it?” Rhett asked as Bhric pulled into an empty parking lot with a large metal barn at one end. They were in the warehouse district and the building looked completely out of place.

  “Aye. This is it. Canna you see through the glamour?” Breslin asked as she opened her door when his vehicle came to a stop.

  “I can if I know about it. It takes a lot of concentration,” he replied and focused on the area. Finally, the illusion melted away and he could see it. “Ah, there we go. Great sign,” he chuckled when he saw the black metal cauldron with glass flames shooting from the top. The colored pieces of glass reflected on the sidewalk, creating a beautiful kaleidoscope.

  “Oooh, I canna wait. My bowl is going to be amazeballs,” Breslin said excitedly. Not once in the time he’d known Breslin had he seen this side of her. Mostly, she had determination written on her face, black blood on her boots, and fire flying from her hands. Her unfettered joy of creating something as simple as a bowl was endearing.

  They walked over to Bhric and his mate, and Alex was the first to say something. “Bhric said I can work on my power here. I haven’t done much with it. I wonder if I could form something from bending metal with my mind,” she stated excitedly.

  Rhett glanced at Bhric. His friend had a massive smile on his face as he gazed at his mate. The love Bhric had for Alex was deep and passionate. Bhric always had a smile on his lips and a joke typically followed, so when Bhric’s smile disappeared as his gaze met Rhett’s, the fire demon’s gut clenched.

  “You will make a stunning bowl, a chroi. You’ve managed to curve silverware. A sheet willna be too difficult,” Bhric assured Alex as he grabbed his mate’s hand and kissed it.

  The group walked toward the building and Rhett noticed that the entrance consisted of two barn doors that were wide open, showcasing the interior. As Rhett peered inside, it became obvious why they used such strong glamour.

  Humans wouldn’t know what to think if they passed by and saw a female stick her bare hand into a raging fire and withdraw a red-hot metal shield. Of course, that was mild compared to her luminescent skin which screamed otherness. Rhett would know because he had identical skin. It was a distinct feature for his kind and difficult to hide from humans.

  Once inside, Rhett noted there were several work stations set up around a large open area. In the middle of the room, five large furnaces were arranged in an octagonal shape and each roared with blazing fires.

  Off to the side, a desk was pushed against the wall, covered in paperwork. If that was the office, it was a cluttered mess and Rhett fought the urge to organize the clutter. He was anal as hell when it came to bookkeeping.

  “Welcome to The Melting Pot,” the fire demoness called out as she held the shield up to a male standing at her side. “Do you have reservations?”

  “Aye. Tarakesh for four,” Bhric replied.

  “Oh, yes. Metal and glass. We are excited to have the royal family with us this evening. I’m Kari, and I’ve set you guys up over there,” she said and pointed to two tables on the far side of the room. “Head on over and I’ll be there in a few minutes to go over the process with you.”

  “Sounds good. Thank you,” Bhric replied as he led Alex towards the tables.

  Rhett was fascinated by the countless colored tubes, piles of metal pieces, long poles, and various other equipment.

  “I wonder what that trash can of oil is used for?” Rhett asked as they walked past a large barrel.

  “If I remember correctly, ‘tis for safely cooling the blade. Using water can possibly bend or weaken the metal,” Bhric explained.

  Rhett picked up a large pair of tongs and used them to grab Breslin’s ass. She yelped and swatted it away. “Hey, no groping. Didna you read the rules?” she teased.

  Rhett put down the instrument and moseyed up to her, placing his hands on her hips. “C’mon, Flame. It’s no fun if you don’t break at least one rule.”

  Breslin snorted and crossed to the colored tubes lined up on a nearby table. “I’ll give you that. You’re a master of snubbing the law.” Rhett assumed she was putting him in his place until she lifted her head and winked at him. “Och. There’re so many colors to choose from. I doona know if I want to do a bowl in pinks or neon green.”

  “Oh, I would do both. Those colors look great together,” Alex said.

  “I agree, and they make the best designs when worked together,” Kari added as she approached their group. “I see you found the glass. Have you ever done this before?”

  “Nay. I havena, but I can wield fire so this should be easy,” Breslin said with a smile.

  “You have an advantage over others. As do you,” Kari told Rhett with a wink. He was careful to keep his smile cordial but not overly-friendly, and wrapped his arm around Breslin’s waist in a clear sign that he was there with her. “Are you all doing glass this evening? I thought I read in the notes that some of you were working with metal.”

  Rhett was about to ask where, in the huge pile of paperwork scattered on her desk, did she come across notes but bit his tongue.

  “No. I’m…” Alex began, but hesitated and met Bhric’s gaze. He gave his mate a nod and she continued. “I’m here to practice, I guess you’d say. I have power over metal and I want to see what I can do without ruining more of Elsie’s pots and pans.” />
  The human was learning the ropes of life in the Tehrex Realm. He could only imagine what she thought of supernaturals. She obviously loved Bhric and was eager to explore her newfound ability. Rhett liked her enthusiasm and could see why Bhric was crazy about the female.

  “Well, you’ve come to the right place. All the metal over there is scrap and perfect for your purposes. Let me know if you need anything. As for you two, I’m going to give you a brief class in blowing glass and then I will set you loose to create,” Kari explained.

  Rhett and Breslin listened as Kari explained the use of the blow pipe, cutting shears, tweezers, mashers, pliers and shapers. There were more tools involved than Rhett ever considered. He was a hands-on male and anxious to try everything. Once Breslin finished asking questions, Kari left them to get started.

  “Come to mama,” Breslin crooned as she picked up several colored tubes and started heating them. She was bending over and the sight of her long legs was a temptation he couldn’t refuse.

  Rhett walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her curves teased him as she pushed back and rubbed her backside against his front as he helped her shape and form her glass.

  “You really do like playing with fire,” he murmured.

  “Aye. It runs through my blood,” Breslin countered with a wiggle of her hips.

  He groaned and kissed her neck. She shuddered and lowered the pipe in her hand as she leaned against him. Rhett supported her weight and stepped closer. He wanted to scoop her in his arms and find a private room so they could make their own fire.

  Suddenly, Alex shouted and Breslin jumped away from him. The glass tube in her hand fell to the ground and shattered. “Shite. I loved that particular color,” Breslin complained.

  “Sorry, Bre. I didn’t mean to startle you. But look, I’m doing it,” Alex said excitedly. “Watch this.”

  Rhett and Breslin observed as the metal in Alex’s hand sloped and the edges rounded out.

  “I’ve never seen anyone with a power like that. It’s fascinating,” Breslin told Alex before going back to her project.

  Rhett joined her as she scooped up the broken pieces. “Let’s sprinkle this across the bottom of your bowl,” Rhett suggested.

  “Oh! What a great idea,” Breslin said and added the shards of glass before she called fire to her palm. Her flaming hand skimmed across the surface, melting the glass.

  Rhett ignored his project and spent the next hour helping Breslin create a large colorful bowl and when they finished, Breslin was beaming. It was a test of control as Breslin’s body teased him to an aching arousal. More than once, he almost grabbed her lush bosom as it pressed against his arm. He craved her body more than he needed to breathe.

  “Our bowl should be on display at the Lourve. We created a masterpiece,” Breslin announced proudly. “Och, that was so much fun.”

  “Next time, I’m going to make a glass piece,” Alex said, “but I learned so much tonight about my ability. C’mon, Ice-Man. We need a hot fudge sundae.”

  “Only if I can lick mine off your body,” Bhric countered and kissed Alex deeply.

  Rhett watched Breslin fidget and wring her hands. Rhett once again wondered if Breslin was feeling Bhric’s arousal. The flush to her face and the way she gnawed her lower lip told Rhett she was.

  Bhric broke the kiss but kept Alex close as he turned to his sister. “You okay, Bre, or do you want to come with us?”

  Breslin looked from Bhric to Rhett and nodded her head. “I think I’m good. You two have fun. I’ll see you back at home.”

  Rhett grabbed Breslin’s hand and led her to the car. “Dessert sounds good to me, too,” she murmured when he opened the passenger door.

  Rhett’s cock hardened further. Was she talking dessert or something else? Not one to second-guess, he leaned down and brought his head inside the car.

  “So long as I get mine first,” he murmured, claiming her sweet lips in a searing kiss.

  Chapter Nine

  Breslin couldn’t breathe. Rhett consumed her with only the touch of his lips. His heat filled the car and sucked out all the air. She moaned and arched her body when his tongue licked the seam of her mouth. She parted her lips in invitation and his tongue delved inside, tangling with hers.

  Fisting his shirt collar, she pulled him toward her. “I want dessert,” she muttered.

  His lips left hers and his breath heaved against her mouth as he leaned his forehead against hers. “I know exactly what you want,” he informed her.

  Goddess, yes, he did. His thick cock filling her sounded perfect. Shaking off her desires, she acknowledged she’d been celibate too long.

  A small voice intruded, warning her she was headed to a dark and dangerous place. Breslin didn’t want to be hurt again but her body ached with unspent lust. It was such a good feeling to be near a male and not feel revulsion. She craved Rhett in the worst way and against better judgement, she nodded in agreement. He placed a tender kiss to her lips and was around the car and backing out of the parking spot a second later.

  “Don’t worry. What I have in mind is close,” Rhett murmured as he ran his hand up her thigh.

  His deft fingers teased her bare flesh, making the ache between her legs intensify. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the moment, but forced her hands to remain in her lap. What she wanted to do was climb onto his lap and soothe her need.

  Rhett pressed and rubbed her leg with every turn he made and Breslin teetered on the brink, ready to scream or tear his clothes off. She was so worked up that when he removed his hand, a groan slipped past her lips. Her disappointment was obvious and she cursed herself for being so desperate.

  “I promised you dessert but afterwards, I’m going to continue this,” Rhett vowed then kissed the side of her neck.

  His deep bravado caused moisture to pool between her legs and she clenched against the painful need. He was out of the car and helping her from the passenger side in the next moment.

  Hands entwined, they approached the small bakery. Rhett held the door open and her nostrils were bombarded by the delicious aroma when she stepped inside. Instantly, Breslin’s ardor battled with her sugar tooth.

  “Oh these all look so delicious,” she exclaimed.

  “Thank you,” an older male replied as he leaned on the glass display case.

  Breslin envied the content smile older humans always wore. She was several centuries older than the male, yet hadn’t found that type of fulfillment in life. While she preferred her youthful appearance and vigor, she longed for such peace.

  “My wife bakes everything fresh daily. What can I get for you?” he added.

  “There are so many choices but when I see cheesecake, it’s a simple decision for me,” Breslin replied.

  “Great choice. My wife’s recipe has won many local contests. Would you like a fruit topping?”

  “Mmmm, do you have strawberries?” Breslin asked.

  “Sure do. And, what’ll it be for you, sir?” the clerk asked Rhett.

  “Make it a slice big enough for two,” Rhett said, but kept his eyes glued to Breslin’s. Her blood sang at his intense gaze and her mating brand burned like the fires of hell.

  “Here you go. That’ll be twelve-fifty,” the human said and Rhett paid the male before leading her out the door.

  Rhett handed her the plastic container and spoon then opened her car door. Breslin took her seat and eagerly opened the top. She scooped a spoonful of the creamy goodness then brought a bite to her mouth as Rhett pulled onto the street.

  “Mmmm,” she purred and bounced in her seat.

  “Good, right?” Rhett asked.

  “Och. ‘Tis the best,” Breslin admitted as she took another bite.

  “Gods, the way you eat that. Wish I was a piece of cheesecake,” Rhett murmured on a groan.

  The decadent flavor burst across her tongue while his deep voice played havoc with her libido, and she was close to orgasm. She leaned over and fed a bite to Rhett while he dro
ve. Noticing strawberry syrup on his chin, Breslin closed the distance and licked it off his face.

  “Fuuuck,” Rhett muttered and quickly took a sharp right into a narrow alley. He slammed on the brakes and stopped the car halfway down the dark passageway. He grabbed her around the waist and Breslin yelped as he hauled her onto his lap.

  Breslin sighed in relief when she felt his hard shaft between her thighs. Her mating brand cooled while the rest of her body ignited.

  “Tell me you want this,” Rhett urged.

  Yes! her body screamed while her mind raced through the consequences. Rhett had caused her unimaginable pain and suffering. He was a playboy and made no qualms about having his fun and doing what felt good for him, regardless of other’s feelings. Could he have changed that much? Did she care right now?

  No, she decided she didn’t care. She needed this and wasn’t going to deny herself. She was going to scratch her incessant itch by fucking the demon then go about life as planned. Without her mate. Just because he swore that he’d seen the err of his ways didn’t mean he wouldn’t take off again when the mood struck.

  “Yes, I want this. Where do you want to go?” she panted. Anticipation bubbled as fire danced beneath her palms.

  “I don’t plan on going anywhere,” he informed her. “I can’t wait that long.” He ran his tongue down the side of her neck and bit down on the flesh. She felt his cock jump, despite being trapped within the tight confines of his pants.

  “Sounds good to me. I canna handle anymore teasing,” she exclaimed as he palmed her breasts and squeezed. “Oh, Goddess,” she moaned.

  “Hungry for your mate?” he asked teasingly.

  Hearing him say he was her mate was not the enticement it should have been and she was tempted to climb off his lap but her body shouted its objection.

  “Stop talking,” Breslin ordered and sucked his lower lip.

  His responding growl had her back in the throes of passion. She sank deeper into the abys as his primal sounds ignited her nerve endings. She continued to kiss her way down his neck and tore open his button-down, making her way across his shoulder. She enjoyed his gasp of appreciation when she licked his flat nipple.


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