Fire Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 14

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Fire Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 14 Page 10

by Trim, Brenda

  Claws embedded in Rhett’s back, and he felt scalding lava seep from the wound. It caught Rhett off guard and he dropped the shifter from his hold. The male landed on all fours but was on his feet in the next instance.

  Breslin jumped in between them but Rhett shoved her aside, afraid she would get hurt. She stumbled and fell to her hands and knees. Rhett didn’t have time to check on her before the shifter flashed a mouthful of canines and lunged towards Rhett’s neck.

  Rhett’s rage erupted, and without warning, his teeth lengthened and sharpened, and flaming horns sprouted from his head and down his spine. Claws shot from his fingertips and fire coated his entire body. His beast had never taken control and Rhett couldn’t rein it in. He was lost to the fury racing through his veins.

  He grabbed the shifter around the middle and clawed his flesh. Blinding light flashed and when Rhett glanced down, the shifter’s flesh turned into fur. The smell of burnt animal fur filled Rhett’s nostrils as the bear’s plate-sized paw swiped at Rhett.

  Rhett crouched and the paw swung over his head. He glanced over and noticed a small group of humans exiting a nearby restaurant. They were joined by several supernaturals from Howlers and the crowd encircled the scene.

  Phones flashed as the humans tried to capture pictures of his fiery body. Rhett knew exposure to humans was a death sentence but he couldn’t control his beast. It wanted blood, and if that meant destroying the whole fucking city, so be it. His vision blurred as his flames burned behind his eyes.

  “Rhett, please stop. You’re going to kill someone. I know you doona want to hurt innocents,” Breslin pleaded as she stepped closer.

  He could feel her power tugging at his beast. It didn’t like it and fire shot in every direction as Breslin tried to gain the upper hand but his demon didn’t flinch.

  “Please, Rhett. Come back to me,” he heard her say.

  Rhett shook his head, trying to focus on Breslin’s voice. He wanted to get back to her. He promised he’d never leave again, and he meant it. He staggered and felt the inferno wane.

  “That’s it, baby. It’s working. Come back to me,” Rhett heard again.

  His fire receded enough to where Rhett could make out his surroundings. As soon as Breslin came into view and he met her terrified gaze, he shoved his demon back in its cage, and called the fire back to his body.

  Breslin ran to him and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him. “Doona ever do that again, arsehole! Do you hear me?” she ordered, but didn’t stop kissing him.

  He pulled away and forced her to meet his gaze. “Then don’t ever pull that shit again. You’re mine, Flame. If you want me to prove my commitment, that’s one thing, but I will not tolerate another male touching you. Understand?” Rhett stated as he looked over to the shifter.

  “This is my mate, motherfucker. Don’t ever come near her again,” he growled as he wrapped his arms around Breslin’s waist.

  Another flash of light and the shifter transformed back to his human counterpart.

  The naked male looked at them then muttered, “My pleasure. You two are fucking psychos and deserve each other,” he spat then turned and stalked down the street.

  “Get oot of here. I’ve got damage control to do, and your presence is making it worse,” Bhric stated as he approached Rhett and Breslin, glancing to the onlookers.

  Two vampires stepped up and offered their assistance in wiping the memories of the small group of humans and Bhric accepted, thanking them for their loyalty to the realm.

  Rhett turned to Breslin and smiled. “Come on, Flame. Let’s go and let our psychos play together.”

  Breslin winked. “Sanity is overrated. Crazy is an adventure.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Ramiel stalked through the park, trampling flowers as he went. Gasps from nearby angels echoed louder than the songbird’s chorus of love and happiness. There was nothing to celebrate and the peace and tranquility the Joybringers offered fell on deaf ears.

  Rami’s reputation followed him like a dark cloud, so those surrounding him should not be shocked by his path of destruction. Besides, they could fix his mess with a wave of their delicate hands. What they objected to most was their perfect world being disrupted. Many asserted Heaven as a place of harmony and love but Rami saw through the façade. It was no different than anywhere else. Pain and anguish lived within these walls, as well.

  It took all his willpower to continue walking, when he wanted to turn around and demand his due. His scope as an Angel of Retribution was the Tehrex Realm and the Goddess’s creations. He should be there right now, seeking vengeance against the archdemon for kidnapping innocent children.

  It was total bullshit to be held back because Camael feared Rami would ignore the innocent if faced with danger to Izzy or Elsie.

  “Hey, Ayil,” Rami barked as he entered Bladz, his home away from home.

  The greatest shock for Rami was discovering that the heavenly world had bars. Who would’ve thought there would be a place where angels could hang out and drink? Warrior Angels and AOR were the typical patrons but he occasionally ran into an archangel enjoying a libation.

  “Rami. How’s it going, bro? Is everything okay?” Ayil asked with narrowed eyes. “Did something happen?” he added and his massive red wings bristled.

  “Your sister is fine, if that’s what you mean. Last time I saw her, anyway. Something’s happened but it doesn’t involve anyone at Zeum…yet,” Rami replied and took a seat on the bar stool next to Ayil.

  The Warrior Angel was a hulking man. He was taller and more muscular than Rami but that didn’t intimidate him. Ramiel donned the lethal wings of retribution and didn’t cower to anyone. It was an honor to be chosen as an AOR and Rami took his role seriously.

  Glancing around, Rami noticed he and Ayil were the only two in the pub, except for the owner and ever-present bartender, Thorne.

  Bladz was a unique establishment for many reasons and Thorne was one of them. The guy had the red wings of a warrior but he never left Heaven, as far as Rami knew. Rami wondered if it was because of his mangled wings. He doubted the man could fly and wondered if the rumors were true.

  He’d heard Thorne was nearly killed by demons during a raid and that his fellow warriors barely got him back to the healers in time. Rami never considered his life beyond his new role as AOR but realized he might need a retirement plan at some point. If he were unable to perform his duties, how could he contribute to this world? He doubted there was an official title for an angel with a chip on his shoulder.

  “What’s your poison today?” Thorne asked as he grabbed Ayil’s mug and topped it off with tap beer.

  “Whatever he’s having,” Rami replied.

  Glancing at Thorne, Rami couldn’t help but notice the man’s ink. Every visible inch of flesh on his arms was decorated. Did he get the tattoos before or after he stopped fighting demons? Were they covering scars, or perhaps symbols of his victories? He would have to ask where one went in Heaven to acquire a tat, because Rami envisioned scars littering his flesh before the year was out.

  “What do you mean yet?” Ayil demanded as he took a swig of beer.

  Rami spent enough time with Illianna’s three brothers and knew their personalities well enough to know Ayil was the best choice for this conversation. He was the most compromising of the three and Rami hoped to gain his allegiance first.

  “Have you heard about what’s happening in the Tehrex Realm?” Rami asked as he accepted his beer from Thorne and leaned an elbow on the countertop.

  Heat radiated from its smooth surface and Ramiel lifted his arm and glanced at the solid gold bar inlaid with gemstones. He understood that most items in Heaven were touched by magic but it was strange to see such an extraordinary structure in the hole-in-the-wall bar.

  If he were in a human pub, patrons would eye the counter with envy and gouge the diamonds and emeralds from the gold. In Heaven, no one cared about money or finances. Poor or homeless didn’t exist. There was no monet
ary system because angels’ needs were provided for them, with the understanding that one worked it off through their jobs. It was one relief in Rami’s life.

  He recalled his human life and the struggle of trying to make ends meet. He and Elsie were college students, barely able to pay their bills, but Elsie was the positive attitude in their marriage and eased the stress and tension. She was the calm to his storm.

  Shaking off the hurtful past, Rami acknowledged he was grateful money concerns were a thing of the past. Although, he wasn’t certain what plagued him now was any less grueling. Burdens were unique to each divine being. It could be the weight of past sins that tormented an angel, or the future of their current mission.

  He was responsible for the survival of a child that represented loss, heartache, and betrayal. His first assignment was Isobel, daughter to Elsie and Zander, and he was forced to relive losing Elsie again and again. His emotions weren’t warranted, given she thought him dead, but they were present in all their aching glory, nonetheless.

  “The new archdemons?” Ayil asked, intruding on his thoughts. He needed to focus on the matter at hand, and persuade the warrior to join his forces.

  “Huh? Yes, specifically Crocell. Her sister, Cresil, was killed recently and sent to the Underworld for rebirth. Cresil’s death is driving Crocell’s current rampages,” Rami told the male.

  Suddenly, the front door burst open, and Rami’s gaze snapped towards the encroaching figures. It was Ayil’s two brothers, and Rami cursed. Now, he’d have to convince the three of them to help him and the odds were stacked against that happening.

  “Thorne! Whassup?” Araton shouted as he walked over to the bar.

  “My perpetual hardon,” Thorne replied with a smile.

  “I feel your pain, bro. It seems the last dozen dates I’ve been on have been with Queens of Virtue. Where are all the Sluts of Sin?” Araton remarked as Thorne slid a cold mug his way.

  “I wish I knew. I’ve got a sack of balls that need stroking,” Thorne countered.

  “Maybe that’s your problem. Lookin’ for love in all the wrong places,” Abraxos chimed in, singing the verse from the popular Johnny Lee song.

  “Please, bitch, don’t start with the singing,” Thorne said and threw a hand towel at Abraxos’s face.

  “You’re just jealous that I croon my way between the ladies’ legs,” Abraxos said and tossed the rag back to the bartender.

  Rami barked out a laugh. Thorne didn’t have a comeback to that comment. Abraxos was a ladies’ man, no doubt about it. There wasn’t a woman alive that could resist the warrior’s charm. Personally, Rami didn’t give a shit if Abraxos fucked every angel in Heaven. His heart was on lock down. Women were the devil, and he wanted nothing to do with love.

  Their small group moved to a nearby table for easier conversation. It was still strange to Rami, seeing wings jut from the backs of the residents in Heaven. Especially, from the backs of Warrior Angels, who wore torn jeans and t-shirts. They couldn’t be dressed more casually for a group that defended their realm. At least Rami dressed in black leather and looked the part of a badass. Only item that was similar were their boots. Fighters of all types wore them, given they offered the best protection. No one wanted to be taken down because they stubbed a fucking toe.

  “So, what were you two discussing when we arrived?” Araton inquired.

  “Rami was about to tell me about Crocell’s latest turmoil,” Ayil answered and met Rami’s gaze.

  The atmosphere quickly changed from jovial to serious in the next breath.

  What kind of rampage is the demon on now? You know she used to be a Joybringer, don’t you? It’s ironic to recall how peaceful she and Cresil were when they lived among us,” Abraxos shared as he crossed thick arms over his chest.

  Rami couldn’t believe the blue bitches were once angels. They were the antithesis of rightful and pure. He’d grown up hearing church sermons about the big battle in Heaven that ended in the fall of thousands of angels, but he’d never see those two creatures as anything but evil.

  “She’s kidnapping supernatural children as sacrifice, in hopes of resurrecting Cresil. Izzy and the others are in danger. Despite the fact my main assignment is the child that is a direct connection to the Goddess Morrigan, Camael has forbid me getting involved in this matter,” Rami said through gritted teeth.

  “You’re too emotionally involved in this,” Abraxos observed as he leaned back in his chair, balancing his weight on the two back legs.

  Rami’s anger shot hot and heavy and he nearly tackled the man. This was not how he saw this playing out, and he was losing ground.

  “I can see why he’s concerned but I think he could use that to his advantage. Camael isn’t using his resources wisely. I suspect he is still finding his footing with his new position,” Araton commented

  “I don’t give a fuck about his footing. I care about my charge,” Rami barked. “Can you help me hunt Crocell and end her sorry-ass life?” he added and glanced to Ayil.

  He wished he could force his opinion onto the brothers. Rami had the power of trance and persuasion but his ability didn’t work on his brethren, so it was useless to deplete his energy with the effort.

  “No, we can’t. We have obligations and if we ignore them to help you, hundreds of innocent humans could die. Remember, the supernaturals aren’t helpless,” Ayil informed Rami.

  Rami knew he was referring to the Dark Warriors. It was their job to fight the demons and their minions, but they hadn’t defeated Crocell. Hell, they couldn’t even find her. That was the fucking problem.

  “Your job is to keep Izzy safe. Focus on that and leave the demon to Zander,” Abraxos explained.

  “I suppose you’re right,” Rami conceded.

  He didn’t need to waste more time trying to convince the brothers to assist him. They’d made up their minds. And, he didn’t want them thinking he was going off on his own. They were good guys that followed the rules. If they suspected Rami was half-cocked and doing as he saw fit, they would call Chief and report him. The last thing Rami needed was Camael breathing down his neck. Not when he had a demon to kill.

  * * *

  “Rami,” Izzy cried out as she jumped off her bed and ran to his side.

  Rami’s heart jolted at the sight of her shiny black curls and deep blue eyes. The little girl reminded him of Elsie, with her infectious smile and laughter. She had her father’s eyes but he didn’t hold that against her. Izzy was the only light in his life, and he’d fight tooth and nail to keep her safe.

  “Are you here to play?” she asked excitedly.

  “Yes, Cupcake. I’m here to play. Does that make you happy?” he asked as he hugged her close.

  Izzy was the only one that didn’t look at him with fear or concern. Everyone else saw him as a loose cannon, and he hated it. Yes, he was calculating and lethal to the core. And maybe he was a bit reckless from time to time, but it came with the territory. But when Izzy looked at him, there was genuine joy and enthusiasm on her face.

  “Yay, yay, yay,” Izzy cried out as she pushed out of his hold and danced around in circles. “Pip, Squeak, it’s time to play,” she squealed.

  At hearing their names, two small puff-balls surged to life on her bed. The kippies that Mack brought back from the dragon realm, Khoth, resembled koala bears, except one was pink (he assumed that was the female) and the other was gray. They began chattering and playing on the bed as Izzy approached them.

  The creatures befitted Izzy’s room of fantasy. Her bed was covered in a pink, lacy comforter that was covered with dozens of stuffed animals. There were fairies, grassy knolls, mushrooms, and a large black dragon painted on her walls. The dragon was coiled around a pile of gold and gems. At first glance, the images appeared to be like any other hand-painted mural but with a shift of Rami’s head, the dragon’s eyes brightened, the jewels twinkled, and the fairies’ wings fluttered.

  Powerful magic created the effect and Rami wondered about the progressio
n of the little girl’s abilities. Izzy was vibrant and full of life. Hell, for all he knew, she created the images herself. All he knew was there was a massive amount of force in her tiny bones.

  Rami recalled the moment she earned the nickname Demonator. She teleported from the safety of Elsie’s arms and reappeared in Kadir’s clutches. Fear paralyzed the Dark Warriors until Izzy called a weapon of light to her hand and placed one palm over the archdemon’s heart, ending his existence forever. No being possessed such power before Izzy. She represented the Triskele Amulet and wielded its force.

  Ramiel watched as Izzy closed her eyes and spread her palms. She stood there for several seconds and didn’t budge an inch. The air thickened and Rami tensed, ready to call his weapon of light. A moment later, a small table appeared in the middle of Izzy’s room, laden with teas and treats.

  Rami schooled his features to mask his surprise. One reason Izzy was more open with him than anyone else was because he didn’t show shock or fear when she displayed her abilities.

  Unfamiliar with how things worked in the Tehrex Realm, Rami wasn’t sure if Izzy’s accelerated development was normal or not. Zander explained she was progressing faster than any child before her and Rami worried what that might mean for her life.

  Elsie and Zander worked hard to keep her safe and sheltered but no one spent much time exploring her magic and abilities, so Rami tried to discuss it as much as possible with the young child.

  “I got your favorite. Booberry,” she told Rami and pointed to the blueberry pie sitting on one side of the table. “Tea time!”

  Izzy grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the table where he obediently took his seat in the small chair. “That’s a neat trick, Iz. Did you just learn it?” Rami asked as he carefully lifted the ceramic teacup to his lips.

  “Yeah. I wanted my dragon’s treasure to sparkle so I made it happen. And now, Pepper doesn’t have to go to the kitchen when we want snacks,” Izzy shared as she fed Squeak a grape.


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