Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)

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Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) Page 7

by Richards, K. R.

  “Well he’s got a fairly good aim. We can’t try anything foolish. Just stay still.”

  “Shouldn’t you get down too, Trevan?” Wenna asked, with a hint of worry in her voice.

  “Perhaps, but if I do we won’t be able to see him coming toward us if he should decide to come across the yard from the entrance.”

  Again, Trevan closely surveyed the opposite wall and entrance. This time he saw one shadow in the long entranceway move across the opening while another man stood further back near the bridge that spanned the moat. “Damn Wenna, there’s two of them. You don’t happen to have a weapon on you, do you?”

  “No, why would I?”

  “Wishful thinking, I suppose.” Trevan did not close his eyes, yet he allowed his mind to become quiet and still. He called out for Gabriel as he slid through the veil and moved beyond the mist.

  He heard Gabriel’s voice, “Hold on cousin, I’m almost there!”

  Trevan responded, “I’m at Restormel with Wenna!”

  “I know. I’m not far from you.”

  “Wenna, I believe Gabriel is on his way here, he’s not far from here.”

  “How do you – oh! You did your Chynoweth communication thing with him.”

  “I did. Your sister does it too, you know.”

  “I know and people in the village say she’s away with the Piskies.”

  “Zenny is not away with the piskies and you well know it,” Trevan gently scolded his lady.

  “I know. But that is what they say.”

  “They never say Gabriel and I are away with the Piskies, Wenna.”

  “Of course they don’t, you are both two large, strong, hulking men who could rip them apart with your bare hands.”

  Trevan grinned while he still watched the castle entrance, “And we’re both bleddy ansum, and that helps, because the ‘they’ who talk so are women!” He chuckled as Wenna pummeled him on his back with her fists.

  “You are vain and arrogant to boot!” Wenna clucked her tongue.

  “You just told me not five minutes ago that I’m an ansum man, Morwenna Penrose!”

  Wenna grinned. “Perhaps I was away with the Piskies.”

  Another shot rang out. Bits of crumbled stone spewed down on them from where a bullet hit somewhere above them.

  “Thank goodness that one is not a good shot!” Trevan mumbled.

  Wenna and Trevan grew serious once again.

  “How are we going to get out of here, Trevan?” Wenna asked him.

  “Gabriel should be here in the next few minutes. Until he shows up we’ll stay right where we are. Don’t worry, Wenna, we’ll be fine.”

  Chapter Four

  Ten minutes passed before Trevan heard Gabriel’s voice in his mind. “Be ready. There are three of them. Tremayne is with me. In two minutes you’ll know we’re here.”

  “It will just be a couple more minutes, Wenna! Gabriel and Tremayne are here.” Trevan looked down to where Wenna still crouched. He gave her a wink.

  Wenna tried to smile. Her nerves were on edge.

  At that moment, bits of stone peppered down upon them.

  Trevan and Wenna both looked up to see a man in a brown coat and hat standing on the battlement above them, his rifle was pointed directly at them.

  Trevan embraced his lady tightly, turned them and moved them swiftly to the other side of the alcove where Wenna would be out of harm’s way.

  “Oof!” Wenna hit the stone of the castle wall hard. She found herself sandwiched between that and Trevan’s hard body.

  “Trevan, he’ll shoot you for certain!” She managed to say at the same moment the man fired his rifle. Another deafening boom immediately followed. She panicked as a red stain appeared and grew on the white sleeve of Trevan’s upper arm. “Trevan?” she called out in alarm.

  Before he could answer her, the brown-coated man who stood on the castle wall above them fell from the battlement and landed just outside the alcove, his neck bent at an odd angle.

  Wenna gasped and turned her head.

  More gunfire erupted from the castle entrance area. A few moments later Gabriel hurried into the open area inside the castle walls. “Trevan?”

  “Over here, Gabriel!” Trevan called.

  “Trevan you were shot!” Wenna reached up to touch his sleeve near the growing blood stain.

  “It’s nothing Wenna, it’s just a scratch. Don’t worry.”

  “But you’re bleeding.”

  “I’m fine. Come on, woman. We need to get out of here.” Trevan took her hand and pulled her toward Gabriel.

  “Were you, hit?” Gabriel frowned as he saw the blood stain on Trevan’s sleeve.

  “It just grazed my arm.”

  Gabriel reached out and took hold of his sleeve. “How would you know, you haven’t even looked at it, cousin.” Gabriel calmly said as he ripped the linen. He nodded as he studied the wound. “You were lucky, it is just a graze.”

  “I told you it was. What of the two out front?”

  “Dead. I took them out and your brother got the one trying to shoot you from above.”

  “How did you know to come for us here?”

  “You mentioned your destination to Mrs. Gaddy. More importantly, Zenny had a vision. She saw men in brown coats firing upon you and Wenna.” He wouldn’t tell them she saw blood. “Tremayne and I left to find you when he arrived at Fairy Cross. He arrived about the same time Zenny did. There are Brown Coats all about Menadue, Trevan.”

  “Bleddy hell!”

  “Who are these people in brown coats?” Wenna looked from Gabriel to Trevan.

  “I’ll explain on the ride back to Callywith, Wenna. We must make haste. When we arrive at the Manor, you must pack your things quickly. You, Senny and Robert are coming to Menadue with us, and I’ll not take no for an answer,” Trevan said in a serious tone.

  “Senny is already seeing to the packing of hers and Robert’s things,” Gabriel supplied. “I left a few of my men at Callywith to keep watch for intruders.” Despite that, Gabriel was anxious to get back to Zenny and Robert. He hadn’t felt comfortable leaving them behind.

  Trevan bent and quickly repacked their things into the basket when they reached their luncheon spot. He reached for his coat.

  Wenna picked up the quilt, folding it hastily. They hurried from the castle ruins and exited onto the bridge spanning the castle moat. Tremayne waited near the phaeton with his and Gabriel’s horses.

  “Hello, Tremayne.” Wenna called to Trevan’s younger brother. Tremayne was as tall as Trevan, having wavy black hair. His eyes were a grayish green instead of blue. He was muscular, but not as large as his elder brother, the Duke.

  “Wenna.” Tremayne nodded. He frowned as Trevan began to don his coat. “You were hit?”

  “Ayce, you didn’t kill the bleddy bastard above us in time.”

  “You’re always armed, where was your pistol?”

  “It was in my coat, which I left with our picnic luncheon on the other side of the ruins. I’ll not make the same mistake again.”

  Tremayne grinned.

  “Tristan is at Menadue with Mother and the girls?” Trevan asked.

  “Yes. Our cousins, August and Arthur arrived last evening. They are there as well.”

  “Let’s get to Callywith in all due haste!” Trevan handed Wenna up into the phaeton after he set the basket in the back.

  The four of them set out for St. Mabyn.

  “So who are these men?” Wenna looked to Trevan.

  Once he turned the horses about and they were moving in the direction of Callywith Manor, Trevan began to explain, “We call them Brown Coats. We do not yet know whom they work for. They are the reason Harry sent for us here in Cornwall last month. He needed our assistance in Glastonbury.”

  Trevan continued, “This all started when the new Lady Glaston, formerly Lady Rowena Locke, found a letter written by her ancestor, William Dulac, in an old book in her library at Stonedown Manor in Glastonbury. Her aunt and their friend
, Sir John Nunn, arranged it so she could meet Harry. The letter told of sacred and holy treasure hidden before the Dissolution of Glastonbury Abbey in 1539 by the last Abbott and William.”

  “After she shared the letter with Harry, the Brown Coats showed up and stole some books from Stonedown Manor’s library. Luckily, Harry and Lyon were there at the time. Charlie and Micah arrived just after the incident occurred. They began to look for clues. They even found some of the treasure.”

  He continued, “The Brown Coats attacked our friends and Lyon received a serious wound to his leg. After we arrived, we found the larger portion of the treasure. We exposed two local men who were in charge. A dozen of their men were arrested. Many more were killed. One of them, a Mr. Percy Davitt, whom we thought was fatally wounded, got away with the help of a local man’s wife, Amelia Whitely. Micah and Jack are still tracking them. It appears Percy Davitt and Amelia Whitely headed for Scotland.”

  “Our being attacked today confirms that there was someone higher up than Percy Davitt in charge,” Gabriel began. “There is no way he could be healed enough to orchestrate this attack. I doubt he is out of his sick bed yet.”

  “I agree, Gabriel.” Trevan nodded. “We do indeed have a problem on our hands.”

  Gabriel couldn’t help but smile when Senny ran from the manor to greet them. He noted she looked very worried. He was quick to ease her mind, “Everyone is well, don’t worry.”

  Senny nodded and gave him a small smile, though he noted she wrung her hands together. He laid his hand atop hers and gave them a squeeze.

  “And w-was it as I saw?” Senny whispered nervously as she looked to Gabriel.

  “Yes. There were three men in brown coats and hats at Restormel. We made it in time. Other than Trevan receiving a scratch, everyone is in fine health, thanks to your gift, Zenny.”

  “That is good news.” Senny smiled as Wenna hugged her.

  “We’re fine, Senny. Did you manage to get everything packed?” Wenna asked her.

  “Yes, our maid is packing your things. She waits for you upstairs to make certain she gathered everything you wish to take with you to Menadue.”

  Wenna excused herself and went inside.

  Gabriel’s carriage and his men had arrived and were waiting. He instructed one of his lads to return the phaeton back to Fairy Cross.

  “Nowles saw to it mine and grandfather’s things were carried downstairs,” Senny informed Gabriel as looked at her.

  “Thank you, Zenny.” He smiled at her. He checked with his younger brother, Thomas, to make certain his valet had packed his things. He walked over and found his trunk and portmanteau in the wagon.

  Trevan, Tremayne and Thomas had already entered the Manor. Senny now awaited him on the steps of Callywith.

  “You are coming to Menadue as well?” Senny asked him. She captured her lower lip with her teeth.

  She still seemed quite nervous. He needed to reassure her. “Yes, I’m riding in the carriage with you.”

  “Oh, good.” Senny sighed. “I have never slept away from my home before, not that I remember, other than when we went to London with mama and papa when we were children. I have been to Menadue m-many times though. There will be s-so many people there already. Tremayne said more of your relatives are coming. It will be n-noisy?”

  Gabriel realized Senny was overwhelmed. He had forgotten how large numbers of people and noise affected her. The breaking of normal routine tended to frustrate her also.

  “Shh, my sweet Zenny, breathe,” he placed his hands gently upon her shoulders. He gazed into her vivid blue-green eyes, the color of the ocean off the Cornish coast in summer. He smiled down at her and spoke gently. “Breathe. That’s it. Good, Zenny.”

  After she took several more breaths and calmed he continued in a gentle, soothing voice, “I will ask my aunt, the Duchess, to place you in a quiet part of the house. You will be fine. I will help find quiet places for you when there is too much noise.”

  “I saw the men in brown coats coming through the windows at Menadue in my vision, Gabriel. Do you remember?”

  “I do remember what you saw in your vision, Zenny. We will make certain they can’t get in through the windows. You will be safe at Menadue. You will be in the family wing and your room will be next to mine. You can call out to me if you need me. I will hear you.” Gabriel already decided Senny would stay in the Lady’s chamber in the St. Mabyn apartments at Menadue.

  Senny took a deep breath. “Good, I’m glad you will be near. What of Grandfather and Wenna?”

  “We will all be close together. If things get too noisy in the main rooms and I fail to notice you must promise to ask me to find a quiet place for you. Will you do that, Zenny? If you need anything at all while we are at Menadue, you must let me know.”

  “Yes.” Senny nodded. “I will ask you if I need quiet or if I need anything.” She exhaled deeply. The noise inside her head lessened. Her thoughts slowed and she found it easier to think and breathe.

  Senny had always been quite at home when visiting at Fairy Cross. Gabriel had forgotten about her fears of being in a different place, being among a large crowd of people and her inability to tolerate a great deal of noise. It was sometimes difficult for her to adjust to new energies, especially in crowds. Everything was quiet here in St. Mabyn. He guessed that is why he hadn’t remembered.

  “Good.” Gabriel’s large hands framed her beautiful face. “You’ll be fine, Zenny. I’ll make certain. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” Senny nodded and gave him a smile. Senny did trust Gabriel. Looking into the crystalline depths of Gabriel’s eyes and hearing the deep timbre of his voice always calmed her. She could never truly be frightened when Gabriel was near.

  Her bright smile warmed Gabriel as nothing else could. “Come, let’s go inside.” Gabriel took her hand in his. He entwined his fingers with hers for a moment then reluctantly placed her hand upon his arm. It would not do for him to hold her hand in front of so many. He wouldn’t wish to make her feel uncomfortable in public.

  Gabriel pulled Tremayne aside before they left Callywith. He gave him the instructions for his and the Penrose’s sleeping arrangements. Tremayne would give Gabriel’s’ requests to his mother first thing upon their arrival at Menadue. Gabriel knew his aunt would handle everything accordingly.

  Gabriel wanted to make everything as easy for Senny as he could. Though many people who did not know Senny well thought her odd or touched, Gabriel knew differently. The unfamiliar energy in locations she was not used to, could sometimes overset and overwhelm her. The same thing happened with too many people about her. It was too much for her to take in all at once.

  Gabriel rode in the carriage with Robert and his granddaughters. Trevan, Tremayne and Thomas rode with the rest of Gabriel’s men.

  Morva Chynoweth, the dowager Duchess of Penrose, stood at the main entrance of Menadue awaiting the carriage, wagon and riders coming up the long drive. Her son Tremayne had ridden ahead to inform her of their newest arrivals. All day long, members of the Chynoweth and Trevelyan families, as well as cousins and second cousins, had been arriving.

  This arrival was special. It was her dear friend, Robert Penrose and his two granddaughters; one of whom, Morwenna to be precise, Morva hoped to see marry her son, the Duke, and someday fill her shoes as the Duchess of Penrose.

  Though Tremayne and Tristan had preferred she not come outside with the threat of intruders meaning harm to Menadue, Morva had insisted on meeting this party.

  “Mother, what are you doing outside?” Trevan mildly scolded as he slid off his tall bay. He opened the carriage door and held out his hand.

  Morva held her breath, then smiled when she saw Wenna Penrose alight from the carriage. She noted the way Trevan and Wenna smiled at one another. Hope rose in her heart. Had they patched things up? She wanted it to be so. She was a mother and knew in her heart that her son Trevan would never be the same if Wenna Penrose rejected him again.

  “Wenna!” Morva s
miled as she opened her arms to embrace the woman she hoped would be her future daughter-in-law. “You’re as beautiful as ever. It’s so good to see you, my dear.”

  “Aunt Morva, it’s wonderful to see you.” Wenna kissed the tall, slender woman’s cheek. Morva Penrose’s black hair was streaked with silver, but her eyes were nearly the same color as Trevan’s. She was a strikingly handsome woman for her age. Wenna had always loved her.

  Morva’s gaze moved to the carriage once again. She watched as Gabriel stepped down and turned to offer his hand. She smiled as sweet, wide-eyed Senny stepped down. She clung to Gabriel’s hand. Morva knew Senny was highly sensitive to other people’s energies. It was then she noted the way Gabriel looked lovingly down at the golden-haired beauty. She heard the tenderness in his voice as he spoke soothing words to Senny. She watched as Senny smiled brightly up at him and visibly relaxed.

  Morva smiled again. One of her dearest friends throughout her life, and a second cousin, Ailla Michelmore Penrose, Wenna and Senny’s mother, would have been so happy to see such a thing. It appeared Ailla’s prediction from twenty years before; that Gabriel and Senny would marry, was indeed possible.

  There was something in the way that Gabriel looked at Senny that led Morva to believe that her nephew was quite taken with Sennen Penrose. Morva’s heart sang. She was certain she felt Ailla’s presence beside her at that moment. Ailla had always worried what would become of her very special daughter, Sennen.

  “Senny! Oh, you’re as beautiful as an angel.” Morva smiled as she opened her arms to the girl.

  Senny smiled and allowed Morva to hug her. “Thank you, Aunt Morva. You are beautiful as always. I always thought you and Mama to be the prettiest women I’d ever known.”

  “Oh, you dear, girl!” Morva kissed Senny’s cheek then turned to Gabriel. “How are you, my dear nephew?”

  “I am very well, Aunt.” Gabriel gave his aunt a loving peck upon her cheek.

  Morva was about to reach for Senny’s hand when she realized Gabriel intended to do so. Morva smiled inwardly and allowed Gabriel to take charge of Senny. She stood by as Tristan and Tremayne lifted Robert from the carriage into his Bath chair.


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