Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)

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Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) Page 26

by Richards, K. R.

  “What? What is it?” Gabriel demanded.

  No one had noticed he had entered the chamber until he spoke.

  Marrek held up his hand as Elowen began to speak. He spoke instead. “It appears she has infection, cousin,” he looked to Gabriel as he spoke.

  “No!” The anguish in Gabriel’s voice was evident. He stepped toward the bed and looked at Senny’s wound. It was inflamed and festered. He sucked in his breath. He looked to Elowen and asked, “You have herbs to help her?”

  Elowen nodded. “Yes. Marrek you must send someone to Granny Blee’s for additional herbs that I need. I will write down what I require. I also need my stones.”

  Marrek nodded.

  “Did the bullet go through?” Gabriel asked.

  “No.” Elowen shook her head. “It’s still there. The Doctor is on his way.”

  “Old Doctor Ninnes? Is he capable of doing such a thing? Last I heard he was blind in one eye.”

  “No, he isn’t capable.” Marrek shook his head. “But I am.” He removed his coat. “We are waiting for the ladies to bring what I need.” Marrek looked to Gabriel. “You must leave when I begin.”

  “No, I will stay.” Gabriel planted his feet and shook his head.

  “I will not cut into Senny with you standing near. She may cry out, Gabriel. I won’t lie to you. It will cause her a great deal of pain. If I am touched or bumped while I have my knife in her wound it could cause even more damage than she has already. Can you stand and watch while she is screaming in pain and not come to her.”

  Gabriel ran a hand through his hair. If Senny cried out, he would react, this he knew. Marrek was trying to help her. With an infection, she needed every chance she could get. “Fine, then. I will go, but I won’t leave until you begin.”

  Marrek nodded. “You will need to bathe while I remove the bullet. I assume you will be sitting with her after. To ward off more infection, we need to keep her environment as clean as possible.”

  “I will be with Zenny until she is recovered,” Gabriel declared.

  Elowen left the small secretary and handed her list to Marrek.

  “I will give this to my valet. He will send someone for the things you need immediately, sister. I will wash up after. I will return shortly. Gabriel, sit with Zenny until I return.”

  “I am going to help the ladies get everything ready in the kitchen. Marrek, here is the lavender and rosemary solution. You’ll need to rub it on after you wash.” Elowen moved past Gabriel and squeezed his arm as she passed him. She handed her brother a tall slender bottle of liquid.

  “I am going to get Robert in here for a moment, and then I’ll help Wenna in. I’ve sent for Lanyon, Gabriel,” Trevan said.

  “Do you really think that is necessary, Trevan. Shouldn’t we wait? Senny is here now. She will be comfortable. She may be much better tomorrow. Her brother is at the University. His studies will be interrupted.”

  Trevan rested his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. “I think it is necessary that Lanyon come, Gabriel. She is having problems breathing. Can you not hear the rattle in her chest?” Trevan whispered softly as he squeezed Gabriel’s shoulder and left him alone in the room with Senny and his Aunt.

  “Why is everyone acting like she will die? She’s going to live, Aunt Morva. She has to. She must!”

  Morva left Senny’s side and came to him. She laid her hand on his arm. “Gabriel dear, we pray that Senny lives. None of us has given up yet. Her situation is grave. She has a bad wound. She is having trouble breathing. She has already lost a great deal of blood, and she will lose more when Marrek removes the bullet. She has infection already. She is weak, and it will take a great deal of strength for her to overcome this.”

  Gabriel held up his hand and shook his head. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He sat down in the chair next to Senny’s bed. “You were right Aunt Morva. I missed Zenny terribly when I was in Somerset and then London. I realized I do love her. I was so happy to be coming home so I could tell her,” Gabriel’s voice broke with emotion.

  “Oh?” Morva wiped a tear from her cheek. She walked to stand behind Gabriel and leaned down. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and hugged him. “You must still tell her, Gabriel. It may give her the strength she needs to fight this. It will give her a reason to fight to live. I’m going to help Trevan bring Wenna and Robert in to see her.” Morva kissed the top of her nephew’s head and straightened. She left him alone with Senny after wiping the tears from her cheeks.

  Gabriel placed his fingers against Senny’s neck. Her pulse was still weak. Her skin was now warm from fever. He pulled the chair closer and leaned over to place a kiss to her lips.

  He received no response. He spoke to her, “Zenny, I’m home. I missed you terribly. I am in love with you Zenny. I love you. You must live. You must!” He took her hand in his. Her fingers just lay in his hand, lifeless and unmoving. He looked at her, so pale and still upon the bed. His heart nearly broke at that moment when he thought of losing his Zenny.

  He decided he would not think of losing her again. It hurt too much. She was going to live! She had to.

  He closed his eyes. He slid beyond the veil.

  He called out to her. “Zenny! Zenny!

  He saw her. She was far away, at the base of a hill. She did not hear him. Gabriel ran toward her, still calling her name. She continued walking up the hill. Still it appeared she did not hear him calling to her. When she reached the top of the hill, she turned and looked about as if she was looking for someone. She turned back and continued onward to the summit.

  Gabriel screamed her name. “Zenny! Zenny!” She stopped again and looked, but it was if she could not see him. She disappeared over the top of the hill. Gabriel ran up the hill. When he reached the top, he could not see her anywhere. She had vanished.

  Gabriel opened his eyes. “Zenny, you must stay strong for me. You must fight to live. I love you, Sennen Penrose, with my whole heart and soul. I love you. Do you hear me?”

  Morva entered the room. Trevan was behind her. He wheeled Senny’s grandfather, Robert, into the room in his Bath chair. Gabriel rose so Robert could be closer to his granddaughter. Trevan hurried from the room.

  He returned with Wenna in his arms a few minutes later. Morva brought a chair up close to the other side of the bed. Trevan gently lowered Wenna into it.

  Gabriel noted the gash and stitches on Wenna’s forehead, and the dark bruise ringing it.

  Robert’s hand shook as he covered his granddaughter’s hand with his withered one. “Oh Zenny, girl. You must stay strong. You must stay with us. Whatever would I do without my Zenny girl?”

  It broke Gabriel’s heart to see how affected Robert was. Her grandfather tried to hold his tears in and could not. Gabriel laid a hand on Robert’s shoulder. He was alarmed at how frail and slight of frame Robert was.

  Tears streamed down Wenna’s cheeks. “Senny! Oh, Senny!” She began to sob, and was unable to speak any more words. She held her sister’s hand tightly.

  Marrek entered the room minus his coat and waistcoat. His shirtsleeves were rolled up. Rowena, Catherine and Grace followed him. They carried trays with boiling water, bandages, and cloths.

  “We need to open the drapes wider. I need all the light I can get,” Marrek instructed the group of ladies.

  His wife went to do as he bid.

  Trevan wheeled Robert from the room.

  “The rest of you must remove Zenny’s clothing and wash her. I will turn my back.” Marrek looked to his Aunt Morva.

  “Gabriel, your bath is prepared. You’ll want to see Senny as soon as Marrek is finished,” Morva said calmly as she gently steered her nephew toward the connecting door.”You will wait in your chamber until Marrek or Elowen tell you to come in.”

  Gabriel stepped into his room to see Owen and Harry waiting for him.

  “What’s this?” Gabriel asked as he shut the door behind him.

  Owen moved to stand in front of the connecting door. Harry chose t
o stand in front of the door leading to the corridor.

  “Sorry, Gabriel. We’re to make certain you stay in your chamber while Marrek removes the bullet. We brought brandy. We thought you could use it.” Harry indicated the decanter on the table.

  Gabriel nodded. He glared at each of them before pouring himself a large glass of brandy. He downed it. He poured himself another and did the same. He went behind the screen to bathe. He wanted to be clean so he could be with his love as soon as possible. One thing was certain, if Senny cried out in pain, if she called out his name, neither Harry nor Owen could keep him from her. He would be there if she needed him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  As it was, Senny did not cry out in pain. Being weak, she whimpered and moaned softly during the worst of it.

  Satisfied after he removed the pieces of bullet, Marrek set down the very fine bladed knife he used. “I do not see any more pieces or bone fragments. This is good news. Elowen, will you stitch her?”

  Elowen nodded. It was just she and her brother in the room now. Catherine had wanted to stay and assist them, but the site of blood made her squeamish after a time. No doubt, it was due to her condition. Morva left to check on Wenna and Robert. Elowen took Marrek’s place and began to stitch the wound on Senny’s arm.

  Marrek washed the blood from his hands in the basin. “She lost some blood, but not much.”

  “No, she did not lose much blood at all, brother. You did very well.”

  Marrek smiled. “Thank you, Elowen.” He picked up a lamp and held it above Senny to help his sister see easier.

  Elowen concentrated on placing her stitches. After several minutes, she asked her brother, “Do you love her, Marrek?”


  “Yes. Your new wife.”

  “I do,” he said softly.

  “Is her child yours? Aunt Morva had me check her. I know she carries a child.”

  Marrek thought for a moment. He did not wish to lie to his sister, but Kitty’s circumstances were difficult. The child would be his. “Yes. And I thought I told you a Lady does not midwife.” Marrek raised an irritated brow at her.

  “Granny Blee’s eyes are failing. I will help the women in our area give birth if they wish it. You would rather have a stranger from another village tend your wife?”

  The corners of Marrek’s mouth turned up. He shook his head. He had long ago accepted his sister was born with the gift of healing. Healers were common in the Penaluna family. His mother and grandmother had had the gift. Even he had the gift.

  “No, Elowen, I know Catherine is in good hands with you. You shall tend her throughout her confinement and deliver our child. But now that I have returned from India, I shall seek another healer for our people.”

  Elowen stiffened. It wasn’t the first time her brother threatened to replace her as the midwife. It was something she did not want to discuss just yet. This wasn’t the time or place. Being the healer for their people was her calling just as it had been for her mother and grandmother. She changed the subject.

  “You’re not going to tell me the story of you and Catherine, are you?” Elowen sighed.

  “Someday, I will. I can’t at this time, for Kitty’s safety,” Marrek offered.

  “Yes, someday you will tell me, brother. I wonder why she is so sad. Yet, I think she loves you. She watches you often.”

  Marrek looked at his sister in surprise. “Do you think so? Does she watch me? I hadn’t noticed.”

  Elowen nodded then turned back and concentrated on placing another stitch. “She watches you. I do think she loves you, yet she holds back. At first, I thought perhaps you married her out of duty, but then I suspected you loved her. You just confirmed that with your admission and the look I just saw on your face. I see it in your eyes. She does not know how you feel. She wonders. I suspect she is unable to trust. I wish you would confide in me, Marrek. You always keep everything in.”

  “I have to this time, Elowen. I promise someday I will tell you the truth.”

  “Good enough.” Elowen smiled. “I am almost finished. Would you tell Gabriel that Aunt Morva and I must wash Senny up and put her in a clean nightrail? When we are finished, he may come in.”

  “When you are finished setting your stitches, I will tell him.”

  “You don’t trust me?”

  “I would trust you with my own life. I’m staying in case she starts bleeding again or there is an emergency. I am holding the lamp. In an emergency, four hands would be better than two. This is Senny, one of our own. We must do what we can in hopes that she lives.”

  Elowen nodded. “But you do not think she will. Have you connected with her?” Elowen asked, her eyes misting at the thought of her sweet friend perishing.

  Marrek merely nodded. “Yes, I connected to her when I carried her in from the Hurlers. She was ready to leave. I, uh, persuaded her to stay. Perhaps it was wrong of me, but Gabriel is suffering so. I wanted to help him. To give him hope. No, Elowen, I don’t think she will survive, at least not without a miracle. Perhaps removing the bullet shall help and get us closer to that miracle?” He shrugged.

  “I worry for Gabriel if…if she succumbs to the infection.” She blinked back tears.

  “As do I.” Marrek sighed heavily.

  “Zenny?” Gabriel sat down in the chair next to her bed. She was so still. His heart sank. He looked to Elowen.

  “Her condition has not changed. Marrek did get the bullet. It did not break into too many pieces. It does not appear it hit the bone. This is good. She lost some more blood, but not a great deal. I will be back in an hour to check on her. Send for me at once if there is fever, more bleeding, or any change at all, cousin.”

  Gabriel nodded.

  Elowen closed the door behind her, leaving Gabriel alone with Senny.

  He took her hand and tried to reach her again. When he slipped through the veil, there was only darkness. He kissed her temple and caressed her cheek.

  “Zenny, you cannot leave me. Please don’t leave me,” he whispered as he kissed her forehead. He sat back in the chair next to the bed. He buried his face in his hands and cried. His heart was breaking. He truly feared losing his Zenny.

  When he had composed himself, Gabriel continued to talk to her. He caressed her hand, her arm, her face. He told her whatever came to mind. He just felt it important to communicate with her. He wanted her to know he was there and that she was not alone. An hour later, her fever began to rise.

  “Libby, dearest!” Morva greeted the newest arrivals to Menadue.

  “Aunt Morva!” Libby, the new Lady Wincanton, beamed as she happily allowed the Duchess of Penrose to hug her.

  Morva pulled back. She could not help but notice the jagged scar marring Libby’s beautiful face but she said nothing.

  She leaned over and laid her hand upon Micah’s arm. “Welcome to our family, Micah. You do know we adopted Libby and her brother, Owen, into our clan a long time ago. Since you are her husband, you are now family.” Morva opened her arms to hug him as well.

  “I’ve always felt like family here, Your Grace.” Micah grinned at her.

  “You’ll call me Aunt Morva as everyone else does, Micah.”

  “Of course, Aunt Morva.” Micah smiled.

  “Lyon you will introduce me to your wife at once.” Morva greeted Lord Amesbury with a kiss to his cheek.

  “Aunt Morva, this is my lovely wife, Sophia.” Lyon grinned happily.

  “Welcome to Menadue, Sophia. We are happy to have you here.” Morva enveloped Lyon’s petite little wife into a welcoming hug.

  Morva next looked to Jack and the young lady dressed in a lad’s clothing beside him. There was something familiar about her. She looked at her again. Morva smiled as she recognized her. “Lady Tuesday?”

  “You remember me, Your Grace? It’s been years.” Tuesday smiled.

  “You look so much like your brother. Give your Aunt Morva a hug, child! You’ve grown into such a beautiful, young lady.” Morva whispered
to her, “I am sorry for the loss of your brother, Tuesday. We all loved him.”

  Tuesday’s eyes filled with tears. She blinked them back. “Thank you, Aunt Morva,” she acknowledged with a soft whisper.

  “Welcome, Jack.” Morva hugged him. She looked from Jack to Tuesday then leveled her questioning gaze upon Jack.

  Jack knew the Duchess to be wise and all knowing. He smiled at her as he shifted uneasily. He could tell by the wary look she gave him that she knew far too much. The Chynoweths all had their special gifts, and Morva’s, even though she had married into the family, was the gift of knowing. Everything.

  “Jack! Thank God! We suspected you had fallen victim to foul play,” Harry said with relief as he and Trevan entered in a rush.

  “Saints be praised, Jack! We have some of my men out looking for you now. I’ll send a man to find them and bring them back. What happened?” Trevan asked.

  “Lady Tuesday and I ran into trouble,” Jack said.

  “I did not know Lady Tuesday had joined you.” Trevan’s gaze rested upon Tuesday. “Kernow a’gas dynergh. Welcome to Cornwall and also to Menadue, Lady Tuesday,” Trevan said with a warm smile.

  “Thank you, Your Grace.” Tuesday squirmed uneasily then gave him a quick curtsy. Were there rules about ladies curtsying while dressed in trousers? She did not know. If the Duke thought it odd she was dressed in men’s clothing, he made no mention of it.

  In a moment, Jack would reveal what she had done. She would be admonished and looked upon as Charlie’s silly little sister who did something very foolish. She lifted her chin, preparing to defend herself. She was not a child. She was six and twenty, Charlie’s sister, and she had every right to be here at Menadue with the others. In fact, she had more right to be here. Charlie was her own blood, her brother!

  Jack noted Tuesday girded herself for what she suspected would come. He wanted to take her hand or pull her to him and assure her everything would be fine. Alas, he could not at the moment in front of such scrutiny. Not until he explained their situation to his colleagues.


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