Minstrel's Solstice

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Minstrel's Solstice Page 2

by Nicole Dennis

  Lifting his gaze to meet the rich indigo one, Kerryll recognized the heat of interest. His body reacted to the spark between them. The desire swept across him. “Morning, Gryff. Thank you for taking me into your home… and bed?”

  “You’re welcome for both, and I hope you spend another night here. It’s been a while since I curled around someone as stunning as you.” He stretched against Kerryll. “How are you feeling? Are there any lingering signs of the ice sickness? Can you move everything? Toes? Fingers?”

  Kerryll wiggled everything as Gryff went through the checklist. “All is good. The true test would be picking up my violin.”

  “You’ll do that with welcoming our Dark Solstice.”

  “I’ll need some practice to make sure I can perform.”

  There was a knock upon the double doors. Gryff muttered and pressed his face between Kerryll’s shoulder and pillow.

  “What is it?” Kerryll asked in a soft tone.

  “Daily life of a duke calls,” Gryff said as he rolled away from Kerryll and flipped back the covers. He rose and stretched.

  Kerryll blatantly studied the Duke who had accepted his contract and saved his life. He enjoyed seeing his contracted band upon the pale skin. Lowering his gaze down Gryff’s lean, muscled frame, he admired his tight ass and the thickened cock curling away from his body, ending with a deep purplish head. He observed while Gryff stroked a hand down his length, wrapped his fingers around the thickness, and gave a few tugs.

  “I could assist with that.” Kerryll rolled on his belly, letting his ass appear from the sheets, and propped his head on a raised hand.

  Gryff turned his head and raised an eyebrow as his hand continued. “You barely know me.”

  “You took care of me. A Duke. You didn’t pass me off to a servant or send me to a room alone to fend for myself.”

  “I don’t want a hand job because of gratitude.”

  “Oh, I’m feeling far more than gratitude right now. You’re a handsome man. Why is no one in your bed?”

  “I’m a Duke, not a regular man.”

  “Let me take a guess.” Curling around, Kerryll sat up, not bothering to hide his growing erection, a reaction to studying Gryff. “Others see only the title and power, not the man. They don’t see the vulnerable heart behind the name. Are you Cullan outside this room?”

  “Most address me as Duke D’Antuono. How would you know?”

  “I’m a traveling minstrel. Over the seasons, one learns how to read others and see beyond what’s in front of your eyes in order to survive. To others, I’m a minstrel, one who can make music, and nothing more. To most, I’m a stranger and not to be trusted.”

  “We’re in similar positions. I never approved of what happened in the central capital and Southern Quadrant after the plague reshaped everything. I try to follow the old ways within my borders, but my reach only goes so far. There are some villages not following my laws.”

  “With our contract comes the protection of my silence and support. Do you know what the band means?”

  Gryff twisted his wrist and stared at the band. “My father explained some things, but knew I wouldn’t know the feeling until I accepted one.”

  “My life and music are yours.”


  “I’m yours.”

  “What do you mean you’re mine? Like a servant of some type?”

  “In a fashion, aye, but it’s a willing one since I initiate the magic. The contract pulls me closer to whoever accepts. It’s one of the more interesting benefits of the contract and something we don’t often tell most of those we connect to. Since the plague, I haven’t found the chance to create a decent contract of such a length. I believed the opportunity wouldn’t be available with so much distrust of travelers.”

  “Are you planning on stopping your travels?”

  “I’ve been considering the option. Villages no longer want to accept strangers or bother to pay for a contract when they’re struggling to feed their own.”

  “Where would you go?”

  “I’m not sure of what my future path will be after the Dark Solstice.” Kerryll rubbed a hand against his chest. “I don’t want to give up the ability to create music or a new contract. The rush is….”



  “I’m intrigued.”

  Kerryll tilted his head.

  The knock on the door interrupted again.

  Gryff groaned. “I hear the summons. I’ll be there,” he called out and lifted a robe draped over a chair. He moved to the elegant altar set in a depression with a stained window complete with the image of the Dark Goddess.

  Kerryll observed Gryff light the candles, incense, and kneel. He kept quiet, knowing this proud Duke offered his own personal prayers.

  Holding his hands out, Gryff tilted his head down and called his prayers to the Dark Goddess:

  O! Mighty goddess, in silvery ice,

  watching over us as we sleep,

  covering the earth with a layer of shining white,

  we thank you for visiting us.

  Because of you, we seek warmth

  in the comfort of our homes and hearths.

  Rising, letting the candles burn, as they would throughout the entire day for the beginning of the Dark Solstice, Gryff turned to meet Kerryll’s gaze. “We’ll pick this up after the evening’s festivities.”

  “Of course. I look forward to continuing our discussion,” Kerryll said. “Where is my chamber?”

  “It’s next door to mine. Though you’re welcome to stay here.”

  “My things….”

  The Duke held up a hand and pointed behind him. “Please, help yourself to the bathing chamber. I had your clothes placed in the wardrobe over there along with a selection of warmer items when I noticed you packed light. Your instruments and music sheets are kept within the large cedar trunk.”

  “My things are in this chamber?”

  “We weren’t sure how long your recovery would take, so I had your things placed here. They can be moved next door.”

  “No. No. This is fine for now.”

  “I need to dress and prepare. I will have Jayme show you around the castle.”


  “The main housekeeper, who keeps the castle running smooth with her husband, Patryk, my seneschal.”

  “Ahh. Thank you.”

  “Until then,” Gryff said as he stepped closer. He drew his fingers down Kerryll’s face, hummed in seeming approval of something, and walked away.

  GIVING THE Duke time to prepare alone, Kerryll lazed under the thick quilts, relishing the warmth and comfort. If there were ever the chance, he would definitely consider the option to settle down here. No other community had welcomed him with such tender care. He had never felt safer before he crossed the bridge with Aychear. He rolled out of the bed, saw a thick robe left behind, and pulled it on. He found his way to the elegant personal chamber to handle what he needed. Finishing, he washed and dried his face and upper body. Feeling a little more appropriate, Kerryll walked to the altar and knelt in front of the image of the Dark Goddess. He offered his own prayer:

  I arise today to ask grace of our Goddess:

  Light of sun,

  Radiance of moon,

  Splendor of fire,

  Swiftness of wind,

  Stability of earth,

  Firmness of rock.

  Bring life to my melody,

  As thou will it, so mote it be.

  Blessed be.

  After another bow and moment of silence, Kerryll rocked back to his bare feet. Stepping away without turning his back toward the Dark Goddess, he crossed the room. While running his hands through his hair to get some order to it, he found the large wardrobe Gryff had pointed out. He yanked open the ornate carved doors and saw his personal items along with the other options. The clothes given by Gryff were made from finer and richer fabrics than he could afford. Choosing several items, he dressed, shoved his
stocking-covered feet in a pair of boots, and buttoned the brocade vest over the linen shirt. He checked himself in a reflective glass.

  To his relief and delight, he found his precious instruments and music sheets tucked away and cradled carefully. He breathed in the cedar scent and smiled at how Gryff had chosen such a protective, nurturing chest to shelter his beloved treasures.

  Reaching inside, he located the pouch containing the small flute. He unwrapped and polished the delicate instrument, then brought it to his mouth and blew a few notes. The soft, trilling melody filled the chamber with its clear voice. Placing the flute in a pocket, he lifted the covered violin case. This violin was ancient. It had passed through several minstrels and been handed to him upon receiving his bands. Laying the case on the bed, he drifted his fingertips along the polished redwood top and the elegant curve of the neck, then checked the bow, noting it needed cleaning. He placed everything back inside the case, covered it with the protective silken cloth, and locked it. He lifted the case and left the bedchamber.

  Following a few paths, making a few wrong turns, he eventually found his way to a large central area. Part of him recognized it from his initial entry. Large fires filled the two hearths. Outside the nearest windows, he noticed the blizzard continued. He watched servants move all over, carrying solstice decorations or everyday items from one place to another. When he pulled in a deep breath, the rich scents of cloves, apples, oranges, and evergreen filled him. Candles were placed along with the fires and mystic-enhanced lights. Evergreens, holly, ivy, and mistletoe hung from every possible area. A great ash log waited next to each large hearth, covered in greenery and ready to light with the previous year’s log.

  “Look who is feeling well. It’s good to see you up and about, Minstrel,” someone called from behind him. A well-dressed man with a head of thick silver hair moved toward Kerryll.

  “You may not remember much from our first meeting. I’m the seneschal, Patryk Bladyn,” the man said. “Welcome and thank you for joining us for this Dark Solstice.”

  “Aye, thank you for reminding me. Most of the night is missing.”

  “You were quite ill. The Duke was afraid you weren’t going to make it until you roused from your unconscious state. He’s kept a close eye upon you himself.”

  “I’m thankful for his attention to my care and feel much better. The Duke mentioned Jayme would show me around.”

  “Aye, here comes my lady now,” Patryk said and stretched out his hand behind Kerryll.

  Turning, Kerryll saw a lady matching Patryk’s simple elegance moving through the large room. Her silver hair was pulled into an up-twist with a few curls around her face. With a smile, he watched the couple grasp hands and exchange a simple but lingering kiss. They were confident and content with one another and their love. It was something Kerryll yearned to have within his life.

  “Minstrel, may I present my lovely mate, Jayme,” Patryk said.

  “A pleasure to meet you,” Kerryll said.

  “Good to see you up and about again. The Duke informed me I should show you around. Would you like some breakfast and a cup of tea?” Jayme asked. “Everyone is so pleased to have a minstrel for the celebrations.”

  “Will everyone be able to join in the festivities tonight?” Kerryll waved to the closest window.

  “Oh, aye, we’re quite used to the fierce blizzards around here. Patryk, the Duke is waiting in his study. Follow me, Minstrel.”

  With a nod of thanks to Patryk, Kerryll hurried to catch up to her. “Call me Kerryll. How will the others outside the castle join us?”

  “Over the generations, while the walls and town expanded above ground, they added underground. The earth and water mystics carved tunnels and caverns linking the buildings. Others went to the mountains for storage, safety, and escape. It was thanks to the tunnels most of us managed to escape the plague. We use the tunnels throughout the Dark to continue business and gatherings.” Jayme waved Kerryll to a seat and gathered breakfast for him. She told him more stories of this special castle while he ate. When finished, he followed her through the castle once more until she pushed open a pair of heavy double doors.

  “This is the conservatory. Unfortunately, no one has used it in quite some time. There aren’t many musically inclined to give this room its value in opening it during the dark season. With your arrival, we took the liberty to build the fire, clean, and let it air out. There is a marvelous tonal quality. The Duke said you could stay here as long as you need. The main festivities start with the final triple bell. I’ll send someone to inform you.”

  “Thank you. This is wonderful.”

  “More than welcome. Again, we’re all delighted to have music. I’ll send someone to keep a pot of tea warm while you practice.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  “Enjoy your stay,” Jayme said and left Kerryll alone.

  Walking to the wall of windows peeking through the thick curtains, Kerryll stared at the blustery weather. Turning from them, he enjoyed the beautiful room filled with a wall of bookcases, a grand piano, multiple containers of instruments, and various seating arrangements. The powerful stone fireplace added cheery warmth.

  Moving to check all of the areas, Kerryll found what he needed to polish and string his bow and violin. When he was pleased, he settled on a stool, placed the violin on his shoulder, and took a deep breath. He pressed his fingers on the strings and drew the bow across. With those first melodic notes, he lost himself to the music.

  SOMETIME LATER, dressed in a special shirt embroidered with sun images for the Dark Solstice, Kerryll stood in a darkened hallway awaiting his moment. From his position he watched Gryff, splendid in his elegant solstice attire, stand in front of a large crowd.

  Stepping closer, Gryff lifted his hands to address the people. “The Dark Solstice is the time to say good-bye to the old and welcome the new. As the sun returns to the earth, life begins once more. It’s time to bid the Crone farewell and invite the Maiden back into our lives.”

  The crowd erupted in cheers and blessings to the triple-face goddess.

  “This festival we’re blessed to have a traveling minstrel appear at our gates to supply the music. As in the days of old, once again our ritual includes lights, symbols, and music. Please welcome our chosen ladies who play the roles of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, to help open our ritual and await the birth of the new Sun God to bring life back to our lands.”

  At those words Kerryll lifted the violin to his shoulder and played the first few bars of the ancient melody written long ago. He strummed and plied his bow across the strings, dancing from the hall and into the midst of the crowd. Behind him was the procession of the ladies chosen by Gryff to play the goddesses.

  The Maiden wore a white robe with sun images and a golden crown and carried a bundle of rosemary, bay, and juniper in her hands. Following her was the Mother figure in a deep red robe, embroidered as well, and wearing a silver crown decorated with evergreen, holly, and mistletoe. Following them, draped in a plain black robe and veil, was the Crone.

  Kerryll led the procession as others lit the candles along the path to the large altar, draped in a white and gold embroidered cloth, surrounded with evergreens, holly, mistletoe, and candles. Four stands with additional larger candles stood to create the circle. He danced around to the altar by Gryff, who was the High Priest, and stood by the northern candle. The Maiden moved to the eastern candle and laid her bouquet at the base. The Mother took the southern candle. The Crone took her place to the west. Kerryll trilled a few more notes, announcing it was time to start the circle and bless the festival.

  Gryff stepped forward and lifted his hands to call for silence. He took a long stick and lit it, then moved to the east where the Maiden stood.

  Hail to the Guardians of the East, Powers of Air!

  I ask for your light and warming breath

  On this most sacred of nights, Solstice Eve.

  Gryff lit the large candle as Kerryll drew notes o
n the violin. He stepped to the Mother’s position.

  Hail to the Guardians of the South, Powers of Fire!

  I ask for your heat and burning love

  On this most sacred of nights, Solstice Eve.

  Gryff lit the large candle as Kerryll made another trill of notes. He stepped to the Crone’s position.

  Hail to the Guardians of the West, Powers of Water!

  I ask for your depth and fluid emotions

  On this most sacred of nights, Solstice Eve.

  Gryff lit the large candle as Kerryll played another set of notes. He returned to the northern pedestal.

  Hail to the Guardians of the North, Powers of Earth!

  I ask for your strength and sturdy comfort

  On this most sacred of nights, Solstice Eve.

  With the circle cast, Kerryll played another song until it was time for the blessing of the festival. He finished as Gryff stepped forward to speak.

  It is the season of the Crone, the time of the winter goddess.

  Tonight we celebrate the festival of the Dark Solstice,

  As the Wheel of the Seasons turns once more,

  we honor the eternal cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth.

  Gryff handed a smaller white candle to a young woman, who carried it to the Maiden. The Maiden took the candle and lit it from the pedestal candle. Cupping a hand around the flame, the Maiden went to the Mother and lit her candle. The Mother repeated the procedure to light the candle held by the Crone. Once everyone returned to their positions, Gryff spoke again:

  O Crone, the Wheel has turned once more.

  It is time for the Maiden to claim what is now hers.

  As you lie down for the winter, she is born once again.

  The Crone removed her veil and handed it to the Mother. The Mother placed it on the Maiden’s head. The Crone spoke:

  The days will now get longer, now the Sun has returned.


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