ROMANCE: Party of Three: A Lustful Collection of Menage Romance (Menage Romance, Bisexual Romance, Stepbrother Romance)

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ROMANCE: Party of Three: A Lustful Collection of Menage Romance (Menage Romance, Bisexual Romance, Stepbrother Romance) Page 3

by Brittanee Farrow

  “Fancy meeting you here.” Neela smiled and leaned back in her chair.

  “Yeah I was in the neighbourhood. Mind if I join you?” He asked politely.

  “Yeah I’m nearly finished but I can keep you company for a minute or two.” Neela couldn’t help but feel a little bit overwhelmed and nervous around this man.

  “So how was your date with Noah?” He sat back and smiled mischievously.

  It took everything in her power to keep the panic from showing on her face. She gave a small smile and sipped at her latte. How the hell did he know about that?

  ”It was great.” She said smugly.

  “That’s good I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. When do I get my turn?” He leaned an elbow on the table.

  “What do you mean ‘your turn’?” Neela was starting to get a little bit worried. She knew that she was a strong willed woman but this man had an effect on her and she wasn’t sure how long she would be able to hold herself together.

  “I mean when do I get my turn to try and beat out Noah for you?” He had such a serious look on his face. She couldn’t tell if he was joking around.

  “I didn’t know there was a competition going on. I’ve kind of already made my decision.” Neela was going to stay strong no matter what.

  “Well that’s not very fair. Don’t I deserve a chance?”

  “How do I know that this isn’t just some sort of jealousy thing you have going on? How do I know that it is actually because you want me?” Neela knew that it was a dangerous question no matter what his answer was.

  “Go on a date with me and find out. No sex. We did that already. Just a date. Tonight.” He leaned back again and smiled a crooked smile.

  “No. I’m with Noah and that’s how it is going to stay.” Neela started gathering her things and digging out money for her bill. David reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “I will get what I want. I always get what I want.” He smiled again and released her arm so she could leave. But Neela stood there staring at him.

  “What exactly is it that you want?” She was starting to get angry.

  “You. It’s that simple. I want you and I may not be the best guy for you but I can damn well try.” The smile had disappeared from his face.

  Without saying anything Neela walked out of the little corner café, waving at the waitress on her way out the door. She walked down the street almost in tears. She picked up her phone and dialed Hannah. There was no answer so she left a message telling her to meet her at her apartment. It was an emergency.

  She reached in her purse for a Kleenex and felt someone grab her arm and spin her in the opposite direction. It was David, he had caught up with her.

  But this time he didn’t say anything. He had a worried look on his face as he looked into her tear filled eyes. He slowly lowered his hand and nodded as if agreeing with someone. Maybe himself.

  Neela stood there in front of him. No one had ever seen her cry, in fact she couldn’t remember the last time she had cried at all. Yet here she was in the middle of the crowded street crying over a decision she thought was so simple. Why on earth am I crying over this man?

  David swallowed and wiped her tears from her face and handed her a tissue out of his jacket and without saying a word he turned and walked away.

  Neela wiped away the remaining tears and blew her nose. She thought that she had made the obvious decision. The right decision. But right now as she watched David walk away she couldn’t help but think that she may have been totally wrong.

  This is Your Chance

  Hannah was at Neela’s apartment when she got back and they sat down and had a long talk. After Hannah left Neela jumped in the shower.

  She was exhausted. Physically and emotionally. She let the water pour over her body, imagining that it was washing away all the stress of her day. Hannah was right. She wasn’t ready for a relationship of any kind with Noah or David. She needed to try and heal herself, she couldn’t use a guy to help her get over her issues.

  Neela turned off the shower and dried off. She wasn’t going to be with either of them. Even if she did like them both, it just wasn’t the right time. On her way to her room to slip on her pajamas, she heard a knock at the door. She quickly ran to her room and ditched her towel and wrapped her house coat around her naked body before answering the door.

  “What are you doing here?” Neela blurted out in a panic when she saw both Noah and David standing outside her door.

  “We came to see you.” Noah smiled as he kissed her cheek as he walked passed her into the apartment. David cautiously followed Noah inside. He looked broken down and shy. Not at all like himself.

  “Look I am not ready for any kind of relationship, Ok? I did a lot of thinking and I originally wanted a relationship with one of you but I realized that I have too much shit in my life that I need to figure out and I am not ready for a relationship.” Neela rushed through her practiced speech quickly before either of them could interrupt her.

  Noah smiled and pinned her lightly against the wall. He tucked a wet strand of hair behind her ear and lowered her hand to the draw string that tied her house coat tightly around her waist.

  “That’s good. Because that isn’t what we want either.” He pulled the string loose. “We just want a toy for while we are set up here at the Orlando branch.”

  Neela looked from one to the other. David was standing a few feet away leaning against the wall with his arms crossed staring at the floor. He didn’t look at her.

  “I don’t understand.” She looked up at Noah searching his face for answers. She found nothing. No emotion, no humanity.

  “This is what we do sweetheart. We move from branch to branch and find ourselves a toy to play with while we are here. It keeps us from getting into any serious trouble.” He removed her robe and let it fall to the floor. Neela stood perfectly still, she was in too much shock to do anything.

  “Shall we?” Noah turned to David as he started to pull Neela toward her room. Without saying anything David pushed off the wall and followed.

  Noah pushed her on to the bed and held her wrists together above her head while David removed his belt and used it to tie her wrists to the headboard. The two of them climbed up on her bed and David gently massaged her clit while Noah licked at each of her nipples.

  Neela didn’t want this but her body was betraying her. She moaned at their skilled groping and could feel her insides starting to burn with lust. She squirmed against David’s expert fingers as he inserted them into her and swirled them around in sequence with his thumb that was stroking her clit.

  Noah started to remove his clothes and then kissed Neela hard on mouth before replacing his tongue with the tip of his penis, slowly moving it in circles against her tongue.

  Neela couldn’t resist and wrapped her plump lips around him and sucked on him as hard and as fast as she could. David lowered his tongue to replace his fingers on her soaking wet pussy. Her wetness dripped down her crack dampening the bed. David sucked on her most sensitive spot and slowly inserted a finger into her ass causing her to wince. He continued to switch back and forth from one hole to the other while his tongue drove her insane.

  Noah plunged himself deeper and deeper into her mouth and gently twisted and squeezed her nipples. Noah slowly pulled himself away from her suction and moaned. He laid down beside her and kissed her. David took this as his queue and he sat up and started to remove his clothes.

  Noah laid on his back as David flipped her to her stomach and lifted her off the bed, just enough that Noah could position himself underneath her. David slowly spread her legs and lowered her pussy entrance onto Noah’s waiting dick.

  Once Neela got into a solid rhythm riding Noah, David held her hips down on Noah and slowly forced himself into her other hole. Slowly the three of them started moving. It was difficult to find a rhythm that worked for all three of them but eventually they got into it and started moving faster and faster.

  Neela was the first to cum an
d she screamed with pleasure as she hit her climax. Her climax sent Noah over the top and he pulled out, cumming between his and Neela’s stomach.

  “Your turn buddy.” Noah moaned between ragged breaths. But David had stopped moving.

  “I can’t.” David quickly pulled out of her ass and started getting dressed.

  “Dude, what are you doing?” Noah crawled out from under Neela and sat up. David gently untied his belt from around Neela’s wrists and helped her to sit up.

  “I can’t do this. I am done.” He did up the belt and stood there glaring angrily at Noah. “I am done playing your stupid games. I don’t want this anymore, I don’t want anything to do with you or your company. You can buy out my share, I’m finished.” David turned and left the room.

  Noah chased after him, scooping up his clothes on the way out of her room. Neela sat there on her bed in a complete haze. She couldn’t move but she listened carefully to their argument.

  “Why are you doing this?” She heard Noah ask.

  “Because I actually like the girl. I used to think it’s what I wanted. It seemed like the high life. Raking in cash and fucking chicks around the country, but I can’t do it anymore. Have you ever stopped to think about what you are doing to these girls?” David’s voice grew louder when Noah started laughing.

  “No, actually I haven’t. Have you?” Noah said accusingly.

  “I never used to. But the other day when I ran into her at the café I saw it. It was the same look my baby sister had before she ruined her life and eventually ended her life. Neela isn’t nearly as far gone as Claire was, but she is heading there and I would rather be there for her and help her through whatever it is that she is going through than to be the guy that causes her life to go to hell.” She heard the front door open and slam shut.

  It was quiet for a while and then she heard the door open and close a second time. They were both gone. Neela peeled herself out of bed and wrapped herself up in her blanket before going out to check and make sure they were gone. She looked on the counter at her phone and picked it up.

  She took it over to the couch and sat down. She stared at the black screen for what seemed like eternity and then she searched for David’s number in her phone. The manager had given her David and Noah’s number just in case she needed help with work. Noah had already given her his number and she didn’t think she would need David’s, but now she was glad she had it.

  She sent him a quick text saying thank you. He replied quickly:

  You’re welcome. Thank you for making me see what I was doing. I’m here if you ever need me.

  As she read his text the tears started to spill over. She typed back:

  How about brunch at the corner café?

  It took a little bit longer for his next text but she smile when she got it:

  It’s a date.

  She wiped the tears from her eyes and sent one more text before tossing her phone on the table beside her:

  It’s your chance.

  Ravished at the Ranch

  A BBW Western Romance

  By Brittanee Farrow

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  Forced Reflection

  The intercom crackles and a monotone voice announces it’s time to board. I’m still anxious about visiting the ranch for the first time in five years, but I don’t have a choice anymore. Somehow I thought the last time I left would be my final goodbye, but life is rarely so simple.

  When Chip called from my dad’s number I wasn’t expecting his voice and I choked on my iced latte.

  “Diana—are you there?” he asked, as I sputtered, trying to clear my throat. All I could think while I tried to catch my breath was that his voice was still as deep and husky as I remembered. It made my heart speed up and my cheeks flush, even after all this time.

  “Sorry—yes, I’m here. What’s going on?” I knew enough to recognize that a call from Chip after five years meant something was up.

  “It’s your dad. I hate to tell you over the phone, but he passed away this morning and we weren’t sure if…”

  The rest of the words faded away as I succumbed to shock—Dad is dead. It wasn’t a surprise—my father could have been the original Marlboro man the way he smoked, but since I left Texas I had managed to forget that part of my life. Now it is front and center in my mind, especially as I stand in line to board my flight back to Dallas.

  I’m only wearing capris and a thin camisole, but the heat on the plane is unbearable, and I begin to sweat even with the tiny overhead fan on full blast. I could blame it on the heat, but I’ve always been on the curvy side, and I have to loosen the seat belt to fit. Those little trays are always useless to me on flights, since they awkwardly hit my chest when I raise or lower them, and they rest on my stomach. Chip had offered to book me a flight in first class, but I had to keep the upper hand in some way, so I kept my exact arrival time a secret. It has been so long since we were together, but the feelings that hit me when I heard his voice made me realize I still loved him as much as ever.

  I can still remember our conversation before I left Dallas the last time. Chip and I were sitting under one of the old trees close to the house, and he asked if I would change my mind.

  “My bags are packed. And I can’t stay here. With mom gone, it’s just too hard.” What I didn’t tell Chip was the ultimatum my father had given me. If I didn’t stop seeing Chip, one of my father’s best cowboys, he would fire him and make sure he couldn’t get another job in Texas.

  Richard, my father, had always maintained a very strict “them” and “us” mentality. My grandmother was a blue blood, and raised him to preserve that line. I was a debutante, swimming in tulle and silk, escorted by Dwight Johnson. His family shared blood with Lyndon Johnson, making him “suitable” to my father, but all he did was grope me and drink whiskey from a flask he hid in his tuxedo. Before the main course was served, he was asleep—not that it bothered me. Everything about that life was too restrictive—the dresses, the parties, the proper topics of discussion. It felt like a play, my script and costume all laid out for me.

  The only place I felt free was out on the land, among the livestock and astride my horse, Penny. She was a beautiful chestnut quarter horse, but I thought she looked like a Penny when she was given to me for my eighth birthday. Together, Penny and I galloped over miles of the ranch, going wherever we wanted. She was my best friend, and it was while riding her that I met Chip. I was seventeen, and had been exercising Penny. We tore through the back pasture, kicking up dirt. Sunlight glinted in my eyes, and I looked to find it was coming from a stranger standing next to my father. They watched me, leaning against the fence, and I slowed. My riding wasn’t for show.

  Penny was confused by the abrupt downshift, but she kept a steady walk as we headed back to the barn.

  “Good girl,” I soothed, brushing her coat to a beautiful sheen. “We’ll have an adventure later.”

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt you all from an adventure,” a low voice drawled. “Your pa’ was just showin’ me the land out back of the house.”

  I stopped brushing and turned sharply. “You didn’t factor into my coming back here. I don’t know you.”

  “Not yet,” he smiled, rubbing his blonde hair. “I’m Chip. It seems your father wants to bring some cattle in and I’m going to help.”

  In my eyes, Chip was everything my parents couldn’t approve of. He dropped letters on too many words, worked with his hands all day, and had the gall to talk to his ‘betters’. He was perfect. I reached out to offer my hand and he shook it. I smiled, in spite of myself.

  “Your father said you could show me the boundaries of the ranch.”

  “All right. If you think you can keep up with me.”

  His blue eyes sparkled with the challenge, and I pointed toward a horse and tack he could use.

  “Penny, our adventure is here sooner than I thought,
” I whisper. She stamps her hoof and shakes her mane, impatient to get going.

  Thinking of Penny makes my heart ache. I wonder if she still gets to run about. Miami is too humid for her, after twenty years living in Texas, or I would bring her back with me. That, and I live in a one-bedroom condo. It’s a different kind of freedom—living alone, right by the water. A peaceful freedom.

  Old Ruts and Pork Butts

  After several hours, the pilot announces final descent into Dallas, and my stomach begins to churn. It’s been so long since I’ve seen Chip. He could be married or might still hate me. Suddenly I wish I had just let the family lawyer take care of everything, but the ranch and everything else is mine, now. It becomes real when I enter the Dallas airport.

  Hair is a good two inches higher than in Miami, and far less flowing. Perfect coifs are forced into shape and held with copious amounts of hairspray, which I can smell from several feet away. As I reach to claim my bag, a tanned arm beats me to it.

  “Hey—Chip!” I stutter, shifting from dismay to surprise.

  “Hey, Di—so sorry for your loss.” He awkwardly hugs me to his side with one arm.

  The hug is quick, but I smell soap and sweat, and feel a tightening between my legs.

  “I parked the Jeep out front—hope that’s okay,” he looks unsure at my un-sprayed hair.

  “It’s fine,” I laugh. In the time it takes to walk from the baggage claim to the front door, I have my long dark hair restrained in a bun.

  Without the top, there’s enough noise in the Jeep that we don’t have to talk. Warm air rushes over me, and I close my eyes, leaning back so my face can feel the sun’s warmth. I’m almost asleep when I hear Chip yelling over the wind.

  “You hungry?” he looks at me.

  I nod. We drive for a few more miles, before pulling into a familiar place.


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