SCIFI ROMANCE: The Encounter (Sci-Fi Romance ) (Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Time Travel Space Exploration Romance Collection)

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SCIFI ROMANCE: The Encounter (Sci-Fi Romance ) (Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Time Travel Space Exploration Romance Collection) Page 6

by Paquette, Sharon

  He paced up this time and continued penetrating me hard. Harder. And kept doing the same for a longer time than before. I was taken into a different dimension, a completely different world. I was a whole new person. I wasn’t thinking about anything at all, except his masculinity.

  He penetrated me for a longer time and I reached my peaks multiple times, something that I wasn’t even aware of. That was not human. It was something cosmic and I realized that I had a cosmic blood in my veins. We kept making love until both the suns vanished from our sky and a dark night welcomed our bodies.

  Chapter Four

  I woke up to find myself plastered over him. There wasn’t an inch of space between us and we were both naked and happy. My hair was spread all over his face and he didn’t mind it. I pushed away my hair and let myself look at his flawless body.

  As I grew up, I had often read about love at first sight. I had never believed in it until I met Mike. It was hard to understand what my feelings were and after my long string of unsuccessful dates, I knew I should be a little more cautious. However, when I looked at his face and I saw the way we perfectly fit into each other, I knew my heart had chosen him.

  I remembered every single detail of how his hands touched and the way it ignited raw passion inside of me. I had slept with a lot of guys in the past, but not one among them could make me feel what Mike did in his spaceship. Perhaps, I was always destined to have a story that didn’t quite fit in this little planet.

  I slowly kissed him on the cheeks and then moved to taste his lips. He opened one of his eyes and looked at me. He smiled and my heart melted all over again. He didn’t say anything but met me stroke for stroke as we did a lot more than just kissing.

  I knew I would never have enough of him as the more he kissed, the more I wanted. Mike was stunned when he saw tears in my eyes.

  “What happened, Sophia? Is everything alright? Are you hurt? Do you want to go back home? I am sorry I held you captive, but there was no other way for me.”

  I didn’t’ speak anything because I was a mess myself. I had no clue what I wanted. I realized I was in love with Mike because not only had I let him share my body, but I had let him inside my heart as well and I knew all he really needed was the key.

  “It’s alright, Mike. I guess it is just the hormones.”

  “Hormones? No! That is a very wrong concept. Hormones don’t make people cry. Tell me, Sophia. What is it? I promise I will fix it.”

  I wanted to see how much I mattered to him. I knew I was no longer just a stranger because I had seen some of my love reflect in the same eyes which had looked distant the first time I had seen him.

  “I want to go back to my home. Can you let me go? Can you release me?”

  He looked aghast and a little torn. I could sense that he was weighing his choices. He took a long time and in his silence, I got my answers. I knew, nothing mattered more to him than his world because that was where he belonged.

  “It’s okay Mike. I know, you are looking to save your home and I appreciate your dedication towards your people. What can I do for you? I don’t really know of any key. Do you have an idea as to what we should do next?”

  As I said these words, I decided, it was time I dressed because laying in the arms of the man who had claimed my heart and yet wasn’t meant for me was doing more harm than what I could take. I reluctantly gathered my clothes and as I started putting them on, Mike held my hands.

  “Sophia, don’t be sad. I will make sure that nothing happens to you. I will look out for some other way. I need the key because it is not just me. The whole planet is in danger. If we don’t get the key, every single person will die and the regret will kill me. However, I will do every possible thing to be sure that nothing happens to you. I am not sure how, but I will do it. Don’t be sad.”

  “Why Mike? Why would you do all this? You barely know me!”

  “I know you more than anybody else. I know the exact spots where you are ticklish. I can read your mind and I know that you feel deeply for me. I want to touch you everywhere again and I want to make you believe that you’re the most beautiful women on every planet I have ever been on.”

  Those were the best things I had ever heard and I couldn’t help but cry. Before I could even control myself, I ended up telling, “I love you, Mike. I know it is too early and we barely know, but my heart had chosen you. However, you need to know that I would never hold you back. Some love stories are meant to be a tragedy and I am willing to give up everything for you.”

  I turned back my face because I hated the fact that I was crying. I was a strong woman and I wanted him to see that way. He hadn’t said a word and I knew he was confused. When he had landed on earth in search of me, he certainly hadn’t thought of ending up in such a situation.

  “Oh, Sophia! I am so sorry. I feel like such a jerk. I should have told you everything. I should not have done this to you. I am sorry Sophia. Trust me I am sorry.”

  I gave out a mirthless laugh. I had just told him that I loved him and all he felt was sorry. Still, I couldn’t hold a grudge against him because it wasn’t his fault. I have always found it to be silly when people held grudges against those who didn’t love them back. Love is never mathematics and it doesn’t demand to be returned. When you love someone, it isn’t based upon whether or not they love us back.

  Love is one of the most powerful feelings which give you the power to completely give in to someone and think of their happiness. The fact that Mike didn’t love me wasn’t heartbreaking. My love for him was still intact. I didn’t want him to be guilty and so I kissed him briefly and let my hands touch him for one last time because I knew, ours was a story that was not destined for the happy end.

  Sometimes the best stories don’t have happy endings; they get frozen in their middle because no ending is powerful enough to capture what they could be. As my lips touched his lips and my hands rested on his back, I found him getting hard. He wanted me and that was enough.

  Suddenly, the atmosphere inside the spaceship changed. We were no longer on the beach. There were some very strong movements and I jerked ferociously. I held on to Mike who looked confused as well.

  It took some time until I realized that the scene was changing. In a matter of few minutes, I found myself perched at the top of a huge mountain. It was breathtaking as I could see the snow clad peaks and there were tufts of white cloud. There were little dandelions at the top of the peak and there was a soft background music which was being played.

  It looked like a fairy tale setting and both the sun and the moon was shining together which looked surreal yet fascinating. It was one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen and I was in a trance. I looked at Mike and he was perplexed. Maybe, even an alien often didn’t know the magic he could conjure.

  “What is this place, Mike? I guess it is one of your places because, on earth, we don’t see the sun and the moon shining together. You told that you can think of a place and just reach there. Were you thinking of this?”

  “Holy shit! How can this happen! I need to leave. Can you give me a few moments Sophia? I will be back, I promise. Stay here.” With these words, he ran away to another room and locked it.

  I stood there, confused as ever. I wondered if I had done something to upset Mike but as I had nothing to do but kill time, I sat there and enjoyed the beauty of the rising sun and the shining moon blended into each other. There was peace and serenity in the abode and I touched the little flowers. I had always loved the beaches but the kind of charm which this strange land had made me wish I was a part of it.

  After an hour or so, Mike came out from his room. He was still not wearing anything and I loved looking at him. He could stand in a crowded room and he would still be the only person who would catch my attention. I let my gaze wash over his whole body and I got some really dirty ideas. I wanted him to hold me and bring me home again. I wanted to feel him inside me and he sensed my thoughts and smiled.

  “We’ll do it again
. We have all the time, but I want you to know something, Sophia. It is not in my will to let you go. There are larger powers who are supervising me and my actions. If I let you go, they will intervene and I am not sure what they are going to do with you. I don’t want someone else to touch you. Can you forgive me, Sophia?”

  I looked in his eyes and I saw they were no longer devoid of feelings. His eyes were shining with the same color as mine and I could see my face in them. I wasn’t sure if it was a reflection or he really had my picture in his eyes. I was still an alien to his world and I didn’t know what any of it meant. However, I had sensed that he did feel something for me and I never wanted him to be sad because of me.

  I smiled and let him know the feelings inside my heart.

  “Mike, you never hold a grudge for someone you love. If you have a grudge against someone, you have never loved them. I love you, Mike. I have never been so sure of anything else. I do realize that abducting me wasn’t your own decision. Yes, I wish that we could wake up every day and look at each other and smile at the beauty of life. However, if my life could help you feel home, I would be happy. For me, love is always about bringing happiness. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  He looked at me and I saw that he was helpless.

  “How do we get the key? What is the process, Mike? Tell me everything. I want to know, I want to help. I want you to go back home, where you belong.”

  He shifted his weight from one foot to another and I sensed a change of scene again. We were back on the beach where we had met and I smiled.

  “What was that place? You never told me about it. You practically ran when the scenes had changed.”

  “You ask too many questions, Sophia. Let us talk about the key and then I will tell you about the place too.”

  As I nodded in approval, he told me about his ancient legends. He had already narrated the tale of how I was once a part of Skia too. I listened to him with rapt attention as he explained how their mythological books are all filled with details of keys.

  “There are a lot of humans on earth who are made of Skia blood, but most of them have an ancestor who is still on our planet. This makes them an incompatible match. 3 years back, we started our research on the human genome and we had huge data to track. We have searched the whole of Asia and Europe and there were three shortlists. We met each one of them and I was an assistant for one of those projects. One of them was a little child and it had hurt my heart to know that if she was the key, we would have to kill a child.”

  He paused letting the words sink in. My life was at stake, but I didn’t feel scared. Sitting with Mike, I was at peace and I knew that when he left, I would be as good as dead.

  As I signaled him to continue with the story, he narrated the story right from where he had left.

  “To be sure, we tested the genes again. We found that she wasn’t the key. She is a pure Skia blood but until you reach the age of 17, you can’t blossom to be the key. The other two matches turned out to be wrong because they were both married. When you get married, you tie your blood to the human planet and then you lose the right to be a true Skia. The genome didn’t match. An extensive research followed on American genome and we finally found you. I am sorry Sophia, but I slept with you to test if you were a true Skia. However, before you come to any conclusion, I want you to know that what I did after that wasn’t an experiment. Your body really called out to me. I was more passionate than I have ever been. Right at this moment, I want to make love to you again because my hands are aching to touch you.”

  I was a little sad, but the thought of being touched by Mike overpowered my senses. I took his hands and placed it over my breast signaling him to take the lead and he wasted no time.

  He rolled over me and started licking my nipples which were already hard by now. They stood erect as if they had anticipated his move. He took his time, as he drew tiny circles with his tongue and I started calling out his name. He didn’t stop there as he let his tongue do the trick everywhere at once. He kept giving me a trail of hot kisses and started heading downwards.

  He found me wet and smiled and murmured something in a language I couldn’t understand. He slowly placed his fingers and I moaned in delight. He inserted one of his fingers inside me and drew a pattern. I swore I hadn't felt so tantalized ever and I gave a loud scream as I couldn’t handle the pain which was ecstatic at the same time.

  I kicked him and he laughed a little. He bent down and slowly kissed me there. He played with his mouth as he kept kissing me short and fast. I was moving up and down as I couldn’t lie down still. The pressure was too much to stand and I signaled him to get inside me.

  He didn’t roll down but rather sat straight and slowly pulled me up. I had never known something like that could be done, but he entered inside me as we both sat together, touching everywhere.

  I looked down and saw that we were both firmly entwined. There was not an inch of space between us as my breasts were touching his flawless chest and his erection was entirely inside me. He brought his lips closer to mine and we felt like a single body at that instant of time.

  “I love you, Mike” I whispered.

  “Eronio glimata”, he said and I wondered what he meant. When I asked him what it was, he didn’t answer but pushed out and then pushed himself again. I came in with a loud moan and we both climaxed together. I felt like I was floating in the thin air and my legs were wobbly. He made me lie down again and then nuzzled my neck. He kissed me fervently and said, “Eronio glimata Sophia” and I don’t know why but I repeated the same, unaware of what it meant but trusting him that it was a custom I should repeat.

  After making love too many times, we knew we had important things to do. I knew, my time was up and I had to bid him a goodbye. There was a part of me that wanted to see my parents, my friends from college, and my colleagues at work, but it would be difficult to explain. I figured I would just disappear from their life altogether as it would be more credible than explaining that I was a true Skia.

  “Kill me Mike. Take my heart. Get your key and save your home. You are the best part of me and I am happy that I got the chance to live my life. There is nothing more I need. I had you and that was all I really needed. “

  Mike looked at me and before he could say something, the monitor started beeping very loudly. There was a flash of numerous lights and a siren of sorts started playing. There was too much commotion and Mike suddenly was muttering something in another language.

  He immediately headed to the dashboard and started playing a few commands. I sat there, unaware of what was happening and I saw that the replica of his planet which was kept on the dashboard and was clouded in dark colors started shining.

  After what seemed to be half an hour, Mike looked at me. He was both happy and sad.

  “Sophia, you can go home. You don’t need to die. You can be with your parents, your friends and colleagues. You can go back to your own life. Your heart wasn’t the key. It was.

  I mean, the key wasn’t the actual biological organ. It was the feelings in your heart. You had unadulterated and pure love in your heart which is a true quality of pure Skia blood. You loved me without demands. You didn’t ask for anything in return and the selfless love of the true Skia heart was the key to the portal. Look at that replica there and the shining lights. The black hole is gone. Your power was transmitted by my ship to the researchers who are constantly mentoring the energy from this ship.

  Although, you know everything about us, it could be dangerous but you’re a part of us. I made sure, no one would harm you. You’re safe Sophia. You’re free. You can go home!”

  He was so happy that my heart ached. He hadn’t realized so far that I would never go back home because he was the person I wanted to make a home with. However, I was happy that he got back his planet and I knew I would carry his memory with me for the rest of my life.

  “Can I kiss you one last time?” he asked.

  My heart hurt at the word ‘last’ and
yet I knew that I might never meet this man again. I didn’t say yes but moved ahead and kissed him.

  We didn’t touch or move. We just let our lips meet and lived the moment as if locking it in our memories to be played again and again. It was our moment. Some stories don’t end and ours would never end. We met momentarily, but the impact of the meeting was such that no matter what I did with my life, I knew there would be a part of me that would always belong to him.

  As we broke the kiss, I cried and this time, he didn’t ask me why. He knew why I was crying, but I had to make an exit. The ship was needed back on Skia and so I quickly said my goodbye and started to leave.

  “Eronio glimata Sophia.” He said these words and then handed me a letter. I had no clue when he wrote it down but I knew he had too many powers and he could have done it easily.

  I took it in my hands and as I landed back on the same beach, the ship vanished in front of my eyes.

  I opened the letter and started reading it.

  “Eronio glimata Sophia.

  You may not know what it means. It is the highest form of love which we feel at Skia. The place of the bright sun and the shining moon is known as Eclia. It is believed that you only visit the place when you find your true love and you want to be tied down to them. I hadn’t known I felt so strongly for you until the scene changed.

  Until we meet again,

  Eronio glimata, Sophia.

  I love you, too.”

  I kissed the letter and looked at the sky. A star fell and I just knew Mike was waving me a goodbye.

  Eronio glimata, Mike.


  Title 4: An Alien’s Touch

  Chapter One

  We all have read those epic love stories – Snow White coming back to life after the magical kiss, Rapunzel being saved by her prince in shining armor and Jasmine finding her love in the most unexpected place.


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