The Sub Who Switched [Doms and Acquaintances 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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The Sub Who Switched [Doms and Acquaintances 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 2

by Jennifer Denys

  She shivered at the thought of a strong man, preferably one taller than her, unlike Nick, who was a few inches shorter, demanding she take off her clothes and kneel before him, administering suitable punishment for her tardiness. Then Ellie sighed. Even though she had attended the submissive training conference, it hadn’t meant she was brave enough to try going to a club of that sort to find someone. It was a bit of a misnomer. If she really was a submissive sort of person, she wasn’t going to go into those sorts of places by herself, not without someone else going with her. But all her girlfriends were far prettier, with much better bodies than she had, and therefore no one would take any notice of her.

  On the other hand, if anyone saw these super photos…

  Chapter Two

  As Nick watched Rebecca hunt on the desk for his invoice for some of the photographs that had been sold in her art gallery, he turned to reach into his pocket as his phone suddenly rang. In doing so, his elbow knocked an envelope from the reception desk.

  “Oh shit,” yelled Rebecca as the heavy envelope landed with a resounding thud on the floor and its contents slid out.

  Ignoring his phone, he apologized profusely, “God, Rebecca, I am so sorry. I hope it wasn’t anything important.” Chances are it was some piece of irreplaceable and expensive artwork for the gallery that she ran with the lovely Ellie, the woman he had been in love with for some time but who rebuffed any subtle hint of interest from himself. It wasn’t that Ellie was nasty in any way. She just seemed to ignore the looks of desire he gave her and just stared straight through him as if he didn’t exist. Maybe he needed to be more direct.

  While he was still ruminating on Ellie, Rebecca had knelt down on the floor. She looked somewhat ungainly, in her sixth month of pregnancy, as she scrabbled in a rather-frenzied rush to gather the photos that had been in the envelope. A little bemused that she wasn’t waiting for his help, his attention was taken by the topmost photo before she swiftly covered it with a folder. It had been a photo of Ellie, or, at least, he thought it had been. And a rather undressed photo of Ellie had been his stunned impression.

  He swiftly bent down to help. Admittedly the real reason was that he was hoping to catch another glimpse of the intriguing photos.

  “No!” Rebecca cried urgently. She then continued more calmly, “You’re all right, Nick. I’ve got them.” Not sure what to say, Nick helped her to her feet. She had the pile clutched tightly to her chest, and he could see that most of the pictures were, unfortunately, turned toward her, much to his chagrin, but he could see a corner of one that was facing his direction and he could ascertain that it was of a naked butt.

  “Okay. Stop right there.” She did as commanded, which was unlike her. She usually took orders from no one other than her husband. But she did seem rather flustered, so he firmly asked, “What’s going on, Rebecca?”

  “What do you mean? Nothing’s going on.” She took a step back in denial. He took a step forward, determined to see the photos. She retreated again.

  “Rebecca. If you don’t look where you are going, you will fall over that chair and drop all those photos of Ellie again.”

  She squealed and looked behind her only to see there was no chair behind her. She turned back suspiciously, and he became aware of the moment that she realized what he had just said. “Oh God you saw them.”

  “Well, enough to know that you have some rather interesting photos of Ellie there. Nude ones, I believe. At least, one of them was distinctly nude.”

  Going pale, Rebecca answered, “Ellie is so going to kill me.”

  “It wasn’t your fault that the envelope fell off the desk. That was actually my blunder.”

  “Yes, that’s true. Now, if you don’t mind I need to take these somewhere safe and put them away.” Rebecca turned to leave, clearly desperate to get away from him.

  Nick moved forward and took hold of her upper arms to stop her flight. “Uh-uh. Now that I know what they are, I want to see them.”

  Rebecca gasped. “You can’t.”

  “Oh yes I can. Or we can stay like this all day, and any customers coming in will wonder what is going on and leave immediately. Your reputation as a high-class gallery will go down the pan.”


  “Yeah, and now you have got that out of the way, will you put those photos down and tell me why you have some pictures of Ellie naked.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

  Closing her eyes in resignation, Rebecca slumped and put them down as requested although she didn’t accede to Nick’s second demand. She just stayed silent while he studied them. Taking a clean hankie out of his pocket, he picked up the first one, turning it the right way up. Holy cow! There was Ellie on her back, wearing a beautiful green corset thing, her stocking-covered legs lifted into the air and crossed at the ankles showing off her lovely long limbs to perfection.

  His heart beating quickly, he turned the next one over. It had Ellie sitting up, slipping the straps of the corset down as she peered demurely over one shoulder, a coy smile on her face that he had never seen before. A third photo showed her on her side, one hand along the side of her body, teasing the stocking garters.

  Studying each one slowly, he then laid it aside in a neat pile. The further he looked, the more shocked Nick was.

  The next one caused him to take in a deep breath. “Holy shit!” It was the naked butt one he had glimpsed before, and it was sheer heaven. He admired the skill of the photographer, while feeling jealous that someone else got to photograph the woman he craved. The photo was so sensuous it made him want to run his hands over her torso, along the line of her body from butt to neck. In fact he did run a gentle finger along the photo in a similar act.

  Someone came into the gallery then, and Rebecca gave Nick a dirty look. Hurriedly covering the photos with a cloth that she scrambled to pull from the drawer, she went to greet the visitor, constantly looking back over her shoulder at Nick.

  Nick ignored her and simply uncovered the photos, continuing his exploration of Ellie’s naked body in the pictures. She looked absolutely stunning. Ellie had always looked lovely to him, but he had never seen her naked or even half-dressed before. He could feel his cock hardening in his jeans, pressing against the zipper as he looked further.

  A photo of her torso only, taken at an upward angle from left thigh to right shoulder covered in water droplets was nearly his undoing and he had to grip the desk to avoid coming. He hadn’t come in his jeans since he was a gawky teenager, but the sight of her shadowed pussy, the hair either shaven or cut really short, her nipples puckered in the cold, one droplet tremulously hanging off, was to die for. He had had daydreams of persuading her to allow him to take photos of her, but his imagination hadn’t gone any further than undressing her and before he got to take photos, he would push her down onto the bed while she still wore stockings and shoes and make delicious love to her.

  As the visitor left, Rebecca swiftly returned, and Nick stood still, his body trembling from the force of keeping his erection down.

  Taking a deep breath he queried huskily, “Okay, Rebecca, out with it. Why do you have photos of Ellie, not only in revealing clothes, but butt naked?”

  She winced. “She is going to kill me if I tell you.”

  “And I will kill you if you don’t.” Actually he wouldn’t. He was much too soft.

  “All right! She had these photos done to treat herself for her thirtieth birthday.”

  Nick frowned. There had to be more to it than that. And anyway, why not come to me? I’m a photographer for Christ’s sake and, besides that, I’ve wanted to see her naked for years. Any attempt at relationships with other women failed when matched against Ellie.


  “Look, Nick. It’s a female thing.”

  “I’m fine with that. So why didn’t she ask me?”

  Rebecca groaned in exasperation. “You’ll have to talk to her yourself, and she will tell you why she had them done.” That was all R
ebecca would say after that. So there was nothing more for it. He just had to confront Ellie.

  * * * *

  It was two days before he finally caught up with her. Rebecca had told her what had happened, and Ellie had subsequently avoided him. The first time he turned up at the gallery, she was out at a meeting. When this happened again, she laughed at Rebecca’s account of his ire. He nearly caught her the last time, but she managed to quickly exit by a back entrance. Her reasons were varied, but included embarrassment that someone other than her closest female friends had seen her photos.

  Standing by a desk, Ellie was assessing a new piece of artwork from an artist whose work they had shown before. It showed two naked bodies lying on a beach entwined in a sixty-six formation. She was so entranced, she didn’t hear Nick as he sidled up behind her and whispered into her ear, “That could be you and me you know.”

  She jumped and twirled around, a hand going to her chest. “Shit, Nick. I didn’t hear you come in. Don’t do that to a girl. You could have given me a heart attack.”

  He held her lightly around the waist as she tried to pull away. “Uh uh. A heart attack is what I got when I saw your nude photos the other day.”

  Feeling her face go bright red, Ellie pushed past him, saying as she went, “I heard about you seeing them. I’d rather not discuss them, if you don’t mind.” This was her attempt to brush him off, not that she was convinced it would work. Well, a girl could try.

  Moving quickly to keep up with her, he grabbed an arm to swing her around to look at him. “Ellie, come on. Tell me. Why did have them done? I’m not letting you go until you do.”

  She struggled, but he held tight. “All right. It’s very simple. I had them done for my thirtieth birthday. So now will you let me go?”

  Letting go of her wrists, he moved her against the desk just behind her, trapping her against it and stated, “That is what Rebecca said. But what I want to know is why you felt the need to have them done.”

  Ducking her head, she was unusually silent. He moved one arm to knuckle her chin so he could look at her. “Ellie.”

  Her eyes welled with tears of frustration, and she wrapped her hands around her upper arms in a defensive pose. “I did it because all the other girls have got guys now and I have reached thirty without one. Well, without one for some time and no one I’d want on a permanent basis.”

  Wincing at that, Nick responded, “Okay. I can see why you were frustrated, but if you had to do something, why not take up skydiving or trek the Himalayas or something. Why have those types of photos done?”

  She swallowed nervously and refused to look at him, not wanting to see pity in his eyes. “Because the other girls are so much prettier than I am, with better bodies, and I needed to prove that I can still be as sexy and desirable as they are, now I am no longer a spring chicken.”

  Finally looking at his face, she could see he was stunned by this. She knew he had a crush on her. But as sweetly handsome as he was with dark-blond hair and blue eyes, he just didn’t do it for her. For a start he was too short. Well, he was only a couple of inches shorter, but she wanted someone taller than her to make her feel dominated, although Nick was doing a good job holding her against the desk like this.

  Nick moved away as he took this statement on board, and Ellie regretted the loss of his body. Running his hand through his hair, he replied almost sulkily, “Okay, but why not come to me to have your photos done? I am a photographer after all.”

  Jerking forward, she cried, “What! I didn’t think you were into that sort of photography.” She didn’t want him, but she didn’t like to think of him taking photos of other naked women. Walking away from him toward the office, she started to regain her composure and shook off those unwanted thoughts, saying over her shoulder, “Anyhow, I couldn’t have anyone I know do them, it would be entirely too embarrassing.”

  He chuckled at that, raising his voice to shout after her, “As if dropping your kit isn’t mortifying enough.” That made him pause. “Or was it? Did you enjoy undressing for a strange man?”

  She stumbled in her walk and turned to face him, a bit stunned. That came out more forthright than he usually spoke to her. He was normally such a gentle, quiet person. This was all out of character for him. She wondered if he was jealous at the thought of her undressing for someone else, and even worse, possibly liking it. Ah, that was it. She relaxed and sauntered back toward him. “Oh, Nick, dear. It was a husband-and-wife team, and the wife was there throughout, so there is no need to get all jealous.”

  His tense body clearly started to unwind as she said that, but then she hit him hard with her next statement.

  “I know you are sweet on me, my lovely man, but really, enough is enough. You are not the one for me.” She had reached him again and raised a hand to pat his chest soothingly. “I like my men dominant. Very dominant. That is to say hard men, rough men, strong men, men who tell me what to do. Men who tie me up.” Stepping back to see how he was taking this declaration, she was a little surprised that he wasn’t more shocked by her words. In fact she couldn’t read his expression at all. Tightening her lips, she hit him with her final avowal. “I hate to say it, but that just isn’t you. You will never be my lover, Nick.”

  Chapter Three

  Walking into a BDSM club wasn’t Nick’s idea of an ideal place to get advice on his problem with Ellie. For one thing it was too noisy, for another he was too distracted by what was happening around him. He had never actually been in there before, but he knew some of Ellie’s friends went to Domini’s. Rebecca had suggested that Nick talk to her husband, Jon, and Kat’s partner, Ben, both of whom were Doms, and she arranged for Nick to meet them there.

  Glancing around, his first reaction was that it looked like any other normal club, with a bar serving drinks, people sitting around tables, drinking and chatting, but then he noticed that some of the people were dressed unusually, like sitting around in their underwear or had little on at all. For some reason the guy who was sitting there just wearing a thong was more disturbing than the girl in her basque and stockings. And both seemed incongruous next to those in full street clothes.

  Tearing his eyes away, he searched the room, urgently looking for Jon and Ben. He had high hopes that they could tell him how to become more dominant, and so be more attractive to Ellie.

  Leaving the front room, he moved into another section, not noticing what was happening in there at first. Immediately he spotted Jon on the other side, studying something taking place, and as he didn’t see Nick waving at him, Nick walked over to him.

  Starting to say hi, Nick’s attention was caught by the thing Jon had been watching. It was a naked girl lying over something like a sawhorse, ankles and wrists tied to the legs of the horse, her ass up in the air, which was facing the audience who had gathered around.

  That in itself was enough of a surprise, but she was being caned. Shit! He knew things like this took place in here, but it looked like the man was hitting her pretty hard. Nick stared in astonishment, firstly that anyone would actually do something like this in public in the first place, and secondly that anyone would hit a woman like that. He was patently aware of his inexperience and closed his gaping mouth with a clash of teeth.

  Then he became aware of the moans coming from the girl. Nick frowned. They sounded suspiciously like groans of arousal. Surely not. He found he couldn’t stop watching as the girl’s butt got redder and redder, the hits being struck at different places on her backside until one red stripe blended into another. How can she stand it? Then he felt a flush going up his neck as he became aware of her cream which was trickling down her thigh. Holy hell!

  Finally turning away from the disturbing sight, he suddenly noticed the man who was hitting the girl. It was Ben! Astonished, Nick wrenched his head around again to look at the girl, and when he saw the copper-colored hair that had fallen around her head, he became aware of who it was, and his mouth went dry.

  “Um, isn’t that Kat?” he whisper
ed urgently to Jon.

  Jon simply turned his head and smiled at his obvious naivety. “Oh hi, Nick. Yeah, that’s Kat.” He chuckled at the look on Nick’s face. “All four of us, including Rebecca, are into the BDSM scene, so you will frequently find us here and, nine times out of ten, the girls will be naked or semi naked and involved in a scene with us. Well, Rebecca did before she got pregnant.” That didn’t seem to bother him. The grin on his face indicated his pride in his wife’s condition.

  “She’s here?” Nick glanced around in worry, expecting to see her suddenly appear. He had thought it would just be him and the guys.

  Chuckling, Jon explained, “No, she’s visiting Jessie to see her baby girl tonight.”

  Nick swallowed back a sigh of relief. The thought of coming into the club and seeing his boss stark naked, and at any other time of the year, when not pregnant, bent over a piece of furniture, being hit with a cane or other implement, was alarming. Somehow he didn’t regard Ellie as his employer in the same way.

  Then he came to the realization that this is the sort of life that she wanted. That made him start. Was she already into this? “Oh God please tell me Ellie isn’t here.”

  “Christ no, I won’t let her in here. She’d get up to all sorts of mischief.” Nick breathed a sigh of relief at Jon’s response. “However I understand you want to ask me about her, so let’s go over to that table where it is quieter,” he said, leading Nick away from the scene with Kat and Ben.

  When they were seated after having grabbed a couple of beers, Nick shuffled nervously, not knowing how to begin.

  “Come on, out with it man.” Jon laughed. “What do you want to know? Will she go out with you? The question is ‘have you asked her?’ If you have and she said no—and judging by the look on your face, you have—then I’d say you were out of luck.”


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