Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon

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Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon Page 10

by Gregory Ellis

  From the direction of the beach they heard the cry of the natives. They turned and saw them drag a dozen canoe-type boats from the jungle down the beach and into the water. Each boat carried from four to six screaming natives, all waving their spears looking as fearsome as possible. Their boats were fast-closing the distance between them and the two boys.

  It was then that John saw him. There, standing on the beach was JuJu! There was no doubt now. This was the island he had been to before! He could not look away. JuJu's words came back to him, "JuJu kill you if you come back to island! You seek him who is lost. No come back… JuJu kill you before dark woman get you. No come back!" John was back and JuJu was waiting to kill him.

  Buster Jack's voice pulled him back to what was happening. "John, best row faster or we be their dinner!"

  John picked up his oar and the two began again to row in earnest but their oars were falling apart. The cloth they used to tie the fronds together was coming undone.

  The canoes were getting closer; so close in fact the boys could see the wild look in their eyes and the paint on their faces. The swift canoes cut through the water quicker and within a minute, they would be close enough to throw their spears at the two luckless boys. The two Boys continued to row as best as they could but they didn't make much headway.

  The two jumped as a cannon was fired from the distant ship and a cannonball skipped over the water, slapping through several waves before smashing into the lead canoe. Legs, arms and weapons flew in the air and splashed into the water. The occupants of the canoe could no longer be seen.

  John and Buster Jack breathed a sigh of relief, but other canoes continued toward them. One of the Royal Fortune's boats was drawing closer to the boys and John could see a swivel gun mounted on its bow. A swivel gun is a small cannon mounted on the side of a boat or a ship. It is used to keep boarders away from a ship by firing a canister shot of hundreds of small musket balls and iron fragments which could cut through a tight group of men like a scythe through grass.

  The high-pitched bang of the swivel gun rang out and instantly the second canoe was swept clean of occupants as it turned over in the water. That was enough to convince the other natives. They hastily turned their canoes around and rowed as fast as they could back to the beach. The two boys stood up in their sinking boat and cheered! John dared to look back at the beach and saw JuJu waving his spear in the air apparently cursing the two boys.

  All but one of Royal Fortune's boats turned around and started back to the ship. One boat rowed close enough for someone to throw a rope to them. They were going to tow them back to their ship. One man in the boat yelled back to them asking what they were doing out here. John explained they were trying to get away from the natives. The pirate replied, "Don't care who you are. Nobody be deserving of them savage buggers!"

  The boys scurried up the side of the Royal Fortune and through the entry port just as their boat slowly sunk beneath them. They did not know what to do, so they just stood there waiting for whatever would come next.

  Captain Roberts approach them from the quarter deck, "What do we have here, gents? Looks like a couple of little flounders!"

  The crew gathered round and laughed. The boys were tired, wet and their bones ached. John was the first to speak, "Forgive this intrusion, Captain Roberts. We did not mean to visit your ship uninvited." John looked around as the pirate crew gathered around the newcomers. They did not look as though they meant to harm the boys. John looked over and saw several ships further away, four to be exact. Each flew the same flag of Black Bart. Captain Roberts must have collected himself a small squadron of pirate vessels.

  Captain Roberts looked at them and then said, "Well. Bless me. You two are from the Hopeful we boarded some weeks back!"

  "Aye, Sir. I'm John Henry and this is Buster Jack Sullivan. You spoke to me when you came aboard."

  Captain Roberts smiled, "So I did Lad." Captain Roberts poked John in the shoulder and smiled, "You took the ship after all, eh?"

  John relaxed a bit, "Not exactly, Sir. A few days after you left us, the Hopeful was hit by a storm. Perhaps a hurricane. Captain Roscoe attempted to sail into that cove at night but the wind and the waves washed us up on those rocks." John turned and pointed to the treacherous rocks and the Hopeful's remains.

  Captain Roberts snatched a telescope and brought it to bear on the rocks. "Aye, the lad is telling the truth. There's the remains of the ship." He closed the telescope, "You two the only ones that survived?"

  "No, Sir." John explained what happened that night and how Captain Roscoe and the crew took the boats and left the children and Mr. Cumberbatch aboard. He further explained how he and Cumberbatch helped all the children to get to shore. "Not one of us was lost."

  Roberts was trying to visualize it as he commented, "I knew Roscoe was scum! Where be his crew?"

  John ached to just be allowed to sit down and knew Buster Jack felt the same way and they needed water, their throats felt like a sun-dried deck. "The captain and crew are dead, Sir!"

  "Ha… you did them in, did yah?" Captain Roberts laughed.

  Buster Jack jumped in, "No, Sir. The natives did for them the next day. Roscoe led 'em into the jungle looking for water and food. Then we heard screams and then out runs Roscoe onto the beach with them savages right behind him. One of them threw a spear and stuck 'ole Roscoe right in the back!"

  "Spoken like a true pirate!" Roberts laughed. "What happened to Cumberbatch and the rest of the boys?"

  John couldn't take it anymore, "Sir, might we trouble you for some water?"

  Roberts smiled, "Mr. Starling, fetch some water for our young guests. We don't have much, that's why we anchored here… to replenish our stores. Here sit down on the boat tier and finish your tale!" The men gathered around like children waiting to hear an exciting story.

  The boys sat on the boat tier and each gulped down a cup of water. John continued with how he was separated and ended up on the other side of the island and how he was saved by that strange seal that seemed to be following them since the ship left Plymouth.

  Roberts stopped John when he mentioned the seal, "You say you had a seal follow you all the way from Plymouth to here?"

  "Aye, it seemed a might peculiar to me too, Sir. Never seen that before."

  Roberts smirked, "And you probably never will see it again. There be tales of such a critter here in the Caribbean. It's known as a Selkie. It's a seal what can shed his skin and appear as a man or other form of being. They return to the sea by putting their seal skin back on. Never met anyone that actually saw one 'afore."

  John was perplexed by the explanation, "Don't know anything about a seal skin, but when I woke up the next morning, there was a man who was marooned on the island for what appears to be a few years. His name is Scurvy Jones."

  Roberts mulled the name over in his mind. "Don't know anyone by the name of Scurvy Jones." John further explained how Scurvy showed him the path back to the other side of the island and how the others were saved from the natives.

  Roberts nodded, "There be any fresh water over there?"

  Buster Jack smiled, "Yes sir, all you want. We been living over there for weeks, all the fruit you want too!"

  Roberts nodded his approval of the story. To his crew he said, "Haul them boats inboard then hove the anchor short. We'll steer around the island. These young gentlemen just saved many a poor Jack from being dinner for them screaming savages!"

  The crew yelled, "Aye, aye, Sir!" and got to work. The anchor was hoisted up and catted home. "Signal the other ships to follow." To John and Buster Jack he said, "If you be so kind as to show us the way, we'd be much obliged."

  Chapter 11

  Time to Leave the Island

  Black Bart and his small squadron of four ships approached the southern end of the magical island. John Henry and Buster Jack stood on the quarter deck next to the captain. John pointed, "There, Sir. Three points off the larboard bow!"

  Captain Roberts said to his helmsm
an, "Let her fall off a point." And then to the whole crew. "Signal the other ships to anchor here." The Royal Fortune, was about a two hundred yards from the rock wall. "You speak like a sailor." He said to John.

  Determined to keep his secret, John replied, "Yes, Sir. My father taught me to sail a few years ago. Now Sir, if you will put Jack and me in a boat we'll take you into the lagoon."

  Captain Roberts cocked his head, the bright colored feather in his hat swayed in the wind, "What lagoon. There's only rocks and a narrow beach on each side."

  "I know. You cannot see it from here sir, but if you let us show you, we can take the ship directly in."

  Roberts considered it for a moment, "Very well. Shorten sail. Then lower the jollyboat. These Lads are gonna show us the way in."

  The Royal Fortune slowed and the jollyboat was hoisted over the side. Both boys tumbled into the boat and pushed away from the ship. Buster Jack was having a hard time rowing but John kept encouraging him as he had to steer the boat with the tiller bar.

  Buster Jack rowed as John steered the boat directly to the wall of rocks. Not far from the rock wall and out of earshot of the ship he whispered, "By the Crossbone Children, open says I!" The rock wall did not open like before. Instead of opening in the center, a section of the wall swung back as if the rocks were on hinges, like a door. The open area was large enough to allow the Royal Fortune to pass through.

  Buster Jack smiled as he rested the oars as he said, "That's not how it opened 'afore!"

  "No, it's not." Then John realized that those on the ships could not tell the wall had opened. From their angle, they could not see the doorway that would let them into the lagoon. "It's as if the rocks don't want Captain Roberts to see the magic of the wall."

  John watched, mesmerized by the moving wall of rocks, "We must keep it a secret. Remember, they are pirates and cannot be trusted fully."

  On the lagoon's beach, the boys gathered to see who it was that had opened the rock wall and the ships beyond. Being the only adult, Cumberbatch was very noticeable as he stood with the boys. John stood in the little boat and waved to the Royal Fortune to follow.

  With Buster Jack rowing and John at the tiller, they glided through the entrance and then to the beach. Buster Jack quickly explained to everyone what had happened and how they had been saved by Captain Roberts. The Royal Fortune slowly maneuvered its way into the lagoon. The Royal Fortune finally docked at the pier and when it was secure, the pirates poured out of the ship and onto dry land. The tiny quiet paradise was about to become a noisy haven full of pirates.

  For five days, the pirates were the guests of the boys from London. It wasn't as bad as they first thought. After the pirates filled all the water barrels from all the ships and collected as much fruit as they wanted, they paid back the boy's hospitality by improving the shelters the boys had made. The pirates brought tools from the ships and other building materials. They built several huts with doors and window openings. They also built several houses high up in the trees and connected them with rope walkways. This also served as sort of a play area for both men and boys. They would swing from ropes, climb trees and play Follow- the- Leader up and over the trees, the cliffs and under the waterfall.

  On the second day, John introduced Scurvy Jones to Captain Roberts who scrutinized the marooned sailor and later confided to Cumberbatch that Scurvy was mad from loneliness. Any questions Captain Roberts posed to Scurvy met with gibberish and nonsensical musings.

  At night, the pirates and the boys sat around several campfires and listened to the pirates tell stories of the exploits. The pirates drank rum as they gazed into the fire which helped them embellish their stories.

  Cumberbatch finally related that he and Bartholomew Roberts had been ship mates many years ago and tried pirating for a year or two, but decided to give it up and went back to merchant sailing saying, "The life of a pirate will only end one way!"

  To that, Captain Roberts added, "Aye! Glory while it lasts!"

  Cumberbatch proposed a toast. "To a pirates' life!"

  Captain Roberts smiled as he replied, "And a glorious death!"

  The next morning, Captain Roberts announced they were leaving the island. He pulled John and Cumberbatch aside and said, "Master Henry, since you warned us off that beach full of natives and helped save many of my crew AND since you were a gracious host, I've decided to leave a cutter here with you. I'd take you to Port Royal myself, but it would be dangerous for us. If I were you, I'd sail to Jamaica and see what can be done about the other orphans, but that's up to you. You can't stay on this island for the rest of your lives. Take to the sea and discover what life is all about!" He clapped John on the shoulder and laughed. To Cumberbatch he said, "I suppose you won't come with us, Alex?"

  "Aye, I suppose you be right, Bart. I kinda got used to these wee little ones and now that you've given us a boat, I have to stay and help 'em the best I can!" Both men laughed.

  Captain Roberts was the last man to leave and as he was getting into his ship, he said to all of them, "My names Bartholomew Roberts, and I'm the best pirate in the world. Any of you older boys wish to become pirates and throw your lot in with us com now or else we sail away and wish you good luck!" None of the boys took him up on the offer. Not even Hugh and his two friends. "We be heading to the African shore to see what booty can be had on that side of the Atlantic. Good luck to yah, Alex Cumberbatch!"

  "And to you, Capt'n Bart!" Cumberbatch smiled and waved.

  When the Royal Fortune sailed through the entrance of the lagoon and had faded into the horizon, John walked out on the stone wall and whispered the command for the rocks to close.

  Buster Jack had not forgotten his sister and the horrible situation she must be in since landing in Port Royal. "John, we agreed that once we got a boat we would sail for Jamaica and free my sister."

  John smiled, "You mean the cutter?"

  "Yes, the cutter. It's big enough to sail from here to there, right?"

  John knew there was no delaying. Yes, the cutter could be sailed for that length of time, but so much was against them. "What about other pirates less friendly than Roberts? What about weather? If another storm like the one that marooned us on this island were to hit, we'd be sunk within minutes."

  Buster Jack insisted. "Then teach me how to sail the cutter and I'll go alone!"

  Shaking his head, John gave in. "Ok, we'll go together. We'll have to take Mr. Cumberbatch with us. He will pose as our father, red hair and all!"

  Jubilantly Buster Jack jumped in the air, "You're a good friend, Lord John Henry!"

  "Shhh! Please don't call me by that name!" John smiled. "We're going to need a miracle for this to work."

  Buster Jack slapped John on the shoulder, "Well, since I've met you, several miracles have already happened and I'm sure heaven hasn't run out of 'em yet!"

  It took a bit of convincing for Cumberbatch to agree to go. He was concerned for the children left behind. That was until Scurvy Jones came up behind them and in a fairly coherent manner stated the children would be safe on the island until they returned and Scrounger said he would help Scurvy manage the boys.

  So in accordance with their plan, the boat was stocked with enough water and food to last at least ten days. John brought his sextant, compass, telescope and his secret purse of money. He also borrowed from Scurvy Jones the charts he had in his hut. They would be needed to navigate to Jamaica.

  It was sometime in early May when they left the island. The sea appeared calm and tranquil, the billowy clouds hinted of another calm day in the Caribbean, but John and Cumberbatch knew better than trust the looks of the sea; it could, and often did, turn into a death-trap minutes later. John spoke the words to open the rock wall and once through the opening, he closed it.

  Chapter 12

  News from England

  A miracle was indeed given to John, Buster Jack and Mr. Cumberbatch, for on the morning of the fifth day, land was sighted in the misty haze of a new day. The three endured
the journey well. They had plenty of water and food; the days were filled with blue skies and white clouds. The wind was favorable to them and on the way, Cumberbatch taught them the basics of sailing a boat. John Henry finally decided to tell Cumberbatch of his years as a midshipman, to which he said he was not surprised. "I thought as much. A few times you spoke like someone who knows ships and the ways of sailors."

  During the voyage, Buster Jack learned how to steer the boat, raise and lower the sail in the cutter. John showed him how to use the sextant and compass to find their location. Most of it fell on deaf ears since Buster Jack could not read or write very well, but he showed a keen interest nevertheless.

  As they approached Jamaica, they could see ships enter and leave the harbor along other with smaller fishing boats. The occupants of which gave the three only passing glances which was fine by them. Cumberbatch explained to them that town of Port Royal was built on a peninsula and been mostly destroyed some years ago due to an earthquake but has since been rebuilt but was not what it used to be.

  During the voyage the three talked about how to find the other orphans from the first ship. John had an idea. "Sir Duncan Peck is the owner of a plantation and he was to meet the boat when I arrived. Now, I know why he would greet me personally. His slaves were coming. By now he knows the Hopeful was lost at sea and he will presume the children went down with it. Myself included. I'll need to find a shop where I can buy some proper clothes and inquire as to where his plantation is located. Then I'll hire a coach to take me there. I'll explain that I was the only survivor and that I was marooned for weeks on a deserted island until a fishing boat found me and brought me to Jamaica. Once I gain his trust, perhaps I'll learn the whereabouts of Ava and the others."

  Cumberbatch nodded his shaggy red head. "Aye, sounds like a proper course. Do you want us to follow you, just to be sure?"


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