Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon

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Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon Page 27

by Gregory Ellis

When rescued, John felt so happy and relieved but, when he saw Ava watching Odis, something hurt inside him. He turned away and stared out at the water.

  Ava turned to look at John and saw he was not smiling or happy. "What's the matter, John?"

  John pushed his feeling to the back of his mind and smiled. "Nothing. Thinking, that's all."

  She smiled and put her arm through his. They were friends at least.

  The boat finally reached the Pendragon and they scrambled up the side of the ship. Mr. Cumberbatch was there to greet them with as wide a grin as they had ever seen from the burly man. "I been watch'n through the glass. Odis and his boys sure did a job on Sir Duncan - that's no lie!

  Ava smiled, "Yes, he did. Worked just as we planned."

  John said sourly, "Yes, he did!" He walked passed them and walked straight to the quarterdeck.

  Ava looked at John as he walked away. "What's wrong with him?" she asked Buster Jack.

  "Noth'n I know of, why?"

  "Seems - distant, that's all."

  Buster Jack hunched his shoulders and walked after John.

  John called out to Cumberbatch, "Where's the Captain?"

  Cumberbatch half ran up the ladder, "He and Odis busted his old crew out of prison last night. He be with them, but with any luck they be aboard the Bridget now. Another surprise for Sir Duncan, if you knows what I mean."

  "Not really, what are they going to do?"

  Cumberbatch explained the rest of the plan to which John and Buster Jack nodded in agreement. "Good plan!" Buster Jack commented when he was finished.

  "Yes, well thought out." John said quietly.

  Ava joined the three on the quarterdeck, "We sail away from here but not too fast. We want them to follow us."

  "Mr. Cumberbatch, are you in command of the ship now?" asked John.

  Ava stepped up next to John and said, "No. We voted that if you and my brother came back to us, you were to be Captain of the Pendragon."

  John considered it for a moment, "No, I was only a midshipman - Mr. Cumberbatch is far more qualified to be Captain."

  "But the crew voted you Captain - if'n you be a pirate, the crew's vote be binding." Cumberbatch smiled.

  "But Mr. Cumberbatch, don't you feel cheated - I mean, me giving a grownup orders?" asked John.

  "No, Matey - I'm not educated. Just a topman from long ago. You be a midshipman and wore the King's Coat. You be used to given orders to men like me. I be proud to serve this ship. After all, that's what it be all about, the ship!"

  "But I've never commanded a whole ship! I don't know what to do!"

  With a smile, Buster John joined in. "Since I was not here when the crew voted, I cast my vote for you as well. Come on John, you've saved our skins more than once. You'll do fine."

  Scurvy Jones' head popped up threw the cabin hatch. Ava said, pointing to Jones, "This is the real hero of the day. Scurvy Jones found out where you were and gave us ideas on how to get you and Jack back to the ship."

  John turned to see Scurvy Jones standing below them. He looked down at the old spindly man and smiled. "It seems I owe you my life once again, my Friend."

  Scurvy looked up and smiled and then tossed John his hat - the one that was shot off his head before he was captured. John caught it and turned it over in his hands. Scurvy Jones seemed satisfied and disappeared below decks once more. Buster Jack shook his head, "What a strange man!"

  They all said at once, "Aye!"

  Ava informed John that Hugh and Ralph had rejoined the crew. "Mr. Cumberbatch locked them in the cable tier until you decide what to do with them."

  John frowned. "I will deal with them after this day's work is done."

  Beyond where Scurvy Jones had stood, the Pendragon's crew stood waiting for orders. John shifted his gaze at them and said loudly, "Over yonder, Sir Duncan Peck's ships are preparing to come after us and I understand you have elected me to be captain of the Pendragon at least until or if Captain Turnbuckle returns to us."

  "Aye!" came the crew's response.

  "I am grateful for your confidence and only hope I can do right by you. Right now, we have to get underway and then turn and fight when the time is right." He paused and waited while looking at each of their faces. "We have come a long way together. We fear no man or ship on water because we are the Crossbone Children!'

  Again, they shouted, "Aye!"

  "Those who once sought to enslave you will not rest until you are dead or slaves again. I say, we would rather be dead than slaves! They cannot kill us at sea! So, Me Hearties, hoist the colors and let's show the world what we can do!"

  The crew cheered and someone said, "Huzzah for Capt'n Henry!" The crew yelled, "Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

  John grinned and shouted, "All canvas - steer northeast!"

  The crew chanted, "Aye, aye, Capt'n!" then ran to obey the orders from their new commander.

  Chapter 29

  A Good Deception

  All those involved in the rescue of John and Buster Jack melted back to wherever they came from. Sir Duncan and his men were left lying in the street, hands tied, bags over their heads. Their pleas for help went unheeded by the onlookers. Nobody wanted to be involved or implicated in the events that just occurred. Finally, Thaddeus recovered from the blow to his head and after shaking the cobwebs from his mind, he hurried over to Sir Duncan and removed the bag and untied his hands. Peck flew into a rage accusing the towns' people of helping those who attacked him and set the prisoners free.

  Someone shouted and pointed to the Pendragon as it slowly turned and sailed away. Peck mounted his horse after shouting orders to Thaddeus and other two men to go to the docks and contact the captains of each ship. They were to prepare to go to sea and give chase to the pirates. Peck would sail in the Achilles with Captain Worsley.

  In accordance with the orders, the commanders of each ship were found and given the instructions. Captain Cuthbert Doddle, who had been up late gambling and drinking hurried from his room above one of the taverns he usually stayed at. He finished dressing as he hurried down the stairs and ran to the dock where his ship was berthed.

  As he approached the Bridget, he saw the anchor watch vigilantly standing on the deck of the ship and all seemed to be right with the ship. "All hands - prepare to go to sea!" he yelled even before he stepped on to the deck of his ship. The anchor watch did not respond to his order but continued to sit and stare at Doddle. "You Dolts! Did you not hear my orders?"

  "Aye, Captain Doddle, we heard your orders. It's just that we be not wanting to execute them!"

  Edward Turnbuckle stepped out from behind one of the life boats. Doddle whirled around and came face-to-face with Turnbuckle. He looked around as the Turnbuckle's men came up from below and surrounded him. "Turnbuckle - what the devil are you doing here? You'll hang for sure now!"

  Captain Turnbuckle smiled and stepped closer. "Aye - that time will certainly come, but for now you be our prisoner aboard MY ship! Take 'im tie 'im up. Throw him in the cable tier for safe keeping! Ha! Ha!"

  Some members of the crew grabbed him and began tying his hands behind him. "You'll never get away with this, Turnbuckle. Sir Duncan will be aboard the Achilles and will sink this ship if he must."

  Turnbuckle just smiled as he took off his coat and hat. "Aye, if he can. If he does, you'll go down with it, so best be praying he don't! Right now, I be need'n your hat and coat for today's work." He put on Doddle's hat and coat. "Take 'im away, Gents."

  Mr. Scuppers asked, "What next Capt'n?"

  Captain Turnbuckle watched as a boat was launched from the Achilles to collect Worsley and Peck. "Best be getting ourselves away from the dock so's Peck don't see us." He walked to the quarterdeck, "All hands, prepare to get underway. Set tops'ls and let go fore and aft!"

  The lines that held the Bridget to the dock were untied and the ship began to drift with the morning tide. The topsails were spread and the ship gained way. To Mr. Scuppers, Turnbuckle said, "Lay a course to round the headlands. Once w
e are away, we'll join up with the others coming out. Prepare to read them signals flags from the Achilles. We must present ourselves as one of them!" He laughed and strode forward to supervise the progress of the ship.

  When Captain Worsley and Sir Duncan arrived on the deck of the Achilles, Peck looked about the anchorage and saw the Bridget was already putting to sea. "Doddle must be anxious to get to grips with them." He turned to Worsley who was talking to his first officer. "Signal all ships to proceed to sea. We can form up once we are free from the bay."

  Worsley did not like having a civilian on board especially when they gave him orders. It felt demeaning to someone like him, a professional sailor and a king's officer. Nonetheless, he repeated the order to the first officer. Flags went soaring up the yard arm, men scrambled to get ready to hoist the anchor and make their way to open water. The capstan was manned, the anchor hove short and the topsails set. "Anchors away!" came the cry from the bow and the ship paid off and moved toward the open sea.

  Peck stood on the quarterdeck with his hands on his hips as if he were watching some event on his plantation. "Signal the other ships to make haste. The pirates already have an hour head start!"

  Eventually all four ships were free of the anchorage and in open water. Peck signaled Bridget to lead the ships, it being the fastest out of all of them. Achilles would be behind the Bridget and the Crosswind and Tobago would be to the left and right, spread out about a mile on either beam so they could see more of the ocean.

  As the flotilla proceeded on the last known course of the Pendragon, the Bridget forged ahead about two miles owing to its speed. Several times Peck had the Bridget signaled to reduce sail so the others could keep up. Edward Turnbuckle had his crew go through the motions of slowing down, but kept his ship well ahead of the others.

  It took six hours before Turnbuckle's ship hoisted the signal: Enemy in sight. The Pendragon's topsails could be seen at last. Peck signaled the Bridget to proceed with all dispatch and bring the pirates to battle. The Bridget set every sail available and sped off toward their quarry.


  Onboard the Pendragon, the lookout reported a sail directly behind them. Cumberbatch lowered his glass as he said, "Aye, that be Capt'n Turnbuckle on the Bridget." He walked over the John Henry who was looking through his glass as well. "Capt'n, he'll bring his ship close in like - begin firing at us - just powder charges - no shot, see? He wants us to pretend to engage until the other ships draw closer. Capt'n Turnbuckle believes Peck will lead the charge in Achilles and when the time is right, we'll both turn and engage the Achilles in succession with himself in the lead - 'afore they can react, yah see."

  "Sounds like a good plan Mr. Cumberbatch." John looked down on the deck and saw Ava walking about with her gun crews. "Ava, to the quarterdeck if you please."

  Ava hurried to the quarterdeck. "Aye, Captain?"

  John explained, "As the ship's gunner, I need to you prepare two guns to fire only charges at the Bridget when she engages us. Load the other cannon with chain shot but do not run out until I give the word. We must let Peck's other ships believe we are battling it out with Captain Doddle, understood?"

  She nodded and said, "Yes, Sir. I understand, two cannon, charges only. Load the rest with chain shot. Do not run out. Wait for your command."

  "Very good! See to it if you please." John turned away from her and opened his glass to watch the approach of Turnbuckle's ship.

  As Ava walked away she was bothered by the way he was so - professional and detached from her. Where was his smile, the winks and the kindness in his voice and eyes? Something had changed since coming aboard this morning. She did not know what it was.

  She heard him command, "Shorten sail. Let them catch up. Prepare to come about!" She saw her brother, Buster Jack, who now commanded the topmen and the sails, scamper about ordering them to do as the captain commanded.

  Cumberbatch made sure the crew was armed with sword, pistol, boarding axes and pikes. They would all be needed when the Achilles engaged them. When all preparations were completed, John called for the crew to assemble amidships so he could talk to them.

  "Crossbone Children, we have one more battle to win today. Behind us is Captain Turnbuckle in command of the Bridget. Sir Duncan Peck believes that Captain Doddle is in command and has sent them ahead to bring us to battle. We will pretend to fight the Bridget until the other ships are closer. Then when the time is right, the Bridget will turn and run back to the Achilles with us in pursuit. Captain Turnbuckle will fire on the Achilles and we'll follow up right behind him!" The children cheered. "So, when we pretend to fight the Bridget, make it look real. The enemy will be watching through their glasses the closer the Achilles comes. It must look like we are fighting." He hesitated before continuing. "Peck knows we cannot be killed while on the ocean but he knows we can drown and he will be looking to sink the Pendragon with us onboard. We will pass on either side of them firing as fast as we can. You gun crews must keep up a steady fire. You topmen will fire your muskets as you have done before and the swivel gun crews will load and fire as fast as you can. We may only get one chance to damage the Achilles. Then we'll board her if practical!"

  Captain Henry slipped his sword out of its' scabbard and held it aloft and shouted, "Victory to the Crossbone Children and death to the enemy!" The crew erupted in shouts and cheers as John continued holding up his sword. "To your stations!"

  Scurvy Jones appeared on deck and ambled over to John. "Yes, Scurvy?"

  With a wink, Scurvy said, "Not to worry about the other two. They be taken care of… for you!"

  Again the words of the hood stranger came back to John.. 'Trust him!" John smiled back at the old man. "Then, I believe it will be so, my friend." Scurvy smiled and went below.

  The Pendragon's crew returned to their duties but Ava continued to stand alone in the middle of the deck, staring back at the quarterdeck. Their eyes met, but John turned away and opened his spyglass with a snap. Why had the look Ava given to Odis hurt him so? He did not understand why he was feeling like this. He shook his head slightly as if coming out of a trance, He would not let this interfere with the task at hand. He brought the glass up and looked toward the oncoming ship. John turned back around to find her, but she was busy working with her gun crews and preparing for battle. He removed his waistcoat and unbuttoned his shirt down to his breeches and tossed his hat to the deck. It was going to be a hot day.

  "Anytime now, Capt'n." Cumberbatch said to John. "It be about time to come about."

  "Yes, it is, Mr. Cumberbatch." He said. He gave one more glance at Ava and without taking his eyes off her commanded, "Prepare to come about!" The crew tensed as they waited. "Come about!"

  The Pendragon answered the wheel and came about on a converging course that would bring them up next to the Bridget. "Standby to fire the two guns!"

  Ava glanced at the quarter deck. John was watching her. She yelled to the crews of the two guns, "Standby to fire the charges!" The crew was ready and the slow match gave off little curls of smoke as they waited to touch the primer.

  The two ships passed within yards of each other. The Pendragon's crew could see Captain Turnbuckle standing on his own quarterdeck. He smiled and waved his hat above his head. The children waved back - Cumberbatch instantly yelled, "Stop that wav'n. You want Peck to think there be funny business go'n on here!"

  The ships circled each other - firing charges at one another. There was the danger of a smoking piece of smoking wadding flying between the ships and setting a sail or two on fire, so John Henry had arranged to have several fire parties with buckets ready to douse any fires that might break out.

  Above the din of the fake battle, John heard Captain Turnbuckle calling through a speaking trumpet. "Ahoy, Pendragon - on the next turn, we break for the Achilles. We will steer so it will be looking like we will engage on the starboard side but we will change tack and fire on their larboard side. You follow directly after me. Aim high to dismast her, then we
'll board 'em! I'll set a pot of grease on fire so Peck will think we got fire onboard."

  John nodded his understanding the plan. It was simple enough, but would Peck or the Captain of the Achilles see through their guise? They would find out shortly.

  John shouted, "Standby to break off - Scrounger when I give the word, come to east-sou'east and follow Captain Turnbuckle.

  Scrounger echoed the command, "East - Sou'east, aye, Sir!"

  The two ships danced in a tight circle around each other, the timing had to be perfect or they would collide. Turnbuckle waved his hat to indicate he was breaking off. The Bridget straightened out her course and headed straight for the oncoming Achilles. John watched as the Bridget passed by and raised his sword over his head and waited. "Now!" he shouted.

  True to his word, a black billowing cloud of smoke suddenly arose from the deck of the Bridget. Captain Turnbuckle was completing the ruse.

  With the added strength of Mr. Cumberbatch on the wheel, Scrounger spun the ship's wheel and the ship answered immediately. They straightened out and pointing directly at the three approaching ships. The Bridget appeared as if she was seeking the protection of her larger consorts.

  John raised the glass and watched as the Achilles came into view, looking magnificent and very formidable under full sail. John thought it looked much like his old ship, the Weymouth. How much life had changed for him. He stood beside the wheel and held his sword across his knees, looking very much the part of a ship's captain. From behind him, he heard a splash as something fell into the wake of the Pendragon. He rushed to the taffrail and looked down. He could see nothing, but this scene had often been repeated since leaving England. He mumbled to Cumberbatch, "I'll wager Scurvy Jones is nowhere to be found on this ship!"

  Cumberbatch smiled, "Aye, Capt'n, I'll not take that wager!"

  John turned back to watch the approaching ships. They had calculated it perfectly; the Achilles would receive fire from the Bridget first then the Pendragon. He looked for Ava and saw her standing next to the larboard battery in her white shirt, having discarded the waistcoat, and hatless, her dark hair flying wildly in the wind, sword in hand. She looked up and waited for him to give her the signal to fire.


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