All of Me

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All of Me Page 16

by Sheryl Lister

  She had wondered if they were going to North Carolina and wanted to ask if he still lived in the same house he had shared with his wife, but she held on to the question. If and when the time came, she’d find out, although she wasn’t sure how she felt about it. Yes, he’d said he was no longer in love with his late wife, but Karen knew that some people who’d lost a spouse had a hard time letting go of their past lives and kept everything from pictures and furniture to clothes—almost like a shrine. Was Damian one of those people? A touch on her arm cut into her thoughts.


  She smiled up at him. “Sorry, just daydreaming. What did you say?”

  “I asked if you were okay with going to Vegas.”

  “Yes. I’ve never been at this time of year.”

  The flight was short. After they deplaned, he secured a car and drove to a property just off the Strip. They checked in, and he led her up to a beautiful two-bedroom suite with expensive decor and lavish amenities, including a Jacuzzi large enough for two people.

  “Wow. This is amazing,” Karen said as she went from room to room. “Have you stayed here before?”

  “It’s my first time.”

  “Well, be sure to thank your friend.”

  “I’ll do that. Are you hungry?”

  “Starving.” It was after eight, and she hadn’t eaten since lunch. She glanced around the lush accommodations once more, excited to get their weekend started.

  * * *

  Damian deposited their bags in the bedroom, then handed her the restaurant listing. “What looks good? We can choose something off the list or go to one of the hotels on the Strip.”

  She scanned the list and handed it back. “Let’s hit the Strip.”

  They headed back down to the car and, after a short drive, ended up at the Cheesecake Factory in Caesar’s Palace. Afterward, they strolled hand in hand through the Forum shops. Karen stopped to study the Fountain of the Gods for a minute before continuing. He glanced up at the way the ceiling had been artfully disguised to give the feeling of daylight despite it being past ten in the evening.

  “Are you ready to head back?” he asked.

  “Yes, but let me find a bathroom first.”

  “Okay. I’ll wait for you by the big fountain.”

  Damian watched her hips as she disappeared into the crowd. He placed his hands in his pockets and continued on the path toward the Fountain of the Gods. Passing Tiffany, he ducked in on a whim.

  “May I help you, sir?” a friendly saleswoman asked, coming toward him.

  “Just browsing.”

  “Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Thanks. I will.” He wandered around the store, peeking in the cases filled with pendants and bracelets. A case of engagement rings caught his attention, specifically an emerald-cut three-stone engagement ring set in platinum that would look amazing on Karen’s finger. His heart rate kicked up a notch. Was he really thinking about marriage again?

  The saleswoman appeared at his side. “Would you like to see something?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She moved behind the counter and removed the ring he indicated. “This is a great choice. It’s just under three carats. I’m sure the lucky lady will love it.”

  The moment Damian held the ring, he knew with all certainty he wanted to get married again...but only to Karen. He glanced at the tag. The price didn’t matter. She was worth every penny, and he’d been investing and saving wisely over the past five years. He searched for an accompanying band and, with the saleswoman’s help, settled on a channel-set band with vertical baguette diamonds.

  “Do you know the size?”

  He studied the woman’s hand. “May I see your hand?”

  She stared at him questioningly but extended her hand.

  He entwined their hands, closed his eyes for a moment, then released her hand. “Your hand is about the same size as hers. What size is your ring finger?”

  The woman chuckled. “Ah, seven. Can’t say I’ve ever had a ring measured this way before.” She reached into the case. “You’re in luck. I have both the engagement ring and band in that size.”

  Smiling, he reached into his pocket for his wallet and handed her his credit card. A minute later, Damian exited the shop with the ring tucked safely in his pocket. He made it to the fountain just as Karen appeared. He slung an arm around her shoulders, and they started back to the hotel.

  The short drive was accomplished in less than ten minutes. He was anxious to have her in his arms, and as soon as he opened the door to the room, he hauled her against his chest and covered her mouth with his. Lifting Karen in his arms, he kicked the door closed and took determined strides toward the bedroom. He laid her in the center of the bed, followed her down and continued to kiss her, absorbing her essence into his very cells. Fighting for control, he broke off the kiss and slid off the bed. He had plans.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  * * *

  Karen lay in the middle of the bed, every molecule in her body tingling. Never had she been with a man who inflamed her body with one touch the way Damian did. The man was the total package—kind, caring, intelligent and handsome—and had a way about him that made the sanest woman lose her mind. And she was in deep.

  She heard the sound of water running, and a short time later, he came back to the bed, cradled her in his strong arms and carried her to the bathroom.

  Her loud intake of breath pierced the silence. He had lit candles and placed them on the sink and around the edge of the huge tub, casting a warm glow throughout the space. He’d interspersed rose petals between the candles.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Like it? I love it.” She tightened her arms around him and kissed him softly. “Thank you. It’s beautiful.”

  Damian let her slide down his body until her feet hit the floor. He undressed them both, then gently lifted her into the tub. “Is the water okay? It’s not too hot?”

  Sinking down under the water, Karen sighed contentedly. “No. It’s perfect.”

  He climbed in behind her and sat on the step. “Scoot closer.”

  She did, and he began to massage her shoulders. Her head dropped forward, and she moaned. “That feels so good.” He kept up the ministrations until she was limp as a noodle.

  He moved down the step and pulled her between his legs. Picking up the washcloth, he added bath gel and circled the cloth across her shoulders, over her back and around to her breasts. Damian dropped the towel and used his hands to gently knead and stroke her breasts and the sensitive peaks of her nipples. His hands slid beneath the water to her center, where she was already pulsating. Karen brazenly widened her legs to give him full access and arched against his exploring fingers. She groaned in protest when he removed them.

  Damian kissed her hair. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll give you everything you want.” He washed them up, stood and helped her up. “Watch your step.” Picking up thick towels, he dried them off and led her to the bedroom. He pulled back the covers.

  She climbed in, moved to the center and watched as he put on a condom. She opened her arms, and he fell into them. Karen palmed his face and brought her mouth up to his, trying to communicate what she was feeling.

  He tore his mouth away and rested his forehead against hers, breathing harshly and trembling above her. He lifted his head, and their eyes connected. “I love you, Karen.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise.

  He dipped his head and took her mouth in a kiss so achingly tender, tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

  “I love you so much.”

  He guided himself into her, inch by incredible inch, and started a gentle rocking motion, gyrating his hips in slow, insistent circles. Every movement reached deeper and deeper, touching the very core of
her soul. “Damian, I love you, too.”

  His movements stopped and he stared down at her, his hazel eyes blazing with desire. An expression of relief spread over his face. “Thank you.” Kissing her, he began thrusting again, whispering tender endearments.

  They moved together in a sensual rhythm until she felt something burst within her. Karen came with a soul-shattering intensity as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her.

  Damian stiffened, arched and cried her name, groaning long and low. His body shook violently and collapsed on top of her briefly before rolling to his side, taking her with him. He brushed back the strands of her hair off her face and kissed her.

  She sank into his comforting embrace and closed her eyes, sucking in air as spasms of delight continued to rocket through her body. Her breathing and heart rate gradually returned to normal. She vaguely remembered him pulling the sheet up over them before drifting off to sleep.

  * * *

  When Karen woke up the next morning, she was alone in bed. Her mind immediately went back to the gentle yet passionate way Damian had made love to her last night. She bolted upright. He said he loved me! She wasn’t sure what shocked her more: the fact that he loved her or her own declaration of love. Although she hadn’t intended to tell him so soon, what other response could she have given him, other than the truth? She flopped back against the pillows. Did he really love her, or was it just something he’d blurted out in the throes of passion? Then there was the issue of his wife. Would Karen be a substitute for the one he had lost? The way he behaved and the things he said told her no, but she didn’t want to set herself up for the possibility of having her heart broken again.

  “You’re frowning. That can’t be good.”

  Karen rolled her head in the direction of the door, where Damian stood leaning in the archway wearing jeans, a long-sleeved pullover shirt and black boots. “Good morning.”

  He pushed off the wall and came toward her. “I thought it was until I saw that expression on your face.” Damian took a seat on the side of the bed. “What’s going through that beautiful head of yours?”

  “Last night... Look, I know people say things when they’re caught up in the moment, and—”

  “And you think my saying I love you was a result of us being ‘caught up in the moment.’”

  She nodded.

  He cocked his head to the side. “I meant what I said, Karen. Think back to when I said the words.”

  She remembered him carrying her to the bed, kissing her...and telling her before they made love.

  He brushed his lips across hers. “Karen, I do love you. I know you may think this is all happening quickly—because it is. But also know that Joyce has been gone for five years now. Let me assure you that you are not a substitute for her. I fell in love with your intelligence, your zeal for life and your beauty—inside and out. I love everything about you.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “I love you, Damian.”

  He raised an eyebrow and leaned back. “You sure? Because if memory serves me correctly, you were the one shouting ‘I love you’ in the throes of passion.”

  Karen’s mouth gaped. “What?” She grabbed a pillow and hit him across the head.

  “Hey!” he said with mock outrage. “I’m just saying.” Laughing, he snatched the pillow from her and pulled her across his lap, covers and all. “You are so good for me.”

  She rolled her eyes and tried to conceal a smile. “Whatever.”

  He smacked her playfully on the butt and placed her back on the bed. “I’ll let you get dressed so we can get some breakfast.” Damian leaned over and kissed her cheek, rose to his feet and walked out.

  Still smiling, she threw the covers back and slid off the bed. Her bare feet were silent on the carpeted floor as she padded to the bathroom, stopping to pick out an outfit. Thirty minutes later, dressed for the cool weather in jeans and a sweater, Karen pushed her feet into a pair of low-heeled ankle boots. She got her jacket out of the closet, picked up her purse and went to meet Damian. He stood looking out of the living room window, but he turned at her approach.

  His gaze slowly traveled down her body and back up. “Ready, beautiful?”

  “Yes.” She followed him out and down the hall to the elevator. “Where are we going?”

  “No idea. I’m sure we can find a breakfast buffet or something. I figured we’d start in the hotels on the Strip, unless you have someplace specific in mind.”

  “No. That works.”

  The elevator arrived, and they rode the fifteen floors down. He helped her into the car, slid in on the other side and drove down Las Vegas Boulevard. He parked in the Bally’s parking lot, reasoning that it was a good midpoint. They settled on a breakfast spot and went sightseeing after.

  Hours later, Damian played and won a few hands at blackjack. Karen, who had never been lucky, won two hundred and fifty dollars when Damian put ten dollars in a slot machine for her. They ended the evening with the Eiffel Tower Experience at the Paris Hotel. From the glass elevator ride and breathtaking views, to the man holding her protectively against his heart, she couldn’t have asked for anything more.

  Time seemed to accelerate, and before she knew it, they were back in San Jose and he was pulling into her complex. Both were quiet, lost in thought. He got out, grabbed her bag off the backseat and came around to help her. Their steps were slow; they were seemingly trying to delay the inevitable. She opened her door, and he deposited her bag inside.

  “I’m not going to come in.”

  She nodded in understanding.

  Damian bent and breathed a kiss over her lips. “I love you. See you tomorrow.” He turned and ambled down the walkway.

  She closed and locked the door. Picking up her bag, she shuffled down the hallway to her bedroom. Karen set the bag on a chair and lowered herself on the bed, suddenly feeling very alone. They had two more days before he moved on to another school, and a week before he went back to North Carolina. After this amazing weekend, things had changed between them—their relationship had deepened, and she didn’t know how she would handle him being so far away.

  Her fears about their relationship magnified. By the time he left for home, she’d have an answer on the principal position. Karen wanted this position, but she wanted Damian, too. Were they on borrowed time? She sighed and stood. For now, her immediate worry was how to keep her feelings hidden when she saw him tomorrow at school. Especially with all the drama Nikki was determined to cause.

  Chapter 17

  Karen breezed into the school office Monday morning, spoke to the receptionist and made her way to the teachers’ lounge area. She stopped short upon seeing Damian, along with Kyle and two other teachers. He stood there pouring a cup of coffee. No matter what he wore, the man looked scrumptious. It was the first time she had seen him casually dressed at school. They had student assemblies this morning, and he mentioned that everyday attire seemed to be less intimidating for the kids. Kyle was similarly dressed in jeans and a pullover shirt.

  She went around the corner to check her mailbox and came back to the lounge. Just as Karen entered, Nikki swept past her and latched on to Damian’s arm. It took everything within Karen to ignore the infuriating woman.

  “Mr. Bradshaw, I’m glad I caught you before school starts,” Nikki all but purred. “I wanted to know if you and Mr. Jamison plan to incorporate my suggestions into the new plan.”

  “We’ll review all the staff suggestions,” Damian said. “You’ll receive a copy of the policies once they’re finalized.

  Karen seethed inside, but to Damian’s credit, he smiled but didn’t show any reaction to the obvious flirting.

  He turned Karen’s way with another smile. “Morning, Ms. Morris. How was your weekend?”

  Giving him a dazzling smile in return, she said, “It was wonderful. And you

  His smile inched up higher. “It was the best weekend I’ve had in years,” he replied, searing her with his gaze.

  Her nipples tightened, and her core pulsed. “Um...that’s great. I’ll see you later.” She turned and fled.

  Melissa intercepted Karen on her way out. “Can I talk to you a minute?”

  “Sure,” she said, trailing Melissa to her office.

  Melissa closed the door, placed a hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes. Pointing a finger at Karen, she asked, “What the hell is going on with you and Damian? And don’t try to tell me it’s nothing. At the training on Friday, I picked up some serious vibes between you two, and that little show a minute ago... Girl, the way he looked at you, I expected your clothes to melt right off you.”

  Karen dropped into a chair and ran a hand across her forehead. “It’s him.”

  “Him who?” Melissa asked, puzzled.

  “Damian...from the cruise.”

  Melissa slapped a hand over her mouth. “No way,” she whispered.

  “Yeah. Way. When I saw him the first day of that training, I almost fainted.”

  “This is so unbelievable.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “So, are you, like, a couple now?”

  “For now.”

  “That is so cool. What do you know about his friend Kyle? He has the smoothest walnut-brown skin and most kissable lips I’ve ever seen. Those neatly done twists and pierced ears give him that sexy-with-a-dangerous-edge kind of look, don’t you think? Ooh, and don’t get me started on that body. Did you see how his shirt is clinging to all those muscles?”

  Karen laughed and stood. “I don’t know anything except they’ve been friends since they were kids.”

  “Well, now that you have the inside track, maybe you could hook a sister up.”

  “You are truly crazy, Melissa. On that note, I’m outta here.”


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