Destino (Battaglia Mafia Series)

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Destino (Battaglia Mafia Series) Page 1

by Mynx, Sienna

  Destino by Sienna Mynx

  Destino is dedicated in loving memory to Cammie Byrd (1968 to 2011).

  The friendship and love you showed for this story has inspired me in more ways than you can ever know.

  May your sweet generous soul rest in peace.



  Destino © Copyright 2012 Sienna Mynx

  Cover art by Reese Dante

  Cover Artist: Jimmy Thomas

  Electronic book publication November 2012

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  Chapter One

  Mondello Beach, Sicily 1962

  “Papa, it’s too far,” Giovanni said. The longer he stared down into the rolling waves the worse his plight became. His head grew heavier on his small shoulders, and his vision blurred with the threat of tears. There could be danger below. The mere thought of his tipping over paralyzed him with fear. A long tide rushed in and broke across the stranded rocks near the shoreline. From his angle, twenty-feet above according to Uncle Rocco, he could see the depths of the water where it went from turquoise to midnight blue. The lunch in his tummy bubbled up into his throat and his tiny hands shook as he suppressed his terror. Another cool wind combed through his tightly wound locks, crowning the top of his head. It pushed against his bare chest. He was only six years old. Why would his father command this of him? Would the leap prove him to be courageous, or just worthy of the title son?

  “Tomosino. He’s just a baby, don’t do this,” Eve pulled on the Don’s arm and tried to reason with him. Don Battaglia glared at Giovanni’s mother, and her pleas fell softly away. He returned his cool dark gaze to his son, and Giovanni resisted the urge to cry.

  “You are old enough boy.” The Don answered in his thick Sicilian brogue that made most men obey without question. “You can swim. Now, show Papa and everyone.”

  No one dared question his father once his desired wish was explicitly stated. Not his mother, uncles, or the men that vowed to serve and respect his authority. Don Battaglia’s word was law. Giovanni’s blinking gaze shifted to Lorenzo. His cousin stood near his mother with a towel draped over his shoulders, visibly shivering. He nearly drowned from his failed attempt. The men had to go in and rescue him. The women were crying hysterically. Now the humiliation of defeat left Lorenzo hanging his head in shame. Young Lorenzo was only a year older than Giovanni. Tomosino announced that his son was braver and smarter than his nephew, smarter than any other six year old within Sicily. The Don boasted Giovanni would need no saving. And it was time to prove his father right.”

  “Do it.”

  “Si,” Giovanni said. He stepped to the edge and stared down into the glistening water. He could swim, better than Lorenzo and better than his uncles. Still the leap would be the highest and longest dive of his young life.

  “No please! No! I beg you, don’t make him!” His mother wept. He glanced to her and forced a brave smile. Her scarlet red hair blew from her face, and her clear blue eyes held such sadness. He had eyes like his mother but the bravery of his father. He’d prove it. Show them all. Indeed he was strong enough. And though his beloved mother may not be the chosen wife, she had given birth to the Don’s first-born son. Even in his tender years, Giovanni knew how he could ease his mother’s suffering from her tormentors if the Don proclaimed him as so. It made her special, too. He nodded in the direction of his mother and stepped back several paces. Taking in deep breaths like his uncle Rocco had taught him, he counted to three and ran for it.

  The wind lifted him. Giovanni kicked his legs and crossed his arms over his chest because his heart beat so hard and fast he thought it would explode. He sailed downward. The invisible pull of gravity roped around his ankles, drawing him closer and faster toward the sea. And he crashed into its icy depths. He felt as if rocks were strapped to his shoulders driving him to the sea floor. He puffed his cheeks and held his breath. The pressure closed in around him. It was as if the water strangled him by the throat and squeezed around his midriff making him want to take a breath. He knew better than to do so while submerged. His eyes opened under the current, and he swam toward the light above. But salvation was too far. He’d gone really deep. He swam harder though his arms tired with heaviness, as did his legs, which he kicked feebly. He wanted to cry, but there was no time to, he had to swim or else Papa would be displeased. When he believed there would be no end to the struggle freedom overwhelmed him as he broke clear of the waves. His mother and uncle had already run down the side of the cliffs to the shore. But his father and his men stood atop the clearing watching his success. A few cheered and several threw their hats up in celebration. Don Tomosino had indeed proven his only son was worthy to take on the Battaglia name.

  Giovanni treaded the water smiling up to his father. Tomosino stuffed a fat cigar in his mouth, turned, without a word, and walked away.

  Napoli (Naples) Italy – 1989

  The day had been balmy in the middle and crisp around the edges with the night carrying in the steamy sea air from the not so distant Amalfi coast. A single tear of perspiration dropped from his brow to the tip of his nose, which he swiped away. Under the cover of darkness Giovanni Battaglia stalked up the narrow cobblestone alley, passing tightly squeezed in shop owners and restaurants. A man of his stature never travelled alone. Isabella’s was at the end of the narrow street. Fine dining was offered through its doors to the front and top levels. The steps that led to the lower floors were locked behind doors that only opened upon invite. Giovanni Battaglia needed none. In his black on black attire, only his tall form could be seen as he and the men accompanying him blended with the night.

  Giovanni slipped his hands deeper in his pockets, parting the front folds of his sports coat. A half smoked cigar was tucked tight between his tongue and his left jaw. Danny-boy, his gun, was situated in the back of his pants, well hidden. The street symphony of honking horns and laughing diners or passing tourists blared as a nice cover to the business conducted in the belly of Isabella’s. The doorman glanced his way. When their eyes met, acknowledgement was immediate. Those who knew his true name didn’t dare evoke it casually. He received a few respectful nods and curious stares, but no one approached him. Carlo stepped ahead to the door and opened it. Giovanni and the others continued on, they descended a spiral stairwell with tiled walls and hard marble steps.

  Tonight he was out for blood. He’d spill it in his own organization before he tolerated disobedience. There were rules in this life. From birth he heard the vows of secrecy recited by the men in his family. His cousin, Lorenzo, heard them, too. Yet, he found ways to continue to walk the line of disobedience within their brotherhood. At the end of the stairs the lighting dimmed, and the faint sounds of music pulsed through the walls and doors. Nico waited. He was so tall and broad shoul
dered he crowded the space. Nico bowed his large head and reached behind him to throw the door open.

  Giovanni’s glare sliced through the smoke-thickened air scanning the scene. Of course, the sparse seating circled the dance floor. Under spinning lights bodies gyrated in synchronization with dance music. Women in short dresses with ruby red lips and dark flowing hair danced with men twice their age. Whores, instructed to empty the pockets of local businessmen and lucky tourists who were granted entrance.

  Above the dance floor, on raised platform pillars facing each other from either side of the club were two Sicilian born beauties seated on their knees in claw-foot black porcelain tubs. With arms raised, fingers entwined, under a light spray from an overhead sprinkler designed to look like rain they moved. Iridescent droplets, thanks to the red spotlighting, rained down their golden tanned bodies. Their breasts bounced and glistened as the sudsy streams drained down their curves, and they rolled their hips giving seductive moves to the music while simulating a bath. One locked eyes with him. She gripped the edge of the tub and slung her dark hair trying to entice him to maintain her stare. He continued to scan the scene.

  Carlo moved in closer to his left. “He’s in the back boss.”

  Giovanni nodded. They stepped directly through the crowd with Carlo and Nico shoving dancing bodies out of his way. Soon many caught on to his presence and parted without any resistance. The gambling tables were packed tight. Dice were thrown, cards dealt, and to the back of the scene his cousin sat amongst others laughing under a heavy cloud of smoke. Giovanni removed his cigar from his mouth and dropped it on a smoking tray. Their eyes met.

  Lorenzo stood and so did the men at the table. His cousin spoke a few words and those gathered discreetly withdrew as a young woman, with a leather mini so short her butt cheeks dropped from the hem with each step she made, sidled up to his cousin. Lorenzo patted her on the ass and dismissed her as well. She walked on shiny spiked heels, giving Giovanni a longing look. He stepped to the table, and Lorenzo greeted him with a kiss to both of his cheeks. Before a question was asked, before he was able to warm his seat, his cousin began to run off at the mouth.

  “Excuses. I’m done entertaining them.”

  Lorenzo wiped his hand along his jaw.

  “Flavio called. The doors will close. Permanently.” Dominic stood behind him. He spoke in a clear but lowered voice. “Consider tonight the last for business.”

  Lorenzo slammed his hand down on the table silencing Dominic. He leaned forward under the lamp, and his scowl deepened into a snarl. With his voice lowered, he directed his words to Giovanni only. “The Albanians brought the girls here. I would never drag our family into trafficking of any children. If you will just listen to me Gio…”

  “Doesn’t matter how you lost control. What matters to me is you did. And that failure is a reflection on this family and me. Must I remind you of this each and every time you fuck up?”

  A few of his men snickered. Lorenzo clenched his fist resting on the table. “We can’t close the doors. It solves nothing. Francesco’s entire fortune is invested in this place as is mine. You only gave us ten percent. We put everything we have in the remodeling. How do we recoup the loss?”

  “Burn the place to the ground.” Giovanni shrugged. “I don’t give a shit about your loss.” His order resonated with the men gathered. “I want my fucking investment back and the family name out of the papers. Ten percent equals thirty now that you have disgraced yourself. Tomorrow it will be forty. Every day the doors remain open, the more indebted to the family you will be.” Giovanni’s gaze swung left. Carlo nodded that the order would be enforced. Lorenzo struggled with the inevitable, which was evident by the tension tightening his jaw.

  “Appunto. Ti seguo. I get it. I follow you.” Lorenzo nodded in respect. “Dinner? Have you eaten? Prego! Why don’t you join me upstairs for dinner?” Lorenzo ground out between his clenched teeth. “Francesco should be part of this discussion. No? Let’s go above and talk reasonably.”

  He hadn’t eaten all day. He had slept even less.

  “Andiamo. It’s time I see Francesco.” Giovanni declared.

  “Fabiana? Where are we?”

  Mira held tight to her clutch purse and resisted the hand that reached inside the back of the box shaped taxi to help her exit. She was hungry and felt a bit overdressed for the occasion. Napoli was a noisy city during the day and an interesting mix of people in the evening. Young Italians mixed in with tourists from all over the world in clusters along the streets. Most smoked, chatted, and dined outside of restaurants.

  “I have a friend who owns this place.”

  “You do?”

  “I do. He invited us to dinner and a night tour on his private yacht. You look fine. Trust me. Relax and forget our troubles okay?”

  “How? The police put a padlock on the doors to my boutique today. My designs are there Fabiana! We only have two days before Milan. I need—.”

  “To eat. To laugh. To dance under the moon.” Fabiana laughed, forcing a smile to Mira’s lips. “I have a plan. Trust me. This friend of mine might be able to help.”

  A gentle shove to her shoulder pushed her closer to the door. Mira accepted the hand for assistance and eased out of the car. A hot wind lifted her curls up from her shoulders. Naples was pleasant but not as nice as some of the other towns she’d seen since her arrival in Italy. Fabiana wanted them to open a business in the coastal city due to the affordable cost, and initially the idea made sense. It was less expensive to live there than in Rome or Florence. Mira sensed the city had a seedy feel to it at night. She couldn’t shake it. And the trash issue, it littered the street corners and peppered the air with a bitter stench.

  “Ready?” Fabiana asked, slipping her arm around hers.

  “There’s a line.”

  “Don’t worry. We get VIP treatment.”

  Giovanni sensed rebellion before the words escaped his cousins lying lips, and he was ready to deal with it in the most unpleasant way if necessary. Whores. They were everywhere. In Italia prostitution was legal, but organized prostitution, as in brothels or by third parties, had been outlawed since 1958. Very few places like Isabella’s remained open. And the whores under his employ were of a high dollar and quality. It disgusted him to see women publicly debase themselves. Pussy was thrown at his feet regularly, and he almost always declined. The messy business in dealing with this side of his operations was part of his father’s legacy he couldn’t wash his hands clean of. Lorenzo didn’t share his sentiment. He clung to the back door business like a bitch who had received her first diamond. Now Giovanni had learned that his family name had been sullied with the association of trafficking. He itched to draw Danny-boy and empty it into the bastard that thought he could move young girls through his business.

  “To your left.” Dominic whispered close enough for him to hear.

  Giovanni glanced toward the entrance of the restaurant. Two women entered. The first had skin so polished she looked as if she’d been dipped in buttercream, and scarlet red hair that reminded him of his mother's. Though he suspected the striking color of her mane wasn’t natural, it was a lovely contrast to her beauty. She wore a magenta dress that snuggly fit her hourglass figure. When she turned, the revealing low backline plunged to the rise of her shapely hips and ass. Nice. His gaze switched to the other person in the woman’s company. He could barely see the woman. His attention readied to drift as it often did when he observed beauty from a distance and his interest waned. However, Francesco’s burly voice rose and Giovanni’s gaze held. An un-obstructed view of the other woman took him by surprise. Not often did he see one like her enter his establishment. All others around her fell away. The track lights to the front of the restaurant defined her feminine curves. His attention centered on the low-cut V of her dress, which parted her breasts. The dress drew snug around her hips with a rhinestone pin. She had thick hair the color of sable that fell about her face in dark waves, and skin dusted in ginger, flawlessl
y covering every inch of her that was revealed. Again his interest peeked over the shapely swell of her breasts, slender waist, and flat tummy, long enough to linger a moment on the nice heart shape of her hips. She wore black. The fabric of her dress appeared smooth, like velvet, though the hem of her dress moved as light as silk.

  The trio was on the move. Giovanni’s dark beauty stepped forward and the split to the front of the dress revealed her shapely legs as the long fabric pooled around her feet, elevated in silver spiked heels. Riveted, his gaze tracked her until she disappeared.

  “She’s the one. The lady in black.” Dominic cleared his throat. “She’s American.”

  “Her answer?” Giovanni turned his gaze to his young capu. Dominic ran his hand back through the thick dark crown of locks to the top of his head. He shifted his gaze to Lorenzo and hesitated over the response before uttering it under his breath. “She said to go to hell.”

  Carlo choked on his malt. The other men gathered, looked out into the restaurant to get a glimpse of the woman who would dare insult the most powerful man in the Cammora.

  A sly smile crossed the lips of Lorenzo. “Of course, she doesn’t know how to respond Gio. She’s American.” Suddenly Lorenzo’s sour mood had lifted. He sat upright and tossed down the last of his drink before glancing back over his shoulder to where the ladies entered. “I’d say it’s because you have a boy doing a man’s job. When does Flavio return again?” He gave a pointed look at Dominic.

  “She was only granted a temporary lease. It’s happened before.” Dominic clarified. “Flavio made a call on your behalf and the doors to her storefront were chained by an officer of the court. We intend to make sure you gain sole proprietorship. In the past we’ve dealt with foreigners who needed to be taught lessons of humility. She’s no different.”

  “Interesting,” Giovanni said. Now that he’d seen her, his desires had changed altogether. He was a bit pleased by her refusal. Too many people in his life said yes before the request was asked. Dominic was correct. She’d soon learn what a costly mistake her rejection of him would prove to be. One word from him and the fucking place could be burned to the ground. He drummed his fingers on the smooth wood surface of the table.


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