The Changing Earth Series (Book 5): Dark Days in Denver

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The Changing Earth Series (Book 5): Dark Days in Denver Page 10

by Hathaway, Sara F.

  Erika quickly ceased her training and rapidly closed the distance between her and the approaching men. “Hello, sir,” Erika greeted them with a stiff salute. The rain dripped off the brim of her hat as she tried to catch her breath.

  “Hello, Pvt Kase,” Merkley greeted her. “Thank you for laying low these past few days. I wanted to personally let you know that your friends have been located and they are on the caravan that arrives tomorrow.”

  “Thank you so much, sir,” Erika elated in the news. Her friends were safe!

  “I envy your dedication, Erika. If it’s not raining, you’re not training, right?” he jested with her. “Keep up the good work, Private.”

  Erika smiled widely, happily accepting the man’s compliments.

  “Take care,” he concluded, walking back towards the building.

  Bennet lingered for a moment.

  “That’s an awful lot of mud on your pants and not a lot of mud on the field,” he whispered as they followed Merkley towards the building. Victoria fell in behind them.

  Erika shrugged at him with a wide smile. “I was running laps earlier on the other field,” she explained quickly. “Anyway, I gotta go tell the family the news. See you later, 1st Sgt,” she concluded, running towards the gate with Victoria close behind.

  He stared at her as she left. I know that woman, something is up, he thought. He wanted to get to the bottom of it, but he remembered he was late for his date with Michelle.

  Chapter 14

  The next day Daniel was torn. Greg and Penni would arrive any minute with everyone. He wanted to stay and meet Carmen and Crystal at the gate, but he also knew Mr. Rowan would be waiting for him.

  “What’s up, Danny?” Erika asked. He was unusually quiet. “Aren’t you excited?” she wondered.

  “I am, Mom. I’ve missed Carmen and Crystal,” he replied, sincerely.

  As they waited by the gate with Vince and Dexter, Star appeared through the crowd.

  “Are they here yet?” she asked impatiently.

  “Not yet, Super Star,” Vince told her.

  The family talked of days past while they waited. Funny moments that took place in the middle of all the darkness they were passing through.

  “Remember when Sean proposed to Star, and Bennet ripped that huge fart?” Dexter asked, laughing.

  “I should have taken it as a sign then,” Star commented, smiling at him.

  “He’s lucky Kyle took care of him and not me,” Vince added.

  “How’s Kyle been?” Erika wondered.

  “He’s good, been running messages back and forth for the Mercenaries and Militia. It’s the only way to ensure they can’t be intercepted,” Star replied.

  Finally, the moment arrived when they spied their friends entering with a large crowd through the gate. Sergeants Walker and Pontever were with them as well. The friends united, and hugs were shared. Tears of joy were shed as they were welcomed into the camp. Erika stayed with her friend Penni. She was worried about her. Penni looked dead on her feet; her eyes were sunken in and her hair hung limply about her face.

  “I’m so sorry they didn’t go back for you,” Erika told her and Greg as they walked with the crowd.

  “Cole explained it to us. Merkley didn’t have the resources, blah, blah, blah,” Penni replied, obviously not thrilled with the situation.

  “Bennet tried, guys. He really did. He even socked Merkley across the mouth but he didn’t achieve anything except a night in a cell and a temporary demotion,” Vince added.

  “I’m sorry, guys,” Erika told them again.

  “It’s not your fault. We made it all in one piece,” Greg assured them.

  Even in her tired condition, Penni kept glancing at Victoria. Erika watched her expression as she tried to place the face.

  “Victoria Gleeson, from Las Vegas, remember? She used to organize all those events when we first arrived?” Erika explained to Penni.

  “I knew I recognized you!” Penni announced. “How are you?”

  “It’s so good to see you again, Penni. We sure did have some laughs, didn’t we? I’m doing good now,” Victoria replied.

  “You’re fighting with the mercs?” Penni wondered.

  “Absolutely,” Victoria concurred immediately.

  “Let’s get you guys settled in,” Vince suggested. “We need to head over the other line. These refugees are going north. Mercenary members are checked in over there.”

  “Then we’ll get you a shower and dinner,” Erika added.

  “Sounds good to me,” Penni’s son, Mitchell, answered.

  Their tent was located a few rows down from Vince and Erika’s, but the entire crew was being volunteered for the fighting force as well. Everyone except Penni. She was going to help with the children, but she was in support of their efforts, unlike Vince’s father, Earl.

  “People have been talking about a little town north of here. We should hit it up tomorrow. Do some dancing,” Greg suggested.

  “We can’t,” Vince answered.

  “Why not?” Greg wondered.

  “Erika had an incident with moonshine and the mayor’s wife,” Vince replied, eyeballing Erika.

  Penni looked at her with an accusing look on her face.

  “She had it coming,” Erika told Penni. “Well . . . maybe not to the extent that I dished it out, but she did have it coming.”

  “I bet,” Penni commented, not wanting to know any more. “I just want to lay low for a couple of days anyway, Greg.”

  “You guys have earned it. That’s for sure,” Vince said.

  “What’s it look like out there?” Erika wondered.

  “The water is coming,” Penni answered. “Looks like Nevada will be under water soon.”

  “Except the mountains seem to be getting taller in the quakes. It’s weird,” Greg said.

  “Wish I knew where Brad was. He’d have some answers,” Erika commented.

  “He’s the guy that warned you about the next wave, right?” Penni asked.

  “Yeah,” Erika admitted.

  “How about Cassidy? Is she here?’ Greg wondered.

  “She’s not back yet. She will be soon. Another week, I think,” Erika told them.

  “What do you guys think?” Greg wondered.

  “About what?” Erika asked.

  “About what’s going on here. What are the feds doing?” Greg replied.

  “The operation here is going like clockwork. The merc army is expanding and training. The civilians are being moved north to safety. The feds have been quiet and that’s why the scouts are out. It’s almost been too quiet, so either they got hit hard by the quake, or they are regrouping to lay down an assault. Within the month this charade will be over.” Erika pointed to the name on her uniform. “Once the people are safe we’ll take down the western capital in Denver and claim the west as officially under the control of the people and unite it with the south. Then we all go north and push back on the Montana border,” Erika explained.

  “Haven’t the feds sent any forces this way to help with the refugees?” Greg wondered.

  “Nope, they’ve been absent,” Vince replied.

  “Crazy move,” Greg admitted.

  “Trust me, I’m getting really sick of being called Karen. I can’t wait to take Denver,” Erika admitted.

  “Karen? Who thought of that?” Penni wondered.

  “Bennet,” they all said in unison.

  “How’s he doing?” Penni inquired.

  “Pretty good,” Erika responded. “He got hooked back up with Miss Long Legs here and he’s been spending a lot of time with her.”

  “I like her already,” Greg chimed in.

  “Who is she?” Penni wondered, looking at Erika sideways.

  “Her real name is Michelle,” Vince added. “She’s a nice woman who can actually put up with Bennet’s crap.”

  “Wow,” Penni teased, “I’m impressed.”

  “We can talk about all this later. You guys probably want some ti
me to settle in,” Erika suggested.

  “We have come a long way,” Greg admitted. “I think I could sleep for a week.”

  Erika knew he was lying. Greg was a man who was always on the move.

  “I could use a shower,” Penni suggested.

  “Me too,” Jen agreed, looking to Roxy.

  “I third that emotion. Where’s the facility, Erika?” Roxy asked.

  “End of this row. Then down two more. That’s the same row our tent’s on,” Erika informed them.

  Vince and Erika left Greg and Penni with their children to settle in.

  “I’ll be home later, Mom,” Daniel said, quickly dismissing himself.

  “Where are you headed?” Vince wondered. He was looking forward to spending some time together as a family.

  “I’m going to do some drawing,” he replied.

  “But you don’t have your sketch book,” Erika noticed.

  “I’ve been working with clay on rocks,” he explained.

  “Wow, that sounds cool. You’ll have to show that to me some time,” Erika replied.

  “I was hoping to have some time together,” Vince interjected.

  “I’m going to spend the afternoon with Megan by the lake,” Dexter objected to his father’s request. “I told Trucker we would go swimming on our day off. Didn’t I, boy?” he addressed the animal, and Trucker’s black tail wagged furiously across the ground.

  “Well, at least Star agrees with us. Don’t you Super Star?” Vince asked.

  “Actually . . . Kyle is going to head out with the next patrol team. We were going to go into town for dinner tonight,” Star admitted.

  “You still got me, babe,” Erika reassured Vince.

  “I guess so,” Vince teased.

  “Oh . . . I’m not good enough for you now?” Erika teased back. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “Oh, Mom! Come on!” Dexter teased, disgusted.

  The kids took off in their own separate directions, and Erika led Vince towards the vacant training field.

  “Victoria, can you cover us?” Erika asked. “I know we only have a couple of hours before Hensley will be looking for us. We’ll be back before then.”

  “You know I will,” Victoria assured her.

  “Come on,” Erika told Vince.

  Now he was curious. Vince followed Erika into the open field and towards the back of the fence. They snuck out through the small hole and headed around the camp towards the homesteads.

  “Where have you been spending your time lately?” Vince wondered.

  “You’ll see,” Erika told him.

  She snuck in the side gate and headed towards Geir’s homestead.

  “Hi, Geir,” she greeted the man. He was at the edge of the property fixing a fence with Ned.

  “Hi, Karen, who you got with you today?” Geir wondered, unsure of the stranger she had shown the secret route to.

  “This is my husband, Eddy,” Erika introduced him.

  “All right,” he said, feeling better. “I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Geir and this is my brother in arms, Ned.”

  “Nice to meet you. It’s funny because I haven’t heard much about you,” Vince commented.

  “Well, I’m not surprised. This woman is quite a mystery sometimes, sneaking back and forth. I figured people got their own business, and it ain’t none of mine.”

  “You got any smoke?” Erika wondered. “We can’t stay long.”

  “Alright, girl, don’t get your panties all wrinkled up,” Geir told her. “We’re done here, anyways. Let’s head back to the forge.”

  They walked across the expanse of the farm to the barns.

  “Wow! This is incredible!” Erika gasped as they entered.

  “What do you think I do around here? Sit around yanking my chain all day?” he wondered. “Metal is my game.”

  Ned appeared with a fat joint.

  “Very nice,” Vince commented as Ned handed him the joint. Vince rolled it slowly under his nose, savoring the aroma. They lit the smoke and passed it around.

  “You’re not in uniform, Eddy?” Geir asked him.

  “Nah, my wife keeps me in shape. I train a lot, but I’d rather grow food. I keep myself ready, but I’m not sold on one oppressive force over another. It makes me worry,” Vince admitted.

  “I like it. Respect the superiors, but kneel to no one. Thor would smile upon you, friend,” Geir told him.

  “Man, it’s been a while since I had anything that good,” Vince said, declining the next hit as the joint came around.

  They broke into conversation about guns and gardens they grew in the past. Erika was stoked that she could finally introduce Vince to the Colorado Boys. She had found a kinship with them instantly and wanted to include Vince in it. She watched the clock carefully and indicated to Vince when they had to leave.

  “She keeps you on the same tight schedule?” Geir asked.

  “Yeah, she’s the boss,” Vince said, smiling sarcastically.

  “I feel your pain, brother,” Geir told him.

  They hustled back the way they came and met Victoria at the gate to the field just before Hensley came on shift.

  “That was close, Karen,” Victoria scolded her.

  “Sorry, it won’t happen again,” Erika assured her.

  Hensley came on shift and the couple headed out to get some food before going back to the tent. They found themselves alone for the first time in a long time. Vince caressed Erika’s body, savoring the moment, and they made passionate love before any of their family members returned home.

  Chapter 15

  Erika spent the next few days with Penni. She would walk over to Penni’s tent early in the morning, so they could have breakfast before she needed to check in for morning PT. Surprised that Erika was up so early, Nancy would join them. Nancy was helping around the camp with mending and Roxy, Penni’s daughter, decided to join her at the shop. Everyone else was training in the a.m.

  The units grew and grew as more refugees moved through and more individuals joined in the effort. Erika spent any free moments that she could sneak out with the Colorado Boys, but most of her time was spent around the camp. Erika cherished her days with Penni. They’d spent so many days apart that it was almost like forming a friendship all over again.

  Erika wished she could just focus on her children and their well-being like Penni did, but that wasn’t in her cards. She knew her leisure time would be over soon. Her role would have been fulfilled and at this point she welcomed it. She was tired of living someone else’s life in shame even if that meant she would be hunted again.

  Daniel became obsessed with working in Mr. Rowan’s studio. He went there everyday but told no one, not even Carmen. It was his private sanctuary.

  “I can’t stand training anymore,” he told Mr. Rowan while he was working one day.

  “Members of any fighting force must want to be there in order for their efforts to be valued,” Mr. Rowan responded.

  “Well, I don’t want to be there. SSgt Merkley will be the death of me,” he replied.

  “Then why do you go? You could make a living or at least survive on your art work,” Mr. Rowan told him.

  “I have to protect my mom,” he replied candidly, losing himself in his work. “That’s why the staff sergeant has it out for me. He knows who my mom is.”

  “Your mother?” He thought about the woman. He had watched the feisty woman working in the training yard. After thinking on it, he always found her at the training facilities, but rarely did he see her anywhere else. It made him more curious the more he thought about it. “Your mother seems like she can take care of herself,” the old man replied casually, hoping the boy would continue the candid conversation.

  “Yeah, but they would use me to get to her,” Daniel continued absentmindedly.

  “Who would?” Mr. Rowan questioned.

  “The Federal Forces,” Daniel replied before he looked up from his work with a horrified look on his face. He suddenl
y realized this was information he was not supposed to be sharing.

  “What did your mother do?” Mr. Rowan pressed.

  “My mom has always fought for me,” he replied humbly, side-stepping the question. “and I can’t even defend her.”

  “Why would they come after her family? It doesn’t add up, son,” Mr. Rowan prodded. He’d heard of refugees being hunted down, but not their families.

  “They would. I saw it with my own eyes and all I could do was run like a coward,” Daniel said, looking down.

  “Come with me,” the man insisted, taking the brush from Daniel’s hand.

  The boy followed him to a room that Mr. Rowan always kept closed. As the doors opened, a training studio with two swords crisscrossed on the wall was revealed.

  “My passion for painting comes from my love of the sword,” the old man told him.

  “I’m not worthy of your training, sir. You know what I did,” Daniel replied.

  “I have already decided. If you turn me down now, it would be a great insult,” Mr. Rowan told him.

  “But, sir, I haven’t been truthful with you,” Daniel admitted, tucking his head down.

  “Does this have to do with your mother?” Mr. Rowan asked, recognizing that the boy had dodged the question earlier.

  “Yes, sir . . .” The boy hesitated. Then he looked up, determined. “My name is Daniel Moore. I am the son of Erika Moore, the Lone Survivor of Sacramento.”

  “Good for you, son. That’s even more reason for me to train you,” Mr. Rowan replied, unimpressed.

  “But, sir . . .” Daniel stammered at his reaction.

  “Daniel, I’m more concerned with the side of yourself you keep buried, not the temporary lie you are living to keep your family safe,” the man admitted.

  They entered the room and Mr. Rowan handed the boy a wooden training sword.

  “The sword is an extension of yourself. A brush that you can use to paint your imagery onto the battlefield,” Mr. Rowan directed, dancing with his own metal sword across the floor.

  His fluid strokes cut through the air and the landscape that he painted shone brightly in Daniel’s mind. Daniel was fascinated and raised his sword into the air.


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